224 research outputs found

    ChatGPT as a New Frontier in Arabic Education Technology

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    Artificial intelligence is a technology that is believed to be capable of emulating human intelligence, and one area where its potential is being explored is the use of ChatGPT in the Arabic language education sector. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the challenges and opportunities of using ChatGPT in Arabic language education as a form of actual educational technology. This study uses the library research method, with primary and secondary data sources obtained from previous literature relevant to the research topic. Data collection was carried out by editing, organizing, and founding techniques. Data analysis was carried out using data reduction techniques, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study show that ChatGPT has the potential to be a valuable tool for developing Arabic language education, but there are challenges that must be addressed to ensure its effective use by students and teachers and to avoid any negative implications. This research provides insights for the future development of learning technologies, enabling the use of ChatGPT in education to provide maximum benefits for students and teachers

    Branding in the era of artificial intelligence (AI): an examination of hybrid human-AI approach in the rebranding of citizenLab

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    This research investigates Artificial Intelligence (AI) and branding in relation to the rebranding process at the Belgian civic tech company, CitizenLab. Using different AI tools such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, this study explores how the ability of AI to emulate and improve traditional branding phases such as interviewing stakeholders, producing brand concepts, and developing a visual identity. The significant benefits of using AI for speed and scalability are displayed and limitations are further uncovered, particularly in capturing cultural nuances and matching the creative and emotional intelligence of human experts. A hybrid model of branding presents the advantages of AI capabilities coupled with human insight to create compelling and efficient branding strategies.Este estudo investiga a ligação entre a Inteligência Artificial (IA) e o branding em relação ao processo de rebranding da empresa belga de tecnologia cívica, CitizenLab. Utilizando diferentes ferramentas de IA, como o ChatGPT da OpenAI, o estudo questiona se a IA tem a capacidade de replicar e melhorar as fases tradicionais de branding, como entrevistar as partes interessadas, produzir conceitos de marca e desenvolver uma identidade visual. O estudo apresenta as vantagens significativas da utilização da IA em termos de velocidade e escalabilidade, e revela as suas limitações, nomeadamente na captação de nuances culturais e na correspondência com a inteligência criativa e emocional dos especialistas humanos. O estudo recomenda um modelo híbrido de branding que tire partido das capacidades da IA aliadas à perspicácia humana para criar estratégias de branding persuasivas e eficientes

    The possibility of implementing intelligent systems and the respective impact of artificial intelligence on inventory management and warehousing

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    The industry is in a new phase: Industry 4.0. This fourth industrial revolution focuses on improving processes within industries. The basis for this improvement is artificial intelligence, which, by digitizing the operations of companies operating in different sectors, improves their productivity, innovation, reduces costs and improves their markets on the international stage. In the context of retail companies, the sourcing and storage of products is one of the most important operations. Thus, this study intends to investigate the concept of artificial intelligence, that is, its benefits, trust, and risks to, consequently, analyze the possibility of its application in stock and storage management. The first phase of the study underwent a literature review, where all these aspects were thoroughly analyzed. Then, to collect data and reach conclusions, two methodologies were used: an online questionnaire and interviews. After analyzing the outputs of the online questionnaire, it was concluded that Artificial Intelligence has benefits and trust indicators that positively influence its implementation in stock and warehouse management. Regarding the interviews, these reveal that Artificial Intelligence is beginning to be recognized for its advantages, but it is still seen as a large investment, especially for small industrial companies. However, the applications that are taking place are considered by AI experts as beneficial, being machine learning, robotics and computer vision technologies that can enhance the productivity of the logistics operations addressed in this investigation.A indústria está numa nova fase: Indústria 4.0. Esta quarta revolução industrial concentra-se em melhorar os processos dentro das indústrias. A base para essa melhoria é a inteligência artificial, que, ao digitalizar as operações das empresas que atuam nos diversos setores, melhora a sua produtividade, inovação, reduz custos e melhora os seus mercados no cenário internacional. No contexto das empresas de retalho, o aprovisionamento e armazenamento de produtos é uma das operações mais importantes. Assim, este estudo pretende investigar o conceito de inteligência artificial, ou seja, os seus benefícios, confiança e riscos para, consequentemente, analisar a possibilidade da sua aplicação na gestão de stock e armazenamento. A primeira fase do estudo passou por uma revisão de literatura, onde todos esses aspetos foram minuciosamente analisados. Em seguida, para coletar dados e chegar a conclusões, foram utilizadas duas metodologias: um questionário online e entrevistas. Após a análise dos outputs do questionário online, concluiu-se que a Inteligência Artificial tem benefícios e indicadores de confiança que influenciam positivamente a sua implementação na gestão de stock e de armazém. Relativamente às entrevistas, estas revelam que a Inteligência Artificial começa a ser reconhecida pelas suas vantagens, mas ainda é vista como um investimento avultado, principalmente para pequenas empresas industriais. No entanto, as aplicações que estão a decorrer são consideradas pelos especialistas de AI como benéficas, sendo a machine learning, a robótica e computer vision tecnologias que podem potenciar a produtividade das operações logísticas abordadas nesta investigação

