45 research outputs found

    The Algebro-Geometric Solutions for the Ruijsenaars-Toda Hierarchy

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    We provide a detailed treatment of Ruijsenaars-Toda (RT) hierarchy with special emphasis on its the theta function representation of all algebro-geometric solutions. The basic tools involve hyperelliptic curve Kp\mathcal{K}_p associated with the Burchnall-Chaundy polynomial, Dubrovin-type equations for auxiliary divisors and associated trace formulas. With the help of a foundamental meromorphic function ϕ\phi, Baker-Akhiezer vector Ψ\Psi on Kp\mathcal{K}_p, the complex-valued algebro-geometric solutions of RT hierarchy are derived.Comment: 49 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:nlin/0702058, arXiv:nlin/0611055 by other author

    Hamiltonian motions of plane curves and formation of singularities and bubbles

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    A class of Hamiltonian deformations of plane curves is defined and studied. Hamiltonian deformations of conics and cubics are considered as illustrative examples. These deformations are described by systems of hydrodynamical type equations. It is shown that solutions of these systems describe processes of formation of singularities (cusps, nodes), bubbles, and change of genus of a curve.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    Bi-Hamiltonian systems on the dual of the Lie algebra of vector fields of the circle and periodic shallow water equations

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    23 pagesInternational audienceThis paper is a survey article on bi-Hamiltonian systems on the dual of the Lie algebra of vector fields on the circle. We investigate the special case where one of the structures is the canonical Lie-Poisson structure and the second one is constant. These structures called affine or modified Lie-Poisson structures are involved in the integrability of certain Euler equations that arise as models of shallow water waves

    Geometry of jet spaces and integrable systems

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    An overview of some recent results on the geometry of partial differential equations in application to integrable systems is given. Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalism both in the free case (on the space of infinite jets) and with constraints (on a PDE) are discussed. Analogs of tangent and cotangent bundles to a differential equation are introduced and the variational Schouten bracket is defined. General theoretical constructions are illustrated by a series of examples.Comment: 54 pages; v2-v6 : minor correction

    Pseudo-peakons and Cauchy analysis for an integrable fifth-order equation of Camassa-Holm type

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    In this paper we introduce a hierarchy of integrable higher order equations of Camassa-Holm (CH) type, that is, we present infinitely many nonlinear equations depending on inertia operators which generalize the standard momentum operator A2=∂xx−1 appearing in the Camassa-Holm equation mt=−mxu−2mux, m=A2(u). Our higher order CH-type equations are integrable in the sense that they possess an infinite number of local conservation laws, quadratic pseudo-potentials, and zero curvature formulations. We focus mainly on the fifth order CH-type equation and we show that it admits {\em pseudo-peakons}, this is, bounded solutions with differentiable first derivative and continuous and bounded second derivative, but whose higher order derivatives blow up. Furthermore, we investigate the Cauchy problem of our fifth order equation on the real line and prove local well-posedness for initial conditions u0∈Hs(R), s\u3e7/2. In addition, we discuss conditions for global well-posedness in H4(R) as well as conditions causing local solutions to blow up in a finite time. We finish our paper with some comments on the geometric content of our equations of CH-type

    Pseudo-peakons and Cauchy analysis for an integrable fifth-order equation of Camassa-Holm type

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    In this paper we discuss integrable higher order equations {\em of Camassa-Holm (CH) type}. Our higher order CH-type equations are "geometrically integrable", that is, they describe one-parametric families of pseudo-spherical surfaces, in a sense explained in Section 1, and they are integrable in the sense of zero curvature formulation (≃\simeq Lax pair) with infinitely many local conservation laws. The major focus of the present paper is on a specific fifth order CH-type equation admitting {\em pseudo-peakons} solutions, that is, weak bounded solutions with differentiable first derivative and continuous and bounded second derivative, but such that any higher order derivative blows up. Furthermore, we investigate the Cauchy problem of this fifth order CH-type equation on the real line and prove local well-posedness under the initial conditions u0∈Hs(R)u_0 \in H^s(\mathbb{R}), s>7/2s > 7/2. In addition, we study conditions for global well-posedness in H4(R)H^4(\mathbb{R}) as well as conditions causing local solutions to blow up in a finite time. We conclude our paper with some comments on the geometric content of the high order CH-type equations.Comment: 6 figures; 32 page

    The time-fractional mZK equation for gravity solitary waves and solutions using sech-tanh and radial basic function method

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    In recent years, we know that gravity solitary waves have gradually become the research spots and aroused extensive attention; on the other hand, the fractional calculus have been applied to the biology, optics and other fields, and it also has attracted more and more attention. In the paper, by employing multi-scale analysis and perturbation methods, we derive a new modified Zakharov–Kuznetsov (mZK) equation to describe the propagation features of gravity solitary waves. Furthermore, based on semi-inverse and Agrawal methods, the integer-order mZK equation is converted into the time-fractional mZK equation. In the past, fractional calculus was rarely used in ocean and atmosphere studies. Now, the study on nonlinear fluctuations of the gravity solitary waves is a hot area of research by using fractional calculus. It has potential value for deep understanding of the real ocean–atmosphere. Furthermore, by virtue of the sech-tanh method, the analytical solution of the time-fractional mZK equation is obtained. Next, using the above analytical solution, a numerical solution of the time-fractional mZK equation is given by using radial basis function method. Finally, the effect of time-fractional order on the wave propagation is explained. &nbsp