204 research outputs found

    Software Architecture Description & UML Workshop

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    Formální komponentový model pro mobilní architektury

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    Disertační práce se zabývá modelováním komponentových systémů a formálním popisem jejich chování. Řešení je založeno na vlastním komponentovém modelu, který je popsán meta-modelem, z logického pohledu, a popisem v pi-kalkulu, z procesního pohledu. Je ukázáno, že komponentový model pokrývá dynamické aspekty softwarových architektur včetně mobility jejich komponent. Dále je popsán způsob modelování chování v architekturách orientovaných na služby a přechod ke komponentovým systémům. Chování konkrétní architektury orientované na služby lze pak vyjádřit jako jediný proces v pi-kalkulu. V závěru práce je navržené řešení ověřeno na případové studii prostředí pro testování kritických aplikací. Přínosem disertační práce je zejména zmíněná podpora dynamických architektur a integrace s architekturami orientovanými na služby.In the thesis, we propose an approach to modelling of component-based systems and formal description of their behaviour. The approach is based on a novel component model defined by a metamodel in a logical view and by description in the pi-calculus in a process view. We show that the component model addresses the dynamic aspects of software architectures including the component mobility. Furthermore, we propose a method of behavioural modelling of service-oriented architectures to pass smoothly from service level to component level and to describe behaviour of a whole system, services and components, as a single pi-calculus process. Finally, we illustrate an application of our approach on a case study of an environment for functional testing of complex safety-critical systems. The support of dynamic architecture and the integration with service-oriented architecture compromise the main advantages of our approach.Katedra softwarového inženýrstvíDepartment of Software EngineeringFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    EOOLT 2007 – Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Equation-Based Object-Oriented Languages and Tools

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    Computer aided modeling and simulation of complex systems, using components from multiple application domains, such as electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, control, etc., have in recent years witness0065d a significant growth of interest. In the last decade, novel equation-based object-oriented (EOO) modeling languages, (e.g. Mode- lica, gPROMS, and VHDL-AMS) based on acausal modeling using equations have appeared. Using such languages, it has become possible to model complex systems covering multiple application domains at a high level of abstraction through reusable model components. The interest in EOO languages and tools is rapidly growing in the industry because of their increasing importance in modeling, simulation, and specification of complex systems. There exist several different EOO language communities today that grew out of different application areas (multi-body system dynamics, electronic circuit simula- tion, chemical process engineering). The members of these disparate communities rarely talk to each other in spite of the similarities of their modeling and simulation needs. The EOOLT workshop series aims at bringing these different communities together to discuss their common needs and goals as well as the algorithms and tools that best support them. Despite the short deadlines and the fact that this is a new not very established workshop series, there was a good response to the call-for-papers. Thirteen papers and one presentation were accepted to the workshop program. All papers were subject to reviews by the program committee, and are present in these electronic proceedings. The workshop program started with a welcome and introduction to the area of equa- tion-based object-oriented languages, followed by paper presentations and discussion sessions after presentations of each set of related papers. On behalf of the program committee, the Program Chairmen would like to thank all those who submitted papers to EOOLT'2007. Special thanks go to David Broman who created the web page and helped with organization of the workshop. Many thanks to the program committee for reviewing the papers. EOOLT'2007 was hosted by the Technical University of Berlin, in conjunction with the ECOOP'2007 conference

    Debugging Techniques for Locating Defects in Software Architectures

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    The explicit design of the architecture for a software product is a well established part of development projects. As the software architecture descriptions are becoming larger and more complex, there is more likelihood of defects being present in the software architecture. Studies have shown that a defect in the software architecture that has propagated to the development phase is very expensive to fix. To prevent such propagation of defects, this research proposes to provide debugging support for software architecture design. Debugging is commonly used in programming languages to effectively find the cause of a failure and locate the error to provide a fix. The same should be accomplished in software architectures to debug architecture failures. Without debugging support, the software architect is unable to quickly locate and determine the source of an error. In our work, we define a process for debugging software architecture and provide analysis techniques to locate defects in a software architecture that fails to meet functional and non-functional requirements. We have implemented the techniques and provide an evaluation of the techniques based on examples using an industry standard architecture definition language, Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL)

    Clafer: Lightweight Modeling of Structure, Behaviour, and Variability

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    Embedded software is growing fast in size and complexity, leading to intimate mixture of complex architectures and complex control. Consequently, software specification requires modeling both structures and behaviour of systems. Unfortunately, existing languages do not integrate these aspects well, usually prioritizing one of them. It is common to develop a separate language for each of these facets. In this paper, we contribute Clafer: a small language that attempts to tackle this challenge. It combines rich structural modeling with state of the art behavioural formalisms. We are not aware of any other modeling language that seamlessly combines these facets common to system and software modeling. We show how Clafer, in a single unified syntax and semantics, allows capturing feature models (variability), component models, discrete control models (automata) and variability encompassing all these aspects. The language is built on top of first order logic with quantifiers over basic entities (for modeling structures) combined with linear temporal logic (for modeling behaviour). On top of this semantic foundation we build a simple but expressive syntax, enriched with carefully selected syntactic expansions that cover hierarchical modeling, associations, automata, scenarios, and Dwyer's property patterns. We evaluate Clafer using a power window case study, and comparing it against other notations that substantially overlap with its scope (SysML, AADL, Temporal OCL and Live Sequence Charts), discussing benefits and perils of using a single notation for the purpose

