27 research outputs found

    RADIC II : a fault tolerant architecture with flexible dynamic redundancy

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    The demand for computational power has been leading the improvement of the High Performance Computing (HPC) area, generally represented by the use of distributed systems like clusters of computers running parallel applications. In this area, fault tolerance plays an important role in order to provide high availability isolating the application from the faults effects. Performance and availability form an undissociable binomial for some kind of applications. Therefore, the fault tolerant solutions must take into consideration these two constraints when it has been designed. In this dissertation, we present a few side-effects that some fault tolerant solutions may presents when recovering a failed process. These effects may causes degradation of the system, affecting mainly the overall performance and availability. We introduce RADIC-II, a fault tolerant architecture for message passing based on RADIC (Redundant Array of Distributed Independent Fault Tolerance Controllers) architecture. RADIC-II keeps as maximum as possible the RADIC features of transparency, decentralization, flexibility and scalability, incorporating a flexible dynamic redundancy feature, allowing to mitigate or to avoid some recovery side-effects.La demanda de computadores más veloces ha provocado el incremento del área de computación de altas prestaciones, generalmente representado por el uso de sistemas distribuidos como los clusters de computadores ejecutando aplicaciones paralelas. En esta área, la tolerancia a fallos juega un papel muy importante a la hora de proveer alta disponibilidad, aislando los efectos causados por los fallos. Prestaciones y disponibilidad componen un binomio indisociable para algunos tipos de aplicaciones. Por eso, las soluciones de tolerancia a fallos deben tener en consideración estas dos restricciones desde el momento de su diseño. En esta disertación, presentamos algunos efectos colaterales que se puede presentar en ciertas soluciones tolerantes a fallos cuando recuperan un proceso fallado. Estos efectos pueden causar una degradación del sistema, afectando las prestaciones y disponibilidad finales. Presentamos RADIC-II, una arquitectura tolerante a fallos para paso de mensajes basada en la arquitectura RADIC (Redundant Array of Distributed Independent Fault Tolerance Controllers). RADIC-II mantiene al máximo posible las características de transparencia, descentralización, flexibilidad y escalabilidad existentes en RADIC, e incorpora una flexible funcionalidad de redundancia dinámica, que permite mitigar o evitar algunos efectos colaterales en la recuperación

    Keeping checkpoint/restart viable for exascale systems

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    Next-generation exascale systems, those capable of performing a quintillion operations per second, are expected to be delivered in the next 8-10 years. These systems, which will be 1,000 times faster than current systems, will be of unprecedented scale. As these systems continue to grow in size, faults will become increasingly common, even over the course of small calculations. Therefore, issues such as fault tolerance and reliability will limit application scalability. Current techniques to ensure progress across faults like checkpoint/restart, the dominant fault tolerance mechanism for the last 25 years, are increasingly problematic at the scales of future systems due to their excessive overheads. In this work, we evaluate a number of techniques to decrease the overhead of checkpoint/restart and keep this method viable for future exascale systems. More specifically, this work evaluates state-machine replication to dramatically increase the checkpoint interval (the time between successive checkpoints) and hash-based, probabilistic incremental checkpointing using graphics processing units to decrease the checkpoint commit time (the time to save one checkpoint). Using a combination of empirical analysis, modeling, and simulation, we study the costs and benefits of these approaches on a wide range of parameters. These results, which cover of number of high-performance computing capability workloads, different failure distributions, hardware mean time to failures, and I/O bandwidths, show the potential benefits of these techniques for meeting the reliability demands of future exascale platforms

    Un environnement pour le calcul intensif pair à pair

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    Le concept de pair à pair (P2P) a connu récemment de grands développements dans les domaines du partage de fichiers, du streaming vidéo et des bases de données distribuées. Le développement du concept de parallélisme dans les architectures de microprocesseurs et les avancées en matière de réseaux à haut débit permettent d'envisager de nouvelles applications telles que le calcul intensif distribué. Cependant, la mise en oeuvre de ce nouveau type d'application sur des réseaux P2P pose de nombreux défis comme l'hétérogénéité des machines, le passage à l'échelle et la robustesse. Par ailleurs, les protocoles de transport existants comme TCP et UDP ne sont pas bien adaptés à ce nouveau type d'application. Ce mémoire de thèse a pour objectif de présenter un environnement décentralisé pour la mise en oeuvre de calculs intensifs sur des réseaux pair à pair. Nous nous intéressons à des applications dans les domaines de la simulation numérique et de l'optimisation qui font appel à des modèles de type parallélisme de tâches et qui sont résolues au moyen d'algorithmes itératifs distribués or parallèles. Contrairement aux solutions existantes, notre environnement permet des communications directes et fréquentes entre les pairs. L'environnement est conçu à partir d'un protocole de communication auto-adaptatif qui peut se reconfigurer en adoptant le mode de communication le plus approprié entre les pairs en fonction de choix algorithmiques relevant de la couche application ou d'éléments de contexte comme la topologie au niveau de la couche réseau. Nous présentons et analysons des résultats expérimentaux obtenus sur diverses plateformes comme GRID'5000 et PlanetLab pour le problème de l'obstacle et des problèmes non linéaires de flots dans les réseaux. ABSTRACT : The concept of peer-to-peer (P2P) has known great developments these years in the domains of file sharing, video streaming or distributed databases. Recent advances in microprocessors architecture and networks permit one to consider new applications like distributed high performance computing. However, the implementation of this new type of application on P2P networks gives raise to numerous challenges like heterogeneity, scalability and robustness. In addition, existing transport protocols like TCP and UDP are not well suited to this new type of application. This thesis aims at designing a decentralized and robust environment for the implementation of high performance computing applications on peer-to-peer networks. We are interested in applications in the domains of numerical simulation and optimization that rely on tasks parallel models and that are solved via parallel or distributed iterative algorithms. Unlike existing solutions, our environment allows frequent direct communications between peers. The environment is based on a self adaptive communication protocol that can reconfigure itself dynamically by choosing the most appropriate communication mode between any peers according to decisions concerning algorithmic choice made at the application level or elements of context at transport level, like topology. We present and analyze computational results obtained on several testeds like GRID’5000 and PlanetLab for the obstacle problem and nonlinear network flow problems

