620 research outputs found

    Illumination invariant stationary object detection

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    A real-time system for the detection and tracking of moving objects that becomes stationary in a restricted zone. A new pixel classification method based on the segmentation history image is used to identify stationary objects in the scene. These objects are then tracked using a novel adaptive edge orientation-based tracking method. Experimental results have shown that the tracking technique gives more than a 95% detection success rate, even if objects are partially occluded. The tracking results, together with the historic edge maps, are analysed to remove objects that are no longer stationary or are falsely identified as foreground regions because of sudden changes in the illumination conditions. The technique has been tested on over 7 h of video recorded at different locations and time of day, both outdoors and indoors. The results obtained are compared with other available state-of-the-art methods

    Video analytics for security systems

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    This study has been conducted to develop robust event detection and object tracking algorithms that can be implemented in real time video surveillance applications. The aim of the research has been to produce an automated video surveillance system that is able to detect and report potential security risks with minimum human intervention. Since the algorithms are designed to be implemented in real-life scenarios, they must be able to cope with strong illumination changes and occlusions. The thesis is divided into two major sections. The first section deals with event detection and edge based tracking while the second section describes colour measurement methods developed to track objects in crowded environments. The event detection methods presented in the thesis mainly focus on detection and tracking of objects that become stationary in the scene. Objects such as baggage left in public places or vehicles parked illegally can cause a serious security threat. A new pixel based classification technique has been developed to detect objects of this type in cluttered scenes. Once detected, edge based object descriptors are obtained and stored as templates for tracking purposes. The consistency of these descriptors is examined using an adaptive edge orientation based technique. Objects are tracked and alarm events are generated if the objects are found to be stationary in the scene after a certain period of time. To evaluate the full capabilities of the pixel based classification and adaptive edge orientation based tracking methods, the model is tested using several hours of real-life video surveillance scenarios recorded at different locations and time of day from our own and publically available databases (i-LIDS, PETS, MIT, ViSOR). The performance results demonstrate that the combination of pixel based classification and adaptive edge orientation based tracking gave over 95% success rate. The results obtained also yield better detection and tracking results when compared with the other available state of the art methods. In the second part of the thesis, colour based techniques are used to track objects in crowded video sequences in circumstances of severe occlusion. A novel Adaptive Sample Count Particle Filter (ASCPF) technique is presented that improves the performance of the standard Sample Importance Resampling Particle Filter by up to 80% in terms of computational cost. An appropriate particle range is obtained for each object and the concept of adaptive samples is introduced to keep the computational cost down. The objective is to keep the number of particles to a minimum and only to increase them up to the maximum, as and when required. Variable standard deviation values for state vector elements have been exploited to cope with heavy occlusion. The technique has been tested on different video surveillance scenarios with variable object motion, strong occlusion and change in object scale. Experimental results show that the proposed method not only tracks the object with comparable accuracy to existing particle filter techniques but is up to five times faster. Tracking objects in a multi camera environment is discussed in the final part of the thesis. The ASCPF technique is deployed within a multi-camera environment to track objects across different camera views. Such environments can pose difficult challenges such as changes in object scale and colour features as the objects move from one camera view to another. Variable standard deviation values of the ASCPF have been utilized in order to cope with sudden colour and scale changes. As the object moves from one scene to another, the number of particles, together with the spread value, is increased to a maximum to reduce any effects of scale and colour change. Promising results are obtained when the ASCPF technique is tested on live feeds from four different camera views. It was found that not only did the ASCPF method result in the successful tracking of the moving object across different views but also maintained the real time frame rate due to its reduced computational cost thus indicating that the method is a potential practical solution for multi camera tracking applications

    Comparative evaluation of stationary foreground object detection algorithms based on background subtraction techniques

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. Á. Bayona, J. C. SanMiguel, and J. M. Martínez, "Comparative evaluation of stationary foreground object detection algorithms based on background subtraction techniques" in Sixth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance. AVSS 2009, p. 25 - 30In several video surveillance applications, such as the detection of abandoned/stolen objects or parked vehicles,the detection of stationary foreground objects is a critical task. In the literature, many algorithms have been proposed that deal with the detection of stationary foreground objects, the majority of them based on background subtraction techniques. In this paper we discuss various stationary object detection approaches comparing them in typical surveillance scenarios (extracted from standard datasets). Firstly, the existing approaches based on background-subtraction are organized into categories. Then, a representative technique of each category is selected and described. Finally, a comparative evaluation using objective and subjective criteria is performed on video surveillance sequences selected from the PETS 2006 and i-LIDS for AVSS 2007 datasets, analyzing the advantages and drawbacks of each selected approach.This work has partially supported by the Cátedra UAMInfoglobal ("Nuevas tecnologías de vídeo aplicadas a sistemas de video-seguridad"), the Spanish Administration agency CDTI (CENIT-VISION 2007-1007), by the Spanish Government (TEC2007-65400 SemanticVideo), by the Comunidad de Madrid (S-050/TIC-0223- ProMultiDis), by the Consejería de Educación of the Comunidad de Madrid, and by The European Social Fund

