396 research outputs found

    Implementation of a herd management system with wireless sensor networks

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    This paper investigates an adaptation of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) to cattle monitoring applications. The proposed solution facilitates the requirement for continuously assessing the condition of individual animals, aggregating and reporting this data to the farm manager. There are several existing approaches to achieving animal monitoring, ranging from using a store and forward mechanism to employing GSM-based techniques; these approaches only provide sporadic information and introduce a considerable cost in staffing and physical hardware. The core of this study is to overcome the aforementioned drawbacks by using alternative cheap, low power consumption sensor nodes capable of providing real-time communication at a reasonable hardware cost. In this paper, both the hardware and software has been designed to provide a solution which can obtain real-time data from dairy cattle whilst conforming to the limitations associated with WSNs implementations

    Opportunistic data collection and routing in segmented wireless sensor networks

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    La surveillance reĢgulieĢ€re des opeĢrations dans les aires de manoeuvre (voies de circulation et pistes) et aires de stationnement d'un aeĢroport est une taĢ‚che cruciale pour son fonctionnement. Les strateĢgies utiliseĢes aĢ€ cette fin visent Ć  permettre la mesure des variables environnementales, l'identification des deĢbris (FOD) et l'enregistrement des statistiques d'utilisation de diverses sections de la surface. Selon un groupe de gestionnaires et controĢ‚leurs d'aeĢroport interrogeĢs, cette surveillance est un privileĢ€ge des grands aeĢroports en raison des couĢ‚ts eĢleveĢs d'acquisition, d'installation et de maintenance des technologies existantes. Les moyens et petits aeĢroports se limitent gĆ©nĆ©ralement aĢ€ la surveillance de quelques variables environnementales et des FOD effectueĢe visuellement par l'homme. Cette dernieĢ€re activiteĢ impose l'arreĢ‚t du fonctionnement des pistes pendant l'inspection. Dans cette theĢ€se, nous proposons une solution alternative baseĢe sur les reĢseaux de capteurs sans fil (WSN) qui, contrairement aux autres meĢthodes, combinent les proprieĢteĢs de faible couĢ‚t d'installation et maintenance, de dĆ©ploiement rapide, d'eĢvolutiviteĢ tout en permettant d'effectuer des mesures sans interfeĢrer avec le fonctionnement de l'aeĢroport. En raison de la superficie d'un aeĢroport et de la difficulteĢ de placer des capteurs sur des zones de transit, le WSN se composerait d'une collection de sous-reĢseaux isoleĢs les uns des autres et du puits. Pour gĆ©rer cette segmentation, notre proposition s'appuie sur l'utilisation opportuniste des vĆ©hicules circulants dans l'aĆ©roport considĆ©rĆ©s alors comme un type speĢcial de nœud appeleĢ Mobile Ubiquitous LAN Extension (MULE) chargĆ© de collecter les donneĢes des sous-reĢseaux le long de son trajet et de les transfeĢrer vers le puits. L'une des exigences pour le deĢploiement d'un nouveau systeĢ€me dans un aeĢroport est qu'il cause peu ou pas d'interruption des opeĢrations reĢgulieĢ€res. C'est pourquoi l'utilisation d'une approche opportuniste basĆ© sur des MULE est privileĢgieĢe dans cette theĢ€se. Par opportuniste, nous nous reĢfeĢrons au fait que le roĢ‚le de MULE est joueĢ par certains des veĢhicules deĢjaĢ€ existants dans un aeĢroport et effectuant leurs deĢplacements normaux. Et certains nœuds des sous- reĢseaux exploiteront tout moment de contact avec eux pour leur transmettre les donneĢes Ć  transfĆ©rer ensuite au puits. Une caracteĢristique des MULEs dans notre application est qu'elles ont des trajectoires structureĢes (suivant les voies de circulation dans l'aeĢroport), en ayant eĢventuellement un contact avec l'ensemble des nœuds situeĢs le long de leur trajet (appeleĢs sous-puits). Ceci implique la neĢcessiteĢ de dĆ©finir une strateĢgie de routage dans chaque sous-reĢseau, capable d'acheminer les donneĢes collecteĢes des nœuds vers les sous-puits et de reĢpartir les paquets de donneĢes entre eux afin que le temps en contact avec la MULE soit utiliseĢ le plus efficacement possible. Dans cette theĢ€se, nous proposons un protocole de routage remplissant ces fonctions. Le protocole proposeĢ est nommeĢ ACME (ACO-based routing protocol for MULE-assisted WSNs). Il est baseĢ sur la technique d'Optimisation par Colonies de Fourmis. ACME permet d'assigner des nœuds aĢ€ des sous-puits puis de dĆ©finir les chemins entre eux, en tenant compte de la minimisation de la somme des longueurs de ces chemins, de l'Ć©quilibrage de la quantitĆ© de paquets stockĆ©s par les sous-puits et du nombre total de retransmissions. Le probleĢ€me est deĢfini comme une taĢ‚che d'optimisation multi-objectif qui est reĢsolue de manieĢ€re distribueĢe sur la base des actions des nœuds dans un scheĢma collaboratif. Nous avons dĆ©veloppĆ© un environnement de simulation et effectueĢ des campagnes de calculs dans OMNeT++ qui montrent les avantages de notre protocole en termes de performances et sa capaciteĢ aĢ€ s'adapter aĢ€ une grande varieĢteĢ de topologies de reĢseaux.The regular monitoring of operations in both movement areas (taxiways and runways) and non-movement areas (aprons and aircraft parking spots) of an airport, is a critical task for its functioning. The set of strategies used for this purpose include the measurement of environmental variables, the identification of foreign object debris (FOD), and the record of statistics of usage for diverse sections of the surface. According to a group of airport managers and controllers interviewed by us, the wide monitoring of most of these variables is a privilege of big airports due to the high acquisition, installation and maintenance costs of most common technologies. Due to this limitation, smaller airports often limit themselves to the monitoring of environmental variables at some few spatial points and the tracking of FOD performed by humans. This last activity requires stopping the functioning of the runways while the inspection is conducted. In this thesis, we propose an alternative solution based on Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) which, unlike the other methods/technologies, combines the desirable properties of low installation and maintenance cost, scalability and ability to perform measurements without interfering with the regular functioning of the airport. Due to the large extension of an airport and the difficulty of placing sensors over transit areas, the WSN might result segmented into a collection of subnetworks isolated from each other and from the sink. To overcome this problem, our proposal relies on a special type of node called Mobile Ubiquitous LAN Extension (MULE), able to move over the airport surface, gather data from the subnetworks along its way and eventually transfer it to the sink. One of the main demands for the deployment of any new system in an airport is that it must have little or no interference with the regular operations. This is why the use of an opportunistic approach for the transfer of data from the subnetworks to the MULE is favored in this thesis. By opportunistic we mean that the role of MULE will be played by some of the typical vehicles already existing in an airport doing their normal displacements, and the subnetworks will exploit any moment of contact with them to forward data to the sink. A particular characteristic of the MULEs in our application is that they move along predefined structured trajectories (given by the layout of the airport), having eventual contact with the set of nodes located by the side of the road (so-called subsinks). This implies the need for a data routing strategy to be used within each subnetwork, able to lead the collected data from the sensor nodes to the subsinks and distribute the data packets among them so that the time in contact with the MULE is used as efficiently as possible. In this thesis, we propose a routing protocol which undertakes this task. Our proposed protocol is named ACME, standing for ACO-based routing protocol for MULE-assisted WSNs. It is founded on the well known Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) technique. The main advantage of ACO is its natural fit to the decentralized nature of WSN, which allows it to perform distributed optimizations (based on local interactions) leading to remarkable overall network performance. ACME is able to assign sensor nodes to subsinks and generate the corresponding multi-hop paths while accounting for the minimization of the total path length, the total subsink imbalance and the total number of retransmissions. The problem is defined as a multi-objective optimization task which is resolved in a distributed manner based on actions of the sensor nodes acting in a collaborative scheme. We conduct a set of computational experiments in the discrete event simulator OMNeT++ which shows the advantages of our protocol in terms of performance and its ability to adapt to a variety of network topologie

