13 research outputs found

    Energy Stable Interior Penalty Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method for Cahn-Hilliard Equation

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    An energy stable conservative method is developed for the Cahn-Hilliard (CH) equation with the degenerate mobility. The CH equation is discretized in space with the mass conserving symmetric interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin (SIPG) method. The resulting semi-discrete nonlinear system of ordinary differential equations are solved in time by the unconditionally energy stable average vector field (AVF) method. We prove that the AVF method preserves the energy decreasing property of the fully discretized CH equation. Numerical results for the quartic double-well and the logarithmic potential functions with constant and degenerate mobility confirm the theoretical convergence rates, accuracy and the performance of the proposed approach

    Optimal-order isogeometric collocation at Galerkin superconvergent points

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    In this paper we investigate numerically the order of convergence of an isogeometric collocation method that builds upon the least-squares collocation method presented in [1] and the variational collocation method presented in [2]. The focus is on smoothest B-splines/NURBS approximations, i.e, having global Cp−1C^{p-1} continuity for polynomial degree pp. Within the framework of [2], we select as collocation points a subset of those considered in [1], which are related to the Galerkin superconvergence theory. With our choice, that features local symmetry of the collocation stencil, we improve the convergence behaviour with respect to [2], achieving optimal L2L^2-convergence for odd degree B-splines/NURBS approximations. The same optimal order of convergence is seen in [1], where, however a least-squares formulation is adopted. Further careful study is needed, since the robustness of the method and its mathematical foundation are still unclear.Comment: 21 pages, 20 figures (35 pdf images

    Isogeometric analysis of the Cahn-Hilliard equation - a convergence study

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    Herein, we present a numerical convergence study of the Cahn-Hilliard phase-field model within an isogeometric finite element analysis framework. Using a manufactured solution, a mixed formulation of the Cahn-Hilliard equation and the direct discretisation of the weak form, which requires a C1-continuous approximation, are compared in terms of convergence rates. For approximations that are higher than second-order in space, the direct discretisation is found to be superior. Suboptimal convergence rates occur when splines of order p=2 are used. This is validated with a priori error estimates for linear problems. The convergence analysis is completed with an investigation of the temporal discretisation. Second-order accuracy is found for the generalised-α method. This ensures the functionality of an adaptive time stepping scheme which is required for the efficient numerical solution of the Cahn-Hilliard equation. The isogeometric finite element framework is eventually validated by two numerical examples of spinodal decomposition

    An adaptive space-time phase field formulation for dynamic fracture of brittle shells based on LR NURBS

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    We present an adaptive space-time phase field formulation for dynamic fracture of brittle shells. Their deformation is characterized by the Kirchhoff–Love thin shell theory using a curvilinear surface description. All kinematical objects are defined on the shell’s mid-plane. The evolution equation for the phase field is determined by the minimization of an energy functional based on Griffith’s theory of brittle fracture. Membrane and bending contributions to the fracture process are modeled separately and a thickness integration is established for the latter. The coupled system consists of two nonlinear fourth-order PDEs and all quantities are defined on an evolving two-dimensional manifold. Since the weak form requires C1-continuity, isogeometric shape functions are used. The mesh is adaptively refined based on the phase field using Locally Refinable (LR) NURBS. Time is discretized based on a generalized-α method using adaptive time-stepping, and the discretized coupled system is solved with a monolithic Newton–Raphson scheme. The interaction between surface deformation and crack evolution is demonstrated by several numerical examples showing dynamic crack propagation and branching

    High-order maximum-entropy collocation methods

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    This paper considers the approximation of partial differential equations with a point collocation framework based on high-order local maximum-entropy schemes (HOLMES). In this approach, smooth basis functions are computed through an optimization procedure and the strong form of the problem is directly imposed at the collocation points, reducing significantly the computational times with respect to the Galerkin formulation. Furthermore, such a method is truly meshless, since no background integration grids are necessary. The validity of the proposed methodology is verified with supportive numerical examples, where the expected convergence rates are obtained. This includes the approximation of PDEs on domains bounded by implicit and explicit (NURBS) curves, illustrating a direct integration between the geometric modeling and the numerical analysis

    An interactive geometry modeling and parametric design platform for isogeometric analysis

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    In this paper an interactive parametric design-through-analysis platform is proposed to help design engineers and analysts make more effective use of Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) to improve their product design and performance. We develop several Rhinoceros (Rhino) plug-ins to take input design parameters through a user-friendly interface, generate appropriate surface and/or volumetric models, perform mechanical analysis, and visualize the solution fields, all within the same Computer-Aided Design (CAD) program. As part of this effort we propose and implement graphical generative algorithms for IGA model creation and visualization based on Grasshopper, a visual programming interface to Rhino. The developed platform is demonstrated on two structural mechanics examples—an actual wind turbine blade and a model of an integrally bladed rotor (IBR). In the latter example we demonstrate how the Rhino functionality may be utilized to create conforming volumetric models for IGA

    An energy-stable time-integrator for phase-field models

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    We introduce a provably energy-stable time-integration method for general classes of phase-field models with polynomial potentials. We demonstrate how Taylor series expansions of the nonlinear terms present in the partial differential equations of these models can lead to expressions that guarantee energy-stability implicitly, which are second-order accurate in time. The spatial discretization relies on a mixed finite element formulation and isogeometric analysis. We also propose an adaptive time-stepping discretization that relies on a first-order backward approximation to give an error-estimator. This error estimator is accurate, robust, and does not require the computation of extra solutions to estimate the error. This methodology can be applied to any second-order accurate time-integration scheme. We present numerical examples in two and three spatial dimensions, which confirm the stability and robustness of the method. The implementation of the numerical schemes is done in PetIGA, a high-performance isogeometric analysis framework