772 research outputs found

    Control speculation for energy-efficient next-generation superscalar processors

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    Conventional front-end designs attempt to maximize the number of "in-flight" instructions in the pipeline. However, branch mispredictions cause the processor to fetch useless instructions that are eventually squashed, increasing front-end energy and issue queue utilization and, thus, wasting around 30 percent of the power dissipated by a processor. Furthermore, processor design trends lead to increasing clock frequencies by lengthening the pipeline, which puts more pressure on the branch prediction engine since branches take longer to be resolved. As next-generation high-performance processors become deeply pipelined, the amount of wasted energy due to misspeculated instructions will go up. The aim of this work is to reduce the energy consumption of misspeculated instructions. We propose selective throttling, which triggers different power-aware techniques (fetch throttling, decode throttling, or disabling the selection logic) depending on the branch prediction confidence level. Results show that combining fetch-bandwidth reduction along with select-logic disabling provides the best performance in terms of overall energy reduction and energy-delay product improvement (14 percent and 10 percent, respectively, for a processor with a 22-stage pipeline and 16 percent and 13 percent, respectively, for a processor with a 42-stage pipeline).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Low-complexity distributed issue queue

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    As technology evolves, power density significantly increases and cooling systems become more complex and expensive. The issue logic is one of the processor hotspots and, at the same time, its latency is crucial for the processor performance. We present a low-complexity FP issue logic (MB/spl I.bar/distr) that achieves high performance with small energy requirements. The MB/spl I.bar/distr scheme is based on classifying instructions and dispatching them into a set of queues depending on their data dependences. These instructions are selected for issuing based on an estimation of when their operands will be available, so the conventional wakeup activity is not required. Additionally, the functional units are distributed across the different queues. The energy required by the proposed scheme is substantially lower than that required by a conventional issue design, even if the latter has the ability of waking-up only unready operands. MB/spl I.bar/distr scheme reduces the energy-delay product by 35% and the energy-delay product by 18% with respect to a state-of-the-art approach.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Efficient design space exploration of embedded microprocessors

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    Improving multithreading performance for clustered VLIW architectures.

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    Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) processors are very popular in embedded and mobile computing domain. Use of VLIW processors range from Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) found in a plethora of communication and multimedia devices to Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) used in gaming and high performance computing devices. The advantage of VLIWs is their low complexity and low power design which enable high performance at a low cost. Scalability of VLIWs is limited by the scalability of register file ports. It is not viable to have a VLIW processor with a single large register file because of area and power consumption implications of the register file. Clustered VLIW solve the register file scalability issue by partitioning the register file into multiple clusters and a set of functional units that are attached to register file of that cluster. Using a clustered approach, higher issue width can be achieved while keeping the cost of register file within reasonable limits. Several commercial VLIW processors have been designed using the clustered VLIW model. VLIW processors can be used to run a larger set of applications. Many of these applications have a good Lnstruction Level Parallelism (ILP) which can be efficiently utilized. However, several applications, specially the ones that are control code dominated do not exibit good ILP and the processor is underutilized. Cache misses is another major source of resource underutiliztion. Multithreading is a popular technique to improve processor utilization. Interleaved MultiThreading (IMT) hides cache miss latencies by scheduling a different thread each cycle but cannot hide unused instructions slots. Simultaneous MultiThread (SMT) can also remove ILP under-utilization by issuing multiple threads to fill the empty instruction slots. However, SMT has a higher implementation cost than IMT. The thesis presents Cluster-level Simultaneous MultiThreading (CSMT) that supports a limited form of SMT where VLIW instructions from different threads are merged at a cluster-level granularity. This lowers the hardware implementation cost to a level comparable to the cheap IMT technique. The more complex SMT combines VLIW instructions at the individual operation-level granularity which is quite expensive especially in for a mobile solution. We refer to SMT at operation-level as OpSMT to reduce ambiguity. While previous studies restricted OpSMT on a VLIW to 2 threads, CSMT has a better scalability and upto 8 threads can be supported at a reasonable cost. The thesis proposes several other techniques to further improve CSMT performance. In particular, Cluster renaming remaps the clusters used by instructions of different threads to reduce resource conflicts. Cluster renaming is quite effective in reducing the issue-slots under-utilization and significantly improves CSMT performance.The thesis also proposes: a hybrid between IMT and CSMT which increases the number of supported threads, heterogeneous instruction merging where some instructions are combined using SMT and CSMT rest, and finally, split-issue, a technique that allows to launch partially an instruction making it easier to be combined with others

    Coarse-grained reconfigurable array architectures

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    Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array (CGRA) architectures accelerate the same inner loops that benefit from the high ILP support in VLIW architectures. By executing non-loop code on other cores, however, CGRAs can focus on such loops to execute them more efficiently. This chapter discusses the basic principles of CGRAs, and the wide range of design options available to a CGRA designer, covering a large number of existing CGRA designs. The impact of different options on flexibility, performance, and power-efficiency is discussed, as well as the need for compiler support. The ADRES CGRA design template is studied in more detail as a use case to illustrate the need for design space exploration, for compiler support and for the manual fine-tuning of source code

    Direct instruction wakeup for out-of-order processors

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    Instruction queues consume a significant amount of power in high-performance processors, primarily due to instruction wakeup logic access to the queue structures. The wakeup logic delay is also a critical timing parameter. This paper proposes a new queue organization using a small number of successor pointers plus a small number of dynamically allocated full successor bit vectors for cases with a larger number of successors. The details of the new organization are described and it is shown to achieve the performance of CAM-based or full dependency matrix organizations using just one pointer per instruction plus eight full bit vectors. Only two full bit vectors are needed when two successor pointers are stored per instruction. Finally, a design and pre-layout of all critical structures in 70 nm technology was performed for the proposed organization as well as for a CAM-based baseline. The new design is shown to use 1/2 to 1/5th of the baseline instruction queue power, depending on queue size. It is also shown to use significantly less power than the full dependency matrix based design.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Maximizing resource utilization by slicing of superscalar architecture

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    Superscalar architectural techniques increase instruction throughput from one instruction per cycle to more than one instruction per cycle. Modern processors make use of several processing resources to achieve this kind of throughput. Control units perform various functions to minimize stalls and to ensure a continuous feed of instructions to execution units. It is vital to ensure that instructions ready for execution do not encounter a bottleneck in the execution stage; This thesis work proposes a dynamic scheme to increase efficiency of execution stage by a methodology called block slicing. Implementing this concept in a wide, superscalar pipelined architecture introduces minimal additional hardware and delay in the pipeline. The hardware required for the implementation of the proposed scheme is designed and assessed in terms of cost and delay. Performance measures of speed-up, throughput and efficiency have been evaluated for the resulting pipeline and analyzed