14 research outputs found

    Ring Finger 149-Related Is an FGF/MAPK-Independent Regulator of Pharyngeal Muscle Fate Specification

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    During embryonic development, cell-fate specification gives rise to dedicated lineages that underlie tissue formation. In olfactores, which comprise tunicates and vertebrates, the cardiopharyngeal field is formed by multipotent progenitors of both cardiac and branchiomeric muscles. The ascidian Ciona is a powerful model to study cardiopharyngeal fate specification with cellular resolution, as only two bilateral pairs of multipotent cardiopharyngeal progenitors give rise to the heart and to the pharyngeal muscles (also known as atrial siphon muscles, ASM). These progenitors are multilineage primed, in as much as they express a combination of early ASM- and heart-specific transcripts that become restricted to their corresponding precursors, following oriented and asymmetric divisions. Here, we identify the primed gene ring finger 149 related (Rnf149-r), which later becomes restricted to the heart progenitors, but appears to regulate pharyngeal muscle fate specification in the cardiopharyngeal lineage. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated loss of Rnf149-r function impairs atrial siphon muscle morphogenesis, and downregulates Tbx1/10 and Ebf, two key determinants of pharyngeal muscle fate, while upregulating heart-specific gene expression. These phenotypes are reminiscent of the loss of FGF/MAPK signaling in the cardiopharyngeal lineage, and an integrated analysis of lineage-specific bulk RNA-seq profiling of loss-of-function perturbations has identified a significant overlap between candidate FGF/MAPK and Rnf149-r target genes. However, functional interaction assays suggest that Rnf149-r does not directly modulate the activity of the FGF/MAPK/Ets1/2 pathway. Instead, we propose that Rnf149-r acts both in parallel to the FGF/MAPK signaling on shared targets, as well as on FGF/MAPK-independent targets through (a) separate pathway(s).publishedVersio

    De novo draft assembly of the Botrylloides leachii genome provides further insight into tunicate evolution

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    Tunicates are marine invertebrates that compose the closest phylogenetic group to the vertebrates. These chordates present a particularly diverse range of regenerative abilities and life-history strategies. Consequently, tunicates provide an extraordinary perspective into the emergence and diversity of these traits. Here we describe the genome sequencing, annotation and analysis of the Stolidobranchian Botrylloides leachii. We have produced a high-quality 159 Mb assembly, 82% of the predicted 194  Mb genome. Analysing genome size, gene number, repetitive elements, orthologs clustering and gene ontology terms show that B. leachii has a genomic architecture similar to that of most solitary tunicates, while other recently sequenced colonial ascidians have undergone genome expansion. In addition, ortholog clustering has identified groups of candidate genes for the study of colonialism and whole-body regeneration. By analysing the structure and composition of conserved gene linkages, we observed examples of cluster breaks and gene dispersions, suggesting that several lineage-specific genome rearrangements occurred during tunicate evolution. We also found lineage-specific gene gain and loss within conserved cell-signalling pathways. Such examples of genetic changes within conserved cell-signalling pathways commonly associated with regeneration and development that may underlie some of the diverse regenerative abilities observed in tunicates. Overall, these results provide a novel resource for the study of tunicates and of colonial ascidians

    Rational design and whole-genome predictions of single guide RNAs for efficient CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing in Ciona

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    The CRISPR/Cas9 system has emerged as an important tool for a wide variety of genome engineering applications, including reverse genetic screens. Previously, we described the implementation of the CRISPR/Cas9 system to induce tissue-specific mutations at targeted locations in the genome of the sea squirt Ciona (STOLFI et al. 2014). In the present study, we designed 83 single guide RNA (sgRNA) vectors targeting 23 genes expressed in the cardiopharyngeal progenitors and surrounding tissues in the Ciona embryo and measured their mutagenesis efficacy rates by massively parallel indel detection at the targeted loci using highthroughput sequencing. We show that the combined activity of two highly active sgRNAs allows us to generate large (>3 kbp) deletions of intervening genomic DNA in somatic cells of electroporated embryos, permitting tissue-specific gene knockouts. Additionally, we employed L1-regularized regression modeling to develop an optimal sgRNA design algorithm (TuniCUT), based on correlations between target sequence features and mutagenesis rates. Using this algorithm, we have predicted mutagenesis rates for sgRNAs targeting all 4,853,589 sites in the Ciona genome, which we have compiled into a "CRISPR/Cas9-induced Ciona Knock-Out" (Ci2KO) sgRNA sequence library. Finally, we describe a new method for the assembly of sgRNA expression cassettes using a simple one-step overlap PCR (OSO-PCR) protocol. These cassettes can be electroporated directly into Ciona embryos as unpurified PCR products to drive sgRNA expression, bypassing the need for time-consuming cloning and plasmid DNA preparations. We anticipate that this method will be used in combination with genome-wide sgRNA predictions to systematically investigate tissue-specific gene functions in Ciona

    Rational design and whole-genome predictions of single guide RNAs for efficient CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing in Ciona

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    The CRISPR/Cas9 system has emerged as an important tool for a wide variety of genome engineering applications, including reverse genetic screens. Previously, we described the implementation of the CRISPR/Cas9 system to induce tissue-specific mutations at targeted locations in the genome of the sea squirt Ciona (STOLFI et al. 2014). In the present study, we designed 83 single guide RNA (sgRNA) vectors targeting 23 genes expressed in the cardiopharyngeal progenitors and surrounding tissues in the Ciona embryo and measured their mutagenesis efficacy rates by massively parallel indel detection at the targeted loci using highthroughput sequencing. We show that the combined activity of two highly active sgRNAs allows us to generate large (>3 kbp) deletions of intervening genomic DNA in somatic cells of electroporated embryos, permitting tissue-specific gene knockouts. Additionally, we employed L1-regularized regression modeling to develop an optimal sgRNA design algorithm (TuniCUT), based on correlations between target sequence features and mutagenesis rates. Using this algorithm, we have predicted mutagenesis rates for sgRNAs targeting all 4,853,589 sites in the Ciona genome, which we have compiled into a "CRISPR/Cas9-induced Ciona Knock-Out" (Ci2KO) sgRNA sequence library. Finally, we describe a new method for the assembly of sgRNA expression cassettes using a simple one-step overlap PCR (OSO-PCR) protocol. These cassettes can be electroporated directly into Ciona embryos as unpurified PCR products to drive sgRNA expression, bypassing the need for time-consuming cloning and plasmid DNA preparations. We anticipate that this method will be used in combination with genome-wide sgRNA predictions to systematically investigate tissue-specific gene functions in Ciona