255 research outputs found

    A pipeline and comparative study of 12 machine learning models for text classification

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    Text-based communication is highly favoured as a communication method, especially in business environments. As a result, it is often abused by sending malicious messages, e.g., spam emails, to deceive users into relaying personal information, including online accounts credentials or banking details. For this reason, many machine learning methods for text classification have been proposed and incorporated into the services of most email providers. However, optimising text classification algorithms and finding the right tradeoff on their aggressiveness is still a major research problem. We present an updated survey of 12 machine learning text classifiers applied to a public spam corpus. A new pipeline is proposed to optimise hyperparameter selection and improve the models' performance by applying specific methods (based on natural language processing) in the preprocessing stage. Our study aims to provide a new methodology to investigate and optimise the effect of different feature sizes and hyperparameters in machine learning classifiers that are widely used in text classification problems. The classifiers are tested and evaluated on different metrics including F-score (accuracy), precision, recall, and run time. By analysing all these aspects, we show how the proposed pipeline can be used to achieve a good accuracy towards spam filtering on the Enron dataset, a widely used public email corpus. Statistical tests and explainability techniques are applied to provide a robust analysis of the proposed pipeline and interpret the classification outcomes of the 12 machine learning models, also identifying words that drive the classification results. Our analysis shows that it is possible to identify an effective machine learning model to classify the Enron dataset with an F-score of 94%.Comment: This article has been accepted for publication in Expert Systems with Applications, April 2022. Published by Elsevier. All data, models, and code used in this work are available on GitHub at https://github.com/Angione-Lab/12-machine-learning-models-for-text-classificatio


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    This dissertation focuses on the problem of evolving social bots in online social networks, particularly Twitter. Such accounts spread misinformation and inflate social network content to mislead the masses. The main objective of this dissertation is to propose a stream-based evolving bot detection framework (SEBD), which was constructed using both graph- and feature-based models. It was built using Python, a real-time streaming engine (Apache Kafka version 3.2), and our pretrained model (bot multi-view graph attention network (Bot-MGAT)). The feature-based model was used to identify predictive features for bot detection and evaluate the SEBD predictions. The graph-based model was used to facilitate multiview graph attention networks (GATs) with fellowship links to build our framework for predicting account labels from streams. A probably approximately correct learning framework was applied to confirm the accuracy and confidence levels of SEBD.The results showed that the SEBD can effectively identify bots from streams and profile features are sufficient for detecting social bots. The pretrained Bot-MGAT model uses fellowship links to reveal hidden information that can aid in identifying bot accounts. The significant contributions of this study are the development of a stream based bot detection framework for detecting social bots based on a given hashtag and the proposal of a hybrid approach for feature selection to identify predictive features for identifying bot accounts. Our findings indicate that Twitter has a higher percentage of active bots than humans in hashtags. The results indicated that stream-based detection is more effective than offline detection by achieving accuracy score 96.9%. Finally, semi supervised learning (SSL) can solve the issue of labeled data in bot detection tasks

    A Comparative Analysis of SMS Spam Detection employing Machine Learning Methods

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    In recent times, the increment of mobile phone usage has resulted in a huge number of spam messages. Spammers continuously apply more and more new tricks that cause managing or preventing spam messages a challenging task. The aim of this study is to detect spam message to prevent different cybercrimes as spam messages have become a security threat nowadays. In this paper, studies on SMS spam problems to perform a better accuracy using several different techniques such as Support Vector Machine, K-Nearest Neighbor, Naïve Bayes, Random Forest, Logistic Regression and some more are performed. The result indicated that Support Vector Machine achieved the highest accuracy of 99%, indicating it might be useful as an effective machine learning system for future research.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    A black-Box adversarial attack for poisoning clustering

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    Clustering algorithms play a fundamental role as tools in decision-making and sensible automation pro-cesses. Due to the widespread use of these applications, a robustness analysis of this family of algorithms against adversarial noise has become imperative. To the best of our knowledge, however, only a few works have currently addressed this problem. In an attempt to fill this gap, in this work, we propose a black-box adversarial attack for crafting adversarial samples to test the robustness of clustering algo-rithms. We formulate the problem as a constrained minimization program, general in its structure and customizable by the attacker according to her capability constraints. We do not assume any information about the internal structure of the victim clustering algorithm, and we allow the attacker to query it as a service only. In the absence of any derivative information, we perform the optimization with a custom approach inspired by the Abstract Genetic Algorithm (AGA). In the experimental part, we demonstrate the sensibility of different single and ensemble clustering algorithms against our crafted adversarial samples on different scenarios. Furthermore, we perform a comparison of our algorithm with a state-of-the-art approach showing that we are able to reach or even outperform its performance. Finally, to highlight the general nature of the generated noise, we show that our attacks are transferable even against supervised algorithms such as SVMs, random forests and neural networks. (c) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Cybersecurity: Applications, Challenges, and Opportunities for MIS Academics

