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    Characterisation of the consistent completion of AHP comparison matrices using graph theory

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    [EN] Decision-making is frequently affected by uncertainty and/or incomplete information, which turn decision-making into a complex task. It is often the case that some of the actors involved in decision-making are not sufficiently familiar with all of the issues to make the appropriate decisions. In this paper, we are concerned about missing information. Specifically, we deal with the problem of consistently completing an analytic hierarchy process comparison matrix and make use of graph theory to characterize such a completion. The characterization includes the degree of freedom of the set of solutions and a linear manifold and, in particular, characterizes the uniqueness of the solution, a result already known in the literature, for which we provide a completely independent proof. Additionally, in the case of nonuniqueness, we reduce the problem to the solution of nonsingular linear systems. In addition to obtaining the priority vector, our investigation also focuses on building the complete pairwise comparison matrix, a crucial step in the necessary process (between synthetic consistency and personal judgement) with the experts. The performance of the obtained results is confirmed.BenĂ­tez LĂłpez, J.; Carpitella, S.; Certa, A.; Izquierdo SebastiĂĄn, J. (2019). Characterisation of the consistent completion of AHP comparison matrices using graph theory. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis. 26(1-2):3-15. https://doi.org/10.1002/mcda.1652S315261-2BenĂ­tez, J., CarriĂłn, L., Izquierdo, J., & PĂ©rez-GarcĂ­a, R. (2014). Characterization of Consistent Completion of Reciprocal Comparison Matrices. Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2014, 1-12. doi:10.1155/2014/349729BenĂ­tez, J., Delgado-GalvĂĄn, X., GutiĂ©rrez, J. A., & Izquierdo, J. (2011). Balancing consistency and expert judgment in AHP. 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    Integer programming modeling on group decision making with incomplete hesitant fuzzy linguistic preference relations

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    © 2013 IEEE. Complementing missing information and priority vector are of significance important aspects in group decision making (GDM) with incomplete hesitant fuzzy linguistic preference relations (HFLPRs). In this paper, an integer programming model is developed based on additive consistency to estimate missing values of incomplete HFLPRs by using additive consistency. Once the missing values are complemented, a mixed 0-1 programming model is established to derive the priority vectors from complete HFLPRs, in which the underlying idea of the mixed 0-1 programming model is the probability sampling in statistics and minimum deviation between the priority vector and HFLPR. In addition, we also propose a new GDM approach for incomplete HFLPRs by integrating the integer programming model and the mixed 0-1 programming model. Finally, two case studies and comparative analysis detail the application of the proposed models

    An optimal feedback model to prevent manipulation behaviours in consensus under social network group decision making

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.A novel framework to prevent manipulation behaviour in consensus reaching process under social network group decision making is proposed, which is based on a theoretically sound optimal feedback model. The manipulation behaviour classification is twofold: (1) ‘individual manipulation’ where each expert manipulates his/her own behaviour to achieve higher importance degree (weight); and (2) ‘group manipulation’ where a group of experts force inconsistent experts to adopt specific recommendation advices obtained via the use of fixed feedback parameter. To counteract ‘individual manipulation’, a behavioural weights assignment method modelling sequential attitude ranging from ‘dictatorship’ to ‘democracy’ is developed, and then a reasonable policy for group minimum adjustment cost is established to assign appropriate weights to experts. To prevent ‘group manipulation’, an optimal feedback model with objective function the individual adjustments cost and constraints related to the threshold of group consensus is investigated. This approach allows the inconsistent experts to balance group consensus and adjustment cost, which enhances their willingness to adopt the recommendation advices and consequently the group reaching consensus on the decision making problem at hand. A numerical example is presented to illustrate and verify the proposed optimal feedback model

    Algorithms to Detect and Rectify Multiplicative and Ordinal Inconsistencies of Fuzzy Preference Relations

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Consistency, multiplicative and ordinal, of fuzzy preference relations (FPRs) is investigated. The geometric consistency index (GCI) approximated thresholds are extended to measure the degree of consistency for an FPR. For inconsistent FPRs, two algorithms are devised (1) to find the multiplicative inconsistent elements, and (2) to detect the ordinal inconsistent elements. An integrated algorithm is proposed to improve simultaneously the ordinal and multiplicative consistencies. Some examples, comparative analysis, and simulation experiments are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods

    Managing Incomplete Preference Relations in Decision Making: A Review and Future Trends

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    In decision making, situations where all experts are able to efficiently express their preferences over all the available options are the exception rather than the rule. Indeed, the above scenario requires all experts to possess a precise or sufficient level of knowledge of the whole problem to tackle, including the ability to discriminate the degree up to which some options are better than others. These assumptions can be seen unrealistic in many decision making situations, especially those involving a large number of alternatives to choose from and/or conflicting and dynamic sources of information. Some methodologies widely adopted in these situations are to discard or to rate more negatively those experts that provide preferences with missing values. However, incomplete information is not equivalent to low quality information, and consequently these methodologies could lead to biased or even bad solutions since useful information might not being taken properly into account in the decision process. Therefore, alternative approaches to manage incomplete preference relations that estimates the missing information in decision making are desirable and possible. This paper presents and analyses methods and processes developed on this area towards the estimation of missing preferences in decision making, and highlights some areas for future research

    An overview on managing additive consistency of reciprocal preference relations for consistency-driven decision making and Fusion: Taxonomy and future directions

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.The reciprocal preference relation (RPR) is a powerful tool to represent decision makers’ preferences in decision making problems. In recent years, various types of RPRs have been reported and investigated, some of them being the ‘classical’ RPRs, interval-valued RPRs and hesitant RPRs. Additive consistency is one of the most commonly used property to measure the consistency of RPRs, with many methods developed to manage additive consistency of RPRs. To provide a clear perspective on additive consistency issues of RPRs, this paper reviews the consistency measurements of the different types of RPRs. Then, consistency-driven decision making and information fusion methods are also reviewed and classified into four main types: consistency improving methods; consistency-based methods to manage incomplete RPRs; consistency control in consensus decision making methods; and consistency-driven linguistic decision making methods. Finally, with respect to insights gained from prior researches, further directions for the research are proposed
