24 research outputs found

    Heuristic usability evaluation on games: a modular approach

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    Heuristic evaluation is the preferred method to assess usability in games when experts conduct this evaluation. Many heuristics guidelines have been proposed attending to specificities of games but they only focus on specific subsets of games or platforms. In fact, to date the most used guideline to evaluate games usability is still Nielsen’s proposal, which is focused on generic software. As a result, most evaluations do not cover important aspects in games such as mobility, multiplayer interactions, enjoyability and playability, etc. To promote the usage of new heuristics adapted to different game and platform aspects we propose a modular approach based on the classification of existing game heuristics using metadata and a tool, MUSE (Meta-heUristics uSability Evaluation tool) for games, which allows a rebuild of heuristic guidelines based on metadata selection in order to obtain a customized list for every real evaluation case. The usage of these new rebuilt heuristic guidelines allows an explicit attendance to a wide range of usability aspects in games and a better detection of usability issues. We preliminarily evaluate MUSE with an analysis of two different games, using both the Nielsen’s heuristics and the customized heuristic lists generated by our tool.Unión Europea PI055-15/E0


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    Penelitian ini memaparkan tinjauan kritis mengenai Mathematics Game-Based Learning berdasarkan analisis bibliografi atas 200 artikel yang dipublikasikan dalam jurnal internasional berdasarkan database scopus selama kurun waktu 1980 – 2021. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menjawab kekosongan dengan memberikan analisis bibliometrik ekstensif dari literatur yang berkaitan dengan istilah ini untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut: (1) Bagaimana artikel Mathematics Game-Based Learning diklasifikasikan?, (2) Bagaimana trend penelitian Mathematics Game-Based Learning? Topik penelitian apa yang menjadi subjek lebih banyak publikasi?, (3) Apa topik Mathematics Game-Based Learning masa depan yang memberikan kesempatan untuk penelitian lebih lanjut?. Analisis bibliometrik menggunakan lima langkah meliputi mendefinisikan istilah pencarian yang sesuai, hasil pencarian awal, penyempurnaan hasil pencarian, penyusunan data statistika awal, dan analisis data. Hasil penelitian memperoleh 200 makalah dengan hasil awal sebanyak 2107 kutipan (51.39 kutipan / tahun dan 10.54 kutipan/makalah). Pemurnian hasil menyisakan 60 artikel (penurunan 70%); data mengenai kutipan juga berubah, dengan 939 kutipan (menurun 55,44%), 22.90 kutipan/tahun (menurun 55,44%), dan 15.65 kutipan/makalah (meningkat 48,48%). Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa jurnal Q1 dan Q2 tidak memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kutipan dibandingkan jurnal lainnya. Penelitian ini menunjukkan informasi untuk masa yang akan datang dalam bidang Mathematics Game-Based Learning, serta merangkum dan mendukung temuan penting dari tinjauan tersebut.Secara keseluruhan, konsep Mathematics Game-Based Learning masih perlu ditingkatkan dalam penelitian-penelitian yang akan datang. Penelitian selanjutnya dapat mengambil topik tentang effect dan development

    Computer Math Games vs. Paper-based Intervention Games: Effects on Addition Fact Fluency for Second Grade Students

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    The purpose of this action research project is to investigate the ability of computer math games versus paper-based intervention games for improving addition fact fluency. Fact fluency is the ability to answer math facts quickly and accurately. The participants were twenty-one second grade students in a transitional kindergarten through eighth grade private school in a rural setting. Of the twenty-one students, two instructional groups were created through stratified sampling and random selection. One group used computer math games to improve addition fact fluency. The other group played paper-based intervention games to increase their addition fact fluency. The two groups participated ten minutes each day for four weeks in addition to their regular whole group math instruction. The study will use quantitative methods. After the four weeks intervention, the results indicated that students who utilized paper-based games demonstrated the most growth in fact fluency


