123 research outputs found


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    本論文はUWB(Ultra-Wideband)レーダを用いて,非破壊検査や非侵襲生体内部計測を可能とする内部画像化技術の研究成果をまとめたものである.従来,道路内部の劣化状況を調査する非破壊検査や乳癌細胞検知等の非侵襲による生体内部の画像化技術として,X線マンモグラフィ,超音波診断等がある.しかし,X線マンモグラフィは放射線を用いるため被験者の被爆の危険性,超音波診断は反射エコー強度のみの情報しか得られないため,癌細胞等の検知が難しいことが問題となっている.低周波領域のマイクロ波UWB信号は,は高い距離分解能と誘電体透過性に優れており,対象の誘電率や導電率の電磁気的特性を定量的に抽出できることから,同信号を用いた内部画像化技術は既存技術の問題を解決する新たな手法として注目されている.同レーダを用いた誘電体内部画像化手法にはRPM(Range Points Migration)法の原理を拡張した高精度内部目標画像化手法が提案されている.同手法はRPM法による誘電体境界推定点と同法線ベクトルから幾何光学近似により誘電体内部の伝搬経路を決定することで,波長限界を超えた精度を保持する.しかし,同手法は画像化精度が誘電率依存性を有するため誘電率推定法と併用する必要がある.一般的な誘電率推定法には領域積分方程式を用いた数値解析による手法がある.しかし,同手法はBorn近似により誘電率と真空のコントラストが大きい場合には,収束が困難になり,計算時間も膨大となる問題もある.上記問題を改善するため,本稿では,RPM法の誘電体境界推定点群とレイトレーシング及びFDTD(Finite Difference Time Domain)法を用いた誘電率分布推定法を提案する.本手法では,均質誘電媒質に対する高精度誘電率推定法を初期値に設定し,誘電率分布を基底関数の線形混合で表現することで次元数を減らし,収束速度を速める.多次元最適化問題に対して効率的に最適解に到達可能な粒子群最適化(PSO:Particle Swarm Optimization)法を導入する.順問題解析には,始めにレイトレーシングを導入し,最適解に近付けた後,FDTD法に切り替えることで,効率的かつ高精度な誘電率推定を目指す.本手法の有効性を数値計算により評価する.電気通信大学201

    Through-The-Wall Detection Using Ultra Wide Band Frequency Modulated Interrupted Continuous Wave Signals

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    Through-The-Wall-Detection (TTWD) techniques can improve the situational awareness of police and soldiers, and support first responders in search and rescue operations. A variety of systems for TTWD based on different waveforms have been developed and presented in the literature, e.g. radar systems based on pulses, noise or pseudo-noise waveforms, and frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) or stepped frequency continuous wave (SFCW) waveforms. Ultra wide band signals are normally used as they provide suitable resolution to discriminate different targets. A common problem for active radar systems for TTWD is the strong backscattered signal from the air-wall interface. This undesired signal can overshadow the reflections from actual targets, especially those with low radar cross section like human beings, and limit the dynamic range at the receiver, which could be saturated and blocked. Although several techniques have been developed to address this problem, frequency modulated interrupted continuous wave (FMICW) waveforms represent an interesting further approach to wall removal, which can be used as an alternative technique or combined with the existing ones. FMICW waveforms have been used in the past for ionospheric and ocean sensing radar systems, but their application to the wall removal problem in TTWD scenarios is novel. The validation of the effectiveness of the proposed FMICW waveforms as wall removal technique is therefore the primary objective of this thesis, focusing on comparing simulated and experimental results using normal FMCW waveforms and using the proposed FMICW waveforms. Initially, numerical simulations of realistic scenarios for TTWD have been run and FMICW waveforms have been successfully tested for different materials and internal structure of the wall separating the radar system and the targets. Then a radar system capable of generating FMICW waveforms has been designed and built to perform a measurement campaign in environments of the School of Engineering and Computing Sciences, Durham University. These tests aimed at the localization of stationary targets and at the detection of people behind walls. FMICW waveforms prove to be effective in removing/mitigating the undesired return caused by antenna cross-talk and wall reflections, thus enhancing the detection of targets

