2,653 research outputs found

    To develop an efficient variable speed compressor motor system

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    This research presents a proposed new method of improving the energy efficiency of a Variable Speed Drive (VSD) for induction motors. The principles of VSD are reviewed with emphasis on the efficiency and power losses associated with the operation of the variable speed compressor motor drive, particularly at low speed operation.The efficiency of induction motor when operated at rated speed and load torque is high. However at low load operation, application of the induction motor at rated flux will cause the iron losses to increase excessively, hence its efficiency will reduce dramatically. To improve this efficiency, it is essential to obtain the flux level that minimizes the total motor losses. This technique is known as an efficiency or energy optimization control method. In practice, typical of the compressor load does not require high dynamic response, therefore improvement of the efficiency optimization control that is proposed in this research is based on scalar control model.In this research, development of a new neural network controller for efficiency optimization control is proposed. The controller is designed to generate both voltage and frequency reference signals imultaneously. To achieve a robust controller from variation of motor parameters, a real-time or on-line learning algorithm based on a second order optimization Levenberg-Marquardt is employed. The simulation of the proposed controller for variable speed compressor is presented. The results obtained clearly show that the efficiency at low speed is significant increased. Besides that the speed of the motor can be maintained. Furthermore, the controller is also robust to the motor parameters variation. The simulation results are also verified by experiment

    High-Order Sliding Mode Block Control of Single-Phase Induction Motor

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    A new sliding mode (SM) observer-based controller for single-phase induction motor is designed. The proposed control scheme is formulated using block control feedback linearization technique and high-order SM algorithms with measurements of the rotor speed and stator currents. The stability of the complete closed-loop system, including the rotor flux second-order SM observer, is analyzed in the presence of model uncertainty, namely, rotor resistance variation and bounded timevarying load torque.CINVESTA

    Robust fault tolerant control of induction motor system

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    Research into fault tolerant control (FTC, a set of techniques that are developed to increase plant availability and reduce the risk of safety hazards) for induction motors is motivated by practical concerns including the need for enhanced reliability, improved maintenance operations and reduced cost. Its aim is to prevent that simple faults develop into serious failure. Although, the subject of induction motor control is well known, the main topics in the literature are concerned with scalar and vector control and structural stability. However, induction machines experience various fault scenarios and to meet the above requirements FTC strategies based on existing or more advanced control methods become desirable. Some earlier studies on FTC have addressed particular problems of 3-phase sensor current/voltage FTC, torque FTC, etc. However, the development of these methods lacks a more general understanding of the overall problem of FTC for an induction motor based on a true fault classification of possible fault types.In order to develop a more general approach to FTC for induction motors, i.e. not just designing specific control approaches for individual induction motor fault scenarios, this thesis has carried out a systematic research on induction motor systems considering the various faults that can typically be present, having either “additive” fault or “multiplicative” effects on the system dynamics, according to whether the faults are sensor or actuator (additive fault) types or component or motor faults (multiplicative fault) types.To achieve the required objectives, an active approach to FTC is used, making use of fault estimation (FE, an approach that determine the magnitude of a fault signal online) and fault compensation. This approach of FTC/FE considers an integration of the electrical and mechanical dynamics, initially using adaptive and/or sliding mode observers, Linear Parameter Varying (LPV, in which nonlinear systems are locally decomposed into several linear systems scheduled by varying parameters) and then using back-stepping control combined with observer/estimation methods for handling certain forms of nonlinearity.In conclusion, the thesis proposed an integrated research of induction motor FTC/FE with the consideration of different types of faults and different types of uncertainties, and validated the approaches through simulations and experiments

    Disturbance/uncertainty estimation and attenuation techniques in PMSM drives–a survey

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    This paper gives a comprehensive overview on disturbance/uncertainty estimation and attenuation (DUEA) techniques in permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drives. Various disturbances and uncertainties in PMSM and also other alternating current (AC) motor drives are first reviewed which shows they have different behaviors and appear in different control loops of the system. The existing DUEA and other relevant control methods in handling disturbances and uncertainties widely used in PMSM drives, and their latest developments are then discussed and summarized. It also provides in-depth analysis of the relationship between these advanced control methods in the context of PMSM systems. When dealing with uncertainties,it is shown that DUEA has a different but complementary mechanism to widely used robust control and adaptive control. The similarities and differences in disturbance attenuation of DUEA and other promising methods such as internal model control and output regulation theory have been analyzed in detail. The wide applications of these methods in different AC motor drives (in particular in PMSM drives) are categorized and summarized. Finally the paper ends with the discussion on future directions in this area

    Integral high order sliding mode control of single-phase induction motor

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    An observer-based controller for the single-phase induction motor is proposed in this paper. The scheme presented is formulated using block control feedback linearization technique and high order sliding mode algorithms with measurements of the rotor speed and stator currents. A second order sliding mode observer is included into the controller design in order to obtain estimates of the rotor flux. The stability of the complete closed-loop system is analyzed in the presence of model uncertainty, namely, rotor resistance variation and bounded time-varying load torque.Cinvesta

    Performance Comparison of Different Speed Estimation Techniques in Sensorless Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drives