    On Achieving Diversity in the Presence of Outliers in Participatory Camera Sensor Networks

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    This paper addresses the problem of collection and delivery of a representative subset of pictures, in participatory camera networks, to maximize coverage when a significant portion of the pictures may be redundant or irrelevant. Consider, for example, a rescue mission where volunteers and survivors of a large-scale disaster scout a wide area to capture pictures of damage in distressed neighborhoods, using handheld cameras, and report them to a rescue station. In this participatory camera network, a significant amount of pictures may be redundant (i.e., similar pictures may be reported by many) or irrelevant (i.e., may not document an event of interest). Given this pool of pictures, we aim to build a protocol to store and deliver a smaller subset of pictures, among all those taken, that minimizes redundancy and eliminates irrelevant objects and outliers. While previous work addressed removal of redundancy alone, doing so in the presence of outliers is tricky, because outliers, by their very nature, are different from other objects, causing redundancy minimizing algorithms to favor their inclusion, which is at odds with the goal of finding a representative subset. To eliminate both outliers and redundancy at the same time, two seemingly opposite objectives must be met together. The contribution of this paper lies in a new prioritization technique (and its in-network implementation) that minimizes redundancy among delivered pictures, while also reducing outliers.unpublishedis peer reviewe

    A Hybrid Adaptive Protocol for Reliable Data Delivery in WSNs with Multiple Mobile Sinks

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    In this paper we deal with reliable and energy-efficient data delivery in sparse Wireless Sensor Networks with multiple Mobile Sinks (MSs). This is a critical task, especially when MSs move randomly, as interactions with sensor nodes are unpredictable, typically of short duration, and affected by message losses. In this paper we propose an adaptive data delivery protocol that combines efficiently erasure coding with an ARQ scheme. The key features of the proposed protocol are: (i) the use of redundancy to cope efficiently with message losses, and (ii) the ability of adapting the level of redundancy based on feedbacks sent back by MSs through ACKs. We observed by simulation that our protocol outperforms an alternative protocol that relies only on an ARQ scheme, even when there is a single MS. We also validated our simulation results through a set of experimental measurements based on real sensor nodes. Our results show that the adoption of encoding techniques is beneficial to energy-efficient (and reliable) data delivery in WSNs with Mobile Sinks

    Data Muling for Broadband and Long Range Wireless Underwater Communications

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    During the past years, there has been an increasing interest in the exploration of underwater wireless communications. This interest has been related mainly to the need for establishing a reliable way of transferring large amounts of data gathered on remote locations in the ocean. This data comes from environmental exploration, oil and gas industries, or marine data from Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs). These activities require innovative solutions that can provide high bitrates at low costs. With this in mind, and given the current solutions - Optical, Acoustic, and Radio Frequency -, there is the need to create a solution that takes advantage of each technology and overcomes their limitations. In the case of optical communications, they can provide high bitrates, but requires line of sight, and depend significantly on water turbidity. Although acoustic solutions can provide a large range of operation, they have a low bandwidth due to the frequency of operation, and so they are not suitable for transferring high amounts of data. Finally, current radio frequency (RF) solutions allow high bit rates but are limited by the operation range due to the substantial attenuation of electromagnetic waves underwater. With this in mind, it is possible to say that currently, there is no solution for broadband long-range underwater communications. This dissertation aims to develop a solution that allows the increase of throughput and range of underwater wireless communications. To achieve this, a set of underwater data mules will be used. They will take advantage of the high bitrates of RF wireless communications and the long-range associated with acoustic solutions. With this dissertation, communication protocols designed for delay and disruption tolerant networks (DTNs) will be explored, and a protocol that will enable the scheduling of mules will be proposed and implemented, taking advantage of an out-of-band acoustic channel for controlling the mules, and the DTN for data transfer. The solution will be evaluated in a freshwater testbed
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