32 research outputs found

    Electronically Tunable First Order AP/LP and LP/HP Filter Topologies Using Electronically Controllable Second Generation Voltage Conveyor (CVCII)

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    In this paper two new first order filter topologies realizing low-pass/all-pass (LP/AP) and low-pass/high-pass (LP/HP) outputs using electronically controllable second generation voltage conveyors (CVCIIs) are presented. Unlike second generation voltage conveyors (VCII), in CVCII each performance parameter, including ports, parasitic impedances, current and/or voltage gains can be electronically varied. Here, in particular, the proposed filter topologies are based on two CVCIIs, one resistor and one capacitor. In the first topology VLP/IAP/VAP and in the second topology ILP/VLP/IHP/VHP outputs are achievable, respectively. However, the current and voltage outputs are not achievable simultaneously and a floating capacitor is used. A control current (Icon) is used to change the first CVCII Y port impedance, which sets the filter −3 dB frequency (f0) of all the outputs. Moreover, in the second topology, the gains of HP and AP outputs are electronically adjusted by means of a control voltage (Vcon). Favorably, no restricting matching condition is necessary. PSpice simulations using 0.18 µm CMOS technology and supply voltages of ±0.9V show that by changing Icon from 0.5 µA to 50 µA, f0 is varied from 89 kHz to 1 MHz. Similarly, for a Vcon variation from −0.9 V to 0.185 V, the gains of IAP and IHP vary from 30 dB to 0 dB and those of VAP and VHP vary from 100 dB to 20 dB. The total harmonic distortion (THD) is about 8%. The power consumption is from 0.385 mW to 1.057 mW

    A voltage-mode first order allpass filter based on VDTA

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    This article presents a new voltage-mode first order allpass filter (APF) employing voltage differencing transconductance amplifier (VDTA). The advantages of the circuit are that: the circuit description is very compact, consists of merely a VDTA and a capacitor: the phase shift can be electronically adjusted by current bias: it provides the lower THD of the output signal. Without any component matching conditions, the proposed circuit is very appropriate to further develop into an integrated circuit. Moreover, the proposed APF can provide the output current with high output impedance without modification of the circuit topology. The PSpice simulation results are depicted. The given results agree well with the theoretical anticipation. The maximum power consumption is 400µW at ±1.25V power supplies

    Novel active function blocks and their applications in frequency filters and quadrature oscillators

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    Kmitočtové filtry a sinusoidní oscilátory jsou lineární elektronické obvody, které jsou používány v široké oblasti elektroniky a jsou základními stavebními bloky v analogovém zpracování signálu. V poslední dekádě pro tento účel bylo prezentováno velké množství stavebních funkčních bloků. V letech 2000 a 2006 na Ústavu telekomunikací, VUT v Brně byly definovány univerzální proudový konvejor (UCC) a univerzální napět'ový konvejor (UVC) a vyrobeny ve spolupráci s firmou AMI Semiconductor Czech, Ltd. Ovšem, stále existuje požadavek na vývoj nových aktivních prvků, které nabízejí nové výhody. Hlavní přínos práce proto spočívá v definici dalších původních aktivních stavebních bloků jako jsou differential-input buffered and transconductance amplifier (DBTA), current follower transconductance amplifier (CFTA), z-copy current-controlled current inverting transconductance amplifier (ZC-CCCITA), generalized current follower differential input transconductance amplifier (GCFDITA), voltage gain-controlled modified current-feedback operational amplifier (VGC-MCFOA), a minus-type current-controlled third-generation voltage conveyor (CC-VCIII-). Pomocí navržených aktivních stavebních bloků byly prezentovány původní zapojení fázovacích článků prvního řádu, univerzální filtry druhého řádu, ekvivalenty obvodu typu KHN, inverzní filtry, aktivní simulátory uzemněného induktoru a kvadraturní sinusoidní oscilátory pracující v proudovém, napět'ovém a smíšeném módu. Chování navržených obvodů byla ověřena simulací v prostředí SPICE a ve vybraných případech experimentálním měřením.Frequency filters and sinusoidal oscillators are linear electric circuits that are used in wide area of electronics and also are the basic building blocks in analogue signal processing. In the last decade, huge number of active building blocks (ABBs) were presented for this purpose. In 2000 and 2006, the universal current conveyor (UCC) and the universal voltage conveyor (UVC), respectively, were designed at the Department of Telecommunication, BUT, Brno, and produced in cooperation with AMI Semiconductor Czech, Ltd. There is still the need to develop new active elements that offer new advantages. The main contribution of this thesis is, therefore, the definition of other novel ABBs such as the differential-input buffered and transconductance amplifier (DBTA), the current follower transconductance amplifier (CFTA), the z-copy current-controlled current inverting transconductance amplifier (ZC-CCCITA), the generalized current follower differential input transconductance amplifier (GCFDITA), the voltage gain-controlled modified current-feedback operational amplifier (VGC-MCFOA), and the minus-type current-controlled third-generation voltage conveyor (CC-VCIII-). Using the proposed ABBs, novel structures of first-order all-pass filters, second-order universal filters, KHN-equivalent circuits, inverse filters, active grounded inductance simulators, and quadrature sinusoidal oscillators working in the current-, voltage-, or mixed-mode are presented. The behavior of the proposed circuits has been verified by SPICE simulations and in selected cases also by experimental measurements.