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    The availability of massive amounts of data, fast computers, and superior machine learning (ML) algorithms has spurred interest in artificial intelligence (AI). It is no surprise, then, that we observe an increase in the application of AI in cybersecurity. Our survey of AI applications in cybersecurity shows most of the present applications are in the areas of malware identification and classification, intrusion detection, and cybercrime prevention. We should, however, be aware that AI-enabled cybersecurity is not without its drawbacks. Challenges to AI solutions include a shortage of good quality data to train machine learning models, the potential for exploits via adversarial AI/ML, and limited human expertise in AI. However, the rewards in terms of increased accuracy of cyberattack predictions, faster response to cyberattacks, and improved cybersecurity make it worthwhile to overcome these challenges. We present a summary of the current research on the application of AI and ML to improve cybersecurity, challenges that need to be overcome, and research opportunities for academics in management information systems

    Macro-micro approach for mining public sociopolitical opinion from social media

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    During the past decade, we have witnessed the emergence of social media, which has prominence as a means for the general public to exchange opinions towards a broad range of topics. Furthermore, its social and temporal dimensions make it a rich resource for policy makers and organisations to understand public opinion. In this thesis, we present our research in understanding public opinion on Twitter along three dimensions: sentiment, topics and summary. In the first line of our work, we study how to classify public sentiment on Twitter. We focus on the task of multi-target-specific sentiment recognition on Twitter, and propose an approach which utilises the syntactic information from parse-tree in conjunction with the left-right context of the target. We show the state-of-the-art performance on two datasets including a multi-target Twitter corpus on UK elections which we make public available for the research community. Additionally we also conduct two preliminary studies including cross-domain emotion classification on discourse around arts and cultural experiences, and social spam detection to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of our sentiment corpus. Our second line of work focuses on automatic topical clustering of tweets. Our aim is to group tweets into a number of clusters, with each cluster representing a meaningful topic, story, event or a reason behind a particular choice of sentiment. We explore various ways of tackling this challenge and propose a two-stage hierarchical topic modelling system that is efficient and effective in achieving our goal. Lastly, for our third line of work, we study the task of summarising tweets on common topics, with the goal to provide informative summaries for real-world events/stories or explanation underlying the sentiment expressed towards an issue/entity. As most existing tweet summarisation approaches rely on extractive methods, we propose to apply state-of-the-art neural abstractive summarisation model for tweets. We also tackle the challenge of cross-medium supervised summarisation with no target-medium training resources. To the best of our knowledge, there is no existing work on studying neural abstractive summarisation on tweets. In addition, we present a system for providing interactive visualisation of topic-entity sentiments and the corresponding summaries in chronological order. Throughout our work presented in this thesis, we conduct experiments to evaluate and verify the effectiveness of our proposed models, comparing to relevant baseline methods. Most of our evaluations are quantitative, however, we do perform qualitative analyses where it is appropriate. This thesis provides insights and findings that can be used for better understanding public opinion in social media

    Implementation of Hybrid Prediction Model: An Unsupervised and Supervised Learning Perspective

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    Using raw data to make inferences is the core of data science. This might be accomplished by closely examining the complex trends and patterns in the data. Machine Learning based forecasting methods have shown useful in predicting perioperative outcomes to improve the quality of future event planning decisions. In many application sectors where machine learning models were used, it has long been necessary to identify and prioritise the negative characteristics of a threat. Wish to provide precise predictions about a certain set of data, for example, use machine learning techniques in data science. Numerous prediction algorithms are now in use to address forecasting issues. Numerous epidemiological models are being employed internationally to forecast pandemic mortality rates and the number of affected people. Making the right decisions depends on the development of reliable prediction models. Epidemiological models have had trouble making longer-term forecasts with a higher degree of accuracy due to a lack of significant data and ambiguity. This research suggests a hybrid machine learning approach to anticipate the pandemic in contrast to Susceptible-Infected-Resistant based models, and we demonstrate its potential using COVID-19 data from India. Order to improve the identification of epidemics early, The model can also be updated using data from sources like search engine searches. Results from two well-known machine learning methods were compared to those from the improved SIR and SEIQR models

    Multi-modal Features Representation-based Convolutional Neural Network Model for Malicious Website Detection

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    Web applications have proliferated across various business sectors, serving as essential tools for billions of users in their daily lives activities. However, many of these applications are malicious which is a major threat to Internet users as they can steal sensitive information, install malware, and propagate spam. Detecting malicious websites by analyzing web content is ineffective due to the complexity of extraction of the representative features, the huge data volume, the evolving nature of the malicious patterns, the stealthy nature of the attacks, and the limitations of traditional classifiers. Uniform Resource Locators (URL) features are static and can often provide immediate insights about the website without the need to load its content. However, existing solutions for detecting malicious web applications through web content analysis often struggle due to complex feature extraction, massive data volumes, evolving attack patterns, and limitations of traditional classifiers. Leveraging solely lexical URL features proves insufficient, potentially leading to inaccurate classifications. This study proposes a multimodal representation approach that fuses textual and image-based features to enhance the performance of the malicious website detection. Textual features facilitate the deep learning model’s ability to understand and represent detailed semantic information related to attack patterns, while image features are effective in recognizing more general malicious patterns. In doing so, patterns that are hidden in textual format may be recognizable in image format. Two Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models were constructed to extract the hidden features from both textual and image-represented features. The output layers of both models were combined and used as input for an artificial neural network classifier for decision-making. Results show the effectiveness of the proposed model when compared to other models. The overall performance in terms of Matthews..
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