167,432 research outputs found

    Spatial patterns of scour and fill in dryland sand bed streams

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    Reproduced with permission of the publisher. © 2006 American Geophysical UnionSpatial patterns of scour and fill in two dryland ephemeral stream channels with sandy bed material have been measured with dense arrays of scour chains. Although the depth and areal extent of bed activity increased with discharge, active bed reworking at particular locations within the reaches resulted in downstream patterns of alternate shallower and deeper areas of scour. The variation was such that mean scour depths for individual cross sections varied about the mean for the reach by a factor of 2–4 while the locus of maximum scour traced a sinuous path about the channel centerline. The wavelength of the pattern of scour was about seven times the channel width. During each event, compensating fill returned the streambeds to preflow elevations, indicating that the streams were in approximate steady state over the period of study. Although the patterns of periodically enhanced scour along alternate sides of the channels are consistent with models of periodically reversing helical flow, further work is required to identify the causal relationships between patterns of flow and sediment transport in dryland sand bed channels

    Alluvial Architecture and Fluvial Cycles in Quaternary Deposits in a Continental Interior Basin, E Hungary

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    The thickness of the studied Quaternary alluvial complex, located in the eastern part of the Pannonian Basin System, can exceed 500 m. Based on subsurface facies analysis the following large-scale depositional elements were identified: channel-fill deposits, point bar deposits, alluvial fan (sandy sheet-flood) deposits, floodplain and floodbasin deposits, and thinner sandy–silty beds. They are classified into four types of facies associations, showing a characteristic stacking pattern on the logs. Facies zonation and basin-scale facies mapping of the overall Quaternary sedimentary succession shows that in several areas dominated by stacked, multistorey sandy channel fill sediments, pre-existing superimposed channel belts can be presumed. In the central and deepest part of the basin muddy floodbasin (distal floodplain and wetland) sediments dominate. Between these the largest area represents the floodplain where single channel fill sands are interbedded in the alluvial plain muds. In the eastern part of the basin the well-logs highlight the distal part of an alluvial fan where sandy sheet-flood deposits alternate with floodplain sediments. The recognized facies associations show a vertical pattern, i.e. they form a 40–100 m thick fining-upward fluvial cycle. The most characteristic and even ideal cycle can be observed in the channel belts and in the proximal floodplain zone. Here the basal member of the cycle is made up of multistorey channel fill beds cut into the underlying floodplain deposits. This is overlain by an alternating sandy–muddy succession of channel fill and floodplain deposits forming the intermediate member. The upper member is composed of silty–clayey floodplain deposits with occasional very thin, discrete silty–sandy bodies

    Possible Subglacial Origin for Minor Moraine Topography

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    Surface expression of the Cary Age Drift (Des Moines lobe of Iowa) exhibits a pattern of intersecting linear ridges and depressions, known as swell-swale or minor moraine topography. Linear ridges, as mapped from air photos, are aligned either parallel or approximately transverse (45° to 90°) to associated end morainal systems. Both parallel and transverse ridges appear genetically related, range in height from 5-20 feet and are composed predominantly of till. Ridge intersections produce T , offset step and box patterns. The irregular shape and high dip of crossbedding of small sand bodies and the dip of small faults and joints suggest a controlled ice disintegration origin. Alignment of till fabric with glacier flow is indicative of a lodgment till or ground moraine. The current hypothesis that the minor moraines represent annual recessional moraines does not explain the lack of outwash, the origin of transverse ridges, till fabric, the number of moraines and their geographic distribution. Alternate hypotheses for the observed pattern are: 1) crevasse fill 2) ice marginal thrust 3) basal crevasse squeeze and 5) boundary wave phenomenon

    CLD-shaped Brushstrokes in Non-Photorealistic Rendering

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    Rendering techniques based on a random grid can be improved by adapting brushstrokes to the shape of different areas of the original picture. In this paper, the concept of Coherence Length Diagram is applied to determine the adaptive brushstrokes, in order to simulate an impressionist painting. Some examples are provided to instance the proposed algorithm.Comment: Keywords: Image processing, Non-photorealistic processing, Image-based rendering Coherence Length Diagra

    Tight-fill fruit packing /

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    Multiple phase transitions in an agent-based evolutionary model with neutral fitness

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    Null models are crucial for understanding evolutionary processes such as speciation and adaptive radiation. We analyse an agent-based null model, considering a case without selection—neutral evolution—in which organisms are defined only by phenotype. Universal dynamics has previously been demonstrated in a related model on a neutral fitness landscape, showing that this system belongs to the directed percolation (DP) universality class. The traditional null condition of neutral fitness (where fitness is defined as the number of offspring each organism produces) is extended here to include equal probability of death among organisms. We identify two types of phase transition: (i) a non-equilibrium DP transition through generational time (i.e. survival), and (ii) an equilibrium ordinary percolation transition through the phenotype space (based on links between mating organisms). Owing to the dynamical rules of the DP reaction–diffusion process, organisms can only sparsely fill the phenotype space, resulting in significant phenotypic diversity within a cluster of mating organisms. This highlights the necessity of understanding hierarchical evolutionary relationships, rather than merely developing taxonomies based on phenotypic similarity, in order to develop models that can explain phylogenetic patterns found in the fossil record or to make hypotheses for the incomplete fossil record of deep time

    A study of high density bit transition requirements versus the effects on BCH error correcting codes

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    The use of PN sequence generators to create a minimum number of transitions in an NRZ bit stream is described. The CSG encoder/decoder design was constructed and demonstrated

    Interferometric method for determining the sum of the flexoelectric coefficients (e1+e3) in an ionic nematic material

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    The time-dependent periodic distortion profile in a nematic liquid crystal phase grating has been measured from the displacement of tilt fringes in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. A 0.2 Hz squarewave voltage was applied to alternate stripe electrodes in an interdigitated electrode geometry. The time-dependent distortion profile is asymmetric with respect to the polarity of the applied voltage and decays with time during each half period due to ionic shielding. This asymmetry in the response allows the determination of the sum of the flexoelectric coefficients (e1+e3) using nematic continuum theory since the device geometry does not possess inherent asymmetry

    Closing the Teacher Quality Gap in Philadelphia: New Hope and Old Hurdles

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    This study of teacher staffing issues in the School District of Philadelphia, the third in a series, outlines the degree to which the district has succeeded in upgrading teachers' professional credentials, recruiting and retaining them, and equitably distributing experienced and credentialed teachers across all types of schools. Since the passage of NCLB and the state's takeover of the district in 2001, the district has succeeded in improving the certification rates of its teachers, especially new teachers, and in drastically cutting the number of emergency-certified teachers and classroom vacancies. It has also improved new teacher retention and has modernized and decentralized its hiring process. At the same time, it has not been able to change the pattern of having the least qualified teachers in schools serving the highest percentages of poor and minority students nor its poor long-term rate of teacher retention. The district is also challenged to speed up and simplify its hiring and school placement process and to hire more minority teachers
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