    All-Pass Sections with High Gain Opportunity

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    In this paper, two new circuits for realizing firstorder voltage-mode (VM) all-pass section (APS) with variable gain are presented. The first proposed filter uses a single differential difference current conveyor (DDCC), one grounded capacitor and three resistors. The second proposed filter consists of two DDCCs, three grounded resistors and one grounded capacitor. It provides highinput and low-output impedances and can provide high gain. Both of the proposed circuits do not require any element matching condition. Moreover, oscillator circuits with minimum number of active and passive elements are derived from the proposed APSs. The proposed circuits are tested experimentally or by simulation using SPICE program to confirm the theory

    All-pass section with high gain opportunity

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    Minaei, Shahram (Dogus Author) -- Conference full title: 33rd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, TSP 2010; Baden near Vienna; Austria; 17 August 2010 through 20 August 2010 -- Paper published in Radioengineering, 20 (1) pp. 3-9. Fultext accessible via https://hdl.handle.net/11376/1383In this paper, a new circuit configuration for realizing voltage-mode (VM) all-pass section (APS) is presented. The circuit is cascadable with other VM circuits because of its high input and low output impedances. It consists of two differential difference current conveyors (DDCCs), one grounded resistor and one grounded capacitor. The proposed circuit can be slightly changed by using two additional grounded resistors to provide high gain. Moreover, a quadrature oscillator with minimum number of active and passive elements is derived from the proposed APS. SPICE simulations are performed to verify the theory.Motorol

    New Resistorless and Electronically Tunable Realization of Dual-Output VM All-Pass Filter Using VDIBA

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    In this paper, a new active element called voltage differencing inverting buffered amplifier (VDIBA) is presented. Using single VDIBA and a capacitor, a new resistorless voltage-mode (VM) first-order all-pass filter (APF) is proposed, which provides both inverting and non-inverting outputs at the same configuration simultaneously. The pole frequency of the filter can be electronically controlled by means of bias current of the internal transconductance. No component-matching conditions are required and it has low sensitivity. In addition, the parasitic and loading effects are also investigated. By connecting two newly introduced APFs in open loop a novel second-order APF is proposed. As another application, the proposed VM APF is connected in cascade to a lossy integrator in a closed loop to design a four-phase quadrature oscillator. The theoretical results are verified by SPICE simulations using TSMC 0.18 um level-7 CMOS process parameters with +-0.9 V supply voltages. Moreover, the behavior of the proposed VM APF was also experimentally measured using commercially available integrated circuit OPA860 by Texas Instruments.In this paper, a new active element called voltage differencing inverting buffered amplifier (VDIBA) is presented. Using single VDIBA and a capacitor, a new resistorless voltage-mode (VM) first-order all-pass filter (APF) is proposed, which provides both inverting and non-inverting outputs at the same configuration simultaneously. The pole frequency of the filter can be electronically controlled by means of bias current of the internal transconductance. No component-matching conditions are required and it has low sensitivity. In addition, the parasitic and loading effects are also investigated. By connecting two newly introduced APFs in open loop a novel second-order APF is proposed. As another application, the proposed VM APF is connected in cascade to a lossy integrator in a closed loop to design a four-phase quadrature oscillator. The theoretical results are verified by SPICE simulations using TSMC 0.18 um level-7 CMOS process parameters with +-0.9 V supply voltages. Moreover, the behavior of the proposed VM APF was also experimentally measured using commercially available integrated circuit OPA860 by Texas Instruments

