45,843 research outputs found

    A Scalable MCEM Estimator for Spatio-Temporal Autoregressive Models

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    Very large spatio-temporal lattice data are becoming increasingly common across a variety of disciplines. However, estimating interdependence across space and time in large areal datasets remains challenging, as existing approaches are often (i) not scalable, (ii) designed for conditionally Gaussian outcome data, or (iii) are limited to cross-sectional and univariate outcomes. This paper proposes an MCEM estimation strategy for a family of latent-Gaussian multivariate spatio-temporal models that addresses these issues. The proposed estimator is applicable to a wide range of non-Gaussian outcomes, and implementations for binary and count outcomes are discussed explicitly. The methodology is illustrated on simulated data, as well as on weekly data of IS-related events in Syrian districts.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figure

    Full QCD with the L\"uscher local bosonic action

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    We investigate L\"uscher's method of including dynamical Wilson fermions in a lattice simulation of QCD with two quark flavours. We measure the accuracy of the approximation by comparing it with Hybrid Monte Carlo results for gauge plaquette and Wilson loops. We also introduce an additional global Metropolis step in the update. We show that the complexity of L\"uscher's algorithm compares favourably with that of the Hybrid Monte Carlo.Comment: 21 pages Late

    Determinants and Perfect Matchings

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    We give a combinatorial interpretation of the determinant of a matrix as a generating function over Brauer diagrams in two different but related ways. The sign of a permutation associated to its number of inversions in the Leibniz formula for the determinant is replaced by the number of crossings in the Brauer diagram. This interpretation naturally explains why the determinant of an even antisymmetric matrix is the square of a Pfaffian.Comment: 15 pages, terminology improved, exposition tightened, "deranged matchings" example remove

    Counting eigenvalues in domains of the complex field

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    A procedure for counting the number of eigenvalues of a matrix in a region surrounded by a closed curve is presented. It is based on the application of the residual theorem. The quadrature is performed by evaluating the principal argument of the logarithm of a function. A strategy is proposed for selecting a path length that insures that the same branch of the logarithm is followed during the integration. Numerical tests are reported for matrices obtained from conventional matrix test sets.Comment: 21 page

    Data optimizations for constraint automata

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    Constraint automata (CA) constitute a coordination model based on finite automata on infinite words. Originally introduced for modeling of coordinators, an interesting new application of CAs is implementing coordinators (i.e., compiling CAs into executable code). Such an approach guarantees correctness-by-construction and can even yield code that outperforms hand-crafted code. The extent to which these two potential advantages materialize depends on the smartness of CA-compilers and the existence of proofs of their correctness. Every transition in a CA is labeled by a "data constraint" that specifies an atomic data-flow between coordinated processes as a first-order formula. At run-time, compiler-generated code must handle data constraints as efficiently as possible. In this paper, we present, and prove the correctness of two optimization techniques for CA-compilers related to handling of data constraints: a reduction to eliminate redundant variables and a translation from (declarative) data constraints to (imperative) data commands expressed in a small sequential language. Through experiments, we show that these optimization techniques can have a positive impact on performance of generated executable code
