40 research outputs found

    A wavelet-based estimator of the degrees of freedom in denoised fMRI time series for probabilistic testing of functional connectivity and brain graphs.

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    Connectome mapping using techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has become a focus of systems neuroscience. There remain many statistical challenges in analysis of functional connectivity and network architecture from BOLD fMRI multivariate time series. One key statistic for any time series is its (effective) degrees of freedom, df, which will generally be less than the number of time points (or nominal degrees of freedom, N). If we know the df, then probabilistic inference on other fMRI statistics, such as the correlation between two voxel or regional time series, is feasible. However, we currently lack good estimators of df in fMRI time series, especially after the degrees of freedom of the "raw" data have been modified substantially by denoising algorithms for head movement. Here, we used a wavelet-based method both to denoise fMRI data and to estimate the (effective) df of the denoised process. We show that seed voxel correlations corrected for locally variable df could be tested for false positive connectivity with better control over Type I error and greater specificity of anatomical mapping than probabilistic connectivity maps using the nominal degrees of freedom. We also show that wavelet despiked statistics can be used to estimate all pairwise correlations between a set of regional nodes, assign a P value to each edge, and then iteratively add edges to the graph in order of increasing P. These probabilistically thresholded graphs are likely more robust to regional variation in head movement effects than comparable graphs constructed by thresholding correlations. Finally, we show that time-windowed estimates of df can be used for probabilistic connectivity testing or dynamic network analysis so that apparent changes in the functional connectome are appropriately corrected for the effects of transient noise bursts. Wavelet despiking is both an algorithm for fMRI time series denoising and an estimator of the (effective) df of denoised fMRI time series. Accurate estimation of df offers many potential advantages for probabilistically thresholding functional connectivity and network statistics tested in the context of spatially variant and non-stationary noise. Code for wavelet despiking, seed correlational testing and probabilistic graph construction is freely available to download as part of the BrainWavelet Toolbox at www.brainwavelet.org.This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust- and GSK-funded Translational Medicine and Therapeutics Programme (085686/Z/08/C, AXP) and the University of Cambridge MB/PhD Programme (AXP). The Behavioral and Clinical Neuroscience Institute is supported by the Wellcome Trust (093875/Z/10/Z) and the Medical Research Council (G1000183). ETB works half-time for GlaxoSmithKline and half-time for the University of Cambridge; he holds stock in GSK.This is the final version of the article. It was first available from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.04.05

    Probabilistic thresholding of functional connectomes: Application to schizophrenia.

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    Functional connectomes are commonly analysed as sparse graphs, constructed by thresholding cross-correlations between regional neurophysiological signals. Thresholding generally retains the strongest edges (correlations), either by retaining edges surpassing a given absolute weight, or by constraining the edge density. The latter (more widely used) method risks inclusion of false positive edges at high edge densities and exclusion of true positive edges at low edge densities. Here we apply new wavelet-based methods, which enable construction of probabilistically-thresholded graphs controlled for type I error, to a dataset of resting-state fMRI scans of 56 patients with schizophrenia and 71 healthy controls. By thresholding connectomes to fixed edge-specific P value, we found that functional connectomes of patients with schizophrenia were more dysconnected than those of healthy controls, exhibiting a lower edge density and a higher number of (dis)connected components. Furthermore, many participants' connectomes could not be built up to the fixed edge densities commonly studied in the literature (∼5-30%), while controlling for type I error. Additionally, we showed that the topological randomisation previously reported in the schizophrenia literature is likely attributable to "non-significant" edges added when thresholding connectomes to fixed density based on correlation. Finally, by explicitly comparing connectomes thresholded by increasing P value and decreasing correlation, we showed that probabilistically thresholded connectomes show decreased randomness and increased consistency across participants. Our results have implications for future analysis of functional connectivity using graph theory, especially within datasets exhibiting heterogenous distributions of edge weights (correlations), between groups or across participants

    Individual differences in pain sensitivity are associated with cognitive network functional connectivity following one night of experimental sleep disruption.

