179 research outputs found

    The reduced order model problem in distributed parameter systems adaptive identification and control

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    The reduced order model problem in distributed parameter systems adaptive identification and control is investigated. A comprehensive examination of real-time centralized adaptive control options for flexible spacecraft is provided

    The Evolution of Bat Vestibular Systems in the Face of Potential Antagonistic Selection Pressures for Flight and Echolocation

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    PMCID: PMC3634842This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Comparison of geometric morphometric outline methods in the discrimination of age-related differences in feather shape

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    Background: Geometric morphometric methods of capturing information about curves or outlines of organismal structures may be used in conjunction with canonical variates analysis (CVA) to assign specimens to groups or populations based on their shapes. This methodological paper examines approaches to optimizing the classification of specimens based on their outlines. This study examines the performance of four approaches to the mathematical representation of outlines and two different approaches to curve measurement as applied to a collection of feather outlines. A new approach to the dimension reduction necessary to carry out a CVA on this type of outline data with modest sample sizes is also presented, and its performance is compared to two other approaches to dimension reduction. Results: Two semi-landmark-based methods, bending energy alignment and perpendicular projection, are shown to produce roughly equal rates of classification, as do elliptical Fourier methods and the extended eigenshape method of outline measurement. Rates of classification were not highly dependent on the number of points used to represent a curve or the manner in which those points were acquired. The new approach to dimensionality reduction, which utilizes a variable number of principal component (PC) axes, produced higher cross-validation assignment rates than either the standard approach of using a fixed number of PC axes or a partial least squares method. Conclusion: Classification of specimens based on feather shape was not highly dependent of the details of the method used to capture shape information. The choice of dimensionality reduction approach was more of a factor, and the cross validation rate of assignment may be optimized using the variable number of PC axes method presented herein

    Comparison of geometric morphometric outline methods in the discrimination of age-related differences in feather shape

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    BACKGROUND: Geometric morphometric methods of capturing information about curves or outlines of organismal structures may be used in conjunction with canonical variates analysis (CVA) to assign specimens to groups or populations based on their shapes. This methodological paper examines approaches to optimizing the classification of specimens based on their outlines. This study examines the performance of four approaches to the mathematical representation of outlines and two different approaches to curve measurement as applied to a collection of feather outlines. A new approach to the dimension reduction necessary to carry out a CVA on this type of outline data with modest sample sizes is also presented, and its performance is compared to two other approaches to dimension reduction. RESULTS: Two semi-landmark-based methods, bending energy alignment and perpendicular projection, are shown to produce roughly equal rates of classification, as do elliptical Fourier methods and the extended eigenshape method of outline measurement. Rates of classification were not highly dependent on the number of points used to represent a curve or the manner in which those points were acquired. The new approach to dimensionality reduction, which utilizes a variable number of principal component (PC) axes, produced higher cross-validation assignment rates than either the standard approach of using a fixed number of PC axes or a partial least squares method. CONCLUSION: Classification of specimens based on feather shape was not highly dependent of the details of the method used to capture shape information. The choice of dimensionality reduction approach was more of a factor, and the cross validation rate of assignment may be optimized using the variable number of PC axes method presented herein

    The evolution of the tetrapod humerus: morphometrics, disparity, and evolutionary rates

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    The present study explores the macroevolutionary dynamics of shape changes in the humeri of all major grades and clades of early tetrapods and their fish-like forerunners. Coordinate point eigenshape analysis applied to humeral outlines in extensor view reveals that fish humeri are more disparate than those of most early tetrapod groups and significantly separate from the latter. Our findings indicate sustained changes in humeral shape in the deepest portions of the tetrapod stem group and certain portions of the crown. In the first half of sampled tetrapod history, subclades show larger than expected humeral disparity, suggesting rapid diffusion into morphospace. Later in tetrapod evolution, subclades occupy smaller and non-overlapping morphospace regions. This pattern may reflect in part increasing specialisations in later tetrapod lineages. Bayesian shifts in rates of evolutionary change are distributed discontinuously across the phylogeny, and most of them occur within rather than between major groups. Most shifts with the highest Bayesian posterior probabilities are observed in lepospondyls. Similarly, maximum likelihood analyses of shifts support marked rate accelerations in lepospondyls and in various subclades within that group. In other tetrapod groups, rates either tend to slow down or experience only small increases. Somewhat surprisingly, no shifts are concurrent with structural, functional, or ecological innovations in tetrapod evolution, including the origin of digits, the water-land transition and increasing terrestrialisation. Although counterintuitive, these results are consistent with a model of continual phenotypic innovation that, although decoupled from key evolutionary changes, is possibly triggered by niche segregation in divergent clades and grades of early tetrapods.</p

