1,438 research outputs found

    Supporting user-oriented analysis for multi-view domain-specific visual languages

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Information and Software Technology. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2008 Elsevier B.V.The integration of usable and flexible analysis support in modelling environments is a key success factor in Model-Driven Development. In this paradigm, models are the core asset from which code is automatically generated, and thus ensuring model correctness is a fundamental quality control activity. For this purpose, a common approach is to transform the system models into formal semantic domains for verification. However, if the analysis results are not shown in a proper way to the end-user (e.g. in terms of the original language) they may become useless. In this paper we present a novel DSVL called BaVeL that facilitates the flexible annotation of verification results obtained in semantic domains to different formats, including the context of the original language. BaVeL is used in combination with a consistency framework, providing support for all steps in a verification process: acquisition of additional input data, transformation of the system models into semantic domains, verification, and flexible annotation of analysis results. The approach has been validated analytically by the cognitive dimensions framework, and empirically by its implementation and application to several DSVLs. Here we present a case study of a notation in the area of Digital Libraries, where the analysis is performed by transformations into Petri nets and a process algebra.Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and MODUWEB

    Reachability analysis for AWS-based networks

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    Cloud services provide the ability to provision virtual networked infrastructure on demand over the Internet. The rapid growth of these virtually provisioned cloud networks has increased the demand for automated reasoning tools capable of identifying misconfigurations or security vulnerabilities. This type of automation gives customers the assurance they need to deploy sensitive workloads. It can also reduce the cost and time-to-market for regulated customers looking to establish compliance certification for cloud-based applications. In this industrial case-study, we describe a new network reachability reasoning tool, called Tiros, that uses off-the-shelf automated theorem proving tools to fill this need. Tiros is the foundation of a recently introduced network security analysis feature in the Amazon Inspector service now available to millions of customers building applications in the cloud. Tiros is also used within Amazon Web Services (AWS) to automate the checking of compliance certification and adherence to security invariants for many AWS services that build on existing AWS networking features

    A comparative assessment of collaborative business process verification approaches.

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    Industry 4.0 is a key strategic trend of the economy. Virtual factories are key building blocks for Industry 4.0 where product design processes, manufacturing processes and general collaborative business processes across factories and enterprises are integrated. In the context of EU H2020 FIRST (vF Interoperation suppoRting buSiness innovaTion) project, end users of vFs are not experts in business process modelling to guarantee correct collaborative business processes for realizing execution. To enable automatic execution of business processes, verification is an important step at the business process design stage to avoid errors at runtime. Research in business process model verification has yielded a plethora of approaches in form of languages and tools that are based on Petri nets family and temporal logic. However, no report specifically targets and presents a comparative assessment of these approaches based on criteria as one we propose. In this paper we present an assessment of the most common verification approaches based on their expressibility, flexibility, suitability and complexity. We also look at how big data impacts the business process verification approach in a data-rich world

    A State-Based Proactive Approach To Network Isolation Verification In Clouds

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    The multi-tenancy nature of public clouds usually leads to cloud tenants' concerns over network isolation around their virtual resources. Verifying network isolation in clouds faces unique challenges. The sheer size of virtual infrastructures paired with the self-serviced nature of clouds means the verification will likely have a high complexity and yet its results may become obsolete in seconds. Moreover, the _ne-grained and distributed network access control (e.g., per-VM security group rules) typical to virtual cloud infrastructures means the verification must examine not only the events but also the current state of the infrastructures. In this thesis, we propose VMGuard, a state-based proactive approach for efficiently verifying large-scale virtual infrastructures against network isolation policies. Informally, our key idea is to proactively trigger the verification based on predicted events and their simulated impact upon the current state, such that we can have the best of both worlds, i.e., the efficiency of a proactive approach and the effectiveness of state-based verification. We implement and evaluate VMGuard based on OpenStack, and our experiments with both real and synthetic data demonstrate the performance and efficiency

    Model Checking of Software Defined Networks using Header Space Analysis

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    This thesis investigates the topic of verifying network status validity with a Cyber Security perspective. The fields of interest are dynamic networks like OpenFlow and Software Defined Networks, where these problems may have larger attack surface and greater impact. The framework under study is called Header Space Analysis, a formal model and protocol-agnostic framework that allows to perform static policy checking both in classical TCP/IP networks and modern dynamic SDN. The goal is to analyse some classes of network failure, declaring valid network states and recognizing invalid ones. HSA has evolved in NetPlumber, to face problems caused by high dynamics of SDN networks. The main difference between HSA and NetPlumber is the incremental way that the latter performs checks and keeps state updated, verifying the actual state compliance with the expected state defined in its model, but the concept is the same: declare what's allowed and recognize states violating that model. The second and main contribute of this thesis is to expand existing vision with the purpose of increasing the network security degree, introducing model-checking-based networks through the definition of an abstraction layer that provides a security-focused model-checking service to SDN. The developed system is called MCS (Model Checking Service) and is implemented for an existing SDN solution called ONOS, using NetPlumber as underlying model-checking technology, but it's validity is general, uncoupled with any kind of SDN implementation. Finally, the demo shows how some cases of well-known security attacks in modern networks can be prevented or mitigated using the reactive behavior of MCS

