878,448 research outputs found

    Rapid learning of an abstract language-specific category: Polish children's acquisition of the instrumental construction

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    Rapid acquisition of linguistic categories or constructions is sometimes regarded as evidence of innate knowledge. In this paper, we examine Polish children's early understanding of an idiosyncratic, language-specific construction involving the instrumental case – which could not be due to innate knowledge. Thirty Polish-speaking children aged 2 ; 6 and 3 ; 2 participated in a elicited production experiment with novel verbs that were demonstrated as taking nouns in the instrumental case as patients. Children heard the verbs in sentences with either masculine or feminine nouns (which take different endings in the instrumental case), and were tested with new nouns of the same and of the opposite gender. In both age groups, a substantial majority of children succeeded in generalizing from one gendered form of the instrumental case to the other (especially to the masculine), thus indicating that they have some kind of abstract understanding of the instrumental case in this construction. This relatively early abstract knowledge of an idiosyncratic construction casts doubt on the view that early acquisition requires innate linguistic knowledge

    Penggunaan Alat Peraga dalam Video Pembelajaran Medan Listrik untuk Mendukung Discovery Learning di SMA

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    Abstract: The low ability of high school students in understanding abstract electric field material due to the lack of available teaching aids and the COVID-19 pandemic situation which caused the learning process to be directly transferred to the online learning process became the basis of this research. This study aims to develop the use of teaching aids in electric field learning videos to support discovery learning in high school. This research method uses the ADDIE development research method which includes five stages, namely analysis, planning, development, implementation, and evaluation. The instruments used in this study were validation sheets and questionnaires. The use of teaching aids in electric field learning videos has a percentage of product validity by material expert validators of 80% in the very appropriate category, media expert validators by 77.5% in the appropriate category, and learning expert validators by 82% in the very feasible category. Trials on high school physics teachers obtained a validity percentage of 94% and trials on students obtained a validity percentage of 83.2% with a very feasible category. It can be concluded that the use of teaching aids in electric field learning videos to support discovery learning in high school has met the eligibility criteria as a tool in the electric field learning process


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    Abstract This research aims to find out the relationship between learning motivation and learning habits together to the learning outcomes of grade IV students of 17 Pontianak City Elementary School. The research method used is quantitative descriptive with a form of correlation study research. The population in this study was grade IV students of SDN 17 Pontianak. The samples in this study were determined using probabilty sampling techniques with random sampling type and selected grade IVC SDN 17 Pontianak Kota. The source of this research data is grade IVC students of SDN 17 Pontianak Kota and the average rapot document. The data is a poll score of learning motivation and learning habits and average rapot scores. The results showed 79.16% of students' learning motivation was in the good category, students' learning habits were 79.87% in the good category, and 83.96% of study results fell into the excellent category. The correlation between learning motivation and learning outcomes was 0.550 in the moderate category. The correlation between learning habits and learning outcomes of 0.521 fell into the moderate category. The correlation of learning motivation and learning habits was 0.458. The correlation between learning motivation and habits together with learning outcomes of 0.627 fell into the strong category. Keywords : Learning Motivation, Learning Habits, and Learning Outcomes

    Modelling concrete and abstract concepts using brain-constrained deep neural networks

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    A neurobiologically constrained deep neural network mimicking cortical areas relevant for sensorimotor, linguistic and conceptual processing was used to investigate the putative biological mechanisms underlying conceptual category formation and semantic feature extraction. Networks were trained to learn neural patterns representing specific objects and actions relevant to semantically ‘ground’ concrete and abstract concepts. Grounding sets consisted of three grounding patterns with neurons representing specific perceptual or action-related features; neurons were either unique to one pattern or shared between patterns of the same set. Concrete categories were modelled as pattern triplets overlapping in their ‘shared neurons’, thus implementing semantic feature sharing of all instances of a category. In contrast, abstract concepts had partially shared feature neurons common to only pairs of category instances, thus, exhibiting family resemblance, but lacking full feature overlap. Stimulation with concrete and abstract conceptual patterns and biologically realistic unsupervised learning caused formation of strongly connected cell assemblies (CAs) specific to individual grounding patterns, whose neurons were spread out across all areas of the deep network. After learning, the shared neurons of the instances of concrete concepts were more prominent in central areas when compared with peripheral sensorimotor ones, whereas for abstract concepts the converse pattern of results was observed, with central areas exhibiting relatively fewer neurons shared between pairs of category members. We interpret these results in light of the current knowledge about the relative difficulty children show when learning abstract words. Implications for future neurocomputational modelling experiments as well as neurobiological theories of semantic representation are discussed

    Pengembangan Kerangka Kerja TPACK pada Materi Koloid untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Pembelajaran dalam Mencapai HOTS Siswa

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    Chemistry learning particularly colloid material has a scientific topic that measuring up to abstract and emphasizes the mastery of concepts until the microscopic level (molecular) symbolic. Thus, the implementation of learning need to be completed. Up till now, chemistry learning process is still dominantly conventional in teacher-centered, so that the students tend to be passive and less interested in learning.   Therefore, it is necessary to develop an innovative learning to improve student’s learning activities, by integrating Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge (TPACK). Through the integration of TPACK, abstract material can be concrete with the use of simulation, as well as the learning will be student-centered learning by means of Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) model, so that students are more active in their learning and students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) will be achieved. The results indicating that learning activities at the meeting I 96.25%, meeting II 92.98%, meeting III 95.29%, and meeting IV 91.18% , all of them belong to the category of "highly optimized". Student test scores on average 64.6 which belong to the category of "quite"

    Efek Potensial Pengembangan Sparkol Videoscribe terhadap Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa

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     ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the potential effect of developing sparkol videoscribe-based learning media on student learning outcomes of STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau. This research is a development research using a 4D development model. This model consists of 4 stages of development, namely define, design, develop and disseminate. An assessment of student learning outcomes was conducted to determine the potential effect of developing sparkol videoscribe. Assessment of student learning outcomes is carried out by giving test questions after the learning is completed. The results of the research, the development of sparkol videoscribe has a positive potential effect, where 50% of students are in the very satisfactory category, 33.33% of students are in the satisfactory category and 16.66% of students are in the moderate category. In conclusion, the development of the sparkol videoscribe learning media that has been carried out has a potential effect on student learning outcomes. Keywords: Potential Effects, Learning Outcomes, Development, Sparko


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    Abstract This study aims to find out the relationship between learning habits and learning readiness together with the learning outcomes of students in grade IV of Public Elementary School 15 South Pontianak. The research method used is descriptive quantitative with the form of correlation study research. The population in this study was students in grade 4. Samples in this study were determined using nonprobability sampling techniques with saturated sampling type. The data source of this research is students in grade 4 and the average theme of 1 subthema 1.The results showed that 95% of learners' learning habits fall into the category of excellent, 94.68% of learners' learning readiness fall into the very good category, and 80.8% of learning outcomes fall into the excellent category. Based on statistical analysis using a formula of double correlation for the calculation of correlation between habits and readiness with learners' learning outcomes can r calculate 0.577. While r table 0.444 this means r calculate > r table or (0.577 > 0.444). The correlation between learning habits and learning readiness with the learning outcomes of students in grade IV of Public Elementary School 15 South Pontianak belongs to the moderate category. Keywords: Learning Habits, Learning Readiness, and Learning Outcome
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