1,016 research outputs found

    When is a non-self-adjoint Hill operator a spectral operator of scalar type?

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    We derive necessary and sufficient conditions for a one-dimensional periodic Schr\"odinger (i.e., Hill) operator H=-d^2/dx^2+V in L^2(R) to be a spectral operator of scalar type. The conditions demonstrate the remarkable fact that the property of a Hill operator being a spectral operator is independent of smoothness (or even analyticity) properties of the potential V.Comment: 5 page

    On Local Borg-Marchenko Uniqueness Results

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    We provide a new short proof of the following fact, first proved by one of us in 1998: If two Weyl-Titchmarsh m-functions, mj(z)m_j(z), of two Schr\"odinger operators H_j = -\f{d^2}{dx^2} + q_j, j=1,2 in L2((0,R))L^2 ((0,R)), 0<R≤∞0<R\leq \infty, are exponentially close, that is, |m_1(z)- m_2(z)| \underset{|z|\to\infty}{=} O(e^{-2\Ima (z^{1/2})a}), 0<a<R, then q1=q2q_1 = q_2 a.e.~on [0,a][0,a]. The result applies to any boundary conditions at x=0 and x=R and should be considered a local version of the celebrated Borg-Marchenko uniqueness result (which is quickly recovered as a corollary to our proof). Moreover, we extend the local uniqueness result to matrix-valued Schr\"odinger operators.Comment: LaTeX, 18 page

    Symmetrized Perturbation Determinants and Applications to Boundary Data Maps and Krein-Type Resolvent Formulas

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    The aim of this paper is twofold: On one hand we discuss an abstract approach to symmetrized Fredholm perturbation determinants and an associated trace formula for a pair of operators of positive-type, extending a classical trace formula. On the other hand, we continue a recent systematic study of boundary data maps, that is, 2 \times 2 matrix-valued Dirichlet-to-Neumann and more generally, Robin-to-Robin maps, associated with one-dimensional Schr\"odinger operators on a compact interval [0,R] with separated boundary conditions at 0 and R. One of the principal new results in this paper reduces an appropriately symmetrized (Fredholm) perturbation determinant to the 2\times 2 determinant of the underlying boundary data map. In addition, as a concrete application of the abstract approach in the first part of this paper, we establish the trace formula for resolvent differences of self-adjoint Schr\"odinger operators corresponding to different (separated) boundary conditions in terms of boundary data maps.Comment: 38 page
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