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    This study aims to identify the impact of game-based teaching practices available in different curriculum upon academic achievement through meta-analysis. The meta-analysis method aims at grouping similar studies about a subject, theme or study under the heading of certain criteria and combining the quantitative findings for these studies. 412 studies conducted between the years 2000-2020 were examined according to certain criteria and 54 experimental studies that met these criteria were included in the study in order to determine the effect of game-based teaching practices on academic achievement. The data of 54 experimental studies were analyzed through use of Comprehensive Meta Analysis Program (CMA) and Metawin programs. The study results revealed that the game-based teaching practices applied in different curricula positively affect the students’ academic achievement compared to traditional practices. The effect sizes of game-based curricula were identified to significantly differ across education levels, treatment duration, sample sizes and publication types. Keywords: Game, meta-analysis, curriculumBu araştırmanın amacı farklı öğretim programlarındaki oyun temelli öğretim uygulamalarının akademik başarıya etkisini meta analiz yöntemiyle belirlemektir. Meta analiz yöntemindeki temel amaç bir konu, tema ya da çalışma alanındaki benzer araştırmaların belirli ölçütler bağlamında gruplanıp, bu çalışmalara ait nicel bulguların gruplanmasıdır. Oyun temelli öğretim uygulamalarının akademik başarıya etkisini belirlemek amacıyla 2000-2020 yılları arasındaki 412 araştırma belirli ölçütlere göre incelenmiş ve bu ölçütleri karşılayan 54 deneysel araştırma çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. 54 deneysel araştırmanın verileri Comprehensive Meta Analaysis Program (CMA) ve Metawin programları ile analiz edilmiştir. Gerçekleştirilen analizler sonucunda, farklı öğretim programlarında uygulanan oyun temelli öğretim uygulamalarının geleneksel uygulamalara göre öğrencilerin akademik başarılarını olumlu yönde etkilediğini göstermiştir. Oyun temelli öğretim programlarının öğretim kademeleri, uygulama süreleri, örneklem büyüklükleri ve yayım türleri değişkenleri bakımından etki büyüklüklerinin anlamlı şekilde farklılaştığı saptanmıştır.  Anahtar kelimeler: Oyun, meta - analiz,öğretim program

    Teaching Strategies Utilized by Mathematics Teachers in the 21st-Century

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    Due to the increasing demands of the twenty-first century work environment, education system must reflect those skills essential for success. Through the development of the 21st-century standards for teachers and students, the Philippines education system has begun the reform process to initiate change towards addressing these new skills. It is through the introduction of various strategies and innovative materials in the teaching-learning process aligned with the development of the 21st-century skills. This study dealt with the teaching strategies utilized by mathematics teachers in the 21st-century in the Schools Division of Urdaneta City during the S.Y. 2019-2020. A total of one hundred two (102) secondary mathematics teachers of the SDO Urdaneta City served as the respondents. Data were obtained using a researcher-designed questionnaire checklist which was validated by experts in the field. Results showed that the least utilized 21st-century teaching strategy by the mathematics teachers is multimedia-based. Thus, a gamified PowerPoint presentation to support the application of multimedia-based strategy was developed. Interestingly, this study found significant differences in the extent of utilization of the teaching strategies by mathematics teachers across sex and type of school. Moreover, findings revealed that significant relationships exist between the extent of utilization of the teaching strategies by mathematics teachers and the profile variables age, sex, relevant training at the national level, and type of school. It was recommended that Mathematics teachers should be encouraged to utilize the gamified PowerPoint template to supplement the teaching-learning process in Mathematics

    Designing effective multi-user learning environments to enhance game-based learning

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    This literature review examines the properties of specific video games, classified as multi-user learning environments, for commonalties and compares these pieces of software with sound learning theories to determine effective methods of using these types of software for educational applications. This category of software, though not initially developed as an educational learning environment or tool, has gained interest due to the social and entertainment value inherit with this type of game play. This paper reviews relevant published research material that examines the characteristics of both games created for entertainment value and games created for educational purposes to provide insights on how to better develop software in the future that supports effective instructional theories while at the same time engaging the learner. After examining literature around multi-user learning environments, and game based learning, this paper suggests what could be developed as the next generation of multi-user game based learning

    Development of subsonic curved diffuser performance correlations integrated angle of turns using asymptotic computational fluid dynamics

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    Numerous studies on the performance of the curved diffuser have been made on either 2-D or 3-D expansion type with various working geometrical and operating parameters. Most researchers are focusing in the existence of flow separation phenomenon and secondary flow vortices that often disturb the recovery of pressure and uniformity of flow. On top of that, the existing guideline have just integrated the geometrical and operating effects in a low range. Therefore, the current work focussing on studying the effects of a wider turning angles in a range of 30° to 180° integrated with various operating condition by experiment and numerical method. The experimental rig was built at Aerodynamics Laboratory, UTHM. The blower speed was set in range of 9RPM-25RPM and tested for 30°, 90° and 180° curved diffusers. A profound set of R

    Serious gama for integration in higher education

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201

    Matemaatiliste õpimängude kasutamine II ja III kooliastme matemaatika tunnis Tartu linna ja maakonna koolide näitel

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