26,684 research outputs found

    Evaluating affordances of streams and rivers pertaining to children functioning in natural environment

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    This study evaluates the affordances of natural water bodies pertaining to functioning of children. Ten children, aged 4-12, were observed experiencing three streams and two rivers in tropical environment. A phenomenological approach yielded a dataset of the children’s behavioral responses derived from a behavioral mapping and an open-ended interview. The responses are physical movement and words and phrases of the children suggesting their preferences or dislikes toward the water settings. The data was analyzed in three stages, firstly, positive or negative affordances, secondly, a taxonomy affordance of children’s outdoor environment, and thirdly, level of affordances. The children experienced 78 positive affordances and only five negative ones. From the taxonomy, the water afforded 11 categories of environmental qualities in which the categories graspable/detached objects and water offered the most number of affordances, 16 and 15, respectively. Most of the children’s activities were performatory and exploratory types. The results suggest that children perceived the affordances of streams and rivers through physical, cognitive and social interactions. The children, therefore, perceived the water bodies as playscapes affording varieties of functional meanings

    Affording illusions? Natural Information and the Problem of Misperception

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    There are two related points at which J.J. Gibson’s ecological theory of visual perception remains remarkably underspecified: Firstly, the notion of information for perception is not explicated in much detail beyond the claim that it “specifies” the environment for perception, and, thus being an objective affair, enables an organism to perceive action possibilities or “affordances.” Secondly, misperceptions of affordances and perceptual illusions are not clearly distinguished from each other. Although the first claim seems to suggest that any perceptual illusion amounts to the misperception of affordances, there might be some relevant differences between various ways of getting things wrong. In this essay, Gibson’s notion of “specifying” information shall be reconstructed along the lines of Fred Dretske’s relational theory of information. This refined notion of information for perception will then be used to carve out the distinction between perceptual illusions and the misperception of affordances, with some help from the “Empirical Strategy” (developed by Purves et al.). It will be maintained that there are cases where perceptual illusions actually help an organism to correctly perceive an affordance. In such cases, the prima facie misrendered informational relations involved are kept intact by a set of appropriate transformation rules. Two of Gibson’s intuitions shall thus be preserved: the objectivity of informational relations and the empowerment of the organism as an active perceiver who uses those objective relations to his specific ends

    Rethinking affordance

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    n/a – Critical survey essay retheorising the concept of 'affordance' in digital media context. Lead article in a special issue on the topic, co-edited by the authors for the journal Media Theory

    Supportive work environment for psychological wellbeing : interpretative phenomenological analysis of salutogenic affordances

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    Environments in which we work can be simultaneously demanding and fulfilling. Recently there have been efforts to consider the salutogenic approach with focus on environmental factors that support human health and well-being at work. Salutogenic design of workplaces is considered as a useful and valuable framework for making a positive impact, but there is still need for more research on the topic. This thesis adopted salutogenic affordances perspective to the perceived sensory dimensions (PSDs) and explored how those affordances were manifested in work environment. Salutogenic affordances can be defined as psychologically meaningful dimensions of the material environment that enable salutary processes to take place. The eight PSDs that have been previously identified as the main components of salutogenic environmental experiences were translated into affordances that were used as the backdrop of walk-and-talk interviews with four employees in one workplace in Finland. The aim was to try to understand how the salutogenic potential of the work environment was experienced by the employees of one workplace and what kind of experiential and environmental factors influenced their experience. The interviews were conducted and analysed with interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) approach. The results of the analysis on the eight salutogenic affordances were portrayed in a narrative description. All the eight salutogenic affordances seemed to play a role in supporting the wellbeing of the participants at some level. They experienced the affordances in visually different locations and mostly outdoors. The places where the affordances were experienced, provided contrast to the regular office space. In some cases, the perceived affordances could not be actualized due to social norms or expectations. These findings shed some new light on the quality of salutary experience in a work context. Even if the studied affordances were psychosocial, all of them were also experienced in spatial and physical terms. This is in line with the Supportive environment theory, which argues that people need the support from their surrounding environment also for psychological processes. The results of this study support the previous research findings that it is important to include environmental qualities into salutogenic models of work. Overall, the salutogenic affordance concept as a tool for researching the embodied and experiential qualities of work environments appeared interesting and possibly complementary to other tools such as the perceived sensory dimensions (PSDs)

    The sound of violets: the ethnographic potency of poetry?

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    This paper takes the form of a dialogue between the two authors, and is in two halves, the first half discursive and propositional, and the second half exemplifying the rhetorical, epistemological and metaphysical affordances of poetry in critically scrutinising the rhetoric, epistemology and metaphysics of educational management discourse. Phipps and Saunders explore, through ideas and poems, how poetry can interrupt and/or illuminate dominant values in education and in educational research methods, such as: ‱ alternatives to the military metaphors – targets, strategies and the like – that dominate the soundscape of education; ‱ the kinds and qualities of the cognitive and feeling spaces that might be opened up by the shifting of methodological boundaries; ‱ the considerable work done in ethnography on the use of the poetic: anthropologists have long used poetry as a medium for expressing their sense of empathic connection to their field and their subjects, particularly in considering the creativity and meaning-making that characterise all human societies in different ways; ‱ the particular rhetorical affordances of poetry, as a discipline, as a practice, as an art, as patterned breath; its capacity to shift phonemic, and therewith methodological, authority; its offering of redress to linear and reductive attempts at scripting social life, as always already given and without alternative

    Affordances of Historic Urban Landscapes: an Ecological Understanding of Human Interaction with the Past

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    Heritage has been defined differently in European contexts. Despite differences, a common challenge for historic urban landscape management is the integration of tangible and intangible heritage. Integration demands an active view of perception and human-landscape interaction where intangible values are linked to specific places and meanings are attached to particular cultural practices and socio-spatial organisation. Tangible and intangible values can be examined as part of a system of affordances (potentialities) a place, artefact or cultural practice has to offer. This paper discusses how an ‘affordance analysis’ may serve as a useful tool for the management of historic urban landscapes

    Geoweb 2.0 for Participatory Urban Design: Affordances and Critical Success Factors

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    In this paper, we discuss the affordances of open-source Geoweb 2.0 platforms to support the participatory design of urban projects in real-world practices.We first introduce the two open-source platforms used in our study for testing purposes. Then, based on evidence from five different field studies we identify five affordances of these platforms: conversations on alternative urban projects, citizen consultation, design empowerment, design studio learning and design research. We elaborate on these in detail and identify a key set of success factors for the facilitation of better practices in the future

    Affordance of garden towards restorative process of hospitalized children

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    This study investigates sense of affordance attains by hospitalized children participating in a pediatric-ward garden during their restoration in hospital. Affordances are the functional meanings generated when children play with the garden features, either alone or with peers. According to ecological perceptual psychology, the affordances are interrelated with stimulation and feedback when the children interact with the garden contents. The functional meanings of the garden can be seen in four different levels of affordances: potential, perceived, utilized and shaped affordances. The affordances generate movement through play and positive perceptual judgments such as attachment, affiliation, memory, bonding and affection toward the garden features. Responses from 31 patients, aged 6-12 years, are elicited by semi-structured interview. It is found that 84% (n=26) patients perceived and utilized the affordances of play equipment. However, less number of patients (52%; n=16) perceived the plant as significant element of the garden. This perception suggests the affordances of the play equipment are greater than the plant. Moreover, all patients recognized the affordances of microclimatic factors (rain, sunlight, temperature and wind). Thus through play participation with the garden elements afford the patients to increase their cognitive performances, improve performance tasks (i.e. play) and increased social performances. In healthcare delivery, these improvements are considered restoration. This seems to suggest that garden is an environmental intervention in affording hospitalized children to foster health recovery
