122 research outputs found

    Various nonlinear models and their identification, equalization and linearization

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    System identification is a pre-requisite to analysis of a dynamic system and design of an appropriate controller for improving its performance. The more accurate the mathematical model identified for a system, the more effective will be the controller designed for it. The identification of nonlinear systems is a topic which has received considerable attention over the last two decades. Generally speaking, when it is difficult to model practical systems by mathematical analysis method, system identification may be an efficient way to overcome the shortage of mechanism analysis method. The goal of the modeling is to find a simple and efficient model which is in accord with the practical system. In many cases, linear models are not suitable to present these systems and nonlinear models have to be considered. Since there are nonlinear effects in practical systems, e.g. harmonic generation, intermediation, desensitization, gain expansion and chaos, we can infer that most control systems are nonlinear. Nonlinear models are more widely used in practice, because most phenomena are nonlinear in nature. Indeed, for many dynamic systems the use of nonlinear models is often of great interest and generally characterizes adequately physical processes over their whole operating range. Thus, accuracy and performance of the control law increase significantly. Therefore, nonlinear system modeling is much more important than linear system identification. We will deal with various nonlinear models and their processing

    Linear and nonlinear room compensation of audio rendering systems

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    [EN] Common audio systems are designed with the intent of creating real and immersive scenarios that allow the user to experience a particular acoustic sensation that does not depend on the room he is perceiving the sound. However, acoustic devices and multichannel rendering systems working inside a room, can impair the global audio effect and thus the 3D spatial sound. In order to preserve the spatial sound characteristics of multichannel rendering techniques, adaptive filtering schemes are presented in this dissertation to compensate these electroacoustic effects and to achieve the immersive sensation of the desired acoustic system. Adaptive filtering offers a solution to the room equalization problem that is doubly interesting. First of all, it iteratively solves the room inversion problem, which can become computationally complex to obtain when direct methods are used. Secondly, the use of adaptive filters allows to follow the time-varying room conditions. In this regard, adaptive equalization (AE) filters try to cancel the echoes due to the room effects. In this work, we consider this problem and propose effective and robust linear schemes to solve this equalization problem by using adaptive filters. To do this, different adaptive filtering schemes are introduced in the AE context. These filtering schemes are based on three strategies previously introduced in the literature: the convex combination of filters, the biasing of the filter weights and the block-based filtering. More specifically, and motivated by the sparse nature of the acoustic impulse response and its corresponding optimal inverse filter, we introduce different adaptive equalization algorithms. In addition, since audio immersive systems usually require the use of multiple transducers, the multichannel adaptive equalization problem should be also taken into account when new single-channel approaches are presented, in the sense that they can be straightforwardly extended to the multichannel case. On the other hand, when dealing with audio devices, consideration must be given to the nonlinearities of the system in order to properly equalize the electroacoustic system. For that purpose, we propose a novel nonlinear filtered-x approach to compensate both room reverberation and nonlinear distortion with memory caused by the amplifier and loudspeaker devices. Finally, it is important to validate the algorithms proposed in a real-time implementation. Thus, some initial research results demonstrate that an adaptive equalizer can be used to compensate room distortions.[ES] Los sistemas de audio actuales están diseñados con la idea de crear escenarios reales e inmersivos que permitan al usuario experimentar determinadas sensaciones acústicas que no dependan de la sala o situación donde se esté percibiendo el sonido. Sin embargo, los dispositivos acústicos y los sistemas multicanal funcionando dentro de salas, pueden perjudicar el efecto global sonoro y de esta forma, el sonido espacial 3D. Para poder preservar las características espaciales sonoras de los sistemas de reproducción multicanal, en esta tesis se presentan los esquemas de filtrado adaptativo para compensar dichos efectos electroacústicos y conseguir la sensación inmersiva del sistema sonoro deseado. El filtrado adaptativo ofrece una solución al problema de salas que es interesante por dos motivos. Por un lado, resuelve de forma iterativa el problema de inversión de salas, que puede llegar a ser computacionalmente costoso para los métodos de inversión directos existentes. Por otro lado, el uso de filtros adaptativos permite seguir las variaciones cambiantes de los efectos de la sala de escucha. A este respecto, los filtros de ecualización adaptativa (AE) intentan cancelar los ecos introducidos por la sala de escucha. En esta tesis se considera este problema y se proponen esquemas lineales efectivos y robustos para resolver el problema de ecualización mediante filtros adaptativos. Para conseguirlo, se introducen diferentes esquemas de filtrado adaptativo para AE. Estos esquemas de filtrado se basan en tres estrategias ya usadas en la literatura: la combinación convexa de filtros, el sesgado de los coeficientes del filtro