10 research outputs found

    Master index of Volumes 21–30

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    Equations, inequations and inequalities characterizing the configurations of two real projective conics

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    Couples of proper, non-empty real projective conics can be classified modulo rigid isotopy and ambient isotopy. We characterize the classes by equations, inequations and inequalities in the coefficients of the quadratic forms defining the conics. The results are well--adapted to the study of the relative position of two conics defined by equations depending on parameters.Comment: 31 pages. See also http://emmanuel.jean.briand.free.fr/publications/twoconics/ Added references to important prior work on the subject. The title changed accordingly. Some typos and imprecisions corrected. To be published in Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computin

    Analysis of the Incircle predicate for the Euclidean Voronoi diagram of axes-aligned line segments

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    In this paper we study the most-demanding predicate for computing the Euclidean Voronoi diagram of axes-aligned line segments, namely the Incircle predicate. Our contribution is two-fold: firstly, we describe, in algorithmic terms, how to compute the Incircle predicate for axes-aligned line segments, and secondly we compute its algebraic degree. Our primary aim is to minimize the algebraic degree, while, at the same time, taking into account the amount of operations needed to compute our predicate of interest. In our predicate analysis we show that the Incircle predicate can be answered by evaluating the signs of algebraic expressions of degree at most 6; this is half the algebraic degree we get when we evaluate the Incircle predicate using the current state-of-the-art approach. In the most demanding cases of our predicate evaluation, we reduce the problem of answering the Incircle predicate to the problem of computing the sign of the value of a linear polynomial (in one variable), when evaluated at a known specific root of a quadratic polynomial (again in one variable). Another important aspect of our approach is that, from a geometric point of view, we answer the most difficult case of the predicate via implicitly performing point locations on an appropriately defined subdivision of the place induced by the Voronoi circle implicated in the Incircle predicate.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, work presented in the paper is part of M. Kamarianakis' M.S. thesi

    Algebraic methods and arithmetic filtering for exact predicates on circle arcs

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    Theme 2 - Genie logiciel et calcul symbolique - Projet Prisme et SagaSIGLEAvailable from INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : 14802 E, issue : a.1999 n.3826 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Algebraic methods and arithmetic filtering for exact predicates on circle arcs

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a new method to design exact geometric predicates in algorithms dealing with curved objects such as circular arcs. We focus on the comparison of the abscissae of two intersection points of circle arcs, which is known to be a difficult predicate involved in the computation of arrangements of circle arcs. We present an algorithm for deciding the x-order of intersections from the signs of the coefficients of a polynomial, obtained by a general approach based on resultants. This method allows the use of efficient arithmetic and filtering techniques leading to fast implementation as shown by the experimental results.

    Algebraic methods and arithmetic filtering for exact predicates on circle arcs

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a new method to design exact geometric predicates in algorithms dealing with curved objects such as circular arcs. We focus on the comparison of the abscissae of two intersection points of circle arcs, which is known to be a difficult predicate involved in the computation of arrangements of circle arcs. We present an algorithm for deciding the x-order of intersections from the signs of the coefficients of a polynomial, obtained by a general approach based on resultants. This method allows the use of efficient arithmetic and ltering techniques leading to fast implementation as shown by the experimental results

    Qualitative Symbolic Perturbation: a new geometry-based perturbation framework

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    In a classical Symbolic Perturbation scheme,degeneracies are handled by substituting some polynomials inε\varepsilon to the input of a predicate. Instead of a singleperturbation, we propose to use a sequence of (simpler)perturbations. Moreover, we look at their effects geometricallyinstead of algebraically; this allows us to tackle cases that werenot tractable with the classical algebraic approach.Avec les méthodes de perturbations symboliques classiques,les dégénérescences sont résolues en substituant certains polynômes en ε\varepsilon aux entrées du prédicat.Au lieu d'une seule perturbation compliquée, nous proposons d'utiliser unesuite de perturbation plus simple. Et nous regardons les effets deces perturbations géométriquement plutôt qu'algébriquementce qui permet de traiter des cas inatteignables par les méthodesalgébriques classiques

    Exact polynomial system solving for robust geometric computation

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    I describe an exact method for computing roots of a system of multivariate polynomials with rational coefficients, called the rational univariate reduction. This method enables performance of exact algebraic computation of coordinates of the roots of polynomials. In computational geometry, curves, surfaces and points are described as polynomials and their intersections. Thus, exact computation of the roots of polynomials allows the development and implementation of robust geometric algorithms. I describe applications in robust geometric modeling. In particular, I show a new method, called numerical perturbation scheme, that can be used successfully to detect and handle degenerate configurations appearing in boundary evaluation problems. I develop a derandomized version of the algorithm for computing the rational univariate reduction for a square system of multivariate polynomials and a new algorithm for a non-square system. I show how to perform exact computation over algebraic points obtained by the rational univariate reduction. I give a formal description of numerical perturbation scheme and its implementation

    Geometric algorithms for algebraic curves and surfaces

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    This work presents novel geometric algorithms dealing with algebraic curves and surfaces of arbitrary degree. These algorithms are exact and complete — they return the mathematically true result for all input instances. Efficiency is achieved by cutting back expensive symbolic computation and favoring combinatorial and adaptive numerical methods instead, without spoiling exactness in the overall result. We present an algorithm for computing planar arrangements induced by real algebraic curves. We show its efficiency both in theory by a complexity analysis, as well as in practice by experimental comparison with related methods. For the latter, our solution has been implemented in the context of the Cgal library. The results show that it constitutes the best current exact implementation available for arrangements as well as for the related problem of computing the topology of one algebraic curve. The algorithm is also applied to related problems, such as arrangements of rotated curves, and arrangments embedded on a parameterized surface. In R3, we propose a new method to compute an isotopic triangulation of an algebraic surface. This triangulation is based on a stratification of the surface, which reveals topological and geometric information. Our implementation is the first for this problem that makes consequent use of numerical methods, and still yields the exact topology of the surface.Diese Arbeit stellt neue Algorithmen für algebraische Kurven und Flächen von beliebigem Grad vor. Diese Algorithmen liefern für alle Eingaben das mathematisch korrekte Ergebnis. Wir erreichen Effizienz, indem wir aufwendige symbolische Berechnungen weitesgehend vermeiden, und stattdessen kombinatorische und adaptive numerische Methoden einsetzen, ohne die Exaktheit des Resultats zu zerstören. Der Hauptbeitrag ist ein Algorithmus zur Berechnung von planaren Arrangements, die durch reelle algebraische Kurven induziert sind. Wir weisen die Effizienz des Verfahrens sowohl theoretisch durch eine Komplexitätsanalyse, als auch praktisch durch experimentelle Vergleiche nach. Dazu haben wir unser Verfahren im Rahmen der Softwarebibliothek Cgal implementiert. Die Resultate belegen, dass wir die zur Zeit beste verfügbare exakte Software bereitstellen. Der Algorithmus wird zur Arrangementberechnung rotierter Kurven, oder für Arrangements auf parametrisierten Oberflächen eingesetzt. Im R3 geben wir ein neues Verfahren zur Berechnung einer isotopen Triangulierung einer algebraischen Oberfläche an. Diese Triangulierung basiert auf einer Stratifizierung der Oberfläche, die topologische und geometrische Informationen berechnet. Unsere Implementierung ist die erste für dieses Problem, welche numerische Methoden konsequent einsetzt, und dennoch die exakte Topologie der Oberfläche liefert