1,894 research outputs found

    Scalable Distributed Approximation of Internal Measures for Clustering Evaluation

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    The most widely used internal measure for clustering evaluation is the silhouette coefficient, whose naive computation requires a quadratic number of distance calculations, which is clearly unfeasible for massive datasets. Surprisingly, there are no known general methods to efficiently approximate the silhouette coefficient of a clustering with rigorously provable high accuracy. In this paper, we present the first scalable algorithm to compute such a rigorous approximation for the evaluation of clusterings based on any metric distances. Our algorithm hinges on a Probability Proportional to Size (PPS) sampling scheme, and, for any fixed ε,δ(0,1)\varepsilon, \delta \in (0,1), it approximates the silhouette coefficient within a mere additive error O(ε)O(\varepsilon) with probability 1δ1-\delta, using a very small number of distance calculations. We also prove that the algorithm can be adapted to obtain rigorous approximations of other internal measures of clustering quality, such as cohesion and separation. Importantly, we provide a distributed implementation of the algorithm using the MapReduce model, which runs in constant rounds and requires only sublinear local space at each worker, which makes our estimation approach applicable to big data scenarios. We perform an extensive experimental evaluation of our silhouette approximation algorithm, comparing its performance to a number of baseline heuristics on real and synthetic datasets. The experiments provide evidence that, unlike other heuristics, our estimation strategy not only provides tight theoretical guarantees but is also able to return highly accurate estimations while running in a fraction of the time required by the exact computation, and that its distributed implementation is highly scalable, thus enabling the computation of internal measures for very large datasets for which the exact computation is prohibitive.Comment: 16 pages, 4 tables, 1 figur

    Meta-optimizations for Cluster Analysis

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    This dissertation thesis deals with advances in the automation of cluster analysis.This dissertation thesis deals with advances in the automation of cluster analysis

    On the use of Silhouette for cost based clustering

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    Clustering plays a fundamental role in Machine Learning. With clustering we refer to the problem of finding coherent groups in a dataset of elements. There are several algorithms to perform clustering that have been proposed in the literature, considering different costs for the optimization problems they consider. In this thesis we study the problem of clustering when the cost function is the silhouette coefficient, an index traditionally used for the internal validation of the results


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    The identification of significant underlying data patterns such as image composition and spatial arrangements is fundamental in remote sensing tasks. Therefore, the development of an effective approach for information extraction is crucial to achieve this goal. Affinity propagation (AP) algorithm is a novel powerful technique with the ability of handling with unusual data, containing both categorical and numerical attributes. However, AP has some limitations related to the choice of initial preference parameter, occurrence of oscillations and processing of large data sets. This paper evaluates the clustering performance of AP algorithm taking into account the influence of preference parameter and damping factor. The study was conducted considering the AP algorithm, the adaptive AP and partition AP. According to the experiments, the choice of preference and damping greatly influences on the quality and the final number of clusters

    Analysis of Livestock Meat Production in Indonesia Using Fuzzy C-Means Clustering

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    The production of livestock in Indonesia is one type of food that the public can consume. Indonesia is still importing meat for food for its people. This study aims to classify provinces in Indonesia with high livestock meat production and low livestock meat production so that the government can maximize areas with high livestock meat production and can seek to increase livestock meat production in areas with low production. Clustering is needed to identify groups of livestock meat-producing provinces with high and low production. The data is grouped into 2 clusters using FCM with a silhouette index value of 0.95664, the first cluster with the highest meat production total in three provinces (West Java, Central Java, and East Java) and the second cluster with the lowest meat production total 31 provinces. West Java, Central Java, and East Java mostly work as livestock breeders due to the availability of sufficient land

    Manifold Learning in MR spectroscopy using nonlinear dimensionality reduction and unsupervised clustering

