119 research outputs found

    Fuzzy based load and energy aware multipath routing for mobile ad hoc networks

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    Routing is a challenging task in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) due to their dynamic topology and lack of central administration. As a consequence of un-predictable topology changes of such networks, routing protocols employed need to accurately capture the delay, load, available bandwidth and residual node energy at various locations of the network for effective energy and load balancing. This paper presents a fuzzy logic based scheme that ensures delay, load and energy aware routing to avoid congestion and minimise end-to-end delay in MANETs. In the proposed approach, forwarding delay, average load, available bandwidth and residual battery energy at a mobile node are given as inputs to a fuzzy inference engine to determine the traffic distribution possibility from that node based on the given fuzzy rules. Based on the output from the fuzzy system, traffic is distributed over fail-safe multiple routes to reduce the load at a congested node. Through simulation results, we show that our approach reduces end-to-end delay, packet drop and average energy consumption and increases packet delivery ratio for constant bit rate (CBR) traffic when compared with the popular Ad hoc On-demand Multipath Distance Vector (AOMDV) routing protocol

    Light Load Path Selection Techniques for Control Congestion in MANET (ENBA)

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    The nodes have limited bandwidth and processing capability. The routing protocols cannot handle the congestion due to heavy load in mobile ad hoc networks. Several routes are established in the network, and some intermediate nodes are common. The dynamic behaviour of the network creates problems for strong link establishment. The routing protocol establishes the connection between the sender and receiver. The efficient routing approach uses the concept of load balancing to reduce packet loss in a network. The heavy load on the network affects the node’s buffer capacity and link capacity. The research proposed the Effective Network Behavior Analyze (ENBA) for route sections to control congestion in MANET. This paper’s effort is driven by the idea of considering several aspects of the routing design of Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) in a unified manner. ENBA is a routing strategy that uses the shortest path for routing and balances the load by managing incoming and outgoing packets on links and nodes. In this routing scheme, the shortest path measures the buffer capacity of the nodes with higher TTL values selected for sending the data packets in the network. The link capacity is based on the flow of packets in the network. Queue optimisation is a continuous optimisation in which we count the number of packets incoming and decide the link reliability in a dynamic network. The performance of ENBA is compared with the Ad hoc On-demand Multipath Distance Vector -Modified (AOMDV-M) routing protocol. The ENDA strategy outperforms the competition in terms of performance over a shorter period. In the proposed technique, performance matrices like PDR, overhead, and delay provide better results than the previous AOMDV-M routing approach

    Local heuristic for the refinement of multi-path routing in wireless mesh networks

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    We consider wireless mesh networks and the problem of routing end-to-end traffic over multiple paths for the same origin-destination pair with minimal interference. We introduce a heuristic for path determination with two distinguishing characteristics. First, it works by refining an extant set of paths, determined previously by a single- or multi-path routing algorithm. Second, it is totally local, in the sense that it can be run by each of the origins on information that is available no farther than the node's immediate neighborhood. We have conducted extensive computational experiments with the new heuristic, using AODV and OLSR, as well as their multi-path variants, as underlying routing methods. For two different CSMA settings (as implemented by 802.11) and one TDMA setting running a path-oriented link scheduling algorithm, we have demonstrated that the new heuristic is capable of improving the average throughput network-wide. When working from the paths generated by the multi-path routing algorithms, the heuristic is also capable to provide a more evenly distributed traffic pattern

    On-demand Multipath Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks: A Comparative Survey

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    A Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is an infrastructure-less, self-organized and multi-hop network with a rapidly changing topology causing the wireless links to be broken at any time. Routing in such a network is challenging due to the mobility of its nodes and the challenge becomes more difficult when the network size increases. Due to the limited capacity of a multi-hop path and the high dynamics of wireless links, the single-path routing approach is unable to provide efficient high data rate transmission in MANETs. The multipath routing is the routing technique of using multiple alternative paths through a network. Furthermore, whenever a link failure is detected on a primary route, the source node can select the optimal route among multiple available routes. Therefore, the multipath routing approach is broadly utilized as one of the possible solutions to overcome the single-path limitation. Most of the multipath routing protocols are based on Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV). The objective of this paper is to provide a survey and compare sets of multipath routing protocols for mobile ad-hoc networks. This survey will motivate the design of new multipath routing protocols, which overcome the weaknesses identified in this paper