    Fault Tolerant Real Time Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm For Heterogeneous Distributed System

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    Fault-tolerance becomes an important key to establish dependability in Real Time Distributed Systems (RTDS). In fault-tolerant Real Time Distributed systems, detection of fault and its recovery should be executed in timely manner so that in spite of fault occurrences the intended output of real-time computations always take place on time. Hardware and software redundancy are well-known e ective methods for faulttolerance, where extra hard ware (e.g., processors, communication links) and software (e.g., tasks, messages) are added into the system to deal with faults. Performances of RTDS are mostly guided by eciency of scheduling algorithm and schedulability analysis are performed on the system to ensure the timing constrains. This thesis examines the scenarios where a real time system requires very little redundant hardware resources to tolerate failures in heterogeneous real time distributed systems with point-to-point communication links. Fault tolerance can be achieved by..

    Standart-konformes Snapshotting für SystemC Virtuelle Plattformen

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    The steady increase in complexity of high-end embedded systems goes along with an increasingly complex design process. We are currently still in a transition phase from Hardware-Description Language (HDL) based design towards virtual-platform-based design of embedded systems. As design complexity rises faster than developer productivity a gap forms. Restoring productivity while at the same time managing increased design complexity can also be achieved through focussing on the development of new tools and design methodologies. In most application areas, high-level modelling languages such as SystemC are used in early design phases. In modern software development Continuous Integration (CI) is used to automatically test if a submitted piece of code breaks functionality. Application of the CI concept to embedded system design and testing requires fast build and test execution times from the virtual platform framework. For this use case the ability to save a specific state of a virtual platform becomes necessary. The saving and restoring of specific states of a simulation requires the ability to serialize all data structures within the simulation models. Improving the frameworks and establishing better methods will only help to narrow the design gap, if these changes are introduced with the needs of the engineers and developers in mind. Ultimately, it is their productivity that shall be improved. The ability to save the state of a virtual platform enables developers to run longer test campaigns that can even contain randomized test stimuli. If the saved states are modifiable the developers can inject faulty states into the simulation models. This work contributes an extension to the SoCRocket virtual platform framework to enable snapshotting. The snapshotting extension can be considered a reference implementation as the utilization of current SystemC/TLM standards makes it compatible to other frameworkds. Furthermore, integrating the UVM SystemC library into the framework enables test driven development and fast validation of SystemC/TLM models using snapshots. These extensions narrow the design gap by supporting designers, testers and developers to work more efficiently.Die stetige Steigerung der Komplexität eingebetteter Systeme geht einher mit einer ebenso steigenden Komplexität des Entwurfsprozesses. Wir befinden uns momentan in der Übergangsphase vom Entwurf von eingebetteten Systemen basierend auf Hardware-Beschreibungssprachen hin zum Entwurf ebendieser basierend auf virtuellen Plattformen. Da die Entwurfskomplexität rasanter steigt als die Produktivität der Entwickler, entsteht eine Kluft. Die Produktivität wiederherzustellen und gleichzeitig die gesteigerte Entwurfskomplexität zu bewältigen, kann auch erreicht werden, indem der Fokus auf die Entwicklung neuer Werkzeuge und Entwurfsmethoden gelegt wird. In den meisten Anwendungsgebieten werden Modellierungssprachen auf hoher Ebene, wie zum Beispiel SystemC, in den frühen Entwurfsphasen benutzt. In der modernen Software-Entwicklung wird Continuous Integration (CI) benutzt um automatisiert zu überprüfen, ob eine eingespielte Änderung am Quelltext bestehende Funktionalitäten beeinträchtigt. Die Anwendung des CI-Konzepts auf den Entwurf und das Testen von eingebetteten Systemen fordert schnelle Bau- und Test-Ausführungszeiten von dem genutzten Framework für virtuelle Plattformen. Für diesen Anwendungsfall wird auch die Fähigkeit, einen bestimmten Zustand der virtuellen Plattform zu speichern, erforderlich. Das Speichern und Wiederherstellen der Zustände einer Simulation erfordert die Serialisierung aller Datenstrukturen, die sich in den Simulationsmodellen befinden. Das Verbessern von Frameworks und Etablieren besserer Methodiken hilft nur die Entwurfs-Kluft zu verringern, wenn diese Änderungen mit Berücksichtigung der Bedürfnisse der Entwickler und Ingenieure eingeführt werden. Letztendlich ist es ihre Produktivität, die gesteigert werden soll. Die Fähigkeit den Zustand einer virtuellen Plattform zu speichern, ermöglicht es den Entwicklern, längere Testkampagnen laufen zu lassen, die auch zufällig erzeugte Teststimuli beinhalten können oder, falls die gespeicherten Zustände modifizierbar sind, fehlerbehaftete Zustände in die Simulationsmodelle zu injizieren. Mein mit dieser Arbeit geleisteter Beitrag beinhaltet die Erweiterung des SoCRocket Frameworks um Checkpointing Funktionalität im Sinne einer Referenzimplementierung. Weiterhin ermöglicht die Integration der UVM SystemC Bibliothek in das Framework die Umsetzung der testgetriebenen Entwicklung und schnelle Validierung von SystemC/TLM Modellen mit Hilfe von Snapshots

