9 research outputs found

    Two-stage stochastic, large-scale optimization of a decentralized energy system - a residential quarter as case study

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    The trend towards decentralized energy systems with an emphasis on renewable energy sources (RES) causes increased fluctuations and non-negligible weather-related uncertainties on the future supply side. Stochastic modeling techniques enable an adequate consideration of uncertainties in the investment and operation planning process of decentralized energy systems. The challenge is that modeling of real energy systems ends up in large-scale problems, already as deterministic program. In order to keep the stochastic problem feasible, we present a module-based, parallel computing approach using decomposing techniques and a hill-climbing algorithm in combination with high-performance computing (HPC) for a two-stage stochastic optimization problem. Consistent ensembles of the required input data are simulated by a Markov process and transformed into sets of energy demand and supply profiles. The approach is demonstrated for a residential quarter using photovoltaic (PV) systems in combination with heat pumps and storages. Depending on the installed technologies, the quarter is modeled either as stochastic linear program (SLP) or stochastic mixed-integer linear program (SMILP). Our results show that thermal storages in such a decentralized energy system prove beneficial and that they are more profitable for domestic hot water than for space heating. Moreover, the storage capacity for space heating is generally larger when uncertainties are considered in comparison to the deterministic optimization, i.e. stochastic optimization can help to avoid bad layout decisions

    A two-stage stochastic mixed-integer program modelling and hybrid solution approach to portfolio selection problems

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    In this paper, we investigate a multi-period portfolio selection problem with a comprehensive set of real-world trading constraints as well as market random uncertainty in terms of asset prices. We formulate the problem into a two-stage stochastic mixed-integer program (SMIP) with recourse. The set of constraints is modelled as mixed-integer program, while a set of decision variables to rebalance the portfolio in multiple periods is explicitly introduced as the recourse variables in the second stage of stochastic program. Although the combination of stochastic program and mixed-integer program leads to computational challenges in finding solutions to the problem, the proposed SMIP model provides an insightful and flexible description of the problem. The model also enables the investors to make decisions subject to real-world trading constraints and market uncertainty. To deal with the computational difficulty of the proposed model, a simplification and hybrid solution method is applied in the paper. The simplification method aims to eliminate the difficult constraints in the model, resulting into easier sub-problems compared to the original one. The hybrid method is developed to integrate local search with Branch-and-Bound (B&B) to solve the problem heuristically. We present computational results of the hybrid approach to analyse the performance of the proposed method. The results illustrate that the hybrid method can generate good solutions in a reasonable amount of computational time. We also compare the obtained portfolio values against an index value to illustrate the performance and strengths of the proposed SMIP model. Implications of the model and future work are also discussed

    An SDP approach for multiperiod mixed 0-1 linear programming models with stochastic dominance constraints for risk management *

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    Abstract In this paper we consider multiperiod mixed 0-1 linear programming models under uncertainty. We propose a risk averse strategy using stochastic dominance constraints (SDC) induced by mixed-integer linear recourse as the risk measure. The SDC strategy extends the existing literature to the multistage case and includes both first-order and second-order constraints. We propose a stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) solution approach, where one has to overcome the negative impact the cross-scenario constraints, due to SDC, have on the decomposability of the model. In our computational experience we compare our SDP against a commercial optimization package, in terms of solution accuracy and elapsed time. We use supply chain planning instances, where procurement, production, inventory, and distribution decisions need to be made under demand uncertainty. We confirm the hardness of the testbed, where the benchmark cannot find a feasible solution for half of the test instances while we always find one, and show the appealing tradeoff of SDP, in terms of solution accuracy and elapsed time, when solving medium-to-large instances

    Two-stage stochastic, large-scale optimization of a decentralized energy system : a case study focusing on solar PV, heat pumps and storage in a residential quarter

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    The expansion of fluctuating renewable energy sources leads to an increasing impact of weather-related uncertainties on future decentralized energy systems. Stochastic modeling techniques enable an adequate consideration of the uncertainties and provide support for both investment and operating decisions in such systems. In this paper, we consider a residential quarter using photovoltaic systems in combination with multistage air-water heat pumps and heat storage units for space heating and domestic hot water. We model the investment and operating problem of the quarter’s energy system as two-stage stochastic mixed-integer linear program and optimize the thermal storage units. In order to keep the resulting stochastic, large-scale program computationally feasible, the problem is decomposed in combination with a derivative-free optimization. The subproblems are solved in parallel on high-performance computing systems. Our approach is integrated in that it comprises three subsystems: generation of consistent ensembles of the required input data by a Markov process, transformation into sets of energy demand and supply profiles and the actual stochastic optimization. An analysis of the scalability and comparison with a state-of-the-art dual-decomposition method using Lagrange relaxation and a conic bundle algorithm shows a good performance of our approach for the considered problem type. A comparison of the effective gain of modeling the quarter as stochastic program with the resulting computational expenses justifies the approach. Moreover, our results show that heat storage units in such systems are generally larger when uncertainties are considered, i.e., stochastic optimization can help to avoid insufficient setup decisions. Furthermore, we find that the storage is more profitable for domestic hot water than for space heating

    Supply chain network design under uncertainty and risk

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    We consider the research problem of quantitative support for decision making in supply chain network design (SCND). We first identify the requirements for a comprehensive SCND as (i) a methodology to select uncertainties, (ii) a stochastic optimisation model, and (iii) an appropriate solution algorithm. We propose a process to select a manageable number of uncertainties to be included in a stochastic program for SCND. We develop a comprehensive two-stage stochastic program for SCND that includes uncertainty in demand, currency exchange rates, labour costs, productivity, supplier costs, and transport costs. Also, we consider conditional value at risk (CV@R) to explore the trade-off between risk and return. We use a scenario generator based on moment matching to represent the multivariate uncertainty. The resulting stochastic integer program is computationally challenging and we propose a novel iterative solution algorithm called adaptive scenario refinement (ASR) to process the problem. We describe the rationale underlying ASR, validate it for a set of benchmark problems, and discuss the benefits of the algorithm applied to our SCND problem. Finally, we demonstrate the benefits of the proposed model in a case study and show that multiple sources of uncertainty and risk are important to consider in the SCND. Whereas in the literature most research is on demand uncertainty, our study suggests that exchange rate uncertainty is more important for the choice of optimal supply chain strategies in international production networks. The SCND model and the use of the coherent downside risk measure in the stochastic program are innovative and novel; these and the ASR solution algorithm taken together make contributions to knowledge.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Optimierung der Investitions- und Einsatzplanung dezentraler Energiesysteme unter Unsicherheit

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    Es wird ein ganzheitliches, modulbasiertes Framework für die Investitions- und Einsatzplanungsoptimierung dezentraler Energiesysteme entwickelt. Mittels stochastischem Programm und Regret-Minimierung werden risikobehaftete und nicht probabilistische Unsicherheiten berücksichtigt. Neu ist auch die parallele Berechnung auf High-Performance-Computing-Systemen einschließlich der eingesetzten automatischen Algorithmuskonfiguration des verwendeten Solvers zur Rechenzeitreduzierung