31 research outputs found

    Transcriptome Analysis for Non-Model Organism: Current Status and Best-Practices

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    Since transcriptome analysis provides genome-wide sequence and gene expression information, transcript reconstruction using RNA-Seq sequence reads has become popular during recent years. For non-model organism, as distinct from the reference genome-based mapping, sequence reads are processed via de novo transcriptome assembly approaches to produce large numbers of contigs corresponding to coding or non-coding, but expressed, part of genome. In spite of immense potential of RNA-Seq–based methods, particularly in recovering full-length transcripts and spliced isoforms from short-reads, the accurate results can be only obtained by the procedures to be taken in a step-by-step manner. In this chapter, we aim to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art methods including (i) quality check and pre-processing of raw reads, (ii) the pros and cons of de novo transcriptome assemblers, (iii) generating non-redundant transcript data, (iv) current quality assessment tools for de novo transcriptome assemblies, (v) approaches for transcript abundance and differential expression estimations and finally (vi) further mining of transcriptomic data for particular biological questions. Our intention is to provide an overview and practical guidance for choosing the appropriate approaches to best meet the needs of researchers in this area and also outline the strategies to improve on-going projects

    Using equivalence class counts for fast and accurate testing of differential transcript usage [version 2; peer review: 1 approved, 2 approved with reservations]

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    Background: RNA sequencing has enabled high-throughput and fine-grained quantitative analyses of the transcriptome. While differential gene expression is the most widely used application of this technology, RNA-seq data also has the resolution to infer differential transcript usage (DTU), which can elucidate the role of different transcript isoforms between experimental conditions, cell types or tissues. DTU has typically been inferred from exon-count data, which has issues with assigning reads unambiguously to counting bins, and requires alignment of reads to the genome. Recently, approaches have emerged that use transcript quantification estimates directly for DTU. Transcript counts can be inferred from 'pseudo' or lightweight aligners, which are significantly faster than traditional genome alignment. However, recent evaluations show lower sensitivity in DTU analysis compared to exon-level analysis. Transcript abundances are estimated from equivalence classes (ECs), which determine the transcripts that any given read is compatible with. Recent work has proposed performing a variety of RNA-seq analysis directly on equivalence class counts (ECCs). Methods: Here we demonstrate that ECCs can be used effectively with existing count-based methods for detecting DTU. We evaluate this approach on simulated human and drosophila data, as well as on a real dataset through subset testing. Results: We find that ECCs have similar sensitivity and false discovery rates as exon-level counts but can be generated in a fraction of the time through the use of pseudo-aligners. Conclusions: We posit that equivalence class read counts are a natural unit on which to perform differential transcript usage analysis

    RNA sequencing data : hitchhiker's guide to expression analysis

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    Gene expression is the fundamental level at which the results of various genetic and regulatory programs are observable. The measurement of transcriptome-wide gene expression has convincingly switched from microarrays to sequencing in a matter of years. RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) provides a quantitative and open system for profiling transcriptional outcomes on a large scale and therefore facilitates a large diversity of applications, including basic science studies, but also agricultural or clinical situations. In the past 10 years or so, much has been learned about the characteristics of the RNA-seq data sets, as well as the performance of the myriad of methods developed. In this review, we give an overview of the developments in RNA-seq data analysis, including experimental design, with an explicit focus on the quantification of gene expression and statistical approaches for differential expression. We also highlight emerging data types, such as single-cell RNA-seq and gene expression profiling using long-read technologies

    Computational approaches for improving the accuracy and efficiency of RNA-seq analysis