    The Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning on Organizations Cybersecurity

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    As internet technology proliferate in volume and complexity, the ever-evolving landscape of malicious cyberattacks presents unprecedented security risks in cyberspace. Cybersecurity challenges have been further exacerbated by the continuous growth in the prevalence and sophistication of cyber-attacks. These threats have the capacity to disrupt business operations, erase critical data, and inflict reputational damage, constituting an existential threat to businesses, critical services, and infrastructure. The escalating threat is further compounded by the malicious use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), which have increasingly become tools in the cybercriminal arsenal. In this dynamic landscape, the emergence of offensive AI introduces a new dimension to cyber threats. The current wave of attacks is surpassing human capabilities, incorporating AI to outsmart and outpace traditional, rule-based detection tools. The advent of offensive AI allows cybercriminals to execute targeted attacks with unprecedented speed and scale, operating stealthily and evading conventional security measures. As offensive AI looms on the horizon, organizations face the imperative to adopt new, more sophisticated defenses. Human-driven responses to cyber-attacks are struggling to match the speed and complexity of automated threats. In anticipation of this growing challenge, the implementation of advanced technologies, including AI-driven defenses, becomes crucial. This dissertation explored the profound impact of both AI and ML on cybersecurity in the United States. Through a qualitative, multiple case study, combining a comprehensive literature review with insights from cybersecurity experts, the research identified key trends, challenges, and opportunities for utilizing AI in cybersecurity

    An evaluation of the development and implementation of a clinical guideline for nurse led extubation of adult coronary artery bypass graft patients

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    Research Question Does standardising nursing practice through the implementation of a clinical guideline for extubating adult cardiac surgical patients early improve patient care? Aims Evaluate the development and implementation of a clinical guideline for nurse-led extubation of adult cardiac surgical patients at one centre in the United Kingdom. Objectives Methods 1. Provide a systematic overview of the evidence base for early extubation (Hawkes et al., 2003). 2. Quantify the impact on professional practice of standardising care through the use of the guideline (interrupted time series (ITS». 3. Explore the results of the ITS and identify important factors for the successful implementation of the guideline (qualitative study). A mixed methods approach in a single case study was used. New evidence in the form of a systematic review, including a meta-analysis, of existing evidence for early extubation was used to meet Objective One. An ITS study was used to quantify the impact of implementing the guideline. The third objective was met through a qualitative study drawing on applied practitioner ethnography. The last two parts contribute unique evidence because there was no such existing evaluation of a nursing guideline for extubating cardiac surgical patients. Analysis The systematic review's meta-analysis used relative risk and weighted mean differences. The ITS analysis used exponential models to compare predicted values with actual values to assess the impact of the guideline. Qualitative data were analysed to identify themes, using the framework approach (Ritchie and Spencer, 1994). Results Early extubation reduces intensive care unit and hospital length of stay; the evidence for its impact on mortality and morbidity is weak. Evidence to support various decision making processes for early extubation is also lacking. The ITS demonstrated no changes in the outcomes studied. The guideline developed was a consensus of existing practice. However, while it did not change patient care, it maintained standards in a changing environment

    The formation and development of Chinese political theory 1935-1955.

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    The focus of this work is on the formation and the development of the principles underlying contemporary Chinese political theory. The concern is with the definition of the categorical framework explaining the meaning of the adaptation of Marxism to China, and with the effect of these categories on the structure of the concepts of theory. Thus, this is a study of the ground of the condition of reason, and of the expression of this ground in the activity of thought. This is brought out through an analysis of the dominant theoretical controversies of the two periods in which the philosophical principles of Chinese Marxism were first posited, and then established: 1935-1940 and 1949-1955. These two eras are linked by the publication in 1952 of "On Contradiction," which was the culmination of the attempt to define the categories governing this political thought. It is the argument of this study that "On Contradiction" was Mao's philosophical declaration of China's Marxist independence. And that in the early 1950s, this was recognized and understood by leading Party intellectuals, who, in turn, realized the postulates of theory by denying the applicability of a Soviet model for China. This principle of a Marxist identity through opposition was informed, in part, by the contributions of Party theorists in Shanghai and Beijing, in the mid- to late 1930s. Therefore, through an analysis of the dialectic of formulation, of that which was both preserved and cancelled in the statement of intention, the character of this Marxism is made clear. In conclusion, it is shown that, that the codification of principle which arranged meaning for theory has continuously represented the interests of the state. Reason has been defined instrumentally, as a philosophy of and for national construction

