80 research outputs found

    Robust Spatial Approximation of Laser Scanner Point Clouds by Means of Free-form Curve Approaches in Deformation Analysis

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    In many geodetic engineering applications it is necessary to solve the problem of describing a measured data point cloud, measured, e. g. by laser scanner, by means of free-form curves or surfaces, e. g., with B-Splines as basis functions. The state of the art approaches to determine B-Splines yields results which are seriously manipulated by the occurrence of data gaps and outliers. Optimal and robust B-Spline fitting depend, however, on optimal selection of the knot vector. Hence we combine in our approach Monte-Carlo methods and the location and curvature of the measured data in order to determine the knot vector of the B-Spline in such a way that no oscillating effects at the edges of data gaps occur. We introduce an optimized approach based on computed weights by means of resampling techniques. In order to minimize the effect of outliers, we apply robust M-estimators for the estimation of control points. The above mentioned approach will be applied to a multi-sensor system based on kinematic terrestrial laserscanning in the field of rail track inspection. © 2016 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Munich/Boston

    Knot Placement of B-spline Curves with Equally Spaced Geometric Information

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    受每个节点区间应该具有相同建模能力的启发,提出一种基于几何信息均分的B样条曲线节点设置算法.首先放置少量节点,以每个节点区间具有相等的几何信息量; 准则来确定节点的位置;为了提高样条的建模能力,根据上一次迭代中的拟合误差确定加细节点区间并使新节点均分该节点区间的几何信息.该算法可以快速有效地; 得到用户指定精度的逼近曲线.通过对一些具有不同几何复杂度的实例进行实验的结果表明,文中算法是有效的;与现有的2种算法相比,; 该算法在相同控制顶点的情况下能够得到更高精度的逼近结果.Motivated by the observation that each knot interval should be of the; same modeling ability, a knot placement algorithm based on equally; spaced geometric information for B-spline curves is proposed. In the; algorithm, a few of knots are determined according to the principle that; each knot interval is of the same amount of geometric information at the; initial iteration. In order to improve the modeling ability of the; B-splines, the knot interval needed to be refined is determined by the; last fitting errors and the new knot inserted is placed to equally space; the accumulated geometric information in the knot interval. Via the; adaptive knot placement algorithm, approximated curve with specified; tolerance can be produced rapidly and efficiently. Several models with; distinct geometric complexities are tested to demonstrate the efficacy; of our algorithm in fitting curves. Comparing to other two available; methods, more accurate results can be obtained by our method with the; same number of control points.国家自然科学基金; 福建省自然科学基金; 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资

    From Nonlinear Optimization to Convex Optimization through Firefly Algorithm and Indirect Approach with Applications to CAD/CAM

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    ABSTRACT. Fitting spline curves to data points is a very important issue in many applied fields. It is also challenging, because these curves typically depend on many continuous variables in a highly interrelated nonlinear way. In general, it is not possible to compute these parameters analytically, so the problem is formulated as a continuous nonlinear optimization problem, for which traditional optimization techniques usually fail.This paper presents a new bioinspired method to tackle this issue. In this method, optimization is performed through a combination of two techniques. Firstly, we apply the indirect approach to the knots, in which they are not initially the subject of optimization but precomputed with a coarse approximation scheme. Secondly, a powerful bioinspired metaheuristic technique, the firefly algorithm, is applied to optimization of data parameterization; then, the knot vector is refined by using De Boor’s method, thus yielding a better approximation to the optimal knot vector. This scheme converts the original nonlinear continuous optimization problem into a convex optimization problem, solved by singular value decomposition. Our method is applied to some illustrative real-world examples from the CAD/CAM field. Our experimental results show that the proposed scheme can solve the original continuous nonlinear optimization problem very efficiently

    B-Spline meshing for high-order finite element analyses of multi-physics problems

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    Multi-physics problems often involve differential equations of higher-order, which cannot be solved with standard finiteelement methods. B-splines as finite element basis functions provide the required continuity and smoothness. However, the meshgeneration for arbitrarily shaped domains is non-intuitively and traditional techniques often lead to distorted elements.Here a strategy is presented to design isoparametric B-spline based meshes for curves, surfaces, and volumes. The error of thehomeomorphic transformation into curved boundaries is estimated. For selected two and three-dimensional shapes, the knotvectors and the control points are calculated.Exemplarily, a finite element analysis of a helical structure subjected to a chemo-mechanical deformation with phase decompositionis performed

    Firefly algorithm for polynomial Bézier surface parameterization

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    A classical issue in many applied fields is to obtain an approximating surface to a given set of data points. This problem arises in Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD/CAM), virtual reality, medical imaging, computer graphics, computer animation, and many others. Very often, the preferred approximating surface is polynomial, usually described in parametric form. This leads to the problem of determining suitable parametric values for the data points, the so-called surface parameterization. In real-world settings, data points are generally irregularly sampled and subjected to measurement noise, leading to a very difficult nonlinear continuous optimization problem, unsolvable with standard optimization techniques. This paper solves the parameterization problem for polynomial Bézier surfaces by applying the firefly algorithm, a powerful nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithm introduced recently to address difficult optimization problems. The method has been successfully applied to some illustrative examples of open and closed surfaces, including shapes with singularities. Our results show that the method performs very well, being able to yield the best approximating surface with a high degree of accuracy

