191 research outputs found

    Speckle noise reduction in PolSAR images with binary partition tree

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    In some remote sensing applications such as PolSAR (Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar), the use of Binary Partition Trees (BPTs) for Speckle Noise filtering schemes is currently gaining interest. In this thesis, a new approach using this representation is investigated: branch filtering. This approach consists in searching for each leaf its ancestors and selecting the one that best represents it, that is, the one that yields the lower error. A potentiality assessment is done to evaluate the margin of improvement that new techniques based on this approach may provide and describe the basic specifications of the algorithms based on it. After that, different new techniques are developed, analysed and compared against the State-of-the-Art. We point out the main strengths and weaknesses of each technique. Our main goal is to understand the behaviour of the filtered data along the BPT branch and interpret how this information can be used in the future for speckle noise reduction in PolSAR images. Finally some conclusions are drawn and some possible future lines of work are exposed and commented.En algunas aplicaciones de teledetección como Polarimetric SAR, el uso de Árboles de Decisión Binarios está ganando interés. En esta tésis se incorpora un nuevo método que usa esta representación: filtraje por ramas. Este método consiste en buscar para cada hoja sus antepasados y seleccionar el mejor nodo como el que de el menor error. Se lleva a cabo un análisis de potencialidad para evaluar el margen de mejora que nuevas técnicas basadas en este método podrían proporcionar y se describen los principios basicos de los algoritmos que se basan en él. Tras esto, se desenvolupan distintas técnicas y se comparan con las del estado del arte. De cada técnica, destacamos sus principales fortalezas y debilidades. Nuestro objetivo principal es entender el comportamiento de los datos filtrados a lo largo de la rama del BPT e interpretar como podemos usar esta información en un futuro para la reducción de ruido especular (speckle) en imágenes PolSAR. Por último, se exponen algunas conclusiones y se presentan y comentan algunas posibles líneas de trabajo futuras.En algunes aplicacions de teledetecció com Polarimetric SAR, l'ús d'Arbres de Particio Binària està guanyant interès. En aquesta tesi, s'investiga un nou mètode que utilitza aquesta representació: filtratge per branques. Aquest mètode consisteix en buscar per cada fulla els seus avantpassats i seleccionar el millor node, és a dir, el que doni un error menor. Es duu a terme un analisi de potencialitat per evaluar el marge de millora que noves tècniques basades en aquest mètode podrien aportar i es descriuen els principis bàsics dels algorismes que s'hi basen. Després, es desenvolupen diverses tècniques i es comparen amb les de l'estat de l'art. Destaquem les principals fortalesses i feblesses de cada tècnica. El nostre principal objectiu és entendre el comportament de les dades filtrades al llarg de la branca del BPT i interpretar com podem utilitzar aquesta informació en un futur per la reducció del soroll especular (speckle) en imatges PolSAR. Per últim s'exposen algunes conclusions i es proposen i comenten possibles noves línies de treball

    Degree of Polarization-Based Data Filter for Fully Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    This paper proposes a novel data filtering algorithm for fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) based on the degree of polarization (DoP) information. First, we define the homogeneity degree and polarization independence degree using the DoP information, and propose a feature plane to characterize the target feature. Second, employing the feature plane, we categorize the targets into three types and assign specific filtering policy for each type to estimate the optimal filtering window sizes. Finally, the TT -matrices of fully PolSAR data are filtered using the windows with estimated optimal sizes. Compared with boxcar filter, refined Lee filter, scattering model-based filter, and improved sigma filter in processing ALOS2-PALSAR2 data, the proposed DoP-based algorithm presents the best filtering performance

    Accurate Despeckling and Estimation of Polarimetric Features by Means of a Spatial Decorrelation of the Noise in Complex PolSAR Data

