46 research outputs found

    Tools for Search Tree Visualization: The APT Tool

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    The control part of the execution of a constraint logic program can be conceptually shown as a search-tree, where nodes correspond to calis, and whose branches represent conjunctions and disjunctions. This tree represents the search space traversed by the program, and has also a direct relationship with the amount of work performed by the program. The nodes of the tree can be used to display information regarding the state and origin of instantiation of the variables involved in each cali. This depiction can also be used for the enumeration process. These are the features implemented in APT, a tool which runs constraint logic programs while depicting a (modified) search-tree, keeping at the same time information about the state of the variables at every moment in the execution. This information can be used to replay the execution at will, both forwards and backwards in time. These views can be abstracted when the size of the execution requires it. The search-tree view is used as a framework onto which constraint-level visualizations (such as those presented in the following chapter) can be attached

    Some paradigms for visualizing parallel execution of logic programs

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    This paper addresses the design of visual paradigms for observing the parallel execution of logic programs. First, an intuitive method is proposed for arriving at the design of a paradigm and its implementation as a tool for a given model of parallelism. This method is based on stepwise reñnement starting from the deñnition of basic notions such as events and observables and some precedence relationships among events which hold for the given model of parallelism. The method is then applied to several types of parallel execution models for logic programs (Orparallelism, Determinate Dependent And parallelism, Restricted and-parallelism) for which visualization paradigms are designed. Finally, VisAndOr, a tool which implements all of these paradigms is presented, together with a discussion of its usefulness through examples

    Tools for constraint visualization: The VIFID/TRIFID tool

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    Visualization of program executions has been used in applications which include education and debugging. However, traditional visualization techniques often fall short of expectations or are altogether inadequate for new programming paradigms, such as Constraint Logic Programming (CLP), whose declarative and operational semantics differ in some crucial ways from those of other paradigms. In particular, traditional ideas regarding the behavior of data often cannot be lifted in a straightforward way to (C)LP from other families of programming languages. In this chapter we discuss techniques for visualizing data evolution in CLP. We briefly review some previously proposed visualization paradigms, and also propose a number of (to our knowledge) novel ones. The graphical representations have been chosen based on the perceived needs of a programmer trying to analyze the behavior and characteristics of an execution. In particular, we concéntrate on the representation of the run-time valúes of the variables, and the constraints among them. Given our interest in visualizing large executions, we also pay attention to abstraction techniques, i.e., techniques which are intended to help in reducing the complexity of the visual information

    Providing User Security Guarantees in Public Infrastructure Clouds

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    The infrastructure cloud (IaaS) service model offers improved resource flexibility and availability, where tenants - insulated from the minutiae of hardware maintenance - rent computing resources to deploy and operate complex systems. Large-scale services running on IaaS platforms demonstrate the viability of this model; nevertheless, many organizations operating on sensitive data avoid migrating operations to IaaS platforms due to security concerns. In this paper, we describe a framework for data and operation security in IaaS, consisting of protocols for a trusted launch of virtual machines and domain-based storage protection. We continue with an extensive theoretical analysis with proofs about protocol resistance against attacks in the defined threat model. The protocols allow trust to be established by remotely attesting host platform configuration prior to launching guest virtual machines and ensure confidentiality of data in remote storage, with encryption keys maintained outside of the IaaS domain. Presented experimental results demonstrate the validity and efficiency of the proposed protocols. The framework prototype was implemented on a test bed operating a public electronic health record system, showing that the proposed protocols can be integrated into existing cloud environments

    A program visualisation meta language

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    The principle motivation of this work is to define an open PV architecture that will enable a variety of visualisation schemes to interoperate and that will encourage the generation of PV systems and research into their efficacy. Ultimately this may lead to more effective pedagogy in the field of computer programming and hence remove a barrier to students entering the profession.Doctorate of Philosoph

