2,544 research outputs found

    A differentiated Services Architecture for Quality of Service Provisioning in Wireless Local Area Networks

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    Currently the issue of Quality of Service (QoS) is a major problem in IP networks due to the growth in multimedia traffic (e.g. voice and video applications) and therefore many mechanisms like IntServ, DiffServ, etc. have been proposed. Since the IEEE 802.11b (or Wi-Fi) standard was approved in 1999, it has gained in popularity to become the leading Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) technology with millions of such networks deployed worldwide. Wireless networks have a limited capacity (11 Mbits/s in the case of Wi-Fi networks) owing to the limited amount of frequency spectrum available. At any given time there may be a large number of users contending for access which results in the bandwidth available to each user being severely limited. Moreover, the system does not differentiate between traffic types which means that all traffic, regardless of its importance or priority, experiences the same QoS. An important network application requiring QoS guarantees is the provision of time-bounded services, such as voice over IP and video streaming, where the combination of packet delay, jitter and packet loss will impact on the perceived QoS. Consequently this has led to a large amount of research work focussing mainly on QoS enhancement schemes for the 802.11 MAC mechanism. The Task Group E of the IEEE 802.11 working group has been developing an extension to the Wi-Fi standard that proposes to make changes to the MAC mechanism to support applications with QoS requirements. The 802.11e QoS standard is currently undergoing final revisions before approval expected sometime in 2004. As 802.11e WLAN equipment is not yet available, performance reports can only be based on simulation. The objective of this thesis was to develop a computer simulator that implements the upcoming IEEE 802.11e standard and to use this simulator to evaluate the QoS performance enhancement potential of 802.11e. This thesis discusses the QoS facilities, analyses the MAC protocol enhancements and compares them with the original 802.11 standard. The issue of QoS provisioning is primarily concerned with providing predictable performance guarantees with regard to throughput, packet delay, jitter and packet loss. The simulated results indicate that the proposed QoS enhancements to the MAC will considerably improve QoS performance in 802.11b WLANs. However, in order for the proposed 802.11e QoS mechanism to be effective the 802.11e parameters will need to be continually adjusted in order to ensure QoS guarantees are fulfilled for all traffic loads

    Distributed Time Division Multiple Access (DTDMA) Medium Access Control Protocol For Wireless Sensor Networks [TK7872.D48 W872 2008 f rb].

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    Rangkaian sensor tanpa wayar menerima perhatian yang memberangsangkan sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu disebabkan oleh peningkatan permintaan terhadap perisian kadar rendah, murah dan menjimatkan tenaga seperti operasi perkilangan, ketenteraan, kesihatan, pengawasan alam sekitar, sekuriti, operasi penyelamatan dan komunikasi tanpa wayar. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) received tremendous attention over the last few years due to increasing demand for low data rate, low-cost and low power applications in industries like factory automation, military, health and hospitality,environment monitoring, security, search and rescue, and wireless communications