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    In this work, we extended a procedure for the spatial decorrelation of fully-developed speckle, originally developed for single-polarization SAR data, to fully-polarimetric SAR data. The spatial correlation of the noise depends on the tapering window in the Fourier domain used by the SAR processor to avoid defocusing of targets caused by Gibbs effects. Since each polarimetric channel is focused independently of the others, the noise-whitening procedure can be performed applying the decorrelation stage to each channel separately. Equivalently, the noise-whitening stage is applied to each element of the scattering matrix before any multilooking operation, either coherent or not, is performed. In order to evaluate the impact of a spatial decorrelation of the noise on the performance of polarimetric despeckling filters, we make use of simulated PolSAR data, having user-defined polarimetric features. We optionally introduce a spatial correlation of the noise in the simulated complex data by means of a 2D separable Hamming window in the Fourier domain. Then, we remove such a correlation by using the whitening procedure and compare the accuracy of both despeckling and polarimetric features estimation for the three following cases: uncorrelated, correlated, and decorrelated images. Simulation results showed a steady improvement of performance scores, most notably the equivalent number of looks (ENL), which increased after decorrelation and closely attained the value of the uncorrelated case. Besides ENL, the benefits of the noise decorrelation hold also for polarimetric features, whose estimation accuracy is diminished by the correlation. Also, the trends of simulations were confirmed by qualitative results of experiments carried out on a true Radarsat-2 image

    Adaptive Speckle Filtering in Radar Imagery

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    Effect of kernel size on Wiener and Gaussian image filtering

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    In this paper, the effect of the kernel size of Wiener and Gaussian filters on their image restoration qualities has been studied and analyzed. Four sizes of such kernels, namely 3x3, 5x5, 7x7 and 9x9 were simulated. Two different types of noise with zero mean and several variances have been used: Gaussian noise and speckle noise. Several image quality measuring indices have been applied in the computer simulations. In particular, mean absolute error (MAE), mean square error (MSE) and structural similarity (SSIM) index were used. Many images were tested in the simulations; however the results of three of them are shown in this paper. The results show that the Gaussian filter has a superior performance over the Wiener filter for all values of Gaussian and speckle noise variances mainly as it uses the smallest kernel size. To obtain a similar performance in Wiener filtering, a larger kernel size is required which produces much more blur in the output mage. The Wiener filter shows poor performance using the smallest kernel size (3x3) while the Gaussian filter shows the best results in such case. With the Gaussian filter being used, similar results of those obtained with low noise could be obtained in the case of high noise variance but with a higher kernel size

    Multidimensional SAR data representation and processing based on Binary Partition Trees

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    English: A novel multidimensional SAR data abstraction is presented, based on Binary Partition Trees (BPT). This data abstraction is employed for different applications, as data filtering and segmentation, change detection, etc. The BPT can be contructed from a Polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) image or from a serie of coregistered acquisitions, conforming a tool that enables the systematic exploitation of PolSAR datasets simultaneously in the space and time dimensions.Castellano: na nueva abstracción de datos SAR multidimensionales es presentada, basada en Árboles de Partición Binaria (BPT). Esta abstracción de datos se emplea para distintas aplicaciones, como filtrado, segmentación, detección de cambios, etc. El BPT puede construirse a partir de una imagen SAR polarimétrica o de una serie temporal de imágenes, siendo una herramienta que permite la explotación sistemática de sets de datos PolSAR simultáneamente en espacio y tiempo.Català: Una nova abstracció de dades SAR multidimensionals és presentada, basada en Arbres de Partició Binària (BPT). Aquesta abstracció de dades s'empra per a diferents aplicacions, com filtrat, segmentació, detecció de canvis, etc. El BPT es pot construir a partir d'una imatge SAR polarimètrica o d'una sèrie temporal d'imatges, sent una eina que permet l'explotació sistemàtica de sets de dades PolSAR simultàniament en espai i temps

    SMF-POLOPT: an adaptive multitemporal pol(DIn)SAR filtering and phase optimization algorithm for PSI applications

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Speckle noise and decorrelation can hamper the application and interpretation of PolSAR images. In this paper, a new adaptive multitemporal Pol(DIn)SAR filtering and phase optimization algorithm is proposed to address these limitations. This algorithm first categorizes and adaptively filters permanent scatterer (PS) and distributed scatterer (DS) pixels according to their polarimetric scattering mechanisms [i.e., the scattering-mechanism-based filtering (SMF)]. Then, two different polarimetric DInSAR (POLDInSAR) phase OPTimization methods are applied separately on the filtered PS and DS pixels (i.e., POLOPT). Finally, an inclusive pixel selection approach is used to identify high-quality pixels for ground deformation estimation. Thirty-one full-polarization Radarsat-2 SAR images over Barcelona (Spain) and 31 dual-polarization TerraSAR-X images over Murcia (Spain) have been used to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm. The PolSAR filtering results show that the speckle of PolSAR images has been well reduced with the preservation of details by the proposed SMF. The obtained ground deformation monitoring results have shown significant improvements, about ×7.2 (the full-polarization case) and ×3.8 (the dual-polarization case) with respect to the classical full-resolution single-pol amplitude dispersion method, on the valid pixels' densities. The excellent PolSAR filtering and ground deformation monitoring results achieved by the adaptive Pol(DIn)SAR filtering and phase optimization algorithm (i.e., the SMF-POLOPT) have validated the effectiveness of this proposed scheme.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A Tutorial on Speckle Reduction in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images

