15,389 research outputs found

    User Story Software Estimation:a Simplification of Software Estimation Model with Distributed Extreme Programming Estimation Technique

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    Software estimation is an area of software engineering concerned with the identification, classification and measurement of features of software that affect the cost of developing and sustaining computer programs [19]. Measuring the software through software estimation has purpose to know the complexity of the software, estimate the human resources, and get better visibility of execution and process model. There is a lot of software estimation that work sufficiently in certain conditions or step in software engineering for example measuring line of codes, function point, COCOMO, or use case points. This paper proposes another estimation technique called Distributed eXtreme Programming Estimation (DXP Estimation). DXP estimation provides a basic technique for the team that using eXtreme Programming method in onsite or distributed development. According to writer knowledge this is a first estimation technique that applied into agile method in eXtreme Programming

    Complementing Measurements and Real Options Concepts to Support Inter-iteration Decision-Making in Agile Projects

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    Agile software projects are characterized by iterative and incremental development, accommodation of changes and active customer participation. The process is driven by creating business value for the client, assuming that the client (i) is aware of it, and (ii) is capable to estimate the business value, associated with the separate features of the system to be implemented. This paper is focused on the complementary use of measurement techniques and concepts of real-option-analysis to assist clients in assessing and comparing alternative sets of requirements. Our overall objective is to provide systematic support to clients for the decision-making process on what to implement in each iteration. The design of our approach is justified by using empirical data, published earlier by other authors

    Use of an agile bridge in the development of assistive technology

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    Engaging with end users in the development of assistive technologies remains one of the major challenges for researchers and developers in the field of accessibility and HCI. Developing usable software systems for people with complex disabilities is problematic, software developers are wary of using user-centred design, one of the main methods by which usability can be improved, due to concerns about how best to work with adults with complex disabilities, in particular Severe Speech and Physical Impairments (SSPI) and how to involve them in research. This paper reports on how the adoption of an adapted agile approach involving the incorporation of a user advocate on the research team helped in meeting this challenge in one software project and offers suggestions for how this could be used by other development teams

    Challenges of using software size in agile software development: A systematic literature review

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    Academic Papers at IWSM Mensura, IWSM-Mensura 2018; Beijing; China; 19 September 2018 through 20 September 2018Software size is a fundamental measure for software management. Size is used for a variety of purposes, such as benchmarking, normalization, and portfolio measurement, and it is frequently considered as the sole input of estimation. Estimations can be produced for various reasons; e.g., to predict effort, cost and duration of software development projects. There are different types of software size measures. Particularly in projects where agile methodologies are adopted, measurement becomes a significant challenge as it is perceived as a non-value-added task and records of tasks such as requirements identification are not always consistent. The difficulties of applying traditional size measurement techniques in agile contexts, however, do not diminish the need, and new methods and techniques are introduced to improve the manageability of the agile projects. In this paper, we discuss estimation and measurement approaches in relation with ―software size in agile contexts. Based on this review, we present the perceptions of software size and related challenges, such as misinterpretation of size, difficulties in implementation, and acceptability of the measurement processes. We anticipate that providing a baseline for the state of software size measures in agile contexts and presenting related challenges, particularly in terms of its acceptability by practitioners can shed light on the development of new techniques

    Agile or non-agile, that is the question: designing a decision support system for an agile approach in software development projects

