567 research outputs found

    Analytical Modeling of High Performance Reconfigurable Computers: Prediction and Analysis of System Performance.

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    The use of a network of shared, heterogeneous workstations each harboring a Reconfigurable Computing (RC) system offers high performance users an inexpensive platform for a wide range of computationally demanding problems. However, effectively using the full potential of these systems can be challenging without the knowledge of the system’s performance characteristics. While some performance models exist for shared, heterogeneous workstations, none thus far account for the addition of Reconfigurable Computing systems. This dissertation develops and validates an analytic performance modeling methodology for a class of fork-join algorithms executing on a High Performance Reconfigurable Computing (HPRC) platform. The model includes the effects of the reconfigurable device, application load imbalance, background user load, basic message passing communication, and processor heterogeneity. Three fork-join class of applications, a Boolean Satisfiability Solver, a Matrix-Vector Multiplication algorithm, and an Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm are used to validate the model with homogeneous and simulated heterogeneous workstations. A synthetic load is used to validate the model under various loading conditions including simulating heterogeneity by making some workstations appear slower than others by the use of background loading. The performance modeling methodology proves to be accurate in characterizing the effects of reconfigurable devices, application load imbalance, background user load and heterogeneity for applications running on shared, homogeneous and heterogeneous HPRC resources. The model error in all cases was found to be less than five percent for application runtimes greater than thirty seconds and less than fifteen percent for runtimes less than thirty seconds. The performance modeling methodology enables us to characterize applications running on shared HPRC resources. Cost functions are used to impose system usage policies and the results of vii the modeling methodology are utilized to find the optimal (or near-optimal) set of workstations to use for a given application. The usage policies investigated include determining the computational costs for the workstations and balancing the priority of the background user load with the parallel application. The applications studied fall within the Master-Worker paradigm and are well suited for a grid computing approach. A method for using NetSolve, a grid middleware, with the model and cost functions is introduced whereby users can produce optimal workstation sets and schedules for Master-Worker applications running on shared HPRC resources

    Exploring the predictability of MPI messages

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    Scalability to a large number of processes is one of the weaknesses of current MPI implementations. Standard implementations are able to scale to hundreds of nodes, but none beyond that. The main problem of current implementations is that performance is more important than scalability and thus some assumptions about resources are taken that will not scale well. The objective of the paper is twofold. On one hand, we show that characteristics such as the size and the sender of MPI messages are very predictable (accuracy above 90%). On the other hand, we present some examples where current MPI implementations would not work well when run on a large configuration and how this predictability could be used to solve the scalability problem.This work has been supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Spain and the European Union (FEDER funds) under contract TIC2001-0995-C02-01.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    EXA2PRO programming environment:Architecture and applications

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    The EXA2PRO programming environment will integrate a set of tools and methodologies that will allow to systematically address many exascale computing challenges, including performance, performance portability, programmability, abstraction and reusability, fault tolerance and technical debt. The EXA2PRO tool-chain will enable the efficient deployment of applications in exascale computing systems, by integrating high-level software abstractions that offer performance portability and efficient exploitation of exascale systems' heterogeneity, tools for efficient memory management, optimizations based on trade-offs between various metrics and fault-tolerance support. Hence, by addressing various aspects of productivity challenges, EXA2PRO is expected to have significant impact in the transition to exascale computing, as well as impact from the perspective of applications. The evaluation will be based on 4 applications from 4 different domains that will be deployed in JUELICH supercomputing center. The EXA2PRO will generate exploitable results in the form of a tool-chain that support diverse exascale heterogeneous supercomputing centers and concrete improvements in various exascale computing challenges

    Predictive Reliability and Fault Management in Exascale Systems: State of the Art and Perspectives

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    © ACM, 2020. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 53, No. 5, Article 95. Publication date: September 2020. https://doi.org/10.1145/3403956[EN] Performance and power constraints come together with Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor technology scaling in future Exascale systems. Technology scaling makes each individual transistor more prone to faults and, due to the exponential increase in the number of devices per chip, to higher system fault rates. Consequently, High-performance Computing (HPC) systems need to integrate prediction, detection, and recovery mechanisms to cope with faults efficiently. This article reviews fault detection, fault prediction, and recovery techniques in HPC systems, from electronics to system level. We analyze their strengths and limitations. Finally, we identify the promising paths to meet the reliability levels of Exascale systems.This work has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 (H2020) research and innovation program under the FET-HPC Grant Agreement No. 801137 (RECIPE). Jaume Abella was also partially supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain under Contract No. TIN2015-65316-P and under Ramon y Cajal Postdoctoral Fellowship No. RYC-2013-14717, as well as by the HiPEAC Network of Excellence. Ramon Canal is partially supported by the Generalitat de Catalunya under Contract No. 2017SGR0962.Canal, R.; Hernández Luz, C.; Tornero-Gavilá, R.; Cilardo, A.; Massari, G.; Reghenzani, F.; Fornaciari, W.... (2020). Predictive Reliability and Fault Management in Exascale Systems: State of the Art and Perspectives. ACM Computing Surveys. 53(5):1-32. https://doi.org/10.1145/3403956S132535Abella, J., Hernandez, C., Quinones, E., Cazorla, F. J., Conmy, P. R., Azkarate-askasua, M., … Vardanega, T. (2015). WCET analysis methods: Pitfalls and challenges on their trustworthiness. 10th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES). doi:10.1109/sies.2015.7185039E. Agullo L. Giraud A. Guermouche J. Roman and M. Zounon. 2013. Towards resilient parallel linear Krylov solvers: Recover-restart strategies. INRIA Research Report RR-8324. E. Agullo L. Giraud A. Guermouche J. Roman and M. Zounon. 2013. Towards resilient parallel linear Krylov solvers: Recover-restart strategies. INRIA Research Report RR-8324.Agullo, E., Giraud, L., Salas, P., & Zounon, M. (2016). Interpolation-Restart Strategies for Resilient Eigensolvers. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 38(5), C560-C583. doi:10.1137/15m1042115Al-Qawasmeh, A. M., Pasricha, S., Maciejewski, A. A., & Siegel, H. J. (2015). Power and Thermal-Aware Workload Allocation in Heterogeneous Data Centers. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 64(2), 477-491. doi:10.1109/tc.2013.116ARM. 2017. 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Toward General Software Level Silent Data Corruption Detection for Parallel Applications. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 28(12), 3642-3655. doi:10.1109/tpds.2017.2735971M.-A. Breuer and A. D. Friedman. 1976. Diagnosis 8 Reliable Design of Digital Systems. Springer. M.-A. Breuer and A. D. Friedman. 1976. Diagnosis 8 Reliable Design of Digital Systems. Springer.P. Bridges K. Ferreira M. Heroux and M. Hoemmen. 2012. Fault-tolerant linear solvers via selective reliability. ArXiv e-prints June 2012. arXiv:1206.1390 [math.NA]. P. Bridges K. Ferreira M. Heroux and M. Hoemmen. 2012. Fault-tolerant linear solvers via selective reliability. ArXiv e-prints June 2012. arXiv:1206.1390 [math.NA].F. Cappello A. Geist W. Gropp S. Kale B. Kramer and M. Snir. 2014. Toward exascale resilience: 2014 update. Supercomput. Front. Innovat. 1 1 (2014). http://superfri.org/superfri/article/view/14. F. Cappello A. Geist W. Gropp S. Kale B. Kramer and M. Snir. 2014. 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    Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2015) Krakow, Poland

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    Proceedings of: Second International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2015). Krakow (Poland), September 10-11, 2015
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