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    Speckle is a granular disturbance, usually modeled as a multiplicative noise, that affects synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images, as well as all coherent images. Over the last three decades, several methods have been proposed for the reduction of speckle, or despeckling, in SAR images. Goal of this paper is making a comprehensive review of despeckling methods since their birth, over thirty years ago, highlighting trends and changing approaches over years. The concept of fully developed speckle is explained. Drawbacks of homomorphic filtering are pointed out. Assets of multiresolution despeckling, as opposite to spatial-domain despeckling, are highlighted. Also advantages of undecimated, or stationary, wavelet transforms over decimated ones are discussed. Bayesian estimators and probability density function (pdf) models in both spatial and multiresolution domains are reviewed. Scale-space varying pdf models, as opposite to scale varying models, are promoted. Promising methods following non-Bayesian approaches, like nonlocal (NL) filtering and total variation (TV) regularization, are reviewed and compared to spatial- and wavelet-domain Bayesian filters. Both established and new trends for assessment of despeckling are presented. A few experiments on simulated data and real COSMO-SkyMed SAR images highlight, on one side the costperformance tradeoff of the different methods, on the other side the effectiveness of solutions purposely designed for SAR heterogeneity and not fully developed speckle. Eventually, upcoming methods based on new concepts of signal processing, like compressive sensing, are foreseen as a new generation of despeckling, after spatial-domain and multiresolution-domain method

    Offshore oil spill detection using synthetic aperture radar

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    Among the different types of marine pollution, oil spill has been considered as a major threat to the sea ecosystems. The source of the oil pollution can be located on the mainland or directly at sea. The sources of oil pollution at sea are discharges coming from ships, offshore platforms or natural seepage from sea bed. Oil pollution from sea-based sources can be accidental or deliberate. Different sensors to detect and monitor oil spills could be onboard vessels, aircraft, or satellites. Vessels equipped with specialised radars, can detect oil at sea but they can cover a very limited area. One of the established ways to monitor sea-based oil pollution is the use of satellites equipped with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR).The aim of the work presented in this thesis is to identify optimum set of feature extracted parameters and implement methods at various stages for oil spill detection from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery. More than 200 images of ERS-2, ENVSAT and RADARSAT 2 SAR sensor have been used to assess proposed feature vector for oil spill detection methodology, which involves three stages: segmentation for dark spot detection, feature extraction and classification of feature vector. Unfortunately oil spill is not only the phenomenon that can create a dark spot in SAR imagery. There are several others meteorological and oceanographic and wind induced phenomena which may lead to a dark spot in SAR imagery. Therefore, these dark objects also appear similar to the dark spot due to oil spill and are called as look-alikes. These look-alikes thus cause difficulty in detecting oil spill spots as their primary characteristic similar to oil spill spots. To get over this difficulty, feature extraction becomes important; a stage which may involve selection of appropriate feature extraction parameters. The main objective of this dissertation is to identify the optimum feature vector in order to segregate oil spill and ‘look-alike’ spots. A total of 44 Feature extracted parameters have been studied. For segmentation, four methods; based on edge detection, adaptive theresholding, artificial neural network (ANN) segmentation and the other on contrast split segmentation have been implemented. Spot features are extracted from both the dark spots themselves and their surroundings. Classification stage was performed using two different classification techniques, first one is based on ANN and the other based on a two-stage processing that combines classification tree analysis and fuzzy logic. A modified feature vector, including both new and improved features, is suggested for better description of different types of dark spots. An ANN classifier using full spectrum of feature parameters has also been developed and evaluated. The implemented methodology appears promising in detecting dark spots and discriminating oil spills from look-alikes and processing time is well below any operational service requirements

    Extraction d'informations de changement à partir des séries temporelles d'images radar à synthèse d'ouverture