    Realization of Integrable Low- Voltage Companding Filters for Portable System Applications

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    Undoubtedly, today’s integrated electronic systems owe their remarkable performance primarily to the rapid advancements of digital technology since 1970s. The various important advantages of digital circuits are: its abstraction from the physical details of the actual circuit implementation, its comparative insensitiveness to variations in the manufacturing process, and the operating conditions besides allowing functional complexity that would not be possible using analog technology. As a result, digital circuits usually offer a more robust behaviour than their analog counterparts, though often with area, power and speed drawbacks. Due to these and other benefits, analog functionality has increasingly been replaced by digital implementations. In spite of the advantages discussed above, analog components are far from obsolete and continue to be key components of modern electronic systems. There is a definite trend toward persistent and ubiquitous use of analog electronic circuits in day-to-day life. Portable electronic gadgets, wireless communications and the widespread application of RF tags are just a few examples of contemporary developments. While all of these electronic systems are based on digital circuitry, they heavily rely on analog components as interfaces to the real world. In fact, many modern designs combine powerful digital systems and complementary analog components on a single chip for cost and reliability reasons. Unfortunately, the design of such systems-on-chip (SOC) suffers from the vastly different design styles of analog and digital components. While mature synthesis tools are readily available for digital designs, there is hardly any such support for analog designers apart from wellestablished PSPICE-like circuit simulators. Consequently, though the analog part usually occupies only a small fraction of the entire die area of an SOC, but its design often constitutes a major bottleneck within the entire development process. Integrated continuous-time active filters are the class of continuous-time or analog circuits which are used in various applications like channel selection in radios, anti-aliasing before sampling, and hearing aids etc. One of the figures of merit of a filter is the dynamic range; this is the ratio of the largest to the smallest signal that can be applied at the input of the filter while maintaining certain specified performance. The dynamic range required in the filter varies with the application and is decided by the variation in strength of the desired signal as well as that of unwanted signals that are to be rejected by the filter. It is well known that the power dissipation and the capacitor area of an integrated active filter increases in proportion to its dynamic range. This situation is incompatible with the needs of integrated systems, especially battery operated ones. In addition to this fundamental dependence of power dissipation on dynamic range, the design of integrated active filters is further complicated by the reduction of supply voltage of integrated circuits imposed by the scaling down of technologies to attain twin objective of higher speed and lower power consumption in digital circuits. The reduction in power consumption with decreasing supply voltage does not apply to analog circuits. In fact, considerable innovation is required with a reduced supply voltage even to avoid increasing power consumption for a given signal to noise ratio (S/N). These aspects pose a great hurdle to the active filter designer. A technique which has attracted the attention of circuit designers as a possible route to filters with higher dynamic range per unit power consumption is “companding”. Companding (compression-expansion) filters are a very promising subclass of continuous-time analog filters, where the input (linear) signal is initially compressed before it will be handled by the core (non-linear) system. In order to preserve the linear operation of the whole system, the non-linear signal produced by the core system is converted back to a linear output signal by employing an appropriate output stage. The required compression and expansion operations are performed by employing bipolar transistors in active region or MOS transistors in weak inversion; the systems thus derived are known as logarithmic-domain (logdomain) systems. In case MOS transistors operated in saturation region are employed, the derived structures are known as Square-root domain systems. Finally, the third class of companding filters can also be obtained by employing bipolar transistors in active region or MOS transistors in weak inversion; the derived systems are known as Sinh-domain systems. During the last several years, a significant research effort has been already carried out in the area of companding circuits. This is due to the fact that their main advantages are the capability for operation in low-voltage environment and large dynamic range originated from their companding nature, electronic tunability of the frequency characteristics, absence of resistors and the potential for operations in varied frequency regions.Thus, it is obvious that companding filters can be employed for implementing high-performance analog signal processing in diverse frequency ranges. For example, companding filters could be used for realizing subsystems in: xDSL modems, disk drive read channels, biomedical electronics, Bluetooth/ZigBee applications, phaselocked loops, FM stereo demodulator, touch-tone telephone tone decoder and crossover network used in a three-way high-fidelity loudspeaker etc. A number of design methods for companding filters and their building blocks have been introduced in the literature. Most of the proposed filter structures operate either above 1.5V or under symmetrical (1.5V) power supplies. According to data that provides information about the near future of semiconductor technology, International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), in 2013, the supply voltage of digital circuits in 32 nm technology will be 0.5 V. Therefore, the trend for the implementation of analog integrated circuits is the usage of low-voltage building blocks that use a single 0.5-1.5V power supply. Therefore, the present investigation was primarily concerned with the study and design of low voltage and low power Companding filters. The work includes the study about: the building blocks required in implementing low voltage and low power Companding filters; the techniques used to realize low voltage and low power Companding filters and their various areas of application. Various novel low voltage and low power Companding filter designs have been developed and studied for their characteristics to be applied in a particular portable area of application. The developed designs include the N-th order universal Companding filter designs, which have been reported first time in the open literature. Further, an endeavor has been made to design Companding filters with orthogonal tuning of performance parameters so that the designs can be simultaneously used for various features. The salient features of each of the developed circuit are described. Electronic tunability is one of the major features of all of the designs. Use of grounded capacitors and resistorless designs in all the cases makes the designs suitable for IC technology. All the designs operate in a low-voltage and low-power environment essential for portable system applications. Unless specified otherwise, all the investigations on these designs are based on the PSPICE simulations using model parameters of the NR100N bipolar transistors and BSIM 0.35μm/TSMC 0.25μm /TSMC 0.18μm CMOS process MOS transistors. The performance of each circuit has been validated by comparing the characteristics obtained using simulation with the results present in the open literature. The proposed designs could not be realized in silicon due to non-availability of foundry facility at the place of study. An effort has already been started to realize some of the designs in silicon and check their applicability in practical circuits. At the basic level, one of the proposed Companding filter designs was implemented using the commercially available transistor array ICs (LM3046N) and was found to verify the theoretical predictions obtained from the simulation results