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    Previous work suggests that sleep disruption can contribute to poor pain modulation. Here, we used experimental sleep disruption to examine the relationship between sleep disruption-induced pain sensitivity and functional connectivity (FC) of cognitive networks contributing to pain modulation. Nineteen healthy individuals underwent two counterbalanced experimental sleep conditions for one night each: uninterrupted sleep versus sleep disruption. Following each condition, participants completed functional MRI including a simple motor task and a noxious thermal stimulation task. Pain ratings and stimulus temperatures from the latter task were combined to calculate a pain sensitivity change score following sleep disruption. This change score was used as a predictor of simple motor task FC changes using bilateral executive control networks (RECN, LECN) and the default mode network (DMN) masks as seed regions of interest (ROIs). Increased pain sensitivity after sleep disruption was positively associated with increased RECN FC to ROIs within the DMN and LECN (F(4,14) = 25.28, pFDR = 0.05). However, this pain sensitivity change score did not predict FC changes using LECN and DMN masks as seeds (pFDR > 0.05). Given that only RECN FC was associated with sleep loss-induced hyperalgesia, findings suggest that cognitive networks only partially contribute to the sleep-pain dyad

    Methods for cleaning the BOLD fMRI signal

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    Available online 9 December 2016 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1053811916307418?via%3Dihubhttp://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1053811916307418?via%3DihubBlood oxygen-level-dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging (BOLD fMRI) has rapidly become a popular technique for the investigation of brain function in healthy individuals, patients as well as in animal studies. However, the BOLD signal arises from a complex mixture of neuronal, metabolic and vascular processes, being therefore an indirect measure of neuronal activity, which is further severely corrupted by multiple non-neuronal fluctuations of instrumental, physiological or subject-specific origin. This review aims to provide a comprehensive summary of existing methods for cleaning the BOLD fMRI signal. The description is given from a methodological point of view, focusing on the operation of the different techniques in addition to pointing out the advantages and limitations in their application. Since motion-related and physiological noise fluctuations are two of the main noise components of the signal, techniques targeting their removal are primarily addressed, including both data-driven approaches and using external recordings. Data-driven approaches, which are less specific in the assumed model and can simultaneously reduce multiple noise fluctuations, are mainly based on data decomposition techniques such as principal and independent component analysis. Importantly, the usefulness of strategies that benefit from the information available in the phase component of the signal, or in multiple signal echoes is also highlighted. The use of global signal regression for denoising is also addressed. Finally, practical recommendations regarding the optimization of the preprocessing pipeline for the purpose of denoising and future venues of research are indicated. Through the review, we summarize the importance of signal denoising as an essential step in the analysis pipeline of task-based and resting state fMRI studies.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [Grant PSI 2013–42343 Neuroimagen Multimodal], the Severo Ochoa Programme for Centres/Units of Excellence in R & D [SEV-2015-490], and the research and writing of the paper were supported by the NIMH and NINDS Intramural Research Programs (ZICMH002888) of the NIH/HHS

    Big Data Analytics and Information Science for Business and Biomedical Applications II

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    The analysis of big data in biomedical, business and financial research has drawn much attention from researchers worldwide. This collection of articles aims to provide a platform for an in-depth discussion of novel statistical methods developed for the analysis of Big Data in these areas. Both applied and theoretical contributions to these areas are showcased

    Cerebral autoregulation evidence by synchronized low frequency oscillations in blood pressure and resing-state fMRI

