299 research outputs found

    Adding inverter fault detection to model-based predictive control for flying-capacitor inverters

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    As inverters are often used in critical applications, reliability is an important issue. Especially the power electronic switches and gate drivers, the most essential components of the inverter, are vulnerable parts in real live operation. Therefore this paper focuses on open switch fault detection for multilevel inverters. When a single-switch open circuit fault occurs in one of the power electronic switches, the algorithm can detect the fault and the switch that is causing it. The detection is worked out for both a linear resistive inductive load and an induction motor. The proposed algorithm is an extension of an already available finite-set model based predictive control algorithm. Therefore no extra hardware or measurements are required. The paper also discusses a suggested method for reconfiguration after fault detection. Computer simulation and experimental verifications validate the proposed methods

    Multilevel Converters: An Enabling Technology for High-Power Applications

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    | Multilevel converters are considered today as the state-of-the-art power-conversion systems for high-power and power-quality demanding applications. This paper presents a tutorial on this technology, covering the operating principle and the different power circuit topologies, modulation methods, technical issues and industry applications. Special attention is given to established technology already found in industry with more in-depth and self-contained information, while recent advances and state-of-the-art contributions are addressed with useful references. This paper serves as an introduction to the subject for the not-familiarized reader, as well as an update or reference for academics and practicing engineers working in the field of industrial and power electronics.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2001-3089Ministerio de Eduación y Ciencia d TEC2006-0386

    Investigations of New Fault-Tolerant Methods for Multilevel Inverters

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    The demands of power electronics with high power capability have increased in the last decades. These needs have driven the expansion of existing power electronics topologies and developing new power electronics generations. Multilevel inverters (MLI) are one of the most promising power electronics circuits that have been implemented and commercialized in high-voltage direct current (HVDC), motor drives, and battery energy storage systems (BESS). The expanding uses of the MLI have lead to creation of new topologies for different applications. However, one of the disadvantages of using MLIs is their complexity. MLIs consist of a large number of switching devices, which can result in a reduction of system reliability. There are significant challenges to the design of a reliable system that has the MLI’s capability with integrated fault-tolerance. In other words, design a system that can handle the fault, totally or partially, while maintaining high power capabilities and efficiency. This aim of this dissertation is to investigate the fault-tolerance of MLIs from two different points of view: 1- Develop new solutions for existing MLI topologies. In other words, add some features to existing MLIs to improve their reliability when a fault occurs. 2- Design new MLIs that have a fault-tolerant capability. A new open-circuit fault detection is proposed in this dissertation. The new fault detection method is based on monitoring the output voltage of each cell and leg voltage polarity along with each switch state. By monitoring each cell output voltage and leg voltage, the faulty cell can be detected and isolated. A novel circuit to maintain system operation under the condition of one (or more) components suffering from a faulted condition is also proposed in this dissertation. This results in a topology that continues to operate at full capability. Additionally, a new topology is proposed that offers reducing the number of batteries by 50%. Also, it has the ability to operate under non-unity power factor, which enables it to be suitable for battery energy storage systems, and static compensator (STATCOM) applications. Another novel hybrid cascaded H-bridge (CHB), known as the X-CHB, for a fault-tolerant operation is proposed in this dissertation. It ensures seamless operation of the system under an open/short circuit switching fault or dc supply fault

    Power Converter of Electric Machines, Renewable Energy Systems, and Transportation

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    Power converters and electric machines represent essential components in all fields of electrical engineering. In fact, we are heading towards a future where energy will be more and more electrical: electrical vehicles, electrical motors, renewables, storage systems are now widespread. The ongoing energy transition poses new challenges for interfacing and integrating different power systems. The constraints of space, weight, reliability, performance, and autonomy for the electric system have increased the attention of scientific research in order to find more and more appropriate technological solutions. In this context, power converters and electric machines assume a key role in enabling higher performance of electrical power conversion. Consequently, the design and control of power converters and electric machines shall be developed accordingly to the requirements of the specific application, thus leading to more specialized solutions, with the aim of enhancing the reliability, fault tolerance, and flexibility of the next generation power systems

