174 research outputs found


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    Digital inpainting is the technique of filling in the missing regions of an image or a video using information from surrounding area. This technique has found widespread use in applications such as restoration, error recovery, multimedia editing, and video privacy protection. This dissertation addresses three significant challenges associated with the existing and emerging inpainting algorithms and applications. The three key areas of impact are 1) Structure completion for image inpainting algorithms, 2) Fast and efficient object based video inpainting framework and 3) Perceptual evaluation of large area image inpainting algorithms. One of the main approach of existing image inpainting algorithms in completing the missing information is to follow a two stage process. A structure completion step, to complete the boundaries of regions in the hole area, followed by texture completion process using advanced texture synthesis methods. While the texture synthesis stage is important, it can be argued that structure completion aspect is a vital component in improving the perceptual image inpainting quality. To this end, we introduce a global structure completion algorithm for completion of missing boundaries using symmetry as the key feature. While existing methods for symmetry completion require a-priori information, our method takes a non-parametric approach by utilizing the invariant nature of curvature to complete missing boundaries. Turning our attention from image to video inpainting, we readily observe that existing video inpainting techniques have evolved as an extension of image inpainting techniques. As a result, they suffer from various shortcoming including, among others, inability to handle large missing spatio-temporal regions, significantly slow execution time making it impractical for interactive use and presence of temporal and spatial artifacts. To address these major challenges, we propose a fundamentally different method based on object based framework for improving the performance of video inpainting algorithms. We introduce a modular inpainting scheme in which we first segment the video into constituent objects by using acquired background models followed by inpainting of static background regions and dynamic foreground regions. For static background region inpainting, we use a simple background replacement and occasional image inpainting. To inpaint dynamic moving foreground regions, we introduce a novel sliding-window based dissimilarity measure in a dynamic programming framework. This technique can effectively inpaint large regions of occlusions, inpaint objects that are completely missing for several frames, change in size and pose and has minimal blurring and motion artifacts. Finally we direct our focus on experimental studies related to perceptual quality evaluation of large area image inpainting algorithms. The perceptual quality of large area inpainting technique is inherently a subjective process and yet no previous research has been carried out by taking the subjective nature of the Human Visual System (HVS). We perform subjective experiments using eye-tracking device involving 24 subjects to analyze the effect of inpainting on human gaze. We experimentally show that the presence of inpainting artifacts directly impacts the gaze of an unbiased observer and this in effect has a direct bearing on the subjective rating of the observer. Specifically, we show that the gaze energy in the hole regions of an inpainted image show marked deviations from normal behavior when the inpainting artifacts are readily apparent

    Evaluation of neural network based image super-resolution

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    Abstract. Super-resolution (SR) aims to produce a higher resolution image containing more details than the original image. The amount of pixels is easy to add with simple interpolation methods, but the amount of details does not increase. To overcome this limitation single image super-resolution (SISR) was introduced, which aims to recover the high-resolution (HR) image from the low-resolution (LR) images. Convolutional neural networks (CNN) have become an essential method in machine learning. With the growth of CNN, super-resolution solutions have grown immensely. In this work, a broad review is done on neural network methods designed for super-resolution. Four methods are chosen by their originality and different architectural choices, implemented in PyTorch framework. The models are already trained with public datasets, and the pre-trained models are used for the evaluation. The evaluation is done by analyzing the results with qualitative and quantitative methods. All the methods are tested with public datasets and a private dataset called Hiottu-1, including a wood surface images with different defect types. The evaluation is done based on their image quality and inference time. Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and structural similarity index measure (SSIM) metrics are used for quality evaluation, and the inference time is measured by how fast the model generates the output result of test image. The chosen methods improved the image qualities of test images in each datasets. The best perfoming ones were swin image restoration (SwinIR) and pixel attention network (PAN) methods. SwinIR had better PSNR and SSIM values than PAN method and results were pealing to human eye. The inference time of SwinIR is slow, therefore the best possible application would be offline usage. The PAN method had impressing results and its inference time enables the real-time application usage. The SwinIR performed extremely well on Hiottu-1 dataset, with increasing the image quality of defect types and reducing noise overall. The PAN method got high metrics values on Hiottu-1 dataset, although the results were not as pealing as the SwinIR. In the wood manufacturing inspection side, the SwinIR could be utilized on slow production line with high defect detection accuracy, while the PAN method could be utilized on faster production line