    Applying Formal Methods to Networking: Theory, Techniques and Applications

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    Despite its great importance, modern network infrastructure is remarkable for the lack of rigor in its engineering. The Internet which began as a research experiment was never designed to handle the users and applications it hosts today. The lack of formalization of the Internet architecture meant limited abstractions and modularity, especially for the control and management planes, thus requiring for every new need a new protocol built from scratch. This led to an unwieldy ossified Internet architecture resistant to any attempts at formal verification, and an Internet culture where expediency and pragmatism are favored over formal correctness. Fortunately, recent work in the space of clean slate Internet design---especially, the software defined networking (SDN) paradigm---offers the Internet community another chance to develop the right kind of architecture and abstractions. This has also led to a great resurgence in interest of applying formal methods to specification, verification, and synthesis of networking protocols and applications. In this paper, we present a self-contained tutorial of the formidable amount of work that has been done in formal methods, and present a survey of its applications to networking.Comment: 30 pages, submitted to IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorial

    Verification and Configuration of Software-based Networks

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    The innovative trends of Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Software Defined Networking (SDN) have posed never experienced opportunities in productive environments, like data centers. While NFV decouples software implementation of the network functions (e.g., DPI and NAT) from their physical counterparts, SDN is in charge of dynamically changing those functions to create network paths. One new opportunity of such Software-based networks is to make the network service-provisioning models more flexible, by enabling users to build their own service graphs: users can select the Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) to use and can specify how packets have to be processed and forwarded in their networks. In particular, this PhD thesis spans mostly topics related to the verification and configuration of service graphs. For what concerns the challenges of network verification, our aim is to explore strategies that overcome the limitations of traditional techniques, which generally exploit complex modelling approaches and takes considerable verification times. Thus we envision for verification techniques that are based on non-complex modelling approaches in order to be much more efficient than existing proposals. Under these conditions, such novel approaches may work at run-time and, in particular, may be performed before deploying the service graphs, in order to avoid unexpected network behaviours and detect errors as early as possible. Another requirement is that verification should take a reasonable amount of time from a VNF Orchestrator point of view, with fair processing resources (e.g. CPU, memory and so on). This is because we are in the context of flexible services, where the reconfiguration of network functions can be frequently triggered, both in case of user request and in case of management events. The first contribution of this thesis lays on the service graphs specification by means of forwarding policies (i.e, a high-level specification of how packet flows are forwarded). While the majority of the SDN verification tools operate on OpenFlow configurations, we have defined a formal model to detect a set of anomalies in forwarding policies (i.e., erroneous specifications that may cause misleading network conditions and states). The key factors that distinguish our work from existing approaches are both an early detection of policies anomalies (i.e., before translating such policies into OpenFlow entries), in order to speed up the fixing phase, without even starting service deployment, and a scalable approach that achieves verification times in the order of milliseconds for medium- large- sized networks. Another advancement in network verification has been the possibility to verify networks including stateful VNFs, which are functions that may dynamically change the forwarding path of a traffic flow according to their local algorithms and states (e.g., IDSs). Our second contribution is thus a verification approach that models the network and the involved (possibly stateful) VNFs as a set of FOL formulas. Those formulas are passed to the off-the-shelf SMT (Satisfiability Modulo Theory) solver Z3 in order to verify some reachability-based properties. In particular, the proposed solution has been implemented in a tool released under the AGPLv3 license, named VeriGraph, which takes the functional configurations of all deployed VNFs (e.g., filtering rules on firewalls) into account to check the network. The adopted approach achieves verification times in the order of milliseconds, which is compliant with the timing limitations needed by a VNF Orchestrator. Finally, for what concerns the configuration of VNFs, service graph deployment should include a strategy to deploy VNF configurations in order to fix bugs in case of verification failures. Here, we have to face several challenges like the different ways a network function may require for being configured (REST API, CLI, etc...) and the configuration semantic that depends on the function itself (e.g., router parameters are clearly different from firewall ones). We conclude this thesis by proposing a model-based configuration approach, which means defining a representation of the main configuration parameters of a VNF. This VNF model is then automatically processed by further software modules in the VNF architecture to translate the configuration parameters into a particular format required by a VNF and to deliver the produced configuration into the VNF following one of the configuration strategies (e.g., REST, configuration file, etc.) already supported by the function. The achieved results of this last work, w.r.t. the current state of the art, are the exploitation of a model-driven approach that achieves a higher flexibility and the insertion of non-VNF-specific software modules to avoid changes in the VNF implementation

    Formal assurance of security policies in automated network orchestration (SDN/NFV)

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    1noL'abstract è presente nell'allegato / the abstract is in the attachmentopen677. INGEGNERIA INFORMATInoopenYusupov, Jalolliddi

    On the Modeling of Correct Service Flows with BPEL4WS

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    Frameworks for composing Web Services offer a promising approach for realizing enterprise-wide and cross-organizational business applications. With BPEL4WS a powerful composition language exists. BPEL implementations allow orchestrating complex, stateful interactions among Web Services in a process-oriented way. One important task in this context is to ensure that respective flow specifications can be correctly processed, i.e., there will be no bad surprises (e.g., deadlocks, invocation of service operations with missing input data) at runtime. In this paper we subdivide BPEL schemes into different classes and discuss to which extent instances of these classes can be analyzed for the absence of control flow errors and inconsistencies. Altogether our work shall contribute to a more systematic evolution of the BPEL standard instead of overloading it with too many features
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