10 research outputs found

    Unified Abstract Mechanism to Model Language Learning Activities

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    Language learning applications define exercises that are pedagogical tools to introduce new language concepts. The development of this type of applications is complex due to the diversity of language learning methodologies, the variety of execution environments and the number of different technologies that can be used. This article proposes a conceptual model to develop the activities of language learning applications. It defines a new abstraction mechanism to model these activities as part of a model-driven approach to develop applications supporting different language learning processes running on different hardware and software platforms. We define a metamodel that describes the entities and relationships representing language learning activities as well as a series of examples that use the proposed abstraction mechanism to represent different language learning activities. The modelling process is simplified using a common representation that does not affect neither the visual presentation, nor the interaction of each activity. The article includes an evaluation that analyses the product correctness, robustness, extensibility, and reusability of the obtained code. These results conclude that the code generated using the proposed approach overcomes the code generated following a traditional approach

    Arquitectura dirigida por modelos aplicada al desarrollo de metodologías de aprendizaje de idiomas

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    Hoy en día, cada vez más gente está interesada en el aprendizaje de una segunda -e incluso de una tercera- lengua extranjera. Esto es debido al fenómeno de la globalización, y está siendo facilitado por el uso extensivo de Internet. El proceso de aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera está definido por metodologías y -cada vez más- apoyado por la tecnología. El desarrollo de este tipo de aplicaciones es complejo (por la variedad de los entornos de ejecución, y por tener una gran cantidad de contenidos con frecuencia difíciles de validar), por lo que esta tesis propone un enfoque dirigido por modelos para desarrollo de software para dar soporte a la enseñanza de idiomas. El estudio y análisis de diferentes metodologías para el aprendizaje de idiomas ha permitido obtener, mediante un proceso de abstracción, los elementos comunes a todas ellas: En primer lugar (1) un conjunto/jerarquía de conceptos que se enseñan (contenidos), y (2) un conjunto de recursos (medios) para presentar los conceptos. Por otra parte, todas las metodologías definen (3) diversos tipos de ejercicios de aprendizaje (actividades) y (4) una secuencia o conjunto de secuencias que las relacionan (flujo de control/trabajo). Finalmente, definen una serie de (5) plantillas o disposiciones para la visualización de los contenidos y de las actividades (presentación). Esta tesis presenta una solución Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) que permite el desarrollo de aplicaciones para el aprendizaje de idiomas a partir de modelos. Así pues, desde una capa Computational Independent Model (CIM) hasta la capa Implementation Specific Model (ISM), se presentan los meta-modelos y los editores gráficos para los distintos lenguajes específicos de dominio, que permiten modelar todo lo necesario para el desarrollo de casi cualquier metodología de aprendizaje de idiomas. Por otra parte, en esta tesis también se definen las transformaciones necesarias, y el proceso de transformación asociado, para la generación automática del código fuente (en HTML y JavaScript) de aplicaciones de aprendizaje de idiomas. La propuesta ha sido validada a través del modelado y la generación del código fuente de los elementos de funcionalidad más importantes de la metodología Lexiway, así como de varios tipos de actividades de aprendizaje muy utilizados -y de forma muy parecida- en metodologías como Duolingo y Busuu

    Precision Calculations in Supersymmetric Models using Phenomenological Tools

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    We present a Higgs mass calculation at two-loop level based on the effective potential approach, which has been made available in the public computer codes SARAH and SPheno. The approach is based on generic formulae for the two-loop effective potential available from literature and can be applied to a large number of renormalisable supersymmetric models in a highly automated way. Three equivalent algorithms are presented, which are completely independent of one another. The code enables the study of the neutral Higgs boson masses at two loops in models beyond the MSSM with a similar precision as has been widely available in MSSM spectrum generators before the Higgs discovery in 2012. Details about the implementation, validation and limitations of the code are presented. This precision calculation is applied to four supersymmetric models, including the MSSM with large flavour violation, the MSSM with R-parity violation and the NMSSM, where we found throughout that the two-loop corrections give rise to significant contributions. An additional model, namely the MSSM extended by vectorlike quarks, is also studied. Here we do not focus only on the two-loop Higgs mass but also on the fine-tuning in the context of gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking. Finally, we present a collider study examining the production of exotic long-lived neutral particles at the LHC, assuming that these particles escape the detector. By applying analyses from the ATLAS and CMS collaborations that focus on a large missing transverse energy signature, we obtain upper cross section limits for arbitrary lifetimes. We found this method to be a complementary approach compared to traditional displaced vertex searches