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    Purpose To investigate whether nonlinear dimensionality reduction improves unsupervised classification of 1H MRS brain tumor data compared with a linear method. Methods In vivo single-voxel 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (55 patients) and 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging (MRSI) (29 patients) data were acquired from histopathologically diagnosed gliomas. Data reduction using Laplacian eigenmaps (LE) or independent component analysis (ICA) was followed by k-means clustering or agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC) for unsupervised learning to assess tumor grade and for tissue type segmentation of MRSI data. Results An accuracy of 93% in classification of glioma grade II and grade IV, with 100% accuracy in distinguishing tumor and normal spectra, was obtained by LE with unsupervised clustering, but not with the combination of k-means and ICA. With 1H MRSI data, LE provided a more linear distribution of data for cluster analysis and better cluster stability than ICA. LE combined with k-means or AHC provided 91% accuracy for classifying tumor grade and 100% accuracy for identifying normal tissue voxels. Color-coded visualization of normal brain, tumor core, and infiltration regions was achieved with LE combined with AHC. Conclusion Purpose To investigate whether nonlinear dimensionality reduction improves unsupervised classification of 1H MRS brain tumor data compared with a linear method. Methods In vivo single-voxel 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (55 patients) and 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging (MRSI) (29 patients) data were acquired from histopathologically diagnosed gliomas. Data reduction using Laplacian eigenmaps (LE) or independent component analysis (ICA) was followed by k-means clustering or agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC) for unsupervised learning to assess tumor grade and for tissue type segmentation of MRSI data. Results An accuracy of 93% in classification of glioma grade II and grade IV, with 100% accuracy in distinguishing tumor and normal spectra, was obtained by LE with unsupervised clustering, but not with the combination of k-means and ICA. With 1H MRSI data, LE provided a more linear distribution of data for cluster analysis and better cluster stability than ICA. LE combined with k-means or AHC provided 91% accuracy for classifying tumor grade and 100% accuracy for identifying normal tissue voxels. Color-coded visualization of normal brain, tumor core, and infiltration regions was achieved with LE combined with AHC. Conclusion The LE method is promising for unsupervised clustering to separate brain and tumor tissue with automated color-coding for visualization of 1H MRSI data after cluster analysis

    Distance Functions Study in Fuzzy C-Means Core and Reduct Clustering

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    Fuzzy C-Means is a distance-based clustering process which applied by fuzzy logic concept. Clustering process worked in linear to the iteration process to minimizing the objective function. The objective function is an addition of the multiplication between the coordinates distance towards their closest cluster centroid and their membership degree. The more the iteration process, the objective function should get lower and lower. The objective of this research is to observe whether the distances which usually applied are able to fulfill the aforementioned hypothesis for determining the most suitable distance for Fuzzy C-Means clustering application. Few distance function was applied in the same dataset. 5 standard datasets and 2 random datasets were used to test the fuzzy c-means clustering performance with the 7 different distance function. Accuracy, purity, and Rand Index also applied to measure the quality of the resulted cluster. The observation result depicted that the distance function which resulted in the best quality of clusters are Euclidean, Average, Manhattan, Minkowski, Minkowski-Chebisev, and Canberra distance. These 6 distances were able to fulfill the basic hypothesis of the objective function behavior on Fuzzy C-Means Clustering method. The only distance who were not able to fulfill the basic hypothesis is Chebisev distance

    Deep generative modeling for single-cell transcriptomics.

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    Single-cell transcriptome measurements can reveal unexplored biological diversity, but they suffer from technical noise and bias that must be modeled to account for the resulting uncertainty in downstream analyses. Here we introduce single-cell variational inference (scVI), a ready-to-use scalable framework for the probabilistic representation and analysis of gene expression in single cells ( https://github.com/YosefLab/scVI ). scVI uses stochastic optimization and deep neural networks to aggregate information across similar cells and genes and to approximate the distributions that underlie observed expression values, while accounting for batch effects and limited sensitivity. We used scVI for a range of fundamental analysis tasks including batch correction, visualization, clustering, and differential expression, and achieved high accuracy for each task

    Incremental Cluster Validity Indices for Online Learning of Hard Partitions: Extensions and Comparative Study

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    Validation is one of the most important aspects of clustering, particularly when the user is designing a trustworthy or explainable system. However, most clustering validation approaches require batch calculation. This is an important gap because of the value of clustering in real-time data streaming and other online learning applications. Therefore, interest has grown in providing online alternatives for validation. This paper extends the incremental cluster validity index (iCVI) family by presenting incremental versions of Calinski-Harabasz (iCH), Pakhira-Bandyopadhyay-Maulik (iPBM), WB index (iWB), Silhouette (iSIL), Negentropy Increment (iNI), Representative Cross Information Potential (irCIP), Representative Cross Entropy (irH), and Conn_Index (iConn_Index). This paper also provides a thorough comparative study of correct, under- and over-partitioning on the behavior of these iCVIs, the Partition Separation (PS) index as well as four recently introduced iCVIs: incremental Xie-Beni (iXB), incremental Davies-Bouldin (iDB), and incremental generalized Dunn\u27s indices 43 and 53 (iGD43 and iGD53). Experiments were carried out using a framework that was designed to be as agnostic as possible to the clustering algorithms. The results on synthetic benchmark data sets showed that while evidence of most under-partitioning cases could be inferred from the behaviors of the majority of these iCVIs, over-partitioning was found to be a more challenging problem, detected by fewer of them. Interestingly, over-partitioning, rather then under-partitioning, was more prominently detected on the real-world data experiments within this study. The expansion of iCVIs provides significant novel opportunities for assessing and interpreting the results of unsupervised lifelong learning in real-time, wherein samples cannot be reprocessed due to memory and/or application constraints