45 research outputs found

    A Hessenberg-type algorithm for computing PageRank Problems

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    PageRank is a widespread model for analysing the relative relevance of nodes within large graphs arising in several applications. In the current paper, we present a cost-effective Hessenberg-type method built upon the Hessenberg process for the solution of difficult PageRank problems. The new method is very competitive with other popular algorithms in this field, such as Arnoldi-type methods, especially when the damping factor is close to 1 and the dimension of the search subspace is large. The convergence and the complexity of the proposed algorithm are investigated. Numerical experiments are reported to show the efficiency of the new solver for practical PageRank computations

    The Modified Matrix Splitting Iteration Method for Computing PageRank Problem

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    In this paper, based on the iteration methods [3,10], we propose a modified multi-step power-inner-outer (MMPIO) iteration method for solving the PageRank problem. In the MMPIO iteration method, we use the multi-step matrix splitting iterations instead of the power method, and combine with the inner-outer iteration [24]. The convergence of the MMPIO iteration method is analyzed in detail, and some comparison results are also given. Several numerical examples are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm

    Vector extrapolation methods with applications to solution of large systems of equations and to PageRank computations

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    AbstractAn important problem that arises in different areas of science and engineering is that of computing the limits of sequences of vectors {xn}, where xn∈CN with N very large. Such sequences arise, for example, in the solution of systems of linear or nonlinear equations by fixed-point iterative methods, and limn→∞xn are simply the required solutions. In most cases of interest, however, these sequences converge to their limits extremely slowly. One practical way to make the sequences {xn} converge more quickly is to apply to them vector extrapolation methods. In this work, we review two polynomial-type vector extrapolation methods that have proved to be very efficient convergence accelerators; namely, the minimal polynomial extrapolation (MPE) and the reduced rank extrapolation (RRE). We discuss the derivation of these methods, describe the most accurate and stable algorithms for their implementation along with the effective modes of usage in solving systems of equations, nonlinear as well as linear, and present their convergence and stability theory. We also discuss their close connection with the method of Arnoldi and with GMRES, two well-known Krylov subspace methods for linear systems. We show that they can be used very effectively to obtain the dominant eigenvectors of large sparse matrices when the corresponding eigenvalues are known, and provide the relevant theory as well. One such problem is that of computing the PageRank of the Google matrix, which we discuss in detail. In addition, we show that a recent extrapolation method of Kamvar et al. that was proposed for computing the PageRank is very closely related to MPE. We present a generalization of the method of Kamvar et al. along with a very economical algorithm for this generalization. We also provide the missing convergence theory for it

    On the efficient calculation of PageRank

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    Off-diagonal low-rank preconditioner for difficult PageRank problems

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    PageRank problem is the cornerstone of Google search engine and is usually stated as solving a huge linear system. Moreover, when the damping factor approaches 1, the spectrum properties of this system deteriorate rapidly and this system becomes difficult to solve. In this paper, we demonstrate that the coefficient matrix of this system can be transferred into a block form by partitioning its rows into special sets. In particular, the off-diagonal part of the block coefficient matrix can be compressed by a simple low-rank factorization, which can be beneficial for solving the PageRank problem. Hence, a matrix partition method is proposed to discover the special sets of rows for supporting the low rank factorization. Then a preconditioner based on the low-rank factorization is proposed for solving difficult PageRank problems. Numerical experiments are presented to support the discussions and to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    A note on certain ergodicity coefficients

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    We investigate two ergodicity coefficients ϕ∥ ∥\phi_{\|\, \|} and τn−1\tau_{n-1}, originally introduced to bound the subdominant eigenvalues of nonnegative matrices. The former has been generalized to complex matrices in recent years and several properties for such generalized version have been shown so far. We provide a further result concerning the limit of its powers. Then we propose a generalization of the second coefficient τn−1\tau_{n-1} and we show that, under mild conditions, it can be used to recast the eigenvector problem Ax=xAx=x as a particular M-matrix linear system, whose coefficient matrix can be defined in terms of the entries of AA. Such property turns out to generalize the two known equivalent formulations of the Pagerank centrality of a graph

    Non-Stationary Acceleration Strategies for PageRank Computing

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    In this work, a non-stationary technique based on the Power method for accelerating the parallel computation of the PageRank vector is proposed and its theoretical convergence analyzed. This iterative non-stationary model, which uses the eigenvector formulation of the PageRank problem, reduces the needed computations for obtaining the PageRank vector by eliminating synchronization points among processes, in such a way that, at each iteration of the Power method, the block of iterate vector assigned to each process can be locally updated more than once, before performing a global synchronization. The parallel implementation of several strategies combining this novel non-stationary approach and the extrapolation methods has been developed using hybrid MPI/OpenMP programming. The experiments have been carried out on a cluster made up of 12 nodes, each one equipped with two Intel Xeon hexacore processors. The behaviour of the proposed parallel algorithms has been studied with realistic datasets, highlighting their performance compared with other parallel techniques for solving the PageRank problem. Concretely, the experimental results show a time reduction of up to 58.4% in relation to the parallel Power method, when a small number of local updates is performed before each global synchronization, outperforming both the two-stage algorithms and the extrapolation algorithms, more sharply as the number of processes increases.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities Grant RTI2018-098156-B-C54, co-financed by the European Commission (FEDER funds)

    07071 Abstracts Collection -- Web Information Retrieval and Linear Algebra Algorithms

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    From 12th to 16th February 2007, the Dagstuhl Seminar 07071 ``Web Information Retrieval and Linear Algebra Algorithms\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available