537 research outputs found

    MATHICSE Technical Report : Fast and accurate elastic analysis of laminated composite plates via isogeometric collocation and an equilibrium-based stress recovery approach

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    A novel approach which combines isogeometric collocation and an equilibriumbased stress recovery technique is applied to analyze laminated composite plates. Isogeometric collocation is an appealing strong form alternative to standard Galerkin approaches, able to achieve high order convergence rates coupled with a significantly reduced computational cost. Laminated composite plates are herein conveniently modeled considering only one element through the thickness with homogenized material properties. This guarantees accurate results in terms of displacements and in-plane stress components. To recover an accurate out-of-plane stress state, equilibrium is imposed in strong form as a post-processing correction step, which requires the shape functions to be highly continuous. This continuity demand is fully granted A novel approach which combines isogeometric collocation and an equilibriumbased stress recovery technique is applied to analyze laminated composite plates. Isogeometric collocation is an appealing strong form alternative to standard Galerkin approaches, able to achieve high order convergence rates coupled with a significantly reduced computational cost. Laminated composite plates are herein conveniently modeled considering only one element through the thickness with homogenized material properties. This guarantees accurate results in terms of displacements and in-plane stress components. To recover an accurate out-of-plane stress state, equilibrium is imposed in strong form as a post-processing correction step, which requires the shape functions to be highly continuous. This continuity demand is fully granted

    The diffuse Nitsche method: Dirichlet constraints on phase-field boundaries

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    We explore diffuse formulations of Nitsche's method for consistently imposing Dirichlet boundary conditions on phase-field approximations of sharp domains. Leveraging the properties of the phase-field gradient, we derive the variational formulation of the diffuse Nitsche method by transferring all integrals associated with the Dirichlet boundary from a geometrically sharp surface format in the standard Nitsche method to a geometrically diffuse volumetric format. We also derive conditions for the stability of the discrete system and formulate a diffuse local eigenvalue problem, from which the stabilization parameter can be estimated automatically in each element. We advertise metastable phase-field solutions of the Allen-Cahn problem for transferring complex imaging data into diffuse geometric models. In particular, we discuss the use of mixed meshes, that is, an adaptively refined mesh for the phase-field in the diffuse boundary region and a uniform mesh for the representation of the physics-based solution fields. We illustrate accuracy and convergence properties of the diffuse Nitsche method and demonstrate its advantages over diffuse penalty-type methods. In the context of imaging based analysis, we show that the diffuse Nitsche method achieves the same accuracy as the standard Nitsche method with sharp surfaces, if the inherent length scales, i.e., the interface width of the phase-field, the voxel spacing and the mesh size, are properly related. We demonstrate the flexibility of the new method by analyzing stresses in a human vertebral body

    Heterogeneous volumetric data mapping and its medical applications

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    With the advance of data acquisition techniques, massive solid geometries are being collected routinely in scientific tasks, these complex and unstructured data need to be effectively correlated for various processing and analysis. Volumetric mapping solves bijective low-distortion correspondence between/among 3D geometric data, and can serve as an important preprocessing step in many tasks in compute-aided design and analysis, industrial manufacturing, medical image analysis, to name a few. This dissertation studied two important volumetric mapping problems: the mapping of heterogeneous volumes (with nonuniform inner structures/layers) and the mapping of sequential dynamic volumes. To effectively handle heterogeneous volumes, first, we studied the feature-aligned harmonic volumetric mapping. Compared to previous harmonic mapping, it supports the point, curve, and iso-surface alignment, which are important low-dimensional structures in heterogeneous volumetric data. Second, we proposed a biharmonic model for volumetric mapping. Unlike the conventional harmonic volumetric mapping that only supports positional continuity on the boundary, this new model allows us to have higher order continuity C1C^1 along the boundary surface. This suggests a potential model to solve the volumetric mapping of complex and big geometries through divide-and-conquer. We also studied the medical applications of our volumetric mapping in lung tumor respiratory motion modeling. We were building an effective digital platform for lung tumor radiotherapy based on effective volumetric CT/MRI image matching and analysis. We developed and integrated in this platform a set of geometric/image processing techniques including advanced image segmentation, finite element meshing, volumetric registration and interpolation. The lung organ/tumor and surrounding tissues are treated as a heterogeneous region and a dynamic 4D registration framework is developed for lung tumor motion modeling and tracking. Compared to the previous 3D pairwise registration, our new 4D parameterization model leads to a significantly improved registration accuracy. The constructed deforming model can hence approximate the deformation of the tissues and tumor