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    Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) is a widely used technique for mapping the brain’s functional architecture, so delineating the main sources of variance comprising the signal is crucial. Low frequency oscillations (LFO) that are not of neural origin, but which are driven by mechanisms related to cerebral autoregulation (CA), are present in the blood-oxygenation-level-dependent (BOLD) signal within the rs-fMRI frequency band. In this study we use a MR compatible device (Caretaker, Biopac) to obtain a non-invasive estimate of beat-to-beat mean arterial pressure (MAP) fluctuations concurrently with rs-fMRI at 3T. Healthy adult subjects (n=9; 5 male) completed two 20-minute rs-fMRI scans. MAP fluctuations were decomposed into different frequency scales using a discrete wavelet transform, and oscillations at approximately 0.1Hz show a high degree of spatially structured correlations with matched frequency fMRI fluctuations. On average across subjects, MAP fluctuations at this scale of the wavelet decomposition explain ~ 2.2% of matched frequency fMRI signal variance. Additionally, a simultaneous multi-slice multi-echo acquisition was used to collect 10-minute rs-fMRI at three echo times at 7T in a separate group of healthy adults (n=5; 5 male). Multiple echo times were used to estimate the R2* decay at every time point, and MAP was shown to strongly correlate with this signal, which suggests a purely BOLD (i.e. blood flow related) origin. This study demonstrates that there is a significant component of the BOLD signal that has a systemic physiological origin, and highlights the fact that not all localized BOLD signal changes necessarily reflect blood flow supporting local neural activity. Instead, these data show that a proportion of BOLD signal fluctuations in rs-fMRI are due to localized control of blood flow that is independent of local neural activity, most likely reflecting more general systemic autoregulatory processes. Thus, fMRI is a promising tool for studying flow changes associated with cerebral autoregulation with high spatial resolution

    Predicting the Outcome of Cognitive Training in Parkinson’s Disease using Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    Motivation: Cognitive impairment is an important symptom of Parkinson’s Disease (PD), usually having a substantial negative impact on the quality of life of patients, families, and caregivers. Cognitive Training (CT) have been proven effective in halting the process of cognitive decline in PD. However, the efficacy of CT is unpredictable from subject to subject. Objective: Investigate the possibility of predicting the outcome of CT in PD patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment using structural and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) data. Methods: Before CT, a sample of 42 PD patients underwent structural and functional MRI. Graph measures were then extracted from their structural and functional con nectomes and used as features for random forest (RFo) and decision tree (DT) machine learning (ML) regression algorithms with and without prior latent component analysis (LCA). CT response was evaluated by assessing the outcomes of the Tower of London task pre- and post-treatment. Finally, the 4 ML models were used to predict CT response and their performances were assessed. Post hoc analyses were conducted to investigate whether these algorithms could predict age using connectomic measures on a sample of 80 PD patients. Results: The performances of the aforementioned algorithms did not differ signifi cantly from the baseline performance predicting the subject-specific CT outcome. The performance of the RFo without LCA differed significantly from the baseline performance in the age prediction task for the sample of 80 patients. Conclusion: Notwithstanding the lack of statistical significance in predicting our xicognitive outcomes, the relative success of the age prediction task points towards the potential of this approach. We hypothesise that bigger sample sizes are needed in order to predict the outcome of CT using ML

    MP-PCA denoising of fMRI time-series data can lead to artificial activation "spreading"

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    MP-PCA denoising has become the method of choice for denoising in MRI since it provides an objective threshold to separate the desired signal from unwanted thermal noise components. In rodents, thermal noise in the coils is an important source of noise that can reduce the accuracy of activation mapping in fMRI. Further confounding this problem, vendor data often contains zero-filling and other effects that may violate MP-PCA assumptions. Here, we develop an approach to denoise vendor data and assess activation "spreading" caused by MP-PCA denoising in rodent task-based fMRI data. Data was obtained from N = 3 mice using conventional multislice and ultrafast acquisitions (1 s and 50 ms temporal resolution, respectively), during visual stimulation. MP-PCA denoising produced SNR gains of 64% and 39% and Fourier spectral amplitude (FSA) increases in BOLD maps of 9% and 7% for multislice and ultrafast data, respectively, when using a small [2 2] denoising window. Larger windows provided higher SNR and FSA gains with increased spatial extent of activation that may or may not represent real activation. Simulations showed that MP-PCA denoising causes activation "spreading" with an increase in false positive rate and smoother functional maps due to local "bleeding" of principal components, and that the optimal denoising window for improved specificity of functional mapping, based on Dice score calculations, depends on the data's tSNR and functional CNR. This "spreading" effect applies also to another recently proposed low-rank denoising method (NORDIC). Our results bode well for dramatically enhancing spatial and/or temporal resolution in future fMRI work, while taking into account the sensitivity/specificity trade-offs of low-rank denoising methods