    UWB Pulse Radar for Human Imaging and Doppler Detection Applications

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    We were motivated to develop new technologies capable of identifying human life through walls. Our goal is to pinpoint multiple people at a time, which could pay dividends during military operations, disaster rescue efforts, or assisted-living. Such system requires the combination of two features in one platform: seeing-through wall localization and vital signs Doppler detection. Ultra-wideband (UWB) radar technology has been used due to its distinct advantages, such as ultra-low power, fine imaging resolution, good penetrating through wall characteristics, and high performance in noisy environment. Not only being widely used in imaging systems and ground penetrating detection, UWB radar also targets Doppler sensing, precise positioning and tracking, communications and measurement, and etc. A robust UWB pulse radar prototype has been developed and is presented here. The UWB pulse radar prototype integrates seeing-through imaging and Doppler detection features in one platform. Many challenges existing in implementing such a radar have been addressed extensively in this dissertation. Two Vivaldi antenna arrays have been designed and fabricated to cover 1.5-4.5 GHz and 1.5-10 GHz, respectively. A carrier-based pulse radar transceiver has been implemented to achieve a high dynamic range of 65dB. A 100 GSPS data acquisition module is prototyped using the off-the-shelf field-programmable gate array (FPGA) and analog-to-digital converter (ADC) based on a low cost solution: equivalent time sampling scheme. Ptolemy and transient simulation tools are used to accurately emulate the linear and nonlinear components in the comprehensive simulation platform, incorporated with electromagnetic theory to account for through wall effect and radar scattering. Imaging and Doppler detection examples have been given to demonstrate that such a “Biometrics-at-a-glance” would have a great impact on the security, rescuing, and biomedical applications in the future

    Radar Technology

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    In this book “Radar Technology”, the chapters are divided into four main topic areas: Topic area 1: “Radar Systems” consists of chapters which treat whole radar systems, environment and target functional chain. Topic area 2: “Radar Applications” shows various applications of radar systems, including meteorological radars, ground penetrating radars and glaciology. Topic area 3: “Radar Functional Chain and Signal Processing” describes several aspects of the radar signal processing. From parameter extraction, target detection over tracking and classification technologies. Topic area 4: “Radar Subsystems and Components” consists of design technology of radar subsystem components like antenna design or waveform design

    FMCW Signals for Radar Imaging and Channel Sounding

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    A linear / stepped frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) signal has for a long time been used in radar and channel sounding. A novel FMCW waveform known as “Gated FMCW” signal is proposed in this thesis for the suppression of strong undesired signals in microwave radar applications, such as: through-the-wall, ground penetrating, and medical imaging radar. In these applications the crosstalk signal between antennas and the reflections form the early interface (wall, ground surface, or skin respectively) are much stronger in magnitude compared to the backscattered signal from the target. Consequently, if not suppressed they overshadow the target’s return making detection a difficult task. Moreover, these strong unwanted reflections limit the radar’s dynamic range and might saturate or block the receiver causing the reflection from actual targets (especially targets with low radar cross section) to appear as noise. The effectiveness of the proposed waveform as a suppression technique was investigated in various radar scenarios, through numerical simulations and experiments. Comparisons of the radar images obtained for the radar system operating with the standard linear FMCW signal and with the proposed Gated FMCW waveform are also made. In addition to the radar work the application of FMCW signals to radio propagation measurements and channel characterisation in the 60 GHz and 2-6 GHz frequency bands in indoor and outdoor environments is described. The data are used to predict the bit error rate performance of the in-house built measurement based channel simulator and the results are compared with the theoretical multipath channel simulator available in Matlab

    Wave tomography

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    Modern GPR Target Recognition Methods

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    Traditional GPR target recognition methods include pre-processing the data by removal of noisy signatures, dewowing (high-pass filtering to remove low-frequency noise), filtering, deconvolution, migration (correction of the effect of survey geometry), and can rely on the simulation of GPR responses. The techniques usually suffer from the loss of information, inability to adapt from prior results, and inefficient performance in the presence of strong clutter and noise. To address these challenges, several advanced processing methods have been developed over the past decade to enhance GPR target recognition. In this chapter, we provide an overview of these modern GPR processing techniques. In particular, we focus on the following methods: adaptive receive processing of range profiles depending on the target environment; adoption of learning-based methods so that the radar utilizes the results from prior measurements; application of methods that exploit the fact that the target scene is sparse in some domain or dictionary; application of advanced classification techniques; and convolutional coding which provides succinct and representatives features of the targets. We describe each of these techniques or their combinations through a representative application of landmine detection.Comment: Book chapter, 56 pages, 17 figures, 12 tables. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1806.0459

    The analysis of UWB Radar System for Microwave Imaging Application.