    Face image super-resolution using 2D CCA

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    In this paper a face super-resolution method using two-dimensional canonical correlation analysis (2D CCA) is presented. A detail compensation step is followed to add high-frequency components to the reconstructed high-resolution face. Unlike most of the previous researches on face super-resolution algorithms that first transform the images into vectors, in our approach the relationship between the high-resolution and the low-resolution face image are maintained in their original 2D representation. In addition, rather than approximating the entire face, different parts of a face image are super-resolved separately to better preserve the local structure. The proposed method is compared with various state-of-the-art super-resolution algorithms using multiple evaluation criteria including face recognition performance. Results on publicly available datasets show that the proposed method super-resolves high quality face images which are very close to the ground-truth and performance gain is not dataset dependent. The method is very efficient in both the training and testing phases compared to the other approaches. © 2013 Elsevier B.V

    Multiframe Super-Resolution of Color Image Sequences Using a Global Motion Model

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    The development of efficient software tools capable of super- resolving multi-spectral image sequences on-the-fly is an important step toward the production of imaging systems capable of acquiring vital imagery of hostile environments at an affordable price. A number of image processing tools already available for use in target recognition and identification rely on the availability of high-resolution imagery which cannot be safely acquired at a reasonable price. This thesis investigates the use of multiframe super-resolution as a tool to increase the spatial resolution of image sequences acquired with sensors commonly used in consumer video cameras. Multiframe super-resolution is the branch of imaging science which tries to restore high-resolution estimates of a scene utilizing a sequence of under-sampled images of that scene. Although a number of algorithms have already been developed to deal with this problem, they have unfortunately not been extended to deal with multi-spectral images acquired from moving imaging platforms. This thesis performs such extension for one of the most successful super-resolution algorithm and demonstrates that it can be used to improve the performance of common multi-spectral imaging systems utilizing Color Filter Arrays to acquire spectral data

    Compression and Subjective Quality Assessment of 3D Video

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    In recent years, three-dimensional television (3D TV) has been broadly considered as the successor to the existing traditional two-dimensional television (2D TV) sets. With its capability of offering a dynamic and immersive experience, 3D video (3DV) is expected to expand conventional video in several applications in the near future. However, 3D content requires more than a single view to deliver the depth sensation to the viewers and this, inevitably, increases the bitrate compared to the corresponding 2D content. This need drives the research trend in video compression field towards more advanced and more efficient algorithms. Currently, the Advanced Video Coding (H.264/AVC) is the state-of-the-art video coding standard which has been developed by the Joint Video Team of ISO/IEC MPEG and ITU-T VCEG. This codec has been widely adopted in various applications and products such as TV broadcasting, video conferencing, mobile TV, and blue-ray disc. One important extension of H.264/AVC, namely Multiview Video Coding (MVC) was an attempt to multiple view compression by taking into consideration the inter-view dependency between different views of the same scene. This codec H.264/AVC with its MVC extension (H.264/MVC) can be used for encoding either conventional stereoscopic video, including only two views, or multiview video, including more than two views. In spite of the high performance of H.264/MVC, a typical multiview video sequence requires a huge amount of storage space, which is proportional to the number of offered views. The available views are still limited and the research has been devoted to synthesizing an arbitrary number of views using the multiview video and depth map (MVD). This process is mandatory for auto-stereoscopic displays (ASDs) where many views are required at the viewer side and there is no way to transmit such a relatively huge number of views with currently available broadcasting technology. Therefore, to satisfy the growing hunger for 3D related applications, it is mandatory to further decrease the bitstream by introducing new and more efficient algorithms for compressing multiview video and depth maps. This thesis tackles the 3D content compression targeting different formats i.e. stereoscopic video and depth-enhanced multiview video. Stereoscopic video compression algorithms introduced in this thesis mostly focus on proposing different types of asymmetry between the left and right views. This means reducing the quality of one view compared to the other view aiming to achieve a better subjective quality against the symmetric case (the reference) and under the same bitrate constraint. The proposed algorithms to optimize depth-enhanced multiview video compression include both texture compression schemes as well as depth map coding tools. Some of the introduced coding schemes proposed for this format include asymmetric quality between the views. Knowing that objective metrics are not able to accurately estimate the subjective quality of stereoscopic content, it is suggested to perform subjective quality assessment to evaluate different codecs. Moreover, when the concept of asymmetry is introduced, the Human Visual System (HVS) performs a fusion process which is not completely understood. Therefore, another important aspect of this thesis is conducting several subjective tests and reporting the subjective ratings to evaluate the perceived quality of the proposed coded content against the references. Statistical analysis is carried out in the thesis to assess the validity of the subjective ratings and determine the best performing test cases