y el filtrado basado en bloques. Más especificamente y motivado por la naturaleza dispersiva de las respuestas al impulso acústicas y de sus correspondientes filtros inversos óptimos, se presentan diversos algoritmos adaptativos de ecualización específicos. Además, ya que los sistemas de audio inmersivos requieren usar normalmente múltiples trasductores, se debe considerar también el problema de ecualización multicanal adaptativa cuando se diseñan nuevas estrategias de filtrado adaptativo para sistemas monocanal, ya que éstas deben ser fácilmente extrapolables al caso multicanal. Por otro lado, cuando se utilizan dispositivos acústicos, se debe considerar la existencia de no linearidades en el sistema elactroacústico, para poder ecualizarlo correctamente. Por este motivo, se propone un nuevo modelo no lineal de filtrado-x que compense a la vez la reverberación introducida por la sala y la distorsión no lineal con memoria provocada por el amplificador y el altavoz. Por último, es importante validar los algoritmos propuestos mediante implementaciones en tiempo real, para asegurarnos que pueden realizarse. Para ello, se presentan algunos resultados experimentales iniciales que muestran la idoneidad de la ecualización adaptativa en problemas de compensación de salas.[CA] Els sistemes d'àudio actuals es dissenyen amb l'objectiu de crear ambients reals i immersius que permeten a l'usuari experimentar una sensació acústica particular que no depèn de la sala on està percebent el so. No obstant això, els dispositius acústics i els sistemes de renderització multicanal treballant dins d'una sala poden arribar a modificar l'efecte global de l'àudio i per tant, l'efecte 3D del so a l'espai. Amb l'objectiu de conservar les característiques espacials del so obtingut amb tècniques de renderització multicanal, aquesta tesi doctoral presenta esquemes de filtrat adaptatiu per a compensar aquests efectes electroacústics i aconseguir una sensació immersiva del sistema acústic desitjat. El filtrat adaptatiu presenta una solució al problema d'equalització de sales que es interessant baix dos punts de vista. Per una banda, el filtrat adaptatiu resol de forma iterativa el problema inversió de sales, que pot arribar a ser molt complexe computacionalment quan s'utilitzen mètodes directes. Per altra banda, l'ús de filtres adaptatius permet fer un seguiment de les condicions canviants de la sala amb el temps. Més concretament, els filtres d'equalització adaptatius (EA) intenten cancel·lar els ecos produïts per la sala. A aquesta tesi, considerem aquest problema i proposem esquemes lineals efectius i robustos per a resoldre aquest problema d'equalització mitjançant filtres adaptatius. Per aconseguir-ho, diferent esquemes de filtrat adaptatiu es presenten dins del context del problema d'EA. Aquests esquemes de filtrat es basen en tres estratègies ja presentades a l'estat de l'art: la combinació convexa de filtres, el sesgat dels pesos del filtre i el filtrat basat en blocs. Més concretament, i motivat per la naturalesa dispersa de la resposta a l'impuls acústica i el corresponent filtre òptim invers, presentem diferents algorismes d'equalització adaptativa. A més a més, com que els sistemes d'àudio immersiu normalment requereixen l'ús de múltiples transductors, cal considerar també el problema d'equalització adaptativa multicanal quan es presenten noves solucions de canal simple, ja que aquestes s'han de poder estendre fàcilment al cas multicanal. Un altre aspecte a considerar quan es treballa amb dispositius d'àudio és el de les no linealitats del sistema a l'hora d'equalitzar correctament el sistema electroacústic. Amb aquest objectiu, a aquesta tesi es proposa una nova tècnica basada en filtrat-x no lineal, per a compensar tant la reverberació de la sala com la distorsió no lineal amb memòria introduïda per l'amplificador i els altaveus. Per últim, és important validar la implementació en temps real dels algorismes proposats. Amb aquest objectiu, alguns resultats inicials demostren la idoneïtat de l'equalització adaptativa en problemes de compensació de sales.Fuster Criado, L. (2015). Linear and nonlinear room compensation of audio rendering systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/5945

    Anwendung von maschinellem Lernen in der optischen Nachrichtenübertragungstechnik

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    Aufgrund des zunehmenden Datenverkehrs wird erwartet, dass die optischen Netze zukünftig mit höheren Systemkapazitäten betrieben werden. Dazu wird bspw. die kohärente Übertragung eingesetzt, bei der das Modulationsformat erhöht werden kann, erforder jedoch ein größeres SNR. Um dies zu erreichen, wird die optische Signalleistung erhöht, wodurch die Datenübertragung durch die nichtlinearen Beeinträchtigungen gestört wird. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit liegt auf der Entwicklung von Modellen des maschinellen Lernens, die auf diese nichtlineare Signalverschlechterung reagieren. Es wird die Support-Vector-Machine (SVM) implementiert und als klassifizierende Entscheidungsmaschine verwendet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die SVM eine verbesserte Kompensation sowohl der nichtlinearen Fasereffekte als auch der Verzerrungen der optischen Systemkomponenten ermöglicht. Das Prinzip von EONs bietet eine Technologie zur effizienten Nutzung der verfügbaren Ressourcen, die von der optischen Faser bereitgestellt werden. Ein Schlüsselelement der Technologie ist der bandbreitenvariable Transponder, der bspw. die Anpassung des Modulationsformats oder des Codierungsschemas an die aktuellen Verbindungsbedingungen ermöglicht. Um eine optimale Ressourcenauslastung zu gewährleisten wird der Einsatz von Algorithmen des Reinforcement Learnings untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der RL-Algorithmus in der Lage ist, sich an unbekannte Link-Bedingungen anzupassen, während vergleichbare heuristische Ansätze wie der genetische Algorithmus für jedes Szenario neu trainiert werden müssen