    Application and Control Aware Communication Strategies for Transportation and Energy Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Cyber--Physical Systems (CPSs) are a generation of engineered systems in which computing, communication, and control components are tightly integrated. Some important application domains of CPS are transportation, energy, and medical systems. The dynamics of CPSs are complex, involving the stochastic nature of communication systems, discrete dynamics of computing systems, and continuous dynamics of control systems. The existence of communication between and among controllers of physical processes is one of the basic characteristics of CPSs. Under this situation, some fundamental questions are: 1) How does the network behavior (communication delay, packet loss, etc.) affect the stability of the system? 2) Under what conditions is a complex system stabilizable?;In cases where communication is a component of a control system, scalability of the system becomes a concern. Therefore, one of the first issues to consider is how information about a physical process should be communicated. For example, the timing for sampling and communication is one issue. The traditional approach is to sample the physical process periodically or at predetermined times. An alternative is to sample it when specific events occur. Event-based sampling requires continuous monitoring of the system to decide a sample needs to be communicated. The main contributions of this dissertation in energy cyber-physical system domain are designing and modeling of event-based (on-demand) communication mechanisms. We show that in the problem of tracking a dynamical system over a network, if message generation and communication have correlation with estimation error, the same performance as the periodic sampling and communication method can be reached using a significantly lower rate of data.;For more complex CPSs such as vehicle safety systems, additional considerations for the communication component are needed. Communication strategies that enable robust situational awareness are critical for the design of CPSs, in particular for transportation systems. In this dissertation, we utilize the recently introduced concept of model-based communication and propose a new communication strategy to address this need. Our approach to model behavior of remote vehicles mathematically is to describe the small-scale structure of the remote vehicle movement (e.g. braking, accelerating) by a set of dynamic models and represent the large-scale structure (e.g. free following, turning) by coupling these dynamic models together into a Markov chain. Assuming model-based communication approach, a novel stochastic model predictive method is proposed to achieve cruise control goals and investigate the effect of new methodology.;To evaluate the accuracy and robustness of a situational awareness methodology, it is essential to study the mutual effect of the components of a situational awareness subsystem, and their impact on the accuracy of situational awareness. The main components are estimation and networking processes. One possible approach in this task is to produce models that provide a clear view into the dynamics of these two components. These models should integrate continuous physical dynamics, expressed with ordinary differential equations, with the discrete behaviors of communication, expressed with finite automata or Markov chain. In this dissertation, a hybrid automata model is proposed to combine and model both networking and estimation components in a single framework and investigate their interactions.;In summary, contributions of this dissertation lie in designing and evaluating methods that utilize knowledge of the physical element of CPSs to optimize the behavior of communication subsystems. Employment of such methods yields significant overall system performance improvement without incurring additional communication deployment costs

    Network coding-aided MAC protocols for cooperative wireless networks

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    The introduction of third generation (3G) technologies has caused a vast proliferation of wireless devices and networks, generating an increasing demand for high level Quality of Service (QoS). The wide spread of mobile applications has further reinforced the user need for communication, motivating at the same time the concepts of user cooperation and data dissemination. However, this trend towards continuous exchange of information and ubiquitous connectivity is inherently restricted by the energy-greedy functionalities of high-end devices. These limitations, along with the pressure exerted on the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry towards energy awareness, have induced the design of novel energy efficient schemes and algorithms. In this context, the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer plays a key role, since it is mainly responsible for the channel access regulation, the transmission scheduling and the resource allocation, thus constituting an appropriate point to effectively address energy efficiency issues that arise due to the users overcrowding. This dissertation provides a contribution to the design, analysis and evaluation of novel MAC protocols for cooperative wireless networks. In our attempt to design energy efficient MAC schemes, we were extensively assisted by the introduction of new techniques, such as Network Coding (NC), that intrinsically bring considerable gains in system performance. The main thesis contributions are divided into two parts. The first part presents NCCARQ, a novel NC-aided Cooperative Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) MAC protocol for wireless networks. NCCARQ introduces a new access paradigm for cooperative ARQ schemes, exploiting NC benefits in bidirectional communication among wireless users. The NCCARQ performance in terms of QoS and energy efficiency is assessed by means of analytical probabilistic models and extensive computer-based simulations, revealing the significant gains we can achieve compared to standardized MAC solutions. In addition, the impact of realistic wireless channel conditions on the MAC protocol operation further motivated us to study the NCCARQ performance in wireless links affected by correlated shadowing, showing that the channel correlation may adversely affect the distributed cooperation benefits. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to the investigation of MAC issues in wireless data dissemination scenarios. In particular, the existence of multiple source nodes in such scenarios generates conflicting situations, considering the selfish behavior of the wireless devices that want to maximize their battery lifetime. Bearing in mind the energy efficiency importance, we propose game theoretic medium access strategies, applying energy-based utility functions which inherently imply energy awareness. In addition, Random Linear NC (RLNC) techniques are adopted to eliminate the need of exchanging excessive control packets, while Analog NC (ANC) is employed to efface the impact of collisions throughout the communication. During the elaboration of this thesis, two general key conclusions have been extracted. First, there is a fundamental requirement for implementation of new MAC protocols in order to effectively deal with state-of-the-art techniques (e.g., NC), recently introduced to enhance both the performance and the energy efficiency of the network. Second, we highlight the importance of designing novel energy efficient MAC protocols, taking into account that traditional approaches - designed mainly to assist the collision avoidance in wireless networks - tend to be obsolete.La presente tesis doctoral contribuye al diseño, análisis y evaluación de nuevos protocolos MAC cooperativos para redes inalámbricas. La introducción de nuevas técnicas, tales como la codificación de red (NC), que intrínsecamente llevan un considerable aumento en el rendimiento del sistema, nos ayudó ampliamente durante el diseño de protocolos MAC energéticamente eficientes. Las principales contribuciones de esta tesis se dividen en dos partes. La primera parte presenta el NCCARQ, un protocolo cooperativo de retransmisión automática (ARQ), asistido por NC para redes inalámbricas. La segunda parte de la tesis se centra en el diseño de protocolos de capa MAC en escenarios inalámbricos de difusión de datos. Teniendo en cuenta la importancia de la eficiencia energética, se proponen técnicas de acceso al medio basadas en teoría de juegos dónde las funciones objetivo están motivadas por el consumo energético. Las soluciones propuestas son evaluadas por medio de modelos analíticos y simulaciones por ordenador