    Improving trust in cloud, enterprise, and mobile computing platforms

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    Trust plays a fundamental role in the adoption of technology by society. Potential consumers tend to avoid a particular technology whenever they feel suspicious about its ability to cope with their security demands. Such a loss of trust could occur in important computing platforms, namely cloud, enterprise, and mobile platforms. In this thesis, we aim to improve trust in these platforms by (i) enhancing their security mechanisms, and (ii) giving their users guarantees that these mechanisms are in place. To realize both these goals, we propose several novel systems. For cloud platforms, we present Excalibur, a system that enables building trusted cloud services. Such services give cloud customers the ability to process data privately in the cloud, and to attest that the respective data protection mechanisms are deployed. Attestation is made possible by the use of trusted computing hardware placed on the cloud nodes. For enterprise platforms, we propose an OS security model—the broker security model—aimed at providing information security against a negligent or malicious system administrator while letting him retain most of the flexibility to manage the OS. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this model by building BrokULOS, a proof-of-concept instantiation of this model for Linux. For mobile platforms, we present the Trusted Language Runtime (TLR), a software system for hosting mobile apps with stringent security needs (e.g., e-wallet). The TLR leverages ARM TrustZone technology to protect mobile apps from OS security breaches.Für die gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz von Technologie spielt Vertrauen eine entscheidende Rolle. Wichtige Rechnerplattformen erfüllen diesbezüglich die Anforderungen ihrer Nutzer jedoch nicht zufriedenstellend. Dies trifft insbesondere auf Cloud-, Unternehmens- und Mobilplattformen zu. In dieser Arbeit setzen wir uns zum Ziel, das Vertrauen in diese Plattformen zu stärken, indem wir (1) ihre Sicherheitsmechanismen verbessern sowie (2) garantieren, dass diese Sicherheitsmechanismen aktiv sind. Zu diesem Zweck schlagen wir mehrere neuartige Systeme vor. Für Cloud-Plattformen präsentieren wir Excalibur, welches das Erstellen von vertrauenswürdigen Cloud-Diensten ermöglicht. Diese Cloud-Dienste erlauben es den Benutzern, ihre Daten in der Cloud vertraulich zu verarbeiten und sich darüber hinaus den Einsatz entsprechender Schutzvorkehrungen bescheinigen zu lassen. Eine solche Attestierung geschieht mit Hilfe von Trusted Computing Hardware auf den Cloud-Servern. Für Unternehmensplattformen stellen wir ein Sicherheitsmodell auf Betriebssystemebene vor—das Broker Security Model. Es zielt darauf ab, Informationssicherheit trotz fahrlässigem oder böswilligem Systemadministrator zu gewährleisten, ohne diesen bei seinen Administrationsaufgaben stark einzuschränken. Wir demonstrieren die Leistungsfähigkeit dieses Modells mit BrokULOS, einer Prototypimplementierung für Linux. Für Mobilplattformen stellen wir die Trusted Language Runtime (TLR) vor, ein Softwaresystem zum Hosting von mobilen Anwendungen mit strikten Sicherheitsanforderungen (z.B. elektronische Bezahlfunktionen). TLR nutzt die ARM TrustZone-Technologie um mobile Anwendungen vor Sicherheitslücken im Betriebssystem selbst zu schützen

    Recognising the design decisions in Prolog programs as a prelude to critiquing

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    This thesis presents an approach by which an automated teaching system can analyse the design of novices' Prolog programs for tutorial critiquing. Existing methodologies for tutorial analysis of programs focus on the kind of small pro¬ gramming examples that are used only in the early stages of teaching. If an automated teaching system is to be widely useful, it must cover a substantial amount of the teaching syllabus, and a critiquing system must be able to analyse and critique programs written during the later stages of the syllabus.The work is motivated by a study of students' Prolog programs which were written as assessed exercises towards the end of their course. These programs all work (in some sense), yet they reveal a wide range of design (laws (bodges) for which some form of tutoring would be useful. They present problems for any automated analysis in terms of the size of the programs, the number of individual decisions that must be made to create each program and the range of correct and incorrect decisions that may be made in each case.This study identifies two areas in the analysis of students' program in which further work is needed. Existing work has focussed only on the design and implementation decisions that relate closely to the programming language. That is not sufficient for these slightly more advanced programs, for which decisions in the problem domain must also be recognised. Existing work has focussed on the different ways to implement code, but in these programs the students also make decisions about which data structures are to be used. These decisions must also be part of an analysis.The thesis provides an approach which represents both decisions in the domain of the problem being solved and decisions about how to implement them in Prolog. Decisions in the problem domain are represented by tasks (for code) and by domain objects (for data structures). Decisions that are specific to the Prolog implementation are represented by prototypes which encapsulate standard programming techniques (for code) and by a polymorphic data type language (for data structures). Issues in devising these representations are discussed.An analysis-by synthesis approach is used for code recognition. This is aug¬ mented by a procedure called "clausal split" which isolates novel or poorly de¬ signed parts of an implementation. Following an incomplete analysis of the program by synthesis, the results of this analysis provide the basis for making inferences about the parts of the program that have not been understood. For analysing data structures, a type inference mechanism is combined with inference about the parts of domain objects. Inferred data type information is also used to limit search, both for synthesis and analysis.An architecture using this approach has been implemented. The success of the architecture is assessed on student's programs. From this assessment it is clear that much further work remains to be done, but the results are hopeful