    Energy Efficient QoS Routing Protocol based on Genetic Algorithm in MANET

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    Abstract- In mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs), providing quality of service is more challenging than wired networks, because of multi hop communication, node connectivity and lack of central co-ordination. Mobile ad-hoc networks need sure distinctive characteristics which might cause difficulties providing QoS in such network. Coming up with of multi constrained QoS routing protocols remains troublesome. As a result of routing protocols must satisfy the numerous QoS metrics at a time. Genetic algorithm based routing protocol will give the solution for multi constrained QoS routing problem. In existing genetic algorithm based routing, achieving energy efficiency is the major drawback. To overcome this drawback, in this paper, we have proposed genetic algorithm based energy efficient QoS routing for MANET. Proposed GA based routing algorithm discovered the shortest path from source to destination, which can consumes less energy compare to existing algorithms. In this paper TCP,CBR and video sources are applied at a time then energy consumption of proposed algorithm is compared with existing normal GA based and AOMDV. Simulation results show that proposed algorithm consumes less energy towards given scenario. Simulations are performed in NS-2

    Performance evaluation of a new end-to-end traffic-aware routing in MANETs

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    There has been a lot of research effort on developing reactive routing algorithms for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) over the past few years. Most of these algorithms consider finding the shortest path from source to destination in building a route. However, this can lead to some network nodes being more overloaded than the others. In MANETs resources, such as node power and channel bandwidth are often at a premium and, therefore, it is important to optimise their use as much as possible. Consequently, a traffic-aware technique to distribute the load is very desirable in order to make good utilisation of nodes' resources. Therefore a number of end-to-end traffic aware techniques have been proposed for reactive routing protocols to deal with this challenging issue. In this paper we contribute to this research effort by proposing a new traffic aware technique that can overcome the limitations of the existing methods. Results from an extensive comparative evaluation show that the new technique has superior performance over similar existing end-to-end techniques in terms of the achieved throughput, end-to-end delay and routing overhead

    A multipath energy-conserving routing protocol for wireless ad hoc networks lifetime improvement

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    Ad hoc networks are wireless mobile networks that can operate without infrastructure and without centralized network management. Traditional techniques of routing are not well adapted. Indeed, their lack of reactivity with respect to the variability of network changes makes them difficult to use. Moreover, conserving energy is a critical concern in the design of routing protocols for ad hoc networks, because most mobile nodes operate with limited battery capacity, and the energy depletion of a node affects not only the node itself but also the overall network lifetime. In all proposed single-path routing schemes a new path-discovery process is required once a path failure is detected, and this process causes delay and wastage of node resources. A multipath routing scheme is an alternative to maximize the network lifetime. In this paper, we propose an energy-efficient multipath routing protocol, called AOMR-LM (Ad hoc On-demand Multipath Routing with Lifetime Maximization), which preserves the residual energy of nodes and balances the consumed energy to increase the network lifetime. To achieve this goal, we used the residual energy of nodes for calculating the node energy level. The multipath selection mechanism uses this energy level to classify the paths. Two parameters are analyzed: the energy threshold beta and the coefficient alpha. These parameters are required to classify the nodes and to ensure the preservation of node energy. Our protocol improves the performance of mobile ad hoc networks by prolonging the lifetime of the network. This novel protocol has been compared with other protocols: AOMDV and ZD-AOMDV. The protocol performance has been evaluated in terms of network lifetime, energy consumption, and end-to-end delay

    Multipath Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks: Survey and Research Challenges

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    A wireless sensor network is a large collection of sensor nodes with limited power supply and constrained computational capability. Due to the restricted communication range and high density of sensor nodes, packet forwarding in sensor networks is usually performed through multi-hop data transmission. Therefore, routing in wireless sensor networks has been considered an important field of research over the past decade. Nowadays, multipath routing approach is widely used in wireless sensor networks to improve network performance through efficient utilization of available network resources. Accordingly, the main aim of this survey is to present the concept of the multipath routing approach and its fundamental challenges, as well as the basic motivations for utilizing this technique in wireless sensor networks. In addition, we present a comprehensive taxonomy on the existing multipath routing protocols, which are especially designed for wireless sensor networks. We highlight the primary motivation behind the development of each protocol category and explain the operation of different protocols in detail, with emphasis on their advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, this paper compares and summarizes the state-of-the-art multipath routing techniques from the network application point of view. Finally, we identify open issues for further research in the development of multipath routing protocols for wireless sensor networks

    An Adaptive Transmission Power Aware Multipath Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad hoc Networks

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    AbstractSelection of an optimal transmission power for forwarding packets in mobile ad hoc networks has many benefits over setting a common transmission power. These benefits are reduced congestion, reduced interference in the network, lesser number of collisions and reduced energy consumption. In this paper we have proposed a new multipath routing protocol Adaptive Transmission Power – AOMDV that is capable of dynamically changing the transmission power of control packets used for route discovery in the network. Comprehensive simulations are carried out on NS-2, the proposed protocol ATP-AOMDV is compared to AOMDV under various performance metrics like average end to end delay, packet delivery ratio, network throughput and residual battery of nodes to show ATP-AOMDV performs better than AOMDV in saving battery energy in highly mobile network with high traffic loads