    High-order maximum-entropy collocation methods

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    This paper considers the approximation of partial differential equations with a point collocation framework based on high-order local maximum-entropy schemes (HOLMES). In this approach, smooth basis functions are computed through an optimization procedure and the strong form of the problem is directly imposed at the collocation points, reducing significantly the computational times with respect to the Galerkin formulation. Furthermore, such a method is truly meshless, since no background integration grids are necessary. The validity of the proposed methodology is verified with supportive numerical examples, where the expected convergence rates are obtained. This includes the approximation of PDEs on domains bounded by implicit and explicit (NURBS) curves, illustrating a direct integration between the geometric modeling and the numerical analysis

    Optimal-order isogeometric collocation at Galerkin superconvergent points

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    In this paper we investigate numerically the order of convergence of an isogeometric collocation method that builds upon the least-squares collocation method presented in [1] and the variational collocation method presented in [2]. The focus is on smoothest B-splines/NURBS approximations, i.e, having global Cp−1C^{p-1} continuity for polynomial degree pp. Within the framework of [2], we select as collocation points a subset of those considered in [1], which are related to the Galerkin superconvergence theory. With our choice, that features local symmetry of the collocation stencil, we improve the convergence behaviour with respect to [2], achieving optimal L2L^2-convergence for odd degree B-splines/NURBS approximations. The same optimal order of convergence is seen in [1], where, however a least-squares formulation is adopted. Further careful study is needed, since the robustness of the method and its mathematical foundation are still unclear.Comment: 21 pages, 20 figures (35 pdf images

    An adaptive space-time phase field formulation for dynamic fracture of brittle shells based on LR NURBS

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    We present an adaptive space-time phase field formulation for dynamic fracture of brittle shells. Their deformation is characterized by the Kirchhoff–Love thin shell theory using a curvilinear surface description. All kinematical objects are defined on the shell’s mid-plane. The evolution equation for the phase field is determined by the minimization of an energy functional based on Griffith’s theory of brittle fracture. Membrane and bending contributions to the fracture process are modeled separately and a thickness integration is established for the latter. The coupled system consists of two nonlinear fourth-order PDEs and all quantities are defined on an evolving two-dimensional manifold. Since the weak form requires C1-continuity, isogeometric shape functions are used. The mesh is adaptively refined based on the phase field using Locally Refinable (LR) NURBS. Time is discretized based on a generalized-α method using adaptive time-stepping, and the discretized coupled system is solved with a monolithic Newton–Raphson scheme. The interaction between surface deformation and crack evolution is demonstrated by several numerical examples showing dynamic crack propagation and branching

    Smooth representation of thin shells and volume structures for isogeometric analysis

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    The purpose of this study is to develop self-contained methods for obtaining smooth meshes which are compatible with isogeometric analysis (IGA). The study contains three main parts. We start by developing a better understanding of shapes and splines through the study of an image-related problem. Then we proceed towards obtaining smooth volumetric meshes of the given voxel-based images. Finally, we treat the smoothness issue on the multi-patch domains with C1 coupling. Following are the highlights of each part. First, we present a B-spline convolution method for boundary representation of voxel-based images. We adopt the filtering technique to compute the B-spline coefficients and gradients of the images effectively. We then implement the B-spline convolution for developing a non-rigid images registration method. The proposed method is in some sense of “isoparametric”, for which all the computation is done within the B-splines framework. Particularly, updating the images by using B-spline composition promote smooth transformation map between the images. We show the possible medical applications of our method by applying it for registration of brain images. Secondly, we develop a self-contained volumetric parametrization method based on the B-splines boundary representation. We aim to convert a given voxel-based data to a matching C1 representation with hierarchical cubic splines. The concept of the osculating circle is employed to enhance the geometric approximation, where it is done by a single template and linear transformations (scaling, translations, and rotations) without the need for solving an optimization problem. Moreover, we use the Laplacian smoothing and refinement techniques to avoid irregular meshes and to improve mesh quality. We show with several examples that the method is capable of handling complex 2D and 3D configurations. In particular, we parametrize the 3D Stanford bunny which contains irregular shapes and voids. Finally, we propose the B®ezier ordinates approach and splines approach for C1 coupling. In the first approach, the new basis functions are defined in terms of the B®ezier Bernstein polynomials. For the second approach, the new basis is defined as a linear combination of C0 basis functions. The methods are not limited to planar or bilinear mappings. They allow the modeling of solutions to fourth order partial differential equations (PDEs) on complex geometric domains, provided that the given patches are G1 continuous. Both methods have their advantages. In particular, the B®ezier approach offer more degree of freedoms, while the spline approach is more computationally efficient. In addition, we proposed partial degree elevation to overcome the C1-locking issue caused by the over constraining of the solution space. We demonstrate the potential of the resulting C1 basis functions for application in IGA which involve fourth order PDEs such as those appearing in Kirchhoff-Love shell models, Cahn-Hilliard phase field application, and biharmonic problems