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    PhDMany research groups have conducted the investigation into UWB imaging radar system for various applications over the last decade. Due to the demanding security requirements, it is desirable to devise a convenient and reliable imaging system for concealed weapon detection. Therefore, this thesis presents my research into a low cost and compact UWB imaging radar system for security purpose. This research consists of two major parts: building the UWB imaging system and testing the imaging algorithms. Firstly, the time-domain UWB imaging radar system is developed based on a modulating scheme, achieving a receiver sensitivity of -78dBm and a receiver dynamic range of 69dB. A rotary UWB antenna linear array, comprising one central transmitting antenna and four side-by-side receiving antennas, is adopted to form 2D array in order to achieve a better cross-range resolution of the target. In operation, the rotation of the antenna array is automatically controlled through the computerised modules in LabVIEW. Two imaging algorithms have been extensively tested in the developed UWB radar system for a number of scenarios. In simulation, the “Delay and Sum (DAS)” method has been shown to be effective at mapping out the metallic targets in free space, but prone to errors in more complicated environments. However, the “Time Reversal (TR)” method can produce better images in more complex scenarios, where traditionally unfavorable multi-path interference becomes a valuable asset. These observations were verified in experiment in different testing environments, such as penetration through wooden boards, clutters and a stuffed sport bag. The detectable size of a single target is 8×8×1 cm3 with 30cm distance in a stuffed bag, while DAS can achieve the estimation of 7cm cross-range resolution and 15cm down-range resolution for two targets with sizes of 8×8×1 cm3 and 10×10×1 cm3, which fits within the theoretical prediction. In contrast, TR can distinguish them with a superior 4cm cross range resolution

    M-sequenze based ultra-wideband radar and its application to crack detection in salt mines