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    Field-oriented control and direct torque control are fast becoming necessities of modern industrial setups for induction motor drive control. Induction motors are considered as the beginning part to create any electrical drive system to be subsequently utilized for several industrial requirements. So now a day due to its high application the need to control the performance of the induction motor is gaining importance. In modern control system, IM is analyzed by different mathematical models mainly depending on its applications. Vector control method is suitably applied to induction machine in 3-phase symmetrical or in 2-phase unsymmetrical version. For vector control IM is realized as DC motor having its characteristics. This dissertation work is aimed to give a detailed idea about the speed control and variations in an induction motor through vector control technique thereby showing its advantage over the conventional scalar method of speed control. It also focusses on the speed estimation techniques for sensorless closed loop speed control of an IM relying on the direct field-oriented control technique. The study is completed through simulations with use of MATLAB/Simulink block sets allowing overall representation of the whole control system arrangement of the Induction motor. The performance of different sensorless schemes and comparison between them on several parameters like at low speed, high speed etc. is also provided emphasizing its advantages and disadvantages. The analysis has been carried out on the results obtained by simulations, where secondary effects introduced by the hardware implementations have not been considered. The simulations and the evaluations of different control techniques are executed using parameters of a 50 HP, 60 Hz induction motor which is fed by an inverter

    Model reference adaptive backstepping control of double star induction machine with extended Kalman sensorless control

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    Introduction. Newly, the design of a controller for speed control of double star induction motor as a research focus. Consequently, backstepping technique is used to recursively construct a stable control law for speed and flux. Nevertheless, this control law coming from backstepping requires the knowledge of speed and flux values; in practice the measurement sensors are expensive and fragile. The novelty of this work consists to propose a control strategy which based on accurate Kalman filter observer that estimates speed, flux and torque. This extended Kalman filter is an optimal state estimator and is usually applied to a dynamic system that involves a random noise environment. Purpose. Apply a backstepping control of double star induction motor based on principle of rotor flux orientation. This approach consists in finding a Lyapunov function that allows deducing a control law and a modified adaptation rule is referred and sufficient conditions for the stability of the command-observer, in contrast to other techniques who use nonlinear principle. Results. The simulation results are shown to illustrate the performance of the proposed scheme under parametric uncertainties by simulation on MATLAB. The obtained results showed the robustness of the sensorless control in front of load and parameters variation of double stator induction motor. The research directions of the model were determined for the subsequent implementation of results with simulation samples.Вступ. Новітня розробка контролера для регулювання швидкості асинхронного двигуна з подвійною зіркою є предметом дослідження. Отже, метод відступу використовується для рекурсивної побудови стабільного закону керування швидкістю та потоком. Тим не менш, цей закон керування, що випливає з відступу, вимагає знання значення швидкості та потоку; на практиці вимірювальні датчики коштовні та недовговічні. Новизна даної роботи полягає в тому, щоб запропонувати стратегію управління на основі точного спостерігача за фільтром Калмана, який оцінює швидкість, потік і крутний момент. Цей розширений фільтр Калмана є оптимальним засобом оцінки стану і зазвичай застосовується до динамічної системи, яка включає середовище випадкових шумів. Мета. Застосування підходу відступу до керування асинхронним двигуном з подвійною зіркою на основі принципу орієнтації потоку ротора. Цей підхід полягає у знаходженні функції Ляпунова, яка дозволяє вивести закон керування та модифіковане правило адаптації, а також достатні умови для стабільності спостерігача команд, на відміну від інших методик, які використовують нелінійний принцип. Результати. Результати моделювання наведені для ілюстрації роботи запропонованої схеми за параметричних невизначеностей шляхом моделювання на MATLAB. Отримані результати показали надійність безсенсорного керування перед зміною навантаження та параметрів асинхронного двигуна з подвійним статором. Визначені напрямки дослідження моделі для подальшої реалізації результатів на прикладах моделювання

    Development of Fuzzy Applications for High Performance Induction Motor Drive

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    This chapter develops a sliding mode and fuzzy logic-based speed controller, which is named adaptive fuzzy sliding-mode controller (AFSMC) for an indirect field-oriented control (IFOC) of an induction motor (IM) drive. Essentially, the boundary layer approach is the most popular method to reduce the chattering phenomena, which leads to trade-off between control performances, and chattering elimination for uncertain nonlinear systems. For the proposed AFSMC, a fuzzy system is assigned as the reaching control part of the fuzzy sliding-mode controller so that it improves the control performances and eliminates the chattering completely despite large and small uncertainties in the system. A nonlinear adaptive law is also implemented to adjust the control gain with uncertainties of the system. The adaptive law is developed in the sense of Lyapunov stability theorem to minimize the control effort. The applied adaptive fuzzy controller acts like a saturation function in the thin boundary layer near the sliding surface to guarantee the stability of the system. The proposed AFSMC-based IM drive is implemented in real-time using digital signal processor (DSP) board TI TMS320F28335. The experimental and simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed AFSMC-based IM drive at different operating conditions such as load disturbance, parameter variations, etc

    A high performance PWM inverter voltage-fed induction machines drive with an alternative strategy for speed control

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    In this paper, the method of behaviour model control is applied to an induction motor with its mechanical load in order to increase the robustness of the vector control and to keep its performances despite the presence of perturbations (parameters variations, abrupt load variations, etc). The idea of the proposed control is interesting and useful. It induces adding supplementary control inputs, which yield the process to follow the model. The distinguished feature of this control design is that it achieves the same performances as the Field Oriented Control without the need for heavy and expensive gain tuning. The proposed strategy minimizes the energy used for the control and ensures the stabilization and excellent tracking performance of the system. Simplicity of the method, minimization of the required energy and the elimination of the need for gain tuning are the main positive features of the proposed approach