    MPSoCBench : um framework para avaliação de ferramentas e metodologias para sistemas multiprocessados em chip

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    Orientador: Rodolfo Jardim de AzevedoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Recentes metodologias e ferramentas de projetos de sistemas multiprocessados em chip (MPSoC) aumentam a produtividade por meio da utilização de plataformas baseadas em simuladores, antes de definir os últimos detalhes da arquitetura. No entanto, a simulação só é eficiente quando utiliza ferramentas de modelagem que suportem a descrição do comportamento do sistema em um elevado nível de abstração. A escassez de plataformas virtuais de MPSoCs que integrem hardware e software escaláveis nos motivou a desenvolver o MPSoCBench, que consiste de um conjunto escalável de MPSoCs incluindo quatro modelos de processadores (PowerPC, MIPS, SPARC e ARM), organizado em plataformas com 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 e 64 núcleos, cross-compiladores, IPs, interconexões, 17 aplicações paralelas e estimativa de consumo de energia para os principais componentes (processadores, roteadores, memória principal e caches). Uma importante demanda em projetos MPSoC é atender às restrições de consumo de energia o mais cedo possível. Considerando que o desempenho do processador está diretamente relacionado ao consumo, há um crescente interesse em explorar o trade-off entre consumo de energia e desempenho, tendo em conta o domínio da aplicação alvo. Técnicas de escalabilidade dinâmica de freqüência e voltagem fundamentam-se em gerenciar o nível de tensão e frequência da CPU, permitindo que o sistema alcance apenas o desempenho suficiente para processar a carga de trabalho, reduzindo, consequentemente, o consumo de energia. Para explorar a eficiência energética e desempenho, foram adicionados recursos ao MPSoCBench, visando explorar escalabilidade dinâmica de voltaegem e frequência (DVFS) e foram validados três mecanismos com base na estimativa dinâmica de energia e taxa de uso de CPUAbstract: Recent design methodologies and tools aim at enhancing the design productivity by providing a software development platform before the definition of the final Multiprocessor System on Chip (MPSoC) architecture details. However, simulation can only be efficiently performed when using a modeling and simulation engine that supports system behavior description at a high abstraction level. The lack of MPSoC virtual platform prototyping integrating both scalable hardware and software in order to create and evaluate new methodologies and tools motivated us to develop the MPSoCBench, a scalable set of MPSoCs including four different ISAs (PowerPC, MIPS, SPARC, and ARM) organized in platforms with 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64 cores, cross-compilers, IPs, interconnections, 17 parallel version of software from well-known benchmarks, and power consumption estimation for main components (processors, routers, memory, and caches). An important demand in MPSoC designs is the addressing of energy consumption constraints as early as possible. Whereas processor performance comes with a high power cost, there is an increasing interest in exploring the trade-off between power and performance, taking into account the target application domain. Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling techniques adaptively scale the voltage and frequency levels of the CPU allowing it to reach just enough performance to process the system workload while meeting throughput constraints, and thereby, reducing the energy consumption. To explore this wide design space for energy efficiency and performance, both for hardware and software components, we provided MPSoCBench features to explore dynamic voltage and frequency scalability (DVFS) and evaluated three mechanisms based on energy estimation and CPU usage rateDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutora em Ciência da Computaçã

    Enabling High-Level Application Development for the Internet of Things

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    Application development in the Internet of Things (IoT) is challenging because it involves dealing with a wide range of related issues such as lack of separation of concerns, and lack of high-level of abstractions to address both the large scale and heterogeneity. Moreover, stakeholders involved in the application development have to address issues that can be attributed to different life-cycles phases. when developing applications. First, the application logic has to be analyzed and then separated into a set of distributed tasks for an underlying network. Then, the tasks have to be implemented for the specific hardware. Apart from handling these issues, they have to deal with other aspects of life-cycle such as changes in application requirements and deployed devices. Several approaches have been proposed in the closely related fields of wireless sensor network, ubiquitous and pervasive computing, and software engineering in general to address the above challenges. However, existing approaches only cover limited subsets of the above mentioned challenges when applied to the IoT. This paper proposes an integrated approach for addressing the above mentioned challenges. The main contributions of this paper are: (1) a development methodology that separates IoT application development into different concerns and provides a conceptual framework to develop an application, (2) a development framework that implements the development methodology to support actions of stakeholders. The development framework provides a set of modeling languages to specify each development concern and abstracts the scale and heterogeneity related complexity. It integrates code generation, task-mapping, and linking techniques to provide automation. Code generation supports the application development phase by producing a programming framework that allows stakeholders to focus on the application logic, while our mapping and linking techniques together support the deployment phase by producing device-specific code to result in a distributed system collaboratively hosted by individual devices. Our evaluation based on two realistic scenarios shows that the use of our approach improves the productivity of stakeholders involved in the application development