88 research outputs found

    Agent-Based Simulations with Beliefs and SPARQL-Based Ask-Reply Communication

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    Abstract. We present the result of extending an agent-based simulation framework by adding a full-fledged model of beliefs and by supporting ask-reply communication with the help of the W3C RDF query language SPARQL. Beliefs are the core component of any cognitive agent archi-tecture. They are also the basis of ask-reply communication between agents, which allows social learning. Our approach supports the concep-tual distinctions between facts and beliefs, and between sincere answers and lies

    Applying semantic technologies to multi-agent models in the context of business simulations.

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    Agent-based simulations are an effective simulation technique that can flexibly be applied to real-world business problems. By integrating such simulations into business games, they become a widely accepted educational instrument in the context of business training. Not only can they be used to train standard behaviour in training scenarios but they can also be used for open experimentation to discover structure in complex contexts (e.g. complex adaptive systems) and to verify behaviours that have been predicted on the basis of theoretical considerations.Traditional modelling techniques are built on mathematical models consisting of differential or difference equations (e.g. the well-known system dynamics approach). However, individual behaviour is not visible in these equations. This problem is addressed by using software agents to simulate individuals and to model their actions in response to external stimuli.To be effective, business training tools have to provide sufficiently realistic models of real-world aspects. Ideally, system effects on a macroscopic level are caused by behaviour of system components on a more microscopic level. For instance, in modelling market mechanisms market participants can explicitly be modelled as agents with individual behaviour and personal goals. Agents can communicate and act on the basis of what they know and which communication acts they perform. The evolution of the market then depends on the actions of the participants directly and not on abstract mathematical expressions.Generally, agent-based modelling is a challenging task, when modelling knowledge and behaviour. With the rise of the so-called semantic web ontologies have become popular, allowing the representation of knowledge using standardised formal languages which can be made available to agents acting in a simulation. However, the combination of agent-based systems with ontologies has not yet been researched sufficiently, because both concepts (web ontology languages and agent oriented programming languages) have been developed independently and the link has not yet been built adequately.Using ontologies as a knowledge base allows access to powerful standardised inference engines that offer leverage for the decision process of the agent. Agents can then determine their actions in accordance with this knowledge. To model agents using ontologies creates a new perspective for multi-agent simulation scenarios as programming details are reduced and a separation of modelling aspects from coding details is promising as business simulation scenarios can be set up with a reduced development effort.This thesis focuses on how ontologies can be integrated utilising the agent framework Jadex. A basic architecture with layered ontologies and its integration into the belief-desire-intention (BDI) agent model is presented. The abstract level of the approach guarantees applicability to different simulation scenarios which can be modelled by creating appropriate ontologies. Examples are based upon the simulation of market mechanisms within the context of different industries. The approach is implemented in the integrated simulation environment AGADE which incorporates agent-based and semantic technologies. Simulations for different scenarios that model typical market scenarios are presented

    An intelligent system for facility management

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    A software system has been developed that monitors and interprets temporally changing (internal) building environments and generates related knowledge that can assist in facility management (FM) decision making. The use of the multi agent paradigm renders a system that delivers demonstrable rationality and is robust within the dynamic environment that it operates. Agent behaviour directed at working toward goals is rendered intelligent with semantic web technologies. The capture of semantics though formal expression to model the environment, adds a richness that the agents exploit to intelligently determine behaviours to satisfy goals that are flexible and adaptable. The agent goals are to generate knowledge about building space usage as well as environmental conditions by elaborating and combining near real time sensor data and information from conventional building models. Additionally further inferences are facilitated including those about wasted resources such as unnecessary lighting and heating for example. In contrast, current FM tools, lacking automatic synchronisation with the domain and rich semantic modelling, are limited to the simpler querying of manually maintained models.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    An Approach for Intention-Driven, Dialogue-Based Web Search

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    Web search engines facilitate the achievement of Web-mediated tasks, including information retrieval, Web page navigation, and online transactions. These tasks often involve goals that pertain to multiple topics, or domains. Current search engines are not suitable for satisfying complex, multi-domain needs due to their lack of interactivity and knowledge. This thesis presents a novel intention-driven, dialogue-based Web search approach that uncovers and combines users\u27 multi-domain goals to provide helpful virtual assistance. The intention discovery procedure uses a hierarchy of Partially Observable Markov Decision Process-based dialogue managers and a backing knowledge base to systematically explore the dialogue\u27s information space, probabilistically refining the perception of user goals. The search approach has been implemented in IDS, a search engine for online gift shopping. A usability study comparing IDS-based searching with Google-based searching found that the IDS-based approach takes significantly less time and effort, and results in higher user confidence in the retrieved results

    An intelligent system for facility management

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    A software system has been developed that monitors and interprets temporally changing (internal) building environments and generates related knowledge that can assist in facility management (FM) decision making. The use of the multi agent paradigm renders a system that delivers demonstrable rationality and is robust within the dynamic environment that it operates. Agent behaviour directed at working toward goals is rendered intelligent with semantic web technologies. The capture of semantics though formal expression to model the environment, adds a richness that the agents exploit to intelligently determine behaviours to satisfy goals that are flexible and adaptable. The agent goals are to generate knowledge about building space usage as well as environmental conditions by elaborating and combining near real time sensor data and information from conventional building models. Additionally further inferences are facilitated including those about wasted resources such as unnecessary lighting and heating for example. In contrast, current FM tools, lacking automatic synchronisation with the domain and rich semantic modelling, are limited to the simpler querying of manually maintained models

    Design and Architecture of an Ontology-driven Dialogue System for HPV Vaccine Counseling

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    Speech and conversational technologies are increasingly being used by consumers, with the inevitability that one day they will be integrated in health care. Where this technology could be of service is in patient-provider communication, specifically for communicating the risks and benefits of vaccines. Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, in particular, is a vaccine that inoculates individuals from certain HPV viruses responsible for adulthood cancers - cervical, head and neck cancers, etc. My research focuses on the architecture and development of speech-enabled conversational agent that relies on series of consumer-centric health ontologies and the technology that utilizes these ontologies. Ontologies are computable artifacts that encode and structure domain knowledge that can be utilized by machines to provide high level capabilities, such as reasoning and sharing information. I will focus the agent’s impact on the HPV vaccine domain to observe if users would respond favorably towards conversational agents and the possible impact of the agent on their beliefs of the HPV vaccine. The approach of this study involves a multi-tier structure. The first tier is the domain knowledge base, the second is the application interaction design tier, and the third is the feasibility assessment of the participants. The research in this study proposes the following questions: Can ontologies support the system architecture for a spoken conversational agent for HPV vaccine counseling? How would prospective users’ perception towards an agent and towards the HPV vaccine be impacted after using conversational agent for HPV vaccine education? The outcome of this study is a comprehensive assessment of a system architecture of a conversational agent for patient-centric HPV vaccine counseling. Each layer of the agent architecture is regulated through domain and application ontologies, and supported by the various ontology-driven software components that I developed to compose the agent architecture. Also discussed in this work, I present preliminary evidence of high usability of the agent and improvement of the users’ health beliefs toward the HPV vaccine. All in all, I introduce a comprehensive and feasible model for the design and development of an open-sourced, ontology-driven conversational agent for any health consumer domain, and corroborate the viability of a conversational agent as a health intervention tool

    μGIM - Microgrid intelligent management system based on a multi-agent approach and the active participation of end-users

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    [ES] Los sistemas de potencia y energía están cambiando su paradigma tradicional, de sistemas centralizados a sistemas descentralizados. La aparición de redes inteligentes permite la integración de recursos energéticos descentralizados y promueve la gestión inclusiva que involucra a los usuarios finales, impulsada por la gestión del lado de la demanda, la energía transactiva y la respuesta a la demanda. Garantizar la escalabilidad y la estabilidad del servicio proporcionado por la red, en este nuevo paradigma de redes inteligentes, es más difícil porque no hay una única sala de operaciones centralizada donde se tomen todas las decisiones. Para implementar con éxito redes inteligentes, es necesario combinar esfuerzos entre la ingeniería eléctrica y la ingeniería informática. La ingeniería eléctrica debe garantizar el correcto funcionamiento físico de las redes inteligentes y de sus componentes, estableciendo las bases para un adecuado monitoreo, control, gestión, y métodos de operación. La ingeniería informática desempeña un papel importante al proporcionar los modelos y herramientas computacionales adecuados para administrar y operar la red inteligente y sus partes constituyentes, representando adecuadamente a todos los diferentes actores involucrados. Estos modelos deben considerar los objetivos individuales y comunes de los actores que proporcionan las bases para garantizar interacciones competitivas y cooperativas capaces de satisfacer a los actores individuales, así como cumplir con los requisitos comunes con respecto a la sostenibilidad técnica, ambiental y económica del Sistema. La naturaleza distribuida de las redes inteligentes permite, incentiva y beneficia enormemente la participación activa de los usuarios finales, desde actores grandes hasta actores más pequeños, como los consumidores residenciales. Uno de los principales problemas en la planificación y operación de redes eléctricas es la variación de la demanda de energía, que a menudo se duplica más que durante las horas pico en comparación con la demanda fuera de pico. Tradicionalmente, esta variación dio como resultado la construcción de plantas de generación de energía y grandes inversiones en líneas de red y subestaciones. El uso masivo de fuentes de energía renovables implica mayor volatilidad en lo relativo a la generación, lo que hace que sea más difícil equilibrar el consumo y la generación. La participación de los actores de la red inteligente, habilitada por la energía transactiva y la respuesta a la demanda, puede proporcionar flexibilidad en desde el punto de vista de la demanda, facilitando la operación del sistema y haciendo frente a la creciente participación de las energías renovables. En el ámbito de las redes inteligentes, es posible construir y operar redes más pequeñas, llamadas microrredes. Esas son redes geográficamente limitadas con gestión y operación local. Pueden verse como áreas geográficas restringidas para las cuales la red eléctrica generalmente opera físicamente conectada a la red principal, pero también puede operar en modo isla, lo que proporciona independencia de la red principal. Esta investigación de doctorado, realizada bajo el Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad de Salamanca, aborda el estudio y el análisis de la gestión de microrredes, considerando la participación activa de los usuarios finales y la gestión energética de lascarga eléctrica y los recursos energéticos de los usuarios finales. En este trabajo de investigación se ha analizado el uso de conceptos de ingeniería informática, particularmente del campo de la inteligencia artificial, para apoyar la gestión de las microrredes, proponiendo un sistema de gestión inteligente de microrredes (μGIM) basado en un enfoque de múltiples agentes y en la participación activa de usuarios. Esta solución se compone de tres sistemas que combinan hardware y software: el emulador de virtual a realidad (V2R), el enchufe inteligente de conciencia ambiental de Internet de las cosas (EnAPlug), y la computadora de placa única para energía basada en el agente (S4E) para permitir la gestión del lado de la demanda y la energía transactiva. Estos sistemas fueron concebidos, desarrollados y probados para permitir la validación de metodologías de gestión de microrredes, es decir, para la participación de los usuarios finales y para la optimización inteligente de los recursos. Este documento presenta todos los principales modelos y resultados obtenidos durante esta investigación de doctorado, con respecto a análisis de vanguardia, concepción de sistemas, desarrollo de sistemas, resultados de experimentación y descubrimientos principales. Los sistemas se han evaluado en escenarios reales, desde laboratorios hasta sitios piloto. En total, se han publicado veinte artículos científicos, de los cuales nueve se han hecho en revistas especializadas. Esta investigación de doctorado realizó contribuciones a dos proyectos H2020 (DOMINOES y DREAM-GO), dos proyectos ITEA (M2MGrids y SPEAR), tres proyectos portugueses (SIMOCE, NetEffiCity y AVIGAE) y un proyecto con financiación en cascada H2020 (Eco-Rural -IoT)

