17,409 research outputs found

    Production of tau tau jj final states at the LHC and the TauSpinner algorithm: the spin-2 case

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    The TauSpinner algorithm is a tool that allows to modify the physics model of the Monte Carlo generated samples due to the changed assumptions of event production dynamics, but without the need of re-generating events. With the help of weights τ\tau-lepton production or decay processes can be modified accordingly to a new physics model. In a recent paper a new version TauSpinner ver.2.0.0 has been presented which includes a provision for introducing non-standard states and couplings and study their effects in the vector-boson-fusion processes by exploiting the spin correlations of τ\tau-lepton pair decay products in processes where final states include also two hard jets. In the present paper we document how this can be achieved taking as an example the non-standard spin-2 state that couples to Standard Model particles and tree-level matrix elements with complete helicity information included for the parton-parton scattering amplitudes into a τ\tau-lepton pair and two outgoing partons. This implementation is prepared as the external (user provided) routine for the TauSpinner algorithm. It exploits amplitudes generated by MadGraph5 and adopted to the TauSpinner algorithm format. Consistency tests of the implemented matrix elements, reweighting algorithm and numerical results for observables sensitive to τ\tau polarization are presented.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures; version published in EPJ

    Data Definitions in the ACL2 Sedan

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    We present a data definition framework that enables the convenient specification of data types in ACL2s, the ACL2 Sedan. Our primary motivation for developing the data definition framework was pedagogical. We were teaching undergraduate students how to reason about programs using ACL2s and wanted to provide them with an effective method for defining, testing, and reasoning about data types in the context of an untyped theorem prover. Our framework is now routinely used not only for pedagogical purposes, but also by advanced users. Our framework concisely supports common data definition patterns, e.g. list types, map types, and record types. It also provides support for polymorphic functions. A distinguishing feature of our approach is that we maintain both a predicative and an enumerative characterization of data definitions. In this paper we present our data definition framework via a sequence of examples. We give a complete characterization in terms of tau rules of the inclusion/exclusion relations a data definition induces, under suitable restrictions. The data definition framework is a key component of counterexample generation support in ACL2s, but can be independently used in ACL2, and is available as a community book.Comment: In Proceedings ACL2 2014, arXiv:1406.123

    Coupling Unifications in Gauge-Higgs Unified Orbifold Models

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    Supersymmetric gauge theories, in higher dimensions compactified in an orbifold, give a natural framework to unify the gauge bosons, Higgs fields and even the matter fields in a single multiplet of the unifying gauge symmetry. The extra dimensions and the supersymmetry are the two key ingredients for such an unification. In this work, we investigate various scenarios for the unification of the three gauge couplings, and the Yukawa couplings in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), as well as the trilinear Higgs couplings \lambda and \kappa of the Non-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM). We present an SU(8) model in six dimensions with N=2 supersymmetry, compactified in a T^2/Z_6 orbifold which unifies the three gauge couplings with \lambda and \kappa of NMSSM. Then, we present an SU(9) model in 6D, which, in addition, includes partial unification of Yukawa couplings, either for the up-type (top quark and Dirac tau-neutrino) or down-type (bottom quark and tau lepton). We also study the phenomenological implications of these various unification scenarios using the appropriate renormalization group equations, and show that such unification works very well with the measured low energy values of the couplings. The predicted upper bounds for the lightest neutral Higgs boson mass in our model is higher than those in MSSM, but lower that those in the general NMSSM (where the couplings \lambda and \kappa are arbitrary). Some of the predictions of our models can be tested in the upcoming Large Hadron Collider.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figure

    Non-Standard Interactions: Atmospheric versus Neutrino Factory Experiments

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    We consider the potential of a generic neutrino factory (NUFACT) in probing non-standard neutrino-matter interactions (NSI). We find that the sensitivity to flavour-changing (FC) NSI can be substantially improved with respect to present atmospheric neutrino data, especially at energies higher than approximately 50 GeV, where the effect of the tau mass is small. For example, a 100 GeV NUFACT can probe FC neutrino interactions at the level of few ϵ<few×104|\epsilon| < {few} \times 10^{-4} at 99 % C.L.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, references added, version to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Stellar and circumstellar properties of visual binaries in the Orion Nebula Cluster