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    A large number of successfully launched and operated Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellites has regularly provided multitemporal SAR and polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) images with high and very high spatial resolution over immense areas of the Earth surface. SAR system is appropriate for monitoring tasks thanks to the advantage of operating in all-time and all-weather conditions. With multitemporal data, both spatial and temporal information can simultaneously be exploited to improve the results of researche works. Change detection of specific features within a certain time interval has to deal with a complex processing of SAR data and the so-called speckle which affects the backscattered signal as multiplicative noise.The aim of this thesis is to provide a methodology for simplifying the analysis of multitemporal SAR data. Such methodology can benefit from the advantages of repetitive SAR acquisitions and be able to process different kinds of SAR data (i.e. single, multipolarization SAR, etc.) for various applications. In this thesis, we first propose a general framework based on a spatio-temporal information matrix called emph{Change Detection Matrix} (CDM). This matrix contains temporal neighborhoods which are adaptive to changed and unchanged areas thanks to similarity cross tests. Then, the proposed method is used to perform three different tasks:1) multitemporal change detection with different kinds of changes, which allows the combination of multitemporal pair-wise change maps to improve the performance of change detection result;2) analysis of change dynamics in the observed area, which allows the investigation of temporal evolution of objects of interest;3) nonlocal temporal mean filtering of SAR/PolSAR image time series, which allows us to avoid smoothing change information in the time series during the filtering process.In order to illustrate the relevancy of the proposed method, the experimental works of the thesis is performed on four datasets over two test-sites: Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France and Merapi volcano, Indonesia, with different types of changes (i.e., seasonal evolution, glaciers, volcanic eruption, etc.). Observations of these test-sites are performed on four SAR images time series from single polarization to full polarization, from medium to high, very high spatial resolution: Sentinel-1, ALOS-PALSAR, RADARSAT-2 and TerraSAR-X time series.La réussite du lancement d'un grand nombre des satellites Radar à Synthèse d'Ouverture (RSO - SAR) de nouvelle génération a fourni régulièrement des images SAR et SAR polarimétrique (PolSAR) multitemporelles à haute et très haute résolution spatiale sur de larges régions de la surface de la Terre. Le système SAR est approprié pour des tâches de surveillance continue ou il offre l'avantage d'être indépendant de l'éclairement solaire et de la couverture nuageuse. Avec des données multitemporelles, l'information spatiale et temporelle peut être exploitée simultanément pour rendre plus concise, l'extraction d'information à partir des données. La détection de changement de structures spécifiques dans un certain intervalle de temps nécessite un traitement complexe des données SAR et la présence du chatoiement (speckle) qui affecte la rétrodiffusion comme un bruit multiplicatif. Le but de cette thèse est de fournir une méthodologie pour simplifier l'analyse des données multitemporelles SAR. Cette méthodologie doit bénéficier des avantages d'acquisitions SAR répétitives et être capable de traiter différents types de données SAR (images SAR mono-, multi- composantes, etc.) pour diverses applications. Au cours de cette thèse, nous proposons tout d'abord une méthode générale basée sur une matrice d'information spatio-temporelle appelée Matrice de détection de changement (CDM). Cette matrice contient des informations de changements obtenus à partir de tests croisés de similarité sur des voisinages adaptatifs. La méthode proposée est ensuite exploitée pour réaliser trois tâches différentes: 1) la détection de changement multitemporel avec différents types de changements, ce qui permet la combinaison des cartes de changement entre des paires d'images pour améliorer la performance de résultat de détection de changement; 2) l'analyse de la dynamicité de changement de la zone observée, ce qui permet l'étude de l'évolution temporelle des objets d'intérêt; 3) le filtrage nonlocal temporel des séries temporelles d'images SAR/PolSAR, ce qui permet d'éviter le lissage des informations de changement dans des séries pendant le processus de filtrage.Afin d'illustrer la pertinence de la méthode proposée, la partie expérimentale de la thèse est effectuée sur deux sites d'étude: Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France et le volcan Merapi, Indonésie, avec différents types de changements (i.e. évolution saisonnière, glaciers, éruption volcanique, etc.). Les observations de ces sites d'étude sont acquises sur quatre séries temporelles d'images SAR monocomposantes et multicomposantes de moyenne à haute et très haute résolution: des séries temporelles d'images Sentinel-1, ALOS-PALSAR, RADARSAT-2 et TerraSAR-X