    Efficient Passive Clustering and Gateways selection MANETs

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    Passive clustering does not employ control packets to collect topological information in ad hoc networks. In our proposal, we avoid making frequent changes in cluster architecture due to repeated election and re-election of cluster heads and gateways. Our primary objective has been to make Passive Clustering more practical by employing optimal number of gateways and reduce the number of rebroadcast packets

    Estudo comparativo de algoritmos para checkpointing

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    Orientador : Luiz Eduardo BuzatoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Esta dissertação fornece um estudo comparativo abrangente de algoritmos quase-síncronos para checkpointing. Para tanto, utilizamos a simulação de sistemas distribuídos que nos oferece liberdade para construirmos modelos de sistemas com grande facilidade. O estudo comparativo avaliou pela primeira vez de forma uniforme o impacto sobre o desempenho dos algoritmos de fatores como a escala do sistema, a freqüência de check points básicos e a diferença na velocidade dos processos da aplicação. Com base nestes dados obtivemos um profundo conhecimento sobre o comportamento destes algoritmos e produzimos um valioso referencial para projetistas de sistemas em busca de algoritmos para check pointing para as suas aplicações distribuídasAbstract: This dissertation provides a comprehensive comparative study ofthe performance of quase synchronous check pointing algorithms. To do so we used the simulation of distributed systems, which provides freedom to build system models easily. The comparative study assessed for the first time in an uniform environment the impact of the algorithms' performance with respect to factors such as the system's scale, the basic checkpoint rate and the relative processes' speed. By analyzing these data we acquired a deep understanding of the behavior of these algorithms and were able to produce a valuable reference to system architects looking for check pointing algorithms for their distributed applicationsMestradoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã

    Techniques for Transparent Parallelization of Discrete Event Simulation Models

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    Simulation is a powerful technique to represent the evolution of real-world phenomena or systems over time. It has been extensively used in different research fields (from medicine to biology, to economy, and to disaster rescue) to study the behaviour of complex systems during their evolution (symbiotic simulation) or before their actual realization (what-if analysis). A traditional way to achieve high performance simulations is the employment of Parallel Discrete Event Simulation (PDES) techniques, which are based on the partitioning of the simulation model into Logical Processes (LPs) that can execute events in parallel on different CPUs and/or different CPU cores, and rely on synchronization mechanisms to achieve causally consistent execution of simulation events. As it is well recognized, the optimistic synchronization approach, namely the Time Warp protocol, which is based on rollback for recovering possible timestamp-order violations due to the absence of block-until-safe policies for event processing, is likely to favour speedup in general application/ architectural contexts. However, the optimistic PDES paradigm implicitly relies on a programming model that shifts from traditional sequential-style programming, given that there is no notion of global address space (fully accessible while processing events at any LP). Furthermore, there is the underlying assumption that the code associated with event handlers cannot execute unrecoverable operations given their speculative processing nature. Nevertheless, even though no unrecoverable action is ever executed by event handlers, a means to actually undo the action if requested needs to be devised and implemented within the software stack. On the other hand, sequential-style programming is an easy paradigm for the development of simulation code, given that it does not require the programmer to reason about memory partitioning (and therefore message passing) and speculative (concurrent) processing of the application. In this thesis, we present methodological and technical innovations which will show how it is possible, by developing innovative runtime mechanisms, to allow a programmer to implement its simulation model in a fully sequential way, and have the underlying simulation framework to execute it in parallel according to speculative processing techniques. Some of the approaches we provide show applicability in either shared- or distributed-memory systems, while others will be specifically tailored to multi/many-core architectures. We will clearly show, during the development of these supports, what is the effect on performance of these solutions, which will nevertheless be negligible, allowing a fruitful exploitation of the available computing power. In the end, we will highlight which are the clear benefits on the programming model tha