    A Graphical Environment Supporting the Algebraic Specification of Abstract Data Types

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    Abstract Data Types (ADTs) are a powerful conceptual and practical device for building high-quality software because of the way they can describe objects whilst hiding the details of how they are represented within a computer. In order to implement ADTs correctly, it is first necessary to precisely describe their properties and behaviour, typically within a mathematical framework such as algebraic specification. These techniques are no longer merely research topics but are now tools used by software practitioners. Unfortunately, the high level of mathematical sophistication required to exploit these methods has made them unattractive to a large portion of their intended audience. This thesis investigates the use of computer graphics as a way of making the formal specification of ADTs more palatable. Computer graphics technology has recently been explored as a way of making computer programs more understandable by revealing aspects of their structure and run-time behaviour that are usually hidden in textual representations. These graphical techniques can also be used to create and edit programs. Although such visualisation techniques have been incorporated into tools supporting several phases of software development, a survey presented in this thesis of existing systems reveals that their application to supporting the formal specification of ADTs has so far been ignored. This thesis describes the development of a prototype tool (called VISAGE) for visualising and visually programming formally-specified ADTs. VISAGE uses a synchronised combination of textual and graphical views to illustrate the various facets of an ADT's structure and behaviour. The graphical views use both static and dynamic representations developed specifically for this domain. VISAGE's visual programming facility has powerful mechanisms for creating and manipulating entire structures (as well as their components) that make it at least comparable with textual methods. In recognition of the importance of examples as a way of illustrating abstract concepts, VISAGE provides a dedicated tool (called the PLAYPEN) that allows the creation of example data by the user. These data can then be transformed by the operations belonging to the ADT with the result shown by means of a dynamic, graphical display. An evaluation of VISAGE was conducted in order to detect any improvement in subjects' performance, confidence and understanding of ADT specifications. The subjects were asked to perform a set of simple specification tasks with some using VISAGE and the others using manual techniques to act as a control. An analysis of the results shows a distinct positive reaction from the VISAGE group that was completely absent in the control group thereby supporting the thesis that the algebraic specification of ADTs can be made more accessible and palatable though the use of computer graphic techniques

    Knowledge restructing and the development of expertise in computer programming

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    This thesis reports a number of empirical studies exploring the development of expertise in computer programming. Experiments 1 and 2 are concerned with the way in which the possession of design experience can influence the perception and use of cues to various program structures. Experiment 3 examines how violations to standard conventions for constructing programs can affect the comprehension of expert, intermediate and novice subjects. Experiment 4 looks at the differences in strategy that are exhibited by subjects of varying skill level when constructing programs in different languages. Experiment 5 takes these ideas further to examine the temporal distribution of different forms of strategy during a program generation task. Experiment 6 provides evidence for salient cognitive structures derived from reaction time and error data in the context of a recognition task. Experiments 7 and 8 are concerned with the role of working memory in program generation and suggest that one aspect of expertise in the programming domain involves the acquisition of strategies for utilising display-based information. The final chapter attempts to bring these experimental findings together in terms of a model of knowledge organisation that stresses the importance of knowledge restructuring processes in the development of expertise. This is contrasted with existing models which have tended to place emphasis upon schemata acquisition and generalisation as the fundamental modes of learning associated with skill development. The work reported here suggests that a fine-grained restructuring of individual schemata takes places during the later stages of skill development. It is argued that those mechanisms currently thought to be associated with the development of expertise may not fully account for the strategic changes and the types of error typically found in the transition between novice, intermediate and expert problem solvers. This work has a number of implications for existing theories of skill acquisition. In particular, it questions the ability of such theories to account for subtle changes in the various manifestations of skilled performance that are associated with increasing expertise. Secondly, the work reported in this thesis attempts to show how specific forms of training might give rise to the knowledge restructuring process that is proposed. Finally, the thesis stresses the important role of display-based problem solving in complex tasks such as programming and highlights the role of programming language notation as a mediating factor in the development and acquisition of problem solving strategies