    Multi-Agent Systems

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    This Special Issue ""Multi-Agent Systems"" gathers original research articles reporting results on the steadily growing area of agent-oriented computing and multi-agent systems technologies. After more than 20 years of academic research on multi-agent systems (MASs), in fact, agent-oriented models and technologies have been promoted as the most suitable candidates for the design and development of distributed and intelligent applications in complex and dynamic environments. With respect to both their quality and range, the papers in this Special Issue already represent a meaningful sample of the most recent advancements in the field of agent-oriented models and technologies. In particular, the 17 contributions cover agent-based modeling and simulation, situated multi-agent systems, socio-technical multi-agent systems, and semantic technologies applied to multi-agent systems. In fact, it is surprising to witness how such a limited portion of MAS research already highlights the most relevant usage of agent-based models and technologies, as well as their most appreciated characteristics. We are thus confident that the readers of Applied Sciences will be able to appreciate the growing role that MASs will play in the design and development of the next generation of complex intelligent systems. This Special Issue has been converted into a yearly series, for which a new call for papers is already available at the Applied Sciences journal’s website: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/applsci/special_issues/Multi-Agent_Systems_2019

    Un Intergiciel de Gestion du Contexte basé Multi-Agent pour les Applications d'Intelligence Ambiante

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    The complexity and magnitude of Ambient Intelligence scenarios imply that attributes such as modeling expressiveness, flexibility of representation and deployment, as well as ease of configuration and development become central features for context management systems.However, existing works in the literature seem to explore these development-oriented attributes at a low degree.Our goal is to create a flexible and well configurable context management middleware, able to respond to different scenarios. To this end, our solution is built on the basis of principles and techniques of the Semantic Web and Multi-Agent Systems.We use the Semantic Web to provide a new context meta-model, allowing for an expressive and extensible modeling of content, meta-properties (e.g. temporal validity, quality parameters) and dependencies (e.g. integrity constraints).In addition, we develop a middleware architecture that relies on Multi-Agent Systems and a service component based design. Each agent of the system encapsulates a functional aspect of the context provisioning processes (acquisition, coordination, distribution, use).We introduce a new way to structure the deployment of agents depending on the multi-dimensionality aspects of the application's context model. Furthermore, we develop declarative policies governing the adaptation behavior of the agents managing the provisioning of context information.Simulations of an intelligent university scenario show that appropriate tooling built around our middleware can provide significant advantages in the engineering of context-aware applications.La complexité et l'ampleur des scénarios de l'Intelligence Ambiante impliquent que des attributs tels que l'expressivité de modelisation, la flexibilité de representation et de deploiement et la facilité de configuration et de developpement deviennent des caracteristiques centrales pour les systèmes de gestion de contexte. Cependant, les ouvrages existants semblent explorer ces attributs orientés-developpement a un faible degré.Notre objectif est de créer un intergiciel de gestion de contexte flexible et bien configurable, capable de répondre aux différents scenarios. A cette fin, notre solution est construite a base de techniques et principes du Web Semantique (WS) et des systèmes multi-agents (SMA).Nous utilisons le WS pour proposer un noveau meta-modèle de contexte, permettant une modelisation expressive et extensible du contenu, des meta-proprietés (e.g. validité temporelle, parametres de qualité) et des dépendances (e.g. les contraintes d'integrité) du contexte.De plus, une architecture a base de SMA et des composants logiciels, ou chaque agent encapsule un aspect fonctionnel du processus de gestion de contexte (acquisition, coordination, diffusion, utilisation) est developpée.Nous introduisons un nouveau moyen de structurer le deploiement d'agents selon les dimensions du modèle de contexte de l'application et nous elaborons des politiques déclaratives gouvernant le comportement d'adaptation du provisionnement contextuel des agents. Des simulations d'un scenario d'université intelligente montrent que un bon outillage construit autour de notre intergiciel peut apporter des avantages significatifs dans la génie des applications sensibles au contexte