    Stationary foreground detection using background subtraction and temporal difference in video surveillance

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. Á. Bayona, J. C. SanMiguel, and Martínez, "Stationary foreground detection using background subtraction and temporal difference in video surveillance", in 17th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2010, p. 4657 - 4660In this paper we describe a new algorithm focused on obtaining stationary foreground regions, which is useful for applications like the detection of abandoned/stolen objects and parked vehicles. Firstly, a sub-sampling scheme based on background subtraction techniques is implemented to obtain stationary foreground regions. Secondly, some modifications are introduced on this base algorithm with the purpose of reducing the amount of stationary foreground detected. Finally, we evaluate the proposed algorithm and compare results with the base algorithm using video surveillance sequences from PETS 2006, PETS 2007 and I-LIDS for AVSS 2007 datasets. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm increases the detection of stationary foreground regions as compared to the base algorithm.Work supported by the Spanish Government (TEC2007- 65400 SemanticVideo), by Cátedra Infoglobal-UAM for “Nuevas Tecnologías de video aplicadas a la seguridad”, by the Consejería de Educación of the Comunidad de Madrid and by the European Social Fund

    Recognising high-level agent behaviour through observations in data scarce domains

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    This thesis presents a novel method for performing multi-agent behaviour recognition without requiring large training corpora. The reduced need for data means that robust probabilistic recognition can be performed within domains where annotated datasets are traditionally unavailable (e.g. surveillance, defence). Human behaviours are composed from sequences of underlying activities that can be used as salient features. We do not assume that the exact temporal ordering of such features is necessary, so can represent behaviours using an unordered “bag-of-features”. A weak temporal ordering is imposed during inference to match behaviours to observations and replaces the learnt model parameters used by competing methods. Our three-tier architecture comprises low-level video tracking, event analysis and high-level inference. High-level inference is performed using a new, cascading extension of the Rao-Blackwellised Particle Filter. Behaviours are recognised at multiple levels of abstraction and can contain a mixture of solo and multiagent behaviour. We validate our framework using the PETS 2006 video surveillance dataset and our own video sequences, in addition to a large corpus of simulated data. We achieve a mean recognition precision of 96.4% on the simulated data and 89.3% on the combined video data. Our “bag-of-features” framework is able to detect when behaviours terminate and accurately explains agent behaviour despite significant quantities of low-level classification errors in the input, and can even detect agents who change their behaviour