    Adaptive plasticity in the mouse mandible

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    BACKGROUND: Plasticity, i.e. non-heritable morphological variation, enables organisms to modify the shape of their skeletal tissues in response to varying environmental stimuli. Plastic variation may also allow individuals to survive in the face of new environmental conditions, enabling the evolution of heritable adaptive traits. However, it is uncertain whether such a plastic response of morphology constitutes an evolutionary adaption itself. Here we investigate whether shape differences due to plastic bone remodelling have functionally advantageous biomechanical consequences in mouse mandibles. Shape characteristics of mandibles from two groups of inbred laboratory mice fed either rodent pellets or ground pellets mixed with jelly were assessed using geometric morphometrics and mechanical advantage measurements of jaw adductor musculature. RESULTS: Mandibles raised on diets with differing food consistency showed significant differences in shape, which in turn altered their biomechanical profile. Mice raised on a soft food diet show a reduction in mechanical advantage relative to mice of the same inbred strain raised on a typical hard food diet. Further, the soft food eaters showed lower levels of integration between jaw regions, particularly between the molar and angular region relative to hard food eaters. CONCLUSIONS: Bone remodelling in mouse mandibles allows for significant shifts in biomechanical ability. Food consistency significantly influences this process in an adaptive direction, as mice raised on hard food develop jaws better suited to handle hard foods. This remodelling also affects the organisation of the mandible, as mice raised on soft food appear to be released from developmental constraints showing less overall integration than those raised on hard foods, but with a shift of integration towards the most solicited regions of the mandible facing such a food, namely the incisors. Our results illustrate how environmentally driven plasticity can lead to adaptive functional changes that increase biomechanical efficiency of food processing in the face of an increased solicitation. In contrast, decreased demand in terms of food processing seems to release developmental interactions between jaw parts involved in mastication, and may generate new patterns of co-variation, possibly opening new directions to subsequent selection. Overall, our results emphasize that mandible shape and integration evolved as parts of a complex system including mechanical loading food resource utilization and possibly foraging behaviour

    Ear Recognition Based on Statistical Shape Model.

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    Macroevolutionary Diversification of Multivariate Body Plan in a Prominent Lizard Adaptive Radiation

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    Natural selection theory predicts that similar ecological pressures can result in similar phenotypes evolving in distantly related species through a process known as convergent evolution. Although there are many described cases of species adaptively evolving similar phenotypes in response to the same habitats (i.e., “ecomorphs”), this is not a universal outcome of natural selection. Liolaemus lizards embody an exceptional example of adaptive radiation where, thus far, studies have not identified any evidence of ecomorphological evolution. Why some lineages display such signals of convergent evolution while others do not remains an open question. Here, shape was more accurately quantified by using geometric morphometrics (as opposed to the linear measures of morphology used previously) to address the question of whether Liolaemus lizards have undergone convergent evolution in body morphology and to conduct phylogenetic modelling to quantify patterns and rates of multivariate morphological evolution in this radiation. Further to this, the effect of diet and parity mode on morphology were explored. The morphometric analysis produced three principal component (PC) axes that explained over 10% of variance. Each axis captures different changes in shape; PC1 shows a reduction in relative head size when the body becomes wider and more elongated and vice versa. PC2 shows changes in the width of the body, with little change in the length of the body and of changes in the head. PC3 shows lengthening in the posterior of the body while there is a pinching towards the front of the body and an increase in relative head size and vice versa. Results generally showed no significant separation in body shape between microhabitat groups, and thus suggest ecomorphs are not present. Diet and parity groups were significantly separated, however, not when phylogeny was included in the analyses. Phylogenetic macroevolutionary analyses were used to develop an understanding of the evolution of biodiversity. OU models of evolution were found to be the best fitting evolutionary models in explanation of the evolution of shape within Liolaemus when BM, OU, δ and κ models were fit. Phenotypic rate variation showed some increases in rate of evolution on PC1 whereas PC2 and PC3 showed decreases. PGLS showed a significant relationship between SVL and PC1 and for SVL and PC2 when microhabitat, parity and diet were included. Pairwise comparisons showed a significant difference between insectivorous and herbivorous species for SVL and PC1 open-ground shrubs and open ground species for SVL and PC2. The best fitting model 9 for PC1 and PC2 included microhabitat and diet, but not parity, for PC3 the best fitting model included diet and parity, but not microhabitat. Results suggest the lack of an ecomorphological relationship could be a consequence of other ecological factors exerting a stronger pressure on the evolution of morphology or that the adaptations are present but methodologies are not appropriate to identify them

    Deep Learning Paradigm and Its Bias for Coronary Artery Wall Segmentation in Intravascular Ultrasound Scans: A Closer Look

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    Background and motivation: Coronary artery disease (CAD) has the highest mortality rate; therefore, its diagnosis is vital. Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) is a high-resolution imaging solution that can image coronary arteries, but the diagnosis software via wall segmentation and quantification has been evolving. In this study, a deep learning (DL) paradigm was explored along with its bias. Methods: Using a PRISMA model, 145 best UNet-based and non-UNet-based methods for wall segmentation were selected and analyzed for their characteristics and scientific and clinical validation. This study computed the coronary wall thickness by estimating the inner and outer borders of the coronary artery IVUS cross-sectional scans. Further, the review explored the bias in the DL system for the first time when it comes to wall segmentation in IVUS scans. Three bias methods, namely (i) ranking, (ii) radial, and (iii) regional area, were applied and compared using a Venn diagram. Finally, the study presented explainable AI (XAI) paradigms in the DL framework. Findings and conclusions: UNet provides a powerful paradigm for the segmentation of coronary walls in IVUS scans due to its ability to extract automated features at different scales in encoders, reconstruct the segmented image using decoders, and embed the variants in skip connections. Most of the research was hampered by a lack of motivation for XAI and pruned AI (PAI) models. None of the UNet models met the criteria for bias-free design. For clinical assessment and settings, it is necessary to move from a paper-to-practice approach

    The reduced order model problem in distributed parameter systems adaptive identification and control

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    The basic assumption that a large space structure can be decoupled preceding the application of reduced order active control was considered and alternative solutions to the control of such structures (in contrast to the strict modal control) were investigated. The transfer function matrix from the actuators to the sensors was deemed to be a reasonable candidate. More refined models from multivariable systems theory were studied and recent results in the multivariable control field were compared with respect to theoretical deficiencies and likely problems in application to large space structures