    A Fault-Tolerant Control Strategy for Three-level Neutral-Point Clamped (NPC) Inverter

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    When the open-circuit fault occurs on neutral-point clamped (NPC) inverters, it can cause the distortion of output currents, excessively large fluctuation of output voltages, and unbalanced neutral-point potential. Currently, several existing fault diagnosis methods are able to identify the fault types, but they are unable to identify the switching devices where the open-circuit faults occur. Furthermore, even if the open-circuit faults can be identified, the implications caused by open-circuit faults need to be further addressed. This thesis is focused on diagnosing the open-circuit faults and mitigating the problems caused by these faults. An effective fault diagnosis method is proposed in his study to identify the switching devices where the open-circuit faults occur. The characteristics of different distorted currents are firstly analyzed. By normalizing the sampling currents, calculating the average currents and comparing them with thresholds, different faulty switching devices can all be identified. To address the issues caused by these faults, a fault-tolerant control strategy is proposed. By replacing the impossible space vectors caused by these faults with other vectors which can generate the same output voltages, the problems of distortion of output currents and excessively large fluctuation of output voltages can be solved. But the excessively large difference of neutral-point potential still exists. To address the above issue, a model predictive control strategy is proposed to solve the problem of excessively large difference of neutral-point potential. A cost function is built to track the reference vector and suppress the difference of neutral-point potential. The Lagrange function is used to solve the action times of different space vectors. Furthermore, it is shown that when the neutral-point potential is initially unbalanced, the developed strategy is still able to make the potential balanced and greatly reduce its fluctuation

    Improved control for multilevel inverters in grid applications

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    Control systems for three-phase grid connected voltage source inverters (VSI) play an important role in energy transformation systems . They are expected to be stable, robust and accurate during steady state as well as different grid faults and disturbances like voltage sags or unbalanced conditions. Caused by increasingly rising grid standards and efficiency requirements the use of multilevel inverter systems in grid connected low voltage applications are getting more and more attention. Nevertheless, the use of these inverter types leads to increased complexity of the control system and the hardware components. This thesis presents an improved control scheme for multilevel inverters in grid applications. The system combines a robust and high-dynamic direct current control scheme called scalar hysteresisEn molts casos i, cada cop més, els sistemes de transformació energètica estan basats en convertidors en font de tensió connectats a la xarxa elèctrica trifàsica. Aquests convertidors necessiten de sistemes de control per controlar els fluxos energètics. Els sistemes de control han de ser estables, però també robustos i precisos durant el seu funcionament normal, però també en condicions on la xarxa pot presentar defectes, com curtcircuits, sots de tensió o desequilibris en la tensió. Degut a l'increment dels requeriments tècnics de connexió i d'eficiència energètica, els convertidors multinivell estan guanyant molt d'interès en aquest tipus d'aplicacions connectades a la xarxa tot i que el seu control i els seus components siguin més complexes. Aquesta tesi presenta un mètode de control per convertidors multinivell connectats a la xarxa elèctrica. El mètode combina la robustesa davant de canvis en el sistema així com una alta capacitat dinàmica per controlar el corrent injectat a la xarxa. El mètode presentat esta basat en l'anomenat Scalar Hysteresis Control (SHC) i incorpora un sistema feedforward que li permet seleccionar acuradament el punt de treball i seleccionar al millor estat de commutació en cada moment. La combinació del SHC amb el feedforward garanteix un comportament robust amb una alta dinàmica en totes les condicions de funcionament. El concepte bàsic del mètode feedforward proposat no usa sensors i està basat en detectar la tensió de l'inversor que inclou les components harmòniques. El mètode està basat en l'ús d'integradors generalitzats de segon ordre (second order generatlized integrators, SOGI) per tal de detectar les components harmòniques de la tensió de sortida de l'inversor. El sistema pot operar sense sensor de tensió, fins i tot en situacions de defecte de la tensió. Fins i tot, la informació extreta del SOGI es pot usar per altres llaços de control d'ordre superior com el control de la potencia usant les components simètriques. Per a determinar els millors estats de commutació de l'inversor amb el menor esforç s'usa en el mètode proposat en aquesta tesi un canvi de coordenades que usa valor enters. Aixo permet l'ús de relacions matemàtiques senzilles que es poden implementar fàcilment i que requereixen una menor potencia de càlcul. A més, el mètode és fàcilment generalitzable . En la tesi es presenten simulacions i resultats experimentals en convertidors multinivell de tres i cinc nivells per tal d'investigar i demostrar les funcionalitats del sistema de control proposat. Tant les simulacions com els resultats experimentals es realitzen en totes les condicions possibles de la xarxa elèctrica, estat estacionari, sots i distorsions harmòniquesPostprint (published version