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    The past decade has seen tremendous growth in the area of high throughput sequencing technology, which simultaneously improved the biological resolution and subsequent processing of publicly-available sequencing datasets. This enormous amount of data also calls for better algorithms to process, extract and filter useful knowledge from the data. In this thesis, I concentrate on the challenges and solutions related to the processing of bulk RNA-seq data. An RNA-seq dataset consists of raw nucleotide sequences, drawn from the expressed mixture of transcripts in one or more samples. One of the most common uses of RNA-seq is obtaining transcript or gene level abundance information from the raw nucleotide read sequences and then using these abundances for downstream analyses such as differential expression. A typical computational pipeline for such processing broadly involves two steps: assigning reads to the reference sequence through alignment or mapping algorithms, and subsequently quantifying such assignments to obtain the expression of the reference transcripts or genes. In practice, this two-step process poses multitudes of challenges, starting from the presence of noise and experimental artifacts in the raw sequences to the disambiguation of multi-mapped read sequences. In this thesis, I have described these problems and demonstrated efficient state-of-the-art solutions to a number of them. The current thesis will explore multiple uses for an alternate representation of an RNA-seq experiment encoded in equivalence classes and their associated counts. In this representation, instead of treating a read fragment individually, multiple fragments are simultaneously assigned to a set of transcripts depending on the underlying characteristics of the read-to-transcript mapping. I used the equivalence classes for a number of applications in both single-cell and bulk RNA-seq technologies. By employing equivalence classes at cellular resolution, I have developed a droplet-based single-cell RNA-seq sequence simulator capable of generating tagged end short read sequences resembling the properties of real datasets. In bulk RNA-seq, I have utilized equivalence classes to applications ranging from data-driven compression methodologies to clustering de-novo transcriptome assemblies. Specifically, I introduce a new data-driven approach for grouping together transcripts in an experiment based on their inferential uncertainty. Transcripts that share large numbers of ambiguously-mapping fragments with other transcripts, in complex patterns, often cannot have their abundances confidently estimated. Yet, the total transcriptional output of that group of transcripts will have greatly-reduced inferential uncertainty, thus allowing more robust and confident downstream analysis. This approach, implemented in the tool terminus, groups together transcripts in a data-driven manner. It leverages the equivalence class factorization to quickly identify transcripts that share reads and posterior samples to measure the confidence of the point estimates. As a result, terminus allows transcript-level analysis where it can be confidently supported, and derives transcriptional groups where the inferential uncertainty is too high to support a transcript-level result


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    The analysis of the high throughput sequencing (HTS) data includes a number of involved computational steps, ranging from the assembly of transcriptome, mapping or alignment of the reads to existing or assembled sequences, estimating the abundance of sequenced molecules, performing differential or comparative analysis between samples, and even inferring dynamics of interest from snapshot data. Many methods have been developed for these different tasks that provide various trade-offs in terms of accuracy and speed, because accuracy and robustness typically come at the expense of sacrificing speed and vice versa. In this work, I focus on the problems of alignment and quantification of RNA-seq data, and review different aspects of the available methods for these problems. I explore finding a reasonable balance between these competing goals, and introduce methods that provide accurate results without sacrificing speed. Alignment of sequencing reads to known reference sequences is a challenging computational step in the RNA-seq pipeline mainly because of the large size of sample data and reference sequences, and highly-repetitive sequence. Recently, the concept of lightweight alignment is introduced to accelerate the mapping step of abundance estimation.I collaborated with my colleagues to explore some of the shortcomings of the lightweight alignment methods, and to address those with a new approach called the selective-alignment. Moreover, we introduce an aligner, Puffaligner, which benefits from both the indexing approach introduced by the Pufferfish index and also selective-alignment to produce accurate alignments in a short amount of time compared to other popular aligners. To improve the speed of RNA-seq quantification given a collection of alignments, some tools group fragments (reads) into equivalence classes which are sets of fragments that are compatible with the same subset of reference sequences. Summarizing the fragments into equivalence classes factorizes the likelihood function being optimized and increases the speed of the typical optimization algorithms deployed. I explore how this factorization affects the accuracy of abundance estimates, and propose a new factorization approach that demonstrates higher fidelity to the non-approximate model. Finally, estimating the posterior distribution of the transcript expressions is a crucial step in finding robust and reliable estimates of transcript abundance in the presence of high levels of multi-mapping. To assess the accuracy of their point estimates, quantification tools generate inferential replicates using techniques such as Bootstrap sampling and Gibbs sampling. The utility of inferential replicates has been portrayed in different downstream RNA-seq applications, i.e., performing differential expression analysis. I explore how sampling from both observed and unobserved data points (reads) improves the accuracy of Bootstrap sampling. I demonstrate the utility of this approach in estimating allelic expression with RNA-seq reads, where the absence of unique mapping reads to reference transcripts is a major obstacle for calculating robust estimates