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    Die vorliegende Dissertation beschreibt einen innovativen ultra-breitband (UWB)elektromagnetischen Sensor basierend auf einem Pseudo-Rauschverfahren.Der Sensor wurde für zerstörungsfreies Testen in zivilen Anwendungen entwickelt.Zerstörungsfreies Testen entwickelt sich zu einem immer wichtiger werdenden Bereich in Forschung und Entwicklung. Neben unzähligen weiteren Anwendungen und Technologien, besteht ein primäres Aufgabenfeld in der Überwachung und Untersuchung von Bauwerken und Baumaterialien durch berührungslose Messung aus der Ferne.Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf das Beispiel der Auflockerungszone im Salzgestein.Der Hintergrund und die Notwendigkeit, den Zustand der oberflächennahen Salzschichten in Salzminen kennen zu müssen, werden beleuchtet und die Messaufgabe anhand einfacher theoretischer Überlegungen beschrieben. Daraus werden die Anforderungen für geeignete UWB Sensoren abgeleitet. Die wichtigsten Eigenschaften sind eine sehr hohe Messband breite sowie eine sehr saubere Systemimpulsantwort frei von systematischen Gerätefehlern. Beide Eigenschaften sind notwendig, um die schwachen Rückstreuungen der Auflockerungen trotz der unvermeidlichen starken Oberflächenreflexion detektieren zu können.Da systematische Fehler bei UWB Geräten technisch nicht von vorne herein komplett vermeidbar sind, muss der Sensor eine Gerätekalibrierung erlauben, um solche Fehler möglichst gut zu unterdrücken.Aufgrund der genannten Anforderungen und den Nebenbedingungen der Messumgebung unter Tage, wurde aus den verschiedenen UWB-Technologien ein Prinzip ausgewählt, welches pseudozufällige Maximalfolgen als Anregungssignal benutzt. Das M-Sequenzkonzept dient als Ausgangpunkt für zahlreiche Weiterentwicklungen. Ein neues Sendemodul erweitert dabei die Messbandbreite auf 12~GHz. Die äquivalente Abtastrate wird um den Faktor vier auf 36~GHz erhöht, ohne den geringen Abtastjitter des ursprünglichen Konzepts zu vergrössern.Weiterhin wird die Umsetzung eines Zweitormesskopfes zur Erfassung von S-Parametern sowie einer automatische Kalibriereinheit beschrieben. Etablierte Kalibrierverfahren aus dem Bereich der Netzwerkanalyse werden kurz rekapituliert und die Adaption des 8-Term Verfahrens mit unbekanntem Transmissionsnormal für das M-Sequenzsystem beschrieben. Dabei werden Kennwerte vorgeschlagen, die dem Bediener unter Tage einfach erlauben, die Kalibrierqualität einzuschätzen und Hinweise auf mögliche Gerätefehler oder andere Probleme zu bekommen. Die Kalibriergenauigkeit des neuen Sensors im Labor wird mit der eines Netzwerkanalysators verglichen. Beide Geräte erreichen eine störungsfreie Dynamik von mehr als 60~dB in den Systemimpulsantworten für Reflexion und Transmission.Der neu entwickelte UWB Sensor wurde in zahlreichen Messungen in Salzminen in Deutschland getestet. Zwei Messbeispiele werden vorgestellt - ein sehr alter, kreisrunder Tunnel sowie ein ovaler Tunnelstumpf, welcher kurz vor den Messungen erst aufgefahren wurde. Messaufbauten und Datenverarbeitung werden beschrieben. Schließlich werden Schlussfolgerungen und Vorschläge für zukünftige Arbeiten mit dem neuen M-Sequenzsensor sowie der Messung von Auflockerungen im Salzgestein diskutiert.This dissertation describes an innovative ultra-wideband (UWB) electromagnetic sensor device based on a pseudo-noise principle developed in the context of non-destructive testing in civil engineering.Non-destructive testing is becoming a more and more important fieldfor researchers and engineers alike. Besides the vast field of possibleapplications and testing technologies, a prime and therefore typical topic is the inspection and monitoringof constructions and materials by means of contactless remote sensing techniques.This work focuses on one example the assessment of the disaggregation zone in salt rock tunnels.The background and relevance of knowing the state of salt rock layers near a tunnel's surface are explainedand simple theoretical considerations for requirements of suitable UWB sensor devices are shown. The most important sensor parameters are a very large measurement bandwidth and a very clean impulse response. The latterparameter translates into the mandatory application of calibration techniques to remove systematic errors of the sensor system itself. This enables detection of weak scattering responses from near-surface disaggregation despite the presence of a strong surface reflection.According to the mentioned requirements and other side conditions in salt mine environments an UWB sensor principlebased on pseudo-noise stimuli namely M-Sequences is selected as a starting point for system development. A newtransmitter frontend for extending the stimulus bandwidth up to 12~GHz is presented. Furthermore, a technique for increasing the (equivalent) sampling rate while keeping the stable and low-jitter sampling regime of the M-Sequencesapproach is introduced and its implementation is shown. Moreover, an automatic calibration unit for full two-port coaxial calibration of the new UWB sensor has been developed. Common calibration techniques from the area of vector network analysers are shortly reviewed and a reasonablealgorithm the 8-term method with an unknown line standard - is selected for the M-Sequences device. The 8-term method is defined in the frequency domain and is adapted for use with time domain devices. Some performance figures and comparisonwith calibration results from network analysers are discussed to show the effectiveness of the calibration.A spurious-free dynamic range of the time domain impulse responses in excess of 60~dB has been achieved for reflection as well as transmission measurements.The new UWB sensor was used in various real world measurements in different salt mines throughout Germany. Two measurementexamples are described and results from the disaggregation zone of a very old and a freshly cut tunnel will be presented. Measurement setup and data processing are discussed and finally some conclusions for future work on this topic are drawn

    Advanced Techniques for Ground Penetrating Radar Imaging

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    Ground penetrating radar (GPR) has become one of the key technologies in subsurface sensing and, in general, in non-destructive testing (NDT), since it is able to detect both metallic and nonmetallic targets. GPR for NDT has been successfully introduced in a wide range of sectors, such as mining and geology, glaciology, civil engineering and civil works, archaeology, and security and defense. In recent decades, improvements in georeferencing and positioning systems have enabled the introduction of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) techniques in GPR systems, yielding GPR–SAR systems capable of providing high-resolution microwave images. In parallel, the radiofrequency front-end of GPR systems has been optimized in terms of compactness (e.g., smaller Tx/Rx antennas) and cost. These advances, combined with improvements in autonomous platforms, such as unmanned terrestrial and aerial vehicles, have fostered new fields of application for GPR, where fast and reliable detection capabilities are demanded. In addition, processing techniques have been improved, taking advantage of the research conducted in related fields like inverse scattering and imaging. As a result, novel and robust algorithms have been developed for clutter reduction, automatic target recognition, and efficient processing of large sets of measurements to enable real-time imaging, among others. This Special Issue provides an overview of the state of the art in GPR imaging, focusing on the latest advances from both hardware and software perspectives