    Addressing control and capacitor voltage regulation challenges in multilevel power electronic converters

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    Multilevel power electronic converters are the current industry solutions for applications that demand medium voltage, reasonable efficiency, and high power quality. The proper operation of these types of power converters requires special control, modulation methods, and capacitor voltage regulation techniques. Both developing capacitor voltage regulation methods and addressing their associated issues with such fall within the primary focus of this dissertation. In this dissertation an investigation was conducted on the capacitor voltage regulation constraints in cascaded H-bridge multilevel converters with a staircase output voltage waveform. In the proposed method, the harmonic elimination technique is used to determine the switching angles. A constraint was then derived to identify modulation those indices that lead to voltage regulation of the capacitor. This constraint can be used in optimization problems for harmonic minimization to guarantee capacitor voltage regulation in these types of converters. Furthermore, a capacitor voltage regulation method was developed using redundant state selection for a flying capacitor active rectifier. This method reduces the number of switching instances by using both online and offline state selection procedure. Additionally, a start-up procedure is proposed that pre-charges the all of capacitors in the rectifier to both avoid overstressing the switches and obtain a smoother start-up. Finally, a flexible capacitor voltage regulation method is proposed that provides the ability to control the voltage of the capacitors in both cascaded H-bridge and hybrid multilevel converters. In this method, the capacitor voltage in each individual H-bridge cell is independently regulated by controlling the active power of each cell

    New Topologies and Advanced Control of Power Electronic Converters for Renewable Energy based Microgrids

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    Solar energy-based microgrids are increasingly promising due to their many features, such as being environmentally friendly and having low operating costs. Power electronic converters, filters, and transformers are the key components to integrate the solar photovoltaic (PV) systems with the microgrids. The power electronic converters play an important role to reduce the size of the filter circuit and eliminate the use of the bulky and heavy traditional power frequency step-up transformer. These power converters also play a vital role to integrate the energy storage systems such as batteries and the superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) unit in a solar PV power-based microgrid. However, the performance of these power converters depends upon the switching technique and the power converter configuration. The switching techniques can improve the power quality, i.e. lower total harmonic distortion at the converter output waveform, reduce the converter power loss, and can effectively utilize the dc bus voltage, which helps to improve the power conversion efficiency of the power electronic converter. The power converter configuration can reduce the size of the power converter and make the power conversion system more efficient. In addition to the advanced switching technique, a supervisory control can also be integrated with these power converters to ensure the optimal power flow within the microgrid. First, this thesis reviews different existing power converter topologies with their switching techniques and control strategies for the grid integration of solar PV systems. To eliminate the use of the bulky and heavy line frequency step-up transformer to integrate solar PV systems to medium voltage grids, the high frequency magnetic linkbased medium voltage power converter topologies are discussed and compared based on their performance parameters. Moreover, switching and conduction losses are calculated to compare the performance of the switching techniques for the magnetic-linked power converter topologies. In this thesis, a new pulse width modulation technique has been proposed to integrate the SMES system with the solar PV system-based microgrid. The pulse width modulation technique is designed to provide reactive power into the network in an effective way. The modulation technique ensures lower total harmonic distortion (THD), lower switching loss, and better utilization of dc-bus voltage. The simulation and experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed pulse width modulation technique. In this thesis, an improved version of the previously proposed switching technique has been designed for a transformer-less PV inverter. The improved switching technique can ensure effective active power flow into the network. A new switching scheme has been proposed for reactive power control to avoid unnecessary switching faced by the traditional switching technique in a transformer-less PV inverter. The proposed switching technique is based on the peak point value of the grid current and ensures lower switching loss compared to other switching techniques. In this thesis, a new magnetic-linked multilevel inverter has been designed to overcome the issues faced by the two-level inverters and traditional multilevel inverters. The proposed multilevel inverter utilizes the same number of electronic switches but fewer capacitors compared to the traditional multilevel inverters. The proposed multilevel inverter solves the capacitor voltage balancing and utilizes 25% more of the dc bus voltage compared to the traditional multilevel inverter, which reduces the power rating of the dc power source components and also extends the input voltage operating range of the inverter. An improved version magnetic-linked multilevel inverter is proposed in this thesis with a model predictive control technique. This multilevel inverter reduces both the number of switches and capacitors compared to the traditional multilevel inverter. This multilevel inverter also solves the capacitor voltage balancing issue and utilizes 50% more of the dc bus voltage compared to the traditional multilevel inverter. Finally, an energy management system has been designed for the developed power converter and control to achieve energy resiliency and minimum operating cost of the microgrid. The model predictive control-based energy management system utilizes the predicted load data, PV insolation data from web service, electricity price data, and battery state of charge data to select the battery charging and discharging pattern over the day. This model predictive control-based supervisory control with the advanced power electronic converter and control makes the PV energy-based microgrid more efficient and reliable