    Novel graph based algorithms for transcriptome sequence analysis

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    RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) is one of the most-widely used techniques in molecular biology. A key bioinformatics task in any RNA-seq workflow is the assembling the reads. As the size of transcriptomics data sets is constantly increasing, scalable and accurate assembly approaches have to be developed.Here, we propose several approaches to improve assembling of RNA-seq data generated by second-generation sequencing technologies. We demonstrated that the systematic removal of irrelevant reads from a high coverage dataset prior to assembly, reduces runtime and improves the quality of the assembly. Further, we propose a novel RNA-seq assembly work- flow comprised of read error correction, normalization, assembly with informed parameter selection and transcript-level expression computation. In recent years, the popularity of third-generation sequencing technologies in- creased as long reads allow for accurate isoform quantification and gene-fusion detection, which is essential for biomedical research. We present a sequence-to-graph alignment method to detect and to quantify transcripts for third-generation sequencing data. Also, we propose the first gene-fusion prediction tool which is specifically tailored towards long-read data and hence achieves accurate expression estimation even on complex data sets. Moreover, our method predicted experimentally verified fusion events along with some novel events, which can be validated in the future

    New Algorithms for Fast and Economic Assembly: Advances in Transcriptome and Genome Assembly

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    Great efforts have been devoted to decipher the sequence composition of the genomes and transcriptomes of diverse organisms. Continuing advances in high-throughput sequencing technologies have led to a decline in associated costs, facilitating a rapid increase in the amount of available genetic data. In particular genome studies have undergone a fundamental paradigm shift where genome projects are no longer limited by sequencing costs, but rather by computational problems associated with assembly. There is an urgent demand for more efficient and more accurate methods. Most recently, “hybrid” methods that integrate short- and long-read data have been devised to address this need. LazyB is a new, low-cost hybrid genome assembler. It starts from a bipartite overlap graph between long reads and restrictively filtered short-read unitigs. This graph is translated into a long-read overlap graph. By design, unitigs are both unique and almost free of assembly errors. As a consequence, only few spurious overlaps are introduced into the graph. Instead of the more conventional approach of removing tips, bubbles, and other local features, LazyB extracts subgraphs whose global properties approach a disjoint union of paths in multiple steps, utilizing properties of proper interval graphs. A prototype implementation of LazyB, entirely written in Python, not only yields significantly more accurate assemblies of the yeast, fruit fly, and human genomes compared to state-of-the-art pipelines, but also requires much less computational effort. An optimized C++ implementation dubbed MuCHSALSA further significantly reduces resource demands. Advances in RNA-seq have facilitated tremendous insights into the role of both coding and non-coding transcripts. Yet, the complete and accurate annotation of the transciptomes of even model organisms has remained elusive. RNA-seq produces reads significantly shorter than the average distance between related splice events and presents high noise levels and other biases The computational reconstruction remains a critical bottleneck. Ryūtō implements an extension of common splice graphs facilitating the integration of reads spanning multiple splice sites and paired-end reads bridging distant transcript parts. The decomposition of read coverage patterns is modeled as a minimum-cost flow problem. Using phasing information from multi-splice and paired-end reads, nodes with uncertain connections are decomposed step-wise via Linear Programming. Ryūtōs performance compares favorably with state-of-the-art methods on both simulated and real-life datasets. Despite ongoing research and our own contributions, progress on traditional single sample assembly has brought no major breakthrough. Multi-sample RNA-Seq experiments provide more information which, however, is challenging to utilize due to the large amount of accumulating errors. An extension to Ryūtō enables the reconstruction of consensus transcriptomes from multiple RNA-seq data sets, incorporating consensus calling at low level features. Benchmarks show stable improvements already at 3 replicates. Ryūtō outperforms competing approaches, providing a better and user-adjustable sensitivity-precision trade-off. Ryūtō consistently improves assembly on replicates, demonstrable also when mixing conditions or time series and for differential expression analysis. Ryūtōs approach towards guided assembly is equally unique. It allows users to adjust results based on the quality of the guide, even for multi-sample assembly.:1 Preface 1.1 Assembly: A vast and fast evolving field 1.2 Structure of this Work 1.3 Available 2 Introduction 2.1 Mathematical Background 2.2 High-Throughput Sequencing 2.3 Assembly 2.4 Transcriptome Expression 3 From LazyB to MuCHSALSA - Fast and Cheap Genome Assembly 3.1 Background 3.2 Strategy 3.3 Data preprocessing 3.4 Processing of the overlap graph 3.5 Post Processing of the Path Decomposition 3.6 Benchmarking 3.7 MuCHSALSA – Moving towards the future 4 Ryūtō - Versatile, Fast, and Effective Transcript Assembly 4.1 Background 4.2 Strategy 4.3 The Ryūtō core algorithm 4.4 Improved Multi-sample transcript assembly with Ryūtō 5 Conclusion & Future Work 5.1 Discussion and Outlook 5.2 Summary and Conclusio