    Spline wavelet image coding and synthesis for a VLSI based difference engine

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    Bibliography: leaves 142-146.The efficiency of an image compression/synthesis system based on a spline multi-resolution analysis (MRA) is investigated. The proposed system uses a quadratic spline wavelet transform combined with minimum-mean squared error vector quantization to achieve image compression. Image synthesis is accomplished by utilizing the properties of the MRA and the architecture of a custom designed display processor, the Difference Engine. The latter is ideally suited to rendering images with polynomial intensity profiles, such as those generated by the proposed spline :V1RA. Based on these properties, an adaptive image synthesis system is developed which enables one to reduce the number of instruction cycles required to reproduce images compressed using the quadratic spline wavelet transform. This adaptive approach is computationally simple and fairly robust. In addition, there is little overhead involved in its implementation

    Inverse tone mapping

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    The introduction of High Dynamic Range Imaging in computer graphics has produced a novelty in Imaging that can be compared to the introduction of colour photography or even more. Light can now be captured, stored, processed, and finally visualised without losing information. Moreover, new applications that can exploit physical values of the light have been introduced such as re-lighting of synthetic/real objects, or enhanced visualisation of scenes. However, these new processing and visualisation techniques cannot be applied to movies and pictures that have been produced by photography and cinematography in more than one hundred years. This thesis introduces a general framework for expanding legacy content into High Dynamic Range content. The expansion is achieved avoiding artefacts, producing images suitable for visualisation and re-lighting of synthetic/real objects. Moreover, it is presented a methodology based on psychophysical experiments and computational metrics to measure performances of expansion algorithms. Finally, a compression scheme, inspired by the framework, for High Dynamic Range Textures, is proposed and evaluated

    Selected topics in video coding and computer vision

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    Video applications ranging from multimedia communication to computer vision have been extensively studied in the past decades. However, the emergence of new applications continues to raise questions that are only partially answered by existing techniques. This thesis studies three selected topics related to video: intra prediction in block-based video coding, pedestrian detection and tracking in infrared imagery, and multi-view video alignment.;In the state-of-art video coding standard H.264/AVC, intra prediction is defined on the hierarchical quad-tree based block partitioning structure which fails to exploit the geometric constraint of edges. We propose a geometry-adaptive block partitioning structure and a new intra prediction algorithm named geometry-adaptive intra prediction (GAIP). A new texture prediction algorithm named geometry-adaptive intra displacement prediction (GAIDP) is also developed by extending the original intra displacement prediction (IDP) algorithm with the geometry-adaptive block partitions. Simulations on various test sequences demonstrate that intra coding performance of H.264/AVC can be significantly improved by incorporating the proposed geometry adaptive algorithms.;In recent years, due to the decreasing cost of thermal sensors, pedestrian detection and tracking in infrared imagery has become a topic of interest for night vision and all weather surveillance applications. We propose a novel approach for detecting and tracking pedestrians in infrared imagery based on a layered representation of infrared images. Pedestrians are detected from the foreground layer by a Principle Component Analysis (PCA) based scheme using the appearance cue. To facilitate the task of pedestrian tracking, we formulate the problem of shot segmentation and present a graph matching-based tracking algorithm. Simulations with both OSU Infrared Image Database and WVU Infrared Video Database are reported to demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of our algorithms.;Multi-view video alignment is a process to facilitate the fusion of non-synchronized multi-view video sequences for various applications including automatic video based surveillance and video metrology. In this thesis, we propose an accurate multi-view video alignment algorithm that iteratively aligns two sequences in space and time. To achieve an accurate sub-frame temporal alignment, we generalize the existing phase-correlation algorithm to 3-D case. We also present a novel method to obtain the ground-truth of the temporal alignment by using supplementary audio signals sampled at a much higher rate. The accuracy of our algorithm is verified by simulations using real-world sequences