    Human shape modelling for carried object detection and segmentation

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    La détection des objets transportés est un des prérequis pour développer des systèmes qui cherchent à comprendre les activités impliquant des personnes et des objets. Cette thèse présente de nouvelles méthodes pour détecter et segmenter les objets transportés dans des vidéos de surveillance. Les contributions sont divisées en trois principaux chapitres. Dans le premier chapitre, nous introduisons notre détecteur d’objets transportés, qui nous permet de détecter un type générique d’objets. Nous formulons la détection d’objets transportés comme un problème de classification de contours. Nous classifions le contour des objets mobiles en deux classes : objets transportés et personnes. Un masque de probabilités est généré pour le contour d’une personne basé sur un ensemble d’exemplaires (ECE) de personnes qui marchent ou se tiennent debout de différents points de vue. Les contours qui ne correspondent pas au masque de probabilités généré sont considérés comme des candidats pour être des objets transportés. Ensuite, une région est assignée à chaque objet transporté en utilisant la Coupe Biaisée Normalisée (BNC) avec une probabilité obtenue par une fonction pondérée de son chevauchement avec l’hypothèse du masque de contours de la personne et du premier plan segmenté. Finalement, les objets transportés sont détectés en appliquant une Suppression des Non-Maxima (NMS) qui élimine les scores trop bas pour les objets candidats. Le deuxième chapitre de contribution présente une approche pour détecter des objets transportés avec une méthode innovatrice pour extraire des caractéristiques des régions d’avant-plan basée sur leurs contours locaux et l’information des super-pixels. Initiallement, un objet bougeant dans une séquence vidéo est segmente en super-pixels sous plusieurs échelles. Ensuite, les régions ressemblant à des personnes dans l’avant-plan sont identifiées en utilisant un ensemble de caractéristiques extraites de super-pixels dans un codebook de formes locales. Ici, les régions ressemblant à des humains sont équivalentes au masque de probabilités de la première méthode (ECE). Notre deuxième détecteur d’objets transportés bénéficie du nouveau descripteur de caractéristiques pour produire une carte de probabilité plus précise. Les compléments des super-pixels correspondants aux régions ressemblant à des personnes dans l’avant-plan sont considérés comme une carte de probabilité des objets transportés. Finalement, chaque groupe de super-pixels voisins avec une haute probabilité d’objets transportés et qui ont un fort support de bordure sont fusionnés pour former un objet transporté. Finalement, dans le troisième chapitre, nous présentons une méthode pour détecter et segmenter les objets transportés. La méthode proposée adopte le nouveau descripteur basé sur les super-pixels pour iii identifier les régions ressemblant à des objets transportés en utilisant la modélisation de la forme humaine. En utilisant l’information spatio-temporelle des régions candidates, la consistance des objets transportés récurrents, vus dans le temps, est obtenue et sert à détecter les objets transportés. Enfin, les régions d’objets transportés sont raffinées en intégrant de l’information sur leur apparence et leur position à travers le temps avec une extension spatio-temporelle de GrabCut. Cette étape finale sert à segmenter avec précision les objets transportés dans les séquences vidéo. Nos méthodes sont complètement automatiques, et font des suppositions minimales sur les personnes, les objets transportés, et les les séquences vidéo. Nous évaluons les méthodes décrites en utilisant deux ensembles de données, PETS 2006 et i-Lids AVSS. Nous évaluons notre détecteur et nos méthodes de segmentation en les comparant avec l’état de l’art. L’évaluation expérimentale sur les deux ensembles de données démontre que notre détecteur d’objets transportés et nos méthodes de segmentation surpassent de façon significative les algorithmes compétiteurs.Detecting carried objects is one of the requirements for developing systems that reason about activities involving people and objects. This thesis presents novel methods to detect and segment carried objects in surveillance videos. The contributions are divided into three main chapters. In the first, we introduce our carried object detector which allows to detect a generic class of objects. We formulate carried object detection in terms of a contour classification problem. We classify moving object contours into two classes: carried object and person. A probability mask for person’s contours is generated based on an ensemble of contour exemplars (ECE) of walking/standing humans in different viewing directions. Contours that are not falling in the generated hypothesis mask are considered as candidates for carried object contours. Then, a region is assigned to each carried object candidate contour using Biased Normalized Cut (BNC) with a probability obtained by a weighted function of its overlap with the person’s contour hypothesis mask and segmented foreground. Finally, carried objects are detected by applying a Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS) method which eliminates the low score carried object candidates. The second contribution presents an approach to detect carried objects with an innovative method for extracting features from foreground regions based on their local contours and superpixel information. Initially, a moving object in a video frame is segmented into multi-scale superpixels. Then human-like regions in the foreground area are identified by matching a set of extracted features from superpixels against a codebook of local shapes. Here the definition of human like regions is equivalent to a person’s probability map in our first proposed method (ECE). Our second carried object detector benefits from the novel feature descriptor to produce a more accurate probability map. Complement of the matching probabilities of superpixels to human-like regions in the foreground are considered as a carried object probability map. At the end, each group of neighboring superpixels with a high carried object probability which has strong edge support is merged to form a carried object. Finally, in the third contribution we present a method to detect and segment carried objects. The proposed method adopts the new superpixel-based descriptor to identify carried object-like candidate regions using human shape modeling. Using spatio-temporal information of the candidate regions, consistency of recurring carried object candidates viewed over time is obtained and serves to detect carried objects. Last, the detected carried object regions are refined by integrating information of their appearances and their locations over time with a spatio-temporal extension of GrabCut. This final stage is used to accurately segment carried objects in frames. Our methods are fully automatic, and make minimal assumptions about a person, carried objects and videos. We evaluate the aforementioned methods using two available datasets PETS 2006 and i-Lids AVSS. We compare our detector and segmentation methods against a state-of-the-art detector. Experimental evaluation on the two datasets demonstrates that both our carried object detection and segmentation methods significantly outperform competing algorithms