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    To know how to choose an approach to manage a software development project is essential to maximize the chances to achieve success. One of the great dilemmas we face nowadays concerns the option for an Agile or a traditional development methodology. There are several characteristics of software projects and the business environments in which they are performed that we must consider while choosing a suitable option. Although Agile development methodologies have been increasingly expanding and consolidating worldwide as effective ways of building software since the early 2000s, they are not a one-size-fits-all approach. When to use Agile and which methodology is most suitable are the great questions we aim to answer in this research. Through a comprehensive revision of the literature and an exploratory study with Agile practitioners, we explored and identified the main factors that favour the use of an Agile approach. We also unveiled the characteristics of software development projects and organisational environments that lead development teams to opt for one of the common Agile frameworks: Scrum, Extreme Programming (XP), Kanban, or Lean Software Development (LSD). Based on the results obtained, we conceived a conceptual model to support decision making and developed a prototype of an information system that implements this conceptual model. Our major goal in this study is to clarify what is important to consider in the choice of an Agile methodology and help the decision-maker selecting an appropriate development approach. The results of this research contribute to the literature related to processes of selection of software development methodologies, as well as to the diffusion of Agile within development teams and organisations with none or low degree of maturity in Agile, but interested in knowing more or adopting this development approach.Escolher uma abordagem adequada para gerenciar um projeto de desenvolvimento de software Ă© essencial para maximizar as chances de se obter sucesso. Um dos grandes dilemas da atualidade diz respeito Ă  opção por uma metodologia de desenvolvimento Agile ou tradicional. Existem diversas caracterĂ­sticas dos projetos de software e dos ambientes organizacionais onde eles sĂŁo executados que devemos considerar ao escolher uma opção apropriada. Embora as metodologias de desenvolvimento Agile venham se expandindo e consolidando mundialmente desde o inĂ­cio dos anos 2000 como soluçÔes eficazes para se construir software, elas nĂŁo se aplicam a todos os cenĂĄrios de desenvolvimento. Quando usar Agile e qual das suas metodologias Ă© a mais adequada sĂŁo as grandes questĂ”es que pretendemos responder nesta investigação. AtravĂ©s de uma abrangente revisĂŁo de literatura e de um estudo exploratĂłrio com profissionais com experiĂȘncia nas metodologias Agile, exploramos e identificamos os principais fatores que favorecem o uso de uma abordagem Agile. TambĂ©m estudamos as caracterĂ­sticas de projetos de desenvolvimento de software e de ambientes organizacionais que levam as equipas de desenvolvimento a optar por uma das suas metodologias mais comuns: Scrum, Extreme Programming (XP), Kanban ou Lean Software Development (LSD). Com base nos resultados obtidos, concebemos um modelo conceitual para apoiar a tomada de decisĂŁo e desenvolvemos um protĂłtipo de um sistema que implementa tal modelo conceitual. Nosso principal objetivo Ă© esclarecer o que Ă© importante considerar na escolha de uma metodologia Agile e ajudar o tomador de decisĂŁo a selecionar uma opção adequada. Os resultados desta investigação enriquecem a literatura voltada para os mĂ©todos de seleção de processos de desenvolvimento de software, e contribuem para a difusĂŁo do Agile entre as equipas de desenvolvimento e as organizaçÔes com nenhum ou baixo grau de maturidade em Agile, mas que estejam interessadas em conhecer mais ou adotar esta abordagem de desenvolvimento

    The Necessity of Estimation in Software Development Projects

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    Master's thesis in Industrial economicsToday most Software Development Companies use Agile Project Management to manage their project, here the decisions are made as the project progresses to keep the agility in the project. This has been a successful transition with a lot of benefits, but many agree that estimation remains a great area of concern. The most important reasons for this are the unknown parts of the project that make it hard to calculate accurate estimates. Many teams are unable to deliver what they have committed to, because their estimates are often way off. This results in large project overruns, which prevent the organizations from reaching the market early enough and can result in bad market performance. In this thesis, the necessity of estimation in Software Development Projects is discussed. Interviews with experienced project managers where held to find out how theory coincides with the Software Development Industry, Also, some of the main goals of these interviews were to find out more about how estimates in Software Development Projects are created within the industry today, and how necessary it is to have accurate estimates or estimates at all, for project managers. This thesis shows that there are a lot of benefits and often necessary to have good estimates. The thesis also shows that it is important to have early specification of parts of the project, where the decisions about the software should be made as early as possible to create the most accurate estimates. But only the parts of the project which are soon going into development must be heavily specified, otherwise agility will be lost. For less specified parts of the project rough estimates should be enough to make the right decisions

    Rapid Software Development Life Cycle in Small Projects

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    Small software projects are becoming more usual nowadays. Whether a small project is conducted privately or professionally, the management of the project and its phases is much easier with proper tools and frameworks. The research target of this thesis is to find out a proper life cycle model for small software projects. This thesis is conducted for Softwarehouse, a professional division of IT services in the University of Turku. The official guide for Scrum framework is adhered in software development but when it comes to formally managing various phases of a software project (planning, design, implementation, testing, reviewing etc.) there is room for improvement. Managing software projects with a proper set of tools and procedures would be beneficial as Softwarehouse works on many projects concurrently. The intended life cycle model has to be formal and heavy enough so that the benefits of agile project management can be received. However too rigid a model can be too arduous and exhausting to use, which could result in the decrease of Softwarehouse’s production volume. Therefore the model has to be light enough to maintain rapid software development and creative atmosphere within the Softwarehouse. This thesis begins by giving outline of existing software development life cycle models and followed by relevant literary exploration. After this the research case is explained in greater detail. These give the foundation and rationale to propose a suitable model. The model is experimented empirically and reviewed by partaking personnel. The results are reviewed and discussed. Finally topics for future research are suggested