    Analogue filter networks: developments in theory, design and analyses

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    Fully-Differential Frequency Filters with Modern Active Elements

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    Tato disertační práce se zaměřuje na výzkum v oblasti frekvenčních filtrů. Hlavním cílem je navrhnout a analyzovat plně diferenční kmitočtové filtry pracující v proudovém módu a využívající moderní aktivní prvky. Prezentované filtry jsou navrženy za použití proudových sledovačů, operačních transkonduktančních zesilovačů, plně diferenčních proudových zesilovačů a transrezistančních zesilovačů. Návrh se zaměřuje na možnost řídit některý z typických parametrů filtru pomocí řiditelných aktivních prvků, které jsou vhodně umístněny do obvodové struktury. Jednotlivé prezentované filtry jsou navrženy v nediferenční a diferenční verzi. Velký důraz je věnován srovnání plně diferenčních struktur s jejich odpovídajícími nediferenčními formami. Funkčnost jednotlivých návrhů je ověřena simulacemi a v některých případech i experimentálním měřením.This doctoral thesis focuses on research in the field of frequency filters. The main goal is to propose and analyze fully-differential current-mode frequency filters employing modern active elements. Presented filters are proposed using current followers, operational transconductance amplifiers, digitally adjustable current amplifiers and transresistance amplifiers. The proposal is focusing on ability to control some of the typical filter parameter or parameters using controllable active elements suitably placed in the circuit structure. Individual presented filters are proposed in their single-ended and fully-differential forms. Great emphasis is paid to a comparison of the fully-differential structures and their corresponding single-ended forms. The functionality of each proposal is verified by simulations and in some cases also by experimental measurements.