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    High-throughput sequencing has helped to transform our study of biological organisms and processes. For example, RNA-seq is one popular sequencing assay that allows measuring dynamic transcriptomes and enables the discovery (via assem- bly) of novel transcripts. Likewise, metagenomic sequencing lets us probe natural environments to profile organismal diversity and to discover new strains and species that may be integral to the environment or process being studied. The vast amount of available sequencing data, and its growth rate over the past decade also brings with it some immense computational challenges. One of these is how do we design memory-efficient structures for indexing and querying this data. This challenge is not limited to only raw sequencing data (i.e. reads) but also to the growing collection of reference sequences (genomes, and genes) that are assembled from this raw data. We have developed new data structures (both reference-based and reference-free) to index raw sequencing data and assembled reference sequences. Specifically, we describe three separate indices, “Pufferfish”, an index over a set of genomes or tran- scriptomes, and “Rainbowfish” and “Mantis” which are both indices for indexing a set of raw sequencing data sets. All of these indices are designed with consideration of support for high query performance and memory efficient construction and query. The Pufferfish data structure is based on constructing a compacted, colored, reference de Bruijn graph (ccdbg), and then indexing this structure in an efficient manner. We have developed both sparse and dense indexing schemes which allow trading index space for query speed (though queries always remain asymptotically optimal). Pufferfish provides a full reference index that can return the set of refer- ences, positions and orientations of any k-mer (substring of fixed length “k” ) in the input genomes. We have built an alignment tool, Puffaligner, around this index for aligning sequencing reads to reference sequences. We demonstrate that Puffaligner is able to produce highly-sensitive alignments, similar to those of Bowtie2, but much more quickly and exhibits speed similar to the ultrafast STAR aligner while requiring considerably less memory to construct its index and align reads. The Rainbowfish and Mantis data structures, on the other hand, are based on reference-free colored de Bruijn graphs (cdbg) constructed over raw sequencing data. Rainbowfish introduces a new efficient representation of the color information which is then adopted and refined by Mantis. Mantis supports graph traversal and other topological analyses, but is also particularly well-suited for large-scale sequence-level search over thousands of samples. We develop multiple and successively-refined versions of the Mantis index, culminating in an index that adopts a minimizer- partitioned representation of the underlying k-mer set and a referential encoding of the color information that exploits fast near-neighbor search and efficient encoding via a minimum spanning tree. We describe, further, how this index can be made incrementally updatable by developing an efficient merge algorithm and storing the overall index in a multi-level log-structured merge (LSM) tree. We demonstrate the utility of this index by building a searchable Mantis, via recursive merging, over 10,000 raw sequencing samples, which we then scale to over 15,000 samples via incremental update. This index can be queried, on a commodity server, to discover the samples likely containing thousands of reference sequences in only a few minutes

    Fast-evolving homeobox genes in mammalian preimplantation development

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    Transcription factor proteins containing the homeodomain motif orchestrate myriad key functions during embryonic development and are therefore often conserved to a spectacular degree over extensive evolutionary timescales. Given this paradigm, the recent discovery of several homeobox families with roles in embryogenesis but which appear to be rapidly-evolving is a puzzling development. In this thesis I focus on one such group, the mammalian-specific Eutherian Totipotent Cell Homeobox (ETCHbox) genes, with the overarching aim of advancing our understanding of the function fast- evolving genes perform in the embryo and the forces that have combined to produce their unusual evolutionary trajectories. Analysis of single-cell RNA-sequencing data finds that ETCHbox genes are activated during the major wave of embryonic genome activation across various mammalian species. Ectopic expression experiments of ETCHbox proteins in cell culture suggest them to be multifunctional regulators of several key processes during preimplantation development, including blastocyst formation; inner cell mass development; the activity of transposable elements; and cellular potency. From an evolutionary perspective, dramatic changes in ETCHbox protein-coding sequences and copy number have occurred between lineages, and this has been driven at least in part by positive selection. Rapid protein-coding sequence evolution has resulted in small alterations to gene functions between closely related species (e.g. within primates) but highly divergent transcription factor functions between humans and cattle. Overall, I conclude that the lability of preimplantation development, combined with functional redundancy of ETCHbox proteins and positive selection acting on ETCHbox sequences, have combined to produce the diverse repertoires we observe today