    Advanced space system concepts and their orbital support needs (1980 - 2000). Volume 3: Detailed data. Part 1: Catalog of initiatives, functional options, and future environments and goals

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    The following areas were discussed in relation to a study of the commonality of space vehicle applications to future national needs: (1) index of initiatives (civilian observation, communication, support), brief illustrated description of each initiative, time periods (from 1980 to 2000+) for implementation of these initiatives; (2) data bank of functional system options, presented in the form of data sheets, one for each of the major functions, with the system option for near-term, midterm, and far-term space projects applicable to each subcategory of functions to be fulfilled; (3) table relating initiatives and desired goals (public service and humanistic, materialistic, scientific and intellectual); and (4) data on size, weight and cost estimations


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    This thesis aims to introduce a new framework for the distributed control of multi-agent systems with adjustable swarm control objectives. Our goal is twofold: 1) to provide an overview to how time-varying objectives in the control of autonomous systems may be applied to the distributed control of multi-agent systems with variable autonomy level, and 2) to introduce a framework to incorporate the proposed concept to fundamental swarm behaviors such as aggregation and leader tracking. Leader-follower multi-agent systems are considered in this study, and a general form of time-dependent artificial potential function is proposed to describe the varying objectives of the system in the case of complete information exchange. Using Lyapunov methods, the stability and boundedness of the agents\u27 trajectories under single order and higher order dynamics are analyzed. Illustrative numerical simulations are presented to demonstrate the validity of our results. Then, we extend these results for multi-agent systems with limited information exchange and switching communication topology. The first steps of the realization of an experimental framework have been made with the ultimate goal of verifying the simulation results in practice

    MAC Protocols for Wireless Mesh Networks with Multi-beam Antennas: A Survey

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    Multi-beam antenna technologies have provided lots of promising solutions to many current challenges faced in wireless mesh networks. The antenna can establish several beamformings simultaneously and initiate concurrent transmissions or receptions using multiple beams, thereby increasing the overall throughput of the network transmission. Multi-beam antenna has the ability to increase the spatial reuse, extend the transmission range, improve the transmission reliability, as well as save the power consumption. Traditional Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols for wireless network largely relied on the IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function(DCF) mechanism, however, IEEE 802.11 DCF cannot take the advantages of these unique capabilities provided by multi-beam antennas. This paper surveys the MAC protocols for wireless mesh networks with multi-beam antennas. The paper first discusses some basic information in designing multi-beam antenna system and MAC protocols, and then presents the main challenges for the MAC protocols in wireless mesh networks compared with the traditional MAC protocols. A qualitative comparison of the existing MAC protocols is provided to highlight their novel features, which provides a reference for designing the new MAC protocols. To provide some insights on future research, several open issues of MAC protocols are discussed for wireless mesh networks using multi-beam antennas.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC) 2019, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-12388-8_

    Supporting Real-Time Communication in CSMA-Based Networks : the VTP-CSMA Virtual Token Passing Approach

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200