    Chatbots for Modelling, Modelling of Chatbots

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    Tesis Doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Departamento de Ingeniería Informática. Fecha de Lectura: 28-03-202

    Automatised Constraints on New Physics at the LHC and Beyond

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    In this thesis, we discuss the development and use cases of the public software CheckMATE which is designed to allow for easy tests of theories beyond the Standard Model against current results from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We illustrate the general functionality of this tool and provide hands-on examples to explain how it can be used to test results from the ATLAS and CMS experiments. In addition, we explain how new analyses can be conveniently added to the existing framework. This tool is then used to project a search for monojet final states to a high luminosity LHC with a centre-of-mass energy of 14 TeV. Here, our prospective analysis is used to determine the expected sensitivity to a Higgs Portal scenario which couples the Standard Model to a hidden sector via an invisibly decaying second heavy scalar. We show that complementary bounds to those derived from Higgs boson searches in 8 TeV LHC data can be set, however only if a significant reduction of the current systematic uncertainties for the background estimates of such a search can be achieved. Furthermore, we use CheckMATE and its large set of implemented searches for natural Supersymmetry to show how an extension of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model by an additional chiral gauge singlet typically reduces the LHC sensitivity. In the context of R-parity violating Supersymmetry, we go beyond CheckMATE and the LHC and derive how the expected sensitivity of the proposed fixed-target experiment SHiP to observe long-lived neutralinos produced via rare Standard Model meson decays can significantly improve existing bounds from low energy observations

    Towards Automated Formal Analysis of Model Transformation Specifications

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    In Model-Driven Engineering, model transformation is a key model management operation, used to translate models between notations. Model transformation can be used for many engineering activities, for instance as a preliminary to merging models from different meta- models, or to generate codes from diagrammatic models. A mapping model needs to be developed (the transformation specification) to represent relations between concepts from the metamodels. The evaluation of the mapping model creates new challenges, for both conventional verification and validation, and also in guaranteeing that models generated by applying the transformation specification to source models still retain the intention of the initial transformation requirements. Most model transformation creates and evaluates a transformation specification in an ad-hoc manner. The specifications are usu- ally unstructured, and the quality of the transformations can only be assessed when the transformations are used. Analysis is not systematically applied even when the transformations are in use, so there is no way to determine whether the transformations are correct and consistent. This thesis addresses the problem of systematic creation and analysis of model transformation, via a facility for planning and designing model transformations which have conceptual-level properties that are tractable to formal analysis. We proposed a framework that provides steps to systematically build a model transformation specification, a visual notation for specifying model transformation and a template-based approach for producing a formal specification that is not just structure-equivalent but also amenable to formal analysis. The framework allows evaluation of syntactic and semantic correctness of generated models, metamodel coverage, and semantic correctness of the transformations themselves, with the help of snapshot analysis using patterns

    Social work with airports passengers

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    Social work at the airport is in to offer to passengers social services. The main methodological position is that people are under stress, which characterized by a particular set of characteristics in appearance and behavior. In such circumstances passenger attracts in his actions some attention. Only person whom he trusts can help him with the documents or psychologically

    Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2008, nr 4

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    The Standard Model and Beyond

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    This new edition of The Standard Model and Beyond presents an advanced introduction to the physics and formalism of the standard model and other non-abelian gauge theories. It provides a solid background for understanding supersymmetry, string theory, extra dimensions, dynamical symmetry breaking, and cosmology. In addition to updating all of the experimental and phenomenological results from the first edition, it contains a new chapter on collider physics; expanded discussions of Higgs, neutrino, and dark matter physics; and many new problems. The book first reviews calculational techniques in field theory and the status of quantum electrodynamics. It then focuses on global and local symmetries and the construction of non-abelian gauge theories. The structure and tests of quantum chromodynamics, collider physics, the electroweak interactions and theory, and the physics of neutrino mass and mixing are thoroughly explored. The final chapter discusses the motivations for extending the standard model and examines supersymmetry, extended gauge groups, and grand unification. Thoroughly covering gauge field theories, symmetries, and topics beyond the standard model, this text equips readers with the tools to understand the structure and phenomenological consequences of the standard model, to construct extensions, and to perform calculations at tree level. It establishes the necessary background for readers to carry out more advanced research in particle physics. Supplementary materials are provided on the author’s website and a solutions manual is available for qualifying instructors

    A Measurement of the Pseudoscalar DecayConstant fDs using Charm-Tagged Events in e+e- Collisions at the Y(4S)

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