13 research outputs found

    On Determinism and Unambiguity of Weighted Two-way Automata

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    In this paper, we first study the conversion of weighted two-way automata to one-way automata. We show that this conversion preserves the unambiguity but does not preserve the determinism. Yet, we prove that the conversion of an unambiguous weighted one-way automaton into a two-way automaton leads to a deterministic two-way automaton. As a consequence, we prove that unambiguous weighted two-way automata are equivalent to deterministic weighted two-way automata in commutative semirings.Comment: In Proceedings AFL 2014, arXiv:1405.527

    Two-Way Visibly Pushdown Automata and Transducers

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    Automata-logic connections are pillars of the theory of regular languages. Such connections are harder to obtain for transducers, but important results have been obtained recently for word-to-word transformations, showing that the three following models are equivalent: deterministic two-way transducers, monadic second-order (MSO) transducers, and deterministic one-way automata equipped with a finite number of registers. Nested words are words with a nesting structure, allowing to model unranked trees as their depth-first-search linearisations. In this paper, we consider transformations from nested words to words, allowing in particular to produce unranked trees if output words have a nesting structure. The model of visibly pushdown transducers allows to describe such transformations, and we propose a simple deterministic extension of this model with two-way moves that has the following properties: i) it is a simple computational model, that naturally has a good evaluation complexity; ii) it is expressive: it subsumes nested word-to-word MSO transducers, and the exact expressiveness of MSO transducers is recovered using a simple syntactic restriction; iii) it has good algorithmic/closure properties: the model is closed under composition with a unambiguous one-way letter-to-letter transducer which gives closure under regular look-around, and has a decidable equivalence problem

    On Reversible Transducers

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    Deterministic two-way transducers define the robust class of regular functions which is, among other good properties, closed under composition. However, the best known algorithms for composing two-way transducers cause a double exponential blow-up in the size of the inputs. In this paper, we introduce a class of transducers for which the composition has polynomial complexity. It is the class of reversible transducers, for which the computation steps can be reversed deterministically. While in the one-way setting this class is not very expressive, we prove that any two-way transducer can be made reversible through a single exponential blow-up. As a consequence, we prove that the composition of two-way transducers can be done with a single exponential blow-up in the number of states. A uniformization of a relation is a function with the same domain and which is included in the original relation. Our main result actually states that we can uniformize any non-deterministic two-way transducer by a reversible transducer with a single exponential blow-up, improving the known result by de Souza which has a quadruple exponential complexity. As a side result, our construction also gives a quadratic transformation from copyless streaming string transducers to two-way transducers, improving the exponential previous bound

    Extended macro grammars and stack controlled machines

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    K-extended basic macro grammars are introduced, where K is any class of languages. The class B(K) of languages generated by such grammars is investigated, together with the class LB(K) of languages generated by the corresponding linear basic grammars. For any full semi-AFL K, B(K) is a full AFL closed under iterated LB(K)-substitution, but not necessarily under substitution. For any machine type D, the stack controlled machine type corresponding to D is introduced, denoted S(D), and the checking-stack controlled machine type CS(D). The data structure of this machine is a stack which controls a pushdown of data structures from D. If D accepts K, then S(D) accepts B(K) and CS(D) accepts LB(K). Thus the classes B(K) are characterized by stack controlled machines and the classes LB(K), i.e., the full hyper-AFLs, by checking-stack controlled machines. A full basic-AFL is a full AFL K such that B(K)C K. Every full basic-AFL is a full hyper-AFL, but not vice versa. The class of OI macro languages (i.e., indexed languages, i.e., nested stack automaton languages) is a full basic-AFL, properly containing the smallest full basic-AFL. The latter is generated by the ultrabasic macro grammars and accepted by the nested stack automata with bounded depth of nesting (and properly contains the stack languages, the ETOL languages, i.e., the smallest full hyper-AFL, and the basic macro languages). The full basic-AFLs are characterized by bounded nested stack controlled machines

    Aperiodic Two-way Transducers and FO-Transductions

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    Deterministic two-way transducers on finite words have been shown by Engelfriet and Hoogeboom to have the same expressive power as MSO-transductions. We introduce a notion of aperiodicity for these transducers and we show that aperiodic transducers correspond exactly to FO-transductions. This lifts to transducers the classical equivalence for languages between FO-definability, recognition by aperiodic monoids and acceptance by counter-free automata

    MSO definable string transductions and two-way finite state transducers

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    String transductions that are definable in monadic second-order (mso) logic (without the use of parameters) are exactly those realized by deterministic two-way finite state transducers. Nondeterministic mso definable string transductions (i.e., those definable with the use of parameters) correspond to compositions of two nondeterministic two-way finite state transducers that have the finite visit property. Both families of mso definable string transductions are characterized in terms of Hennie machines, i.e., two-way finite state transducers with the finite visit property that are allowed to rewrite their input tape.Comment: 63 pages, LaTeX2e. Extended abstract presented at 26-th ICALP, 199

    Synthesizing Computable Functions from Rational Specifications over Infinite Words

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    The synthesis problem asks to automatically generate, if it exists, an algorithm from a specification of correct input-output pairs. In this paper, we consider the synthesis of computable functions of infinite words, for a classical Turing computability notion over infinite inputs. We consider specifications which are rational relations of infinite words, i.e., specifications defined by non-deterministic parity transducers. We prove that the synthesis problem of computable functions from rational specifications is undecidable. We provide an incomplete but sound reduction to some parity game, such that if Eve wins the game, then the rational specification is realizable by a computable function. We prove that this function is even computable by a deterministic two-way transducer. We provide a sufficient condition under which the latter game reduction is complete. This entails the decidability of the synthesis problem of computable functions, which we proved to be ExpTime-complete, for a large subclass of rational specifications, namely deterministic rational specifications. This subclass contains the class of automatic relations over infinite words, a yardstick in reactive synthesis