    Robust and automatic modeling of tunnel structures based on terrestrial laser scanning measurement

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    The terrestrial laser scanning technology is increasingly applied in the deformation monitoring of tunnel structures. However, outliers and data gaps in the terrestrial laser scanning point cloud data have a deteriorating effect on the model reconstruction. A traditional remedy is to delete the outliers in advance of the approximation, which could be time- and labor-consuming for large-scale structures. This research focuses on an outlier-resistant and intelligent method for B-spline approximation with a rank (R)-based estimator, and applies to tunnel measurements. The control points of the B-spline model are estimated specifically by means of the R-estimator based on Wilcoxon scores. A comparative study is carried out on rank-based and ordinary least squares methods, where the Hausdorff distance is adopted to analyze quantitatively for the different settings of control point number of B-spline approximation. It is concluded that the proposed method for tunnel profile modeling is robust against outliers and data gaps, computationally convenient, and it does not need to determine extra tuning constants. © The Author(s) 2019

    Firefly algorithm for explicit B-spline curve fitting to data points

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    ABSTRACT. This paper introduces a new method to compute the approximating explicit B-spline curve to a given set of noisy data points.The proposed method computes all parameters of the B-spline fitting curve of a given order.This requires to solve a difficult continuous, multimodal, and multivariate nonlinear least-squares optimization problem. In our approach, this optimization problem is solved by applying the firefly algorithm, a powerful metaheuristic nature-inspired algorithm well suited for optimization. The method has been applied to three illustrative real-world engineering examples from different fields. Our experimental results show that the presented method performs very well, being able to fit the data points with a high degree of accuracy. Furthermore, our scheme outperforms some popular previous approaches in terms of different fitting error criteria

    Immunological-based approach for accurate fitting of 3D noisy data points with Bézier surfaces

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    Free-form parametric surfaces are common tools nowadays in many applied fields, such as Computer-Aided Design & Manufacturing (CAD/CAM), virtual reality, medical imaging, and many others. A typical problem in this setting is to fit surfaces to 3D noisy data points obtained through either laser scanning or other digitizing methods, so that the real data from a physical object are transformed back into a fully usable digital model. In this context, the present paper describes an immunologicalbased approach to perform this process accurately by using the classical free-form Bézier surfaces. Our method applies a powerful bio-inspired paradigm called Artificial Immune Systems (AIS), which is receiving increasing attention from the scientific community during the last few years because of its appealing computational features. The AIS can be understood as a computational methodology based upon metaphors of the biological immune system of humans and other mammals. As such, there is not one but several AIS algorithms. In this chapter we focus on the clonal selection algorithm (CSA), which explicitly takes into account the affinity maturation of the immune response. The paper describes how the CSA algorithm can be effectively applied to the accurate fitting of 3D noisy data points with Bézier surfaces. To this aim, the problem to be solved as well as the main steps of our solving method are described in detail. Some simple yet illustrative examples show the good performance of our approach. Our method is conceptually simple to understand, easy to implement, and very general, since no assumption is made on the set of data points or on the underlying function beyond its continuity. As a consequence, it can be successfully applied even under challenging situations, such as the absence of any kind of information regarding the underlying function of data

    Memetic electromagnetism algorithm for surface reconstruction with rational bivariate Bernstein basis functions

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    Surface reconstruction is a very important issue with outstanding applications in fields such as medical imaging (computer tomography, magnetic resonance), biomedical engineering (customized prosthesis and medical implants), computer-aided design and manufacturing (reverse engineering for the automotive, aerospace and shipbuilding industries), rapid prototyping (scale models of physical parts from CAD data), computer animation and film industry (motion capture, character modeling), archaeology (digital representation and storage of archaeological sites and assets), virtual/augmented reality, and many others. In this paper we address the surface reconstruction problem by using rational Bézier surfaces. This problem is by far more complex than the case for curves we solved in a previous paper. In addition, we deal with data points subjected to measurement noise and irregular sampling, replicating the usual conditions of real-world applications. Our method is based on a memetic approach combining a powerful metaheuristic method for global optimization (the electromagnetism algorithm) with a local search method. This method is applied to a benchmark of five illustrative examples exhibiting challenging features. Our experimental results show that the method performs very well, and it can recover the underlying shape of surfaces with very good accuracy.This research is kindly supported by the Computer Science National Program of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Project #TIN2012-30768, Toho University, and the University of Cantabria. The authors are particularly grateful to the Department of Information Science of Toho University for all the facilities given to carry out this work. We also thank the Editor and the two anonymous reviewers who helped us to improve our paper with several constructive comments and suggestions