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    Our general understanding of multiple star and planet formation is primarily based on observations of young multiple systems in low density regions like Tau-Aur and Oph. Since many, if not most, of the stars are born in clusters, observational constraints from young binaries in those environments are fundamental for understanding both the formation of multiple systems and planets in multiple systems throughout the Galaxy. We build upon the largest survey for young binaries in the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC) which is based on Hubble Space Telescope observations to derive both stellar and circumstellar properties of newborn binary systems in this cluster environment. We present Adaptive Optics spatially-resolved JHKL'-band photometry and K-band R\sim\,5000 spectra for a sample of 8 ONC binary systems from this database. We characterize the stellar properties of binary components and obtain a census of protoplanetary disks through K-L' color excess. For a combined sample of ONC binaries including 7 additional systems with NIR spectroscopy from the literature, we derive mass ratio and relative age distributions. We compare the stellar and circumstellar properties of binaries in ONC with those in Tau-Aur and Oph from samples of binaries with stellar properties derived for each component from spectra and/or visual photometry and with a disk census obtained through K-L color excess. The mass ratio distribution of ONC binaries is found to be indistinguishable from that of Tau-Aur and, to some extent, to that of Oph in the separation range 85-560\,AU and for primary mass in the range 0.15 to 0.8\,M_{\sun}.A trend toward a lower mass ratio with larger separation is suggested in ONC binaries which is not seen in Tau-Aur binaries.The components of ONC binaries are found to be significantly more coeval than the overall ONC population and as coeval as components of binaries in Tau-Aur and Oph[...]Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Experimental Tests of Asymptotic Freedom

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    Measurements which probe the energy dependence of αs\alpha_s, the coupling strength of the strong interaction, are reviewed. Jet counting in e+ee^+ e^- annihilation, combining results obtained in the centre of mass energy range from 22 to 133 GeV, provides direct evidence for an asymptotically free coupling, without the need to determine explicit values of αs\alpha_s. Recent results from jet production in epe p and in ppp \overline{p} collisions, obtained in single experiments spanning large ranges of momentum transfer, Q2Q^2, are in good agreement with the running of αs\alpha_s as predicted by QCD. Mass spectra of hadronic decays of τ\tau-leptons are analysed to probe the running αs\alpha_s in the very low energy domain, 0.7GeV2<Q2<Mτ20.7 GeV^2 < Q^2 < M_\tau^2. An update of the world summary of measurements of αs(Q2)\alpha_s(Q^2) consistently proves the energy dependence of αs\alpha_s and results in a combined average of αs(MZ)=0.118±0.006\alpha_s(M_Z) = 0.118 \pm 0.006.Comment: 11 pages, 8 Figures, LaTeX. To appear in Proc. of QCD Euroconference 96 at Montpellier, France, July 199

    DLR Contribution to the First High Lift Prediction Workshop

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    DLR’s contribution to the first AIAA High Lift Prediction Workshop (HiLiftPW-1) covers computations of all three scheduled test cases for the NASA trapezoidal wing in high lift configuration. The DLR finite volume code TAU has been employed as the flow solver. In a standard set-up the one-equation turbulence model of Spalart and Allmaras in the original formulation is used to model effects of turbulence. For selected grids and flow conditions, the k-ω SST model of Menter and a differential Reynolds stress model (SSG/LLR-ω ) developed by DLR have been considered. DLR contributed with two hybrid unstructured grid families to the workshop. The grids have been generated with the grid generation packages Centaur and Solar. A grid family with three Solar grids has been generated and provided to the workshop featuring grids of 12·10^6 , 37·10^6 , and 111·10^6 points for test case 1. In addition, a Solar grid of 37·10^6 points has been provided for test case 2, and a grid of 40·10^6 for the configuration including the slat and flap brackets (test case 3). DLR didn’t succeed in generating a fine-grid with the Centaur package. In order to complete a Centaur grid family with three grid levels an extra-coarse grid has been provided. Thus, the three levels of the Centaur grid family are realized by grids of 13·10^6 , 16·10^6 , and 32·10^6 points. In general a go o d agreement between the experimental evidence and the polar computations on the Solar and Centaur grids is found in terms of forces, moments and wing pressure distributions. The wing tip area with the rearward part of the main wing and the flap represents the most challenging part of the configuration, especially at angles of attack around maximum lift. The deviations between the TAU solutions and the experimental data in this area are only weakly influenced by the different grid topologies or turbulence models used. The influence of the grid resolution of both grid families is comparable, taking into account the different absolute resolution levels of both grid families. Including the slat and flap brackets leads to the expected lift decrease. Concerning the convergence properties, a strong dependence on the numerical start-up procedure has been detected in many of the computations at higher angles of attack

    The Radio Sky at Meter Wavelengