284 research outputs found

    Addressing volume and latency overheads in 1d-parallel sparse matrix-vector multiplication

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    The scalability of sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SpMV) on distributed memory systems depends on multiple factors that involve different communication cost metrics. The irregular sparsity pattern of the coefficient matrix manifests itself as high bandwidth (total and/or maximum volume) and/or high latency (total and/or maximum message count) overhead. In this work, we propose a hypergraph partitioning model which combines two earlier models for one-dimensional partitioning, one addressing total and maximum volume, and the other one addressing total volume and total message count. Our model relies on the recursive bipartitioning paradigm and simultaneously addresses three cost metrics in a single partitioning phase in order to reduce volume and latency overheads. We demonstrate the validity of our model on a large dataset that contains more than 300 matrices. The results indicate that compared to the earlier models, our model significantly improves the scalability of SpMV. © 2017, Springer International Publishing AG

    A novel method for scaling iterative solvers: avoiding latency overhead of parallel sparse-matrix vector multiplies

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.In parallel linear iterative solvers, sparse matrix vector multiplication (SpMxV) incurs irregular point-to-point (P2P) communications, whereas inner product computations incur regular collective communications. These P2P communications cause an additional synchronization point with relatively high message latency costs due to small message sizes. In these solvers, each SpMxV is usually followed by an inner product computation that involves the output vector of SpMxV. Here, we exploit this property to propose a novel parallelization method that avoids the latency costs and synchronization overhead of P2P communications. Our method involves a computational and a communication rearrangement scheme. The computational rearrangement provides an alternative method for forming input vector of SpMxV and allows P2P and collective communications to be performed in a single phase. The communication rearrangement realizes this opportunity by embedding P2P communications into global collective communication operations. The proposed method grants a certain value on the maximum number of messages communicated regardless of the sparsity pattern of the matrix. The downside, however, is the increased message volume and the negligible redundant computation. We favor reducing the message latency costs at the expense of increasing message volume. Yet, we propose two iterative-improvement-based heuristics to alleviate the increase in the volume through one-to-one task-to-processor mapping. Our experiments on two supercomputers, Cray XE6 and IBM BlueGene/Q, up to 2,048 processors show that the proposed parallelization method exhibits superior scalable performance compared to the conventional parallelization method

    Scalable Graph Convolutional Network Training on Distributed-Memory Systems

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    Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) are extensively utilized for deep learning on graphs. The large data sizes of graphs and their vertex features make scalable training algorithms and distributed memory systems necessary. Since the convolution operation on graphs induces irregular memory access patterns, designing a memory- and communication-efficient parallel algorithm for GCN training poses unique challenges. We propose a highly parallel training algorithm that scales to large processor counts. In our solution, the large adjacency and vertex-feature matrices are partitioned among processors. We exploit the vertex-partitioning of the graph to use non-blocking point-to-point communication operations between processors for better scalability. To further minimize the parallelization overheads, we introduce a sparse matrix partitioning scheme based on a hypergraph partitioning model for full-batch training. We also propose a novel stochastic hypergraph model to encode the expected communication volume in mini-batch training. We show the merits of the hypergraph model, previously unexplored for GCN training, over the standard graph partitioning model which does not accurately encode the communication costs. Experiments performed on real-world graph datasets demonstrate that the proposed algorithms achieve considerable speedups over alternative solutions. The optimizations achieved on communication costs become even more pronounced at high scalability with many processors. The performance benefits are preserved in deeper GCNs having more layers as well as on billion-scale graphs.Comment: To appear in PVLDB'2

    Reducing latency cost in 2D sparse matrix partitioning models

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    Sparse matrix partitioning is a common technique used for improving performance of parallel linear iterative solvers. Compared to solvers used for symmetric linear systems, solvers for nonsymmetric systems offer more potential for addressing different multiple communication metrics due to the flexibility of adopting different partitions on the input and output vectors of sparse matrix-vector multiplication operations. In this regard, there exist works based on one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) fine-grain partitioning models that effectively address both bandwidth and latency costs in nonsymmetric solvers. In this work, we propose two new models based on 2D checkerboard and jagged partitioning. These models aim at minimizing total message count while maintaining a balance on communication volume loads of processors; hence, they address both bandwidth and latency costs. We evaluate all partitioning models on two nonsymmetric system solvers implemented using the widely adopted PETSc toolkit and conduct extensive experiments using these solvers on a modern system (a BlueGene/Q machine) successfully scaling them up to 8K processors. Along with the proposed models, we put practical aspects of eight evaluated models (two 1D- and six 2D-based) under thorough analysis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that analyzes practical performance of 2D models on this scale. Among evaluated models, the models that rely on 2D jagged partitioning obtain the most promising results by striking a balance between minimizing bandwidth and latency costs. © 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V