    Embracing the Inexplicable - Exploring Human Attachment to AI within the Haunting Ambience of Brutalism

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    Brutalism has evolved from its humble origins—an 20th-century offshoot of late modern/postmodern architectural styles—into a distinct paradigm for a new generation grappling with climate change, global conflict, and an uncertain future that potentially threatens all forms of life on Earth. This illusion and fear both haunt and fascinate us. The material presence of Brutalism has sparked speculation and misinterpretation. This thesis examines the materiality of Brutalism through a series of digitally processed photographs that present altered fragments of images, reassembled into a narrative that examines dreams as a backdrop for collective imagination and the collective unconscious. The central research question posits brutalist architecture as an emotional ark: can it effectively address individual fears and nightmares while fulfilling certain desires? As a relic of the last century, what is its allure today? This thesis draws on Freud’s concept of the uncanny and integrates notions such as the supernatural nature of power and ontological errors. It begins with traditional documentary photography and confronts it with the untapped potential of innovative technologies like artificial intelligence. This creates a discourse in the ambiguous zone between the originality of art and the authenticity of images. The montage narrative approach not only reveals how brutalism serves as a utopian refuge for human desires but also suggests that what we see and hear may not always be true, let alone our own subjective and unique fantasies

    Emotional perception as a component of emotional intelligence: its role in academic achievement, social interaction, and focus of attention

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    The ability to perceive emotion in others has been proposed as an important component of emotional intelligence (EI). Indeed, perhaps the only independent aspect of EI which is not simply a manifestation of personality or cognitive ability. The ability to perceive emotion in others has been proposed as an important component of emotional intelligence (EI). Indeed, perhaps the only independent aspect of EI which is not simply a manifestation of personality or cognitive ability. This thesis investigates the status of emotional perception (EP) within the EI framework. Chapter 1 discusses a number of controversies within the EI literature and identifies EP as the most important aspect of EI. Chapter 2 describes the difficulties with the measurement of EP and evaluates its potential theoretical contributions. It then reports the development and validation of a scale designed to measure EP. Successive Chapters investigate the influence of EP in three main theoretical areas. First, the role of EP in academic performance and its potential longitudinal effects are evaluated in two longitudinal studies. EP is compared with scales measuring other aspects of EI, a personality inventory, a measure of cognitive ability, a well-being scale and a coping scale in order to assess the reliability and validity of the measures, and to evaluate their intercorrelations. Additionally, the relationship between EP and various types of academic achievement is explored in order to assess the predictive validity of EP. Second, a quasi-experimental design is employed in order to investigate the role of EP in social interaction. The experience of embarrassment when delivering class presentations is used to investigate these effects. Third, a series of experimental studies, using the attentional bias framework, consider the effects of EP on the focus of attention to emotionally meaningful stimuli. The thesis presents evidence to suggest that EP is a semi-independent construct within EI. It can be assessed reliably, demonstrates validity, is a practically useful construct, and influences moment-by-moment regulation of behaviour

    Pharmacological and psychological aspects of anxiety management in primary care

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    Pilot Study: a) 21 Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) patients were treated double-blind with either diazepam or placebo for 6 weeks. This active treatment period was preceded by one-week single-blind placebo 'wash-in', and followed by two-week single-blind 'washout'. Results showed that diazepam used in moderate doses for 6 weeks produced anxiety recurrence and withdrawal symptoms. b) 10 GAD patients were randomly allocated to Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and compared with the above diazepam and placebo groups. All treatments were balanced for degree of Psychologist/patient contact. At cessation of active treatment CBT superiority was indicated. Post-Study psychotropic prescription and psychological treatment were assessed at 12 months follow-up. The CBT group had the lowest incidence of subsequent treatment interventions. Main Study : 101 GAD patients were randomly allocated to diazepam, placebo, CBT, CBT + diazepam, and CBT + placebo, and treated over 10 weeks. Outcome measures at end of treatment and at 6 months follow-up revealed the superiority of all CBT treatments; especially CBT alone, and CBT + diazepam. Diazepam was more effective than placebo. CBT + diazepam, and diazepam groups showed no anxiety recurrence during graded withdrawal. Secondary Study : 205 long-term benzodiazepine users were matched for age and sex with controls. Inspection of medical case notes showed that benzodiazepine users had higher rates of previous physical illness, GP attendance, and non-psychotropic drug prescription. Differences emerged between anxiolytic, hypnotic, and anxiolytic + hypnotic benzodiazepine users in age, history of physical illness, and previously prescribed medication. Tertiary Study : 44 long-term benzodiazepine users were interviewed. The incidence of psychological ill-health and social problems was lower than expected. Patients were dependent on medication, and reported concern if their medication were to be stopped. Nevertheless 40% considered stopping benzodiazepines. Results from the above studies are discussed in relation to clinical management of GAD, and current concerns about benzodiazepine dependence and withdrawal