    A Generalized Predictive Controlled T-type power inverter with a deterministic dc-link capacitor voltage balancing approach

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    The thesis consists of implementing a Generalized Predictive Control (GPC) strategy for controlling the output voltage of the T-type converter with output LC filter, whose control signals are modulated by a fast three-dimensional Space Vector Modulation (SVM). The GPC strategy used for the T-type converter involves developing a system of dynamic equations from the output LC filter and load, which is transformed to a Controlled Auto-Regressive and Moving-Average (CARIMA) model in order to obtain a sequence of control signals, so that a cost function is optimized and the reference is tracked. The core of the thesis addresses the main problem of dc-link capacitor balancing. This is done by modeling the converter and deploying a mathematical analysis of the capacitor voltage difference dynamics, by singular perturbation approach. This analysis results in an explicit sinusoidal disturbance. Now, classical control theory is applied by using a Luenberger Observer (LO) in order to estimate the disturbance and encounter it, thereby keeping the dc-link capacitor voltage balanced in the due flow of the modulation and output voltage control. By this method, the output voltage across the filter capacitor is controlled, the dc-link capacitor voltage is balanced and the lowfrequency voltage ripples present in the dc-link of the T-type converter are reduced to an acceptable level.Máster en Electrónica, Tratamiento de Señal y Comunicacione

    Non-PLL Direct Power Control for a Single-Phase Grid-Connected Three-Level Inverter

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    The growing demand for clean, reliable renewable energy generation has led to the widespread adoption of solar energy as a source of electricity. Technological advancement aiding to reduce the cost of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, as well as improvement in power electronics and control strategies for solar PV systems have also contributed to the growing popularity. For grid-connected solar systems to adequately meet future demand and grid requirements, the system must be reliable, and not affected by instability or distortions on the power grid. In this thesis, a control strategy for single-phase grid-connected inverters that can synchronize to the grid without a phase lock loop (PLL) is proposed. The PLL is an important device that is relied on for the synchronization of solar PV systems to the electrical grid. However, the PLL has an inherently complex design and its performance is often negatively affected if the grid voltage has poor quality. In addition, eliminating the use of PLL for synchronization can avoid the issue of slow dynamic response, higher harmonics, and increased computation complexity. The real and reactive power of the single-phase, three-level neutral point clamped (NPC) inverter is controlled by using a direct power control (DPC) strategy. A novel method of computing the power components of the single-phase inverter is proposed and this technique further improves the precision of the power components calculated by compensating the frequency and phase deviation compensation. Finally, simulations are carried out by using MATLAB/Simulink to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology