Mobile commerce (m-commerce) is starting to represent a significant share of e-commerce.
The use of Augmented Reality (AR) by brands to convey information about their products -
within the store and mainly as mobile apps – makes it possible for researchers and managers to
understand consumer reactions. Although attitudes towards AR have been studied, the overall
effect of distinct aspects such as the influence of others, the imagery, projection and perceived
presence, has not been tackled as far as we know. Therefore, we conducted a study on 218
undergraduate students, using a pre-test post-test experimental design to address the following
questions: (1) Do AR media characteristics affect consumer attitudes towards the medium in a
mobile shopping context? Also, (2) Do the opinion and physical presence of people influence
the attitude towards an m-commerce AR app? It found that AR characteristics such as
projection and imagery positively influence attitudes towards m-commerce AR apps, whereas
social variables did not have any