    Modelling and Analysis of Drosophila Early Visual System A Systems Engineering Approach

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    Over the past century or so Drosophila has been established as an ideal model organism to study, among other things, neural computation and in particular sensory processing. In this respect there are many features that make Drosophila an ideal model organism, especially the fact that it offers a vast amount of genetic and experimental tools for manipulating and interrogating neural circuits. Whilst comprehensive models of sensory processing in Drosophila are not yet available, considerable progress has been made in recent years in modelling the early stages of sensory processing. When it comes to visual processing, accurate empirical and biophysical models of the R1-R6 photoreceptors were developed and used to characterize nonlinear processing at photoreceptor level and to demonstrate that R1-R6 photoreceptors encode phase congruency. A limitation of the latest photoreceptor models is that these do not account explicitly for the modulation of photoreceptor responses by the network of interneurones hosted in the lamina. As a consequence, these models cannot describe in a unifying way the photoreceptor response in the absence of the feedback from the downstream neurons and thus cannot be used to elucidate the role of interneurones in photoreceptor adaptation. In this thesis, electrophysiological photoreceptor recordings acquired in-vivo from wild- type and histamine defficient mutant fruit flies are used to develop and validate new com- prehensive models of R1-R6 photoreceptors, which not only predict the response of these photoreceptors in wild-type and mutant fruit flies, over the entire environmental range of light intensities but also characterize explicitly the contribution of lamina neurons to photore- ceptor adaptation. As a consequence, the new models provide suitable building blocks for assembling a complete model of the retina which takes into account the true connectivity between photoreceptors and downstream interneurones. A recent study has demonstrated that R1-R6 photoreceptors employ nonlinear processing to selectively encode and enhance temporal phase congruency. It has been suggested that this processing strategy achieves an optimal trade-off between the two competing goals of minimizing distortion in decoding behaviourally relevant stimuli features and minimizing the information rate, which ultimately enables more efficient downstream processing of spatio-temporal visual stimuli for edge and motion detection.Using rigorous information theoretic tools, this thesis derives and analyzes the rate-distortion characteristics associated with the linear and nonlinear transformations performed by photoreceptors on a stimulus generated by a signal source with a well defined distribution

    A Bayesian approach to simultaneously characterize the stochastic and deterministic components of a system

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    The present work provides a Bayesian approach to learn plausible models capable of characterizing complex time series in which deterministic and stochastic phenomena concur. Two main approaches are actually developed. The first approach, is a simple superposition model grounded on the hypothesis that the interactions between the stochastic and deterministic phenomena are negligible. To enable this model to capture complex dynamics, the stochastic part is assumed to be a fractal signal. Under the assumptions of this model, an analysis method is proposed, enabling the characterization of the fractal stochastic component and the estimation the deterministic part. The second main approach relies on Stochastic Differential Equations (SDEs) to model systems where the stochastic and deterministic part interact. First, a non-parametric estimation method for SDEs is developed, using recent advances from Gaussian processes. Finally, the thesis studies how to overcome the main constraint that the use of SDEs imposes: the Markovianity assumption. To that end, a new structured variational autoencoder with latent SDE dynamics is proposed. All the methods are tested on both synthetic and real signals, demonstrating its ability to capture the behavior of complex systems

    Stochastic chaos and thermodynamic phase transitions : theory and Bayesian estimation algorithms

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    Thesis (M. Eng. and S.B.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2007.Includes bibliographical references (p. 177-200).The chaotic behavior of dynamical systems underlies the foundations of statistical mechanics through ergodic theory. This putative connection is made more concrete in Part I of this thesis, where we show how to quantify certain chaotic properties of a system that are of relevance to statistical mechanics and kinetic theory. We consider the motion of a particle trapped in a double-well potential coupled to a noisy environment. By use of the classic Langevin and Fokker-Planck equations, we investigate Kramers' escape rate problem. We show that there is a deep analogy between kinetic rate theory and stochastic chaos, for which we propose a novel definition. In Part II, we develop techniques based on Volterra series modeling and Bayesian non-linear filtering to distinguish between dynamic noise and measurement noise. We quantify how much of the system's ergodic behavior can be attributed to intrinsic deterministic dynamical properties vis-a-vis inevitable extrinsic noise perturbations.by Zhi-De Deng.M.Eng.and S.B

    Design of large polyphase filters in the Quadratic Residue Number System

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