    Scalable graph convolutional network training on distributed-memory systems

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    Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) are extensively utilized for deep learning on graphs. The large data sizes of graphs and their vertex features make scalable training algorithms and distributed memory systems necessary. Since the convolution operation on graphs induces irregular memory access patterns, designing a memory- and communication-efficient parallel algorithm for GCN training poses unique challenges. We propose a highly parallel training algorithm that scales to large processor counts. In our solution, the large adjacency and vertex-feature matrices are partitioned among processors. We exploit the vertex-partitioning of the graph to use non-blocking point-to-point communication operations between processors for better scalability. To further minimize the parallelization overheads, we introduce a sparse matrix partitioning scheme based on a hypergraph partitioning model for full-batch training. We also propose a novel stochastic hypergraph model to encode the expected communication volume in mini-batch training. We show the merits of the hypergraph model, previously unexplored for GCN training, over the standard graph partitioning model which does not accurately encode the communication costs. Experiments performed on real-world graph datasets demonstrate that the proposed algorithms achieve considerable speedups over alternative solutions. The optimizations achieved on communication costs become even more pronounced at high scalability with many processors. The performance benefits are preserved in deeper GCNs having more layers as well as on billion-scale graphs

    Scalable and Reliable Sparse Data Computation on Emergent High Performance Computing Systems

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    Heterogeneous systems with both CPUs and GPUs have become important system architectures in emergent High Performance Computing (HPC) systems. Heterogeneous systems must address both performance-scalability and power-scalability in the presence of failures. Aggressive power reduction pushes hardware to its operating limit and increases the failure rate. Resilience allows programs to progress when subjected to faults and is an integral component of large-scale systems, but incurs significant time and energy overhead. The future exascale systems are expected to have higher power consumption with higher fault rates. Sparse data computation is the fundamental kernel in many scientific applications. It is suitable for the studies of scalability and resilience on heterogeneous systems due to its computational characteristics. To deliver the promised performance within the given power budget, heterogeneous computing mandates a deep understanding of the interplay between scalability and resilience. Managing scalability and resilience is challenging in heterogeneous systems, due to the heterogeneous compute capability, power consumption, and varying failure rates between CPUs and GPUs. Scalability and resilience have been traditionally studied in isolation, and optimizing one typically detrimentally impacts the other. While prior works have been proved successful in optimizing scalability and resilience on CPU-based homogeneous systems, simply extending current approaches to heterogeneous systems results in suboptimal performance-scalability and/or power-scalability. To address the above multiple research challenges, we propose novel resilience and energy-efficiency technologies to optimize scalability and resilience for sparse data computation on heterogeneous systems with CPUs and GPUs. First, we present generalized analytical and experimental methods to analyze and quantify the time and energy costs of various recovery schemes, and develop and prototype performance optimization and power management strategies to improve scalability for sparse linear solvers. Our results quantitatively reveal that each resilience scheme has its own advantages depending on the fault rate, system size, and power budget, and the forward recovery can further benefit from our performance and power optimizations for large-scale computing. Second, we design a novel resilience technique that relaxes the requirement of synchronization and identicalness for processes, and allows them to run in heterogeneous resources with power reduction. Our results show a significant reduction in energy for unmodified programs in various fault situations compared to exact replication techniques. Third, we propose a novel distributed sparse tensor decomposition that utilizes an asynchronous RDMA-based approach with OpenSHMEM to improve scalability on large-scale systems and prove that our method works well in heterogeneous systems. Our results show our irregularity-aware workload partition and balanced-asynchronous algorithms are scalable and outperform the state-of-the-art distributed implementations. We demonstrate that understanding different bottlenecks for various types of tensors plays critical roles in improving scalability

    High-performance and hardware-aware computing: proceedings of the second International Workshop on New Frontiers in High-performance and Hardware-aware Computing (HipHaC\u2711), San Antonio, Texas, USA, February 2011 ; (in conjunction with HPCA-17)

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    High-performance system architectures are increasingly exploiting heterogeneity. The HipHaC workshop aims at combining new aspects of parallel, heterogeneous, and reconfigurable microprocessor technologies with concepts of high-performance computing and, particularly, numerical solution methods. Compute- and memory-intensive applications can only benefit from the full hardware potential if all features on all levels are taken into account in a holistic approach

    Toward Reliable and Efficient Message Passing Software for HPC Systems: Fault Tolerance and Vector Extension

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    As the scale of High-performance Computing (HPC) systems continues to grow, researchers are devoted themselves to achieve the best performance of running long computing jobs on these systems. My research focus on reliability and efficiency study for HPC software. First, as systems become larger, mean-time-to-failure (MTTF) of these HPC systems is negatively impacted and tends to decrease. Handling system failures becomes a prime challenge. My research aims to present a general design and implementation of an efficient runtime-level failure detection and propagation strategy targeting large-scale, dynamic systems that is able to detect both node and process failures. Using multiple overlapping topologies to optimize the detection and propagation, minimizing the incurred overhead sand guaranteeing the scalability of the entire framework. Results from different machines and benchmarks compared to related works shows that my design and implementation outperforms non-HPC solutions significantly, and is competitive with specialized HPC solutions that can manage only MPI applications. Second, I endeavor to implore instruction level parallelization to achieve optimal performance. Novel processors support long vector extensions, which enables researchers to exploit the potential peak performance of target architectures. Intel introduced Advanced Vector Extension (AVX512 and AVX2) instructions for x86 Instruction Set Architecture (ISA). Arm introduced Scalable Vector Extension (SVE) with a new set of A64 instructions. Both enable greater parallelisms. My research utilizes long vector reduction instructions to improve the performance of MPI reduction operations. Also, I use gather and scatter feature to speed up the packing and unpacking operation in MPI. The evaluation of the resulting software stack under different scenarios demonstrates that the approach is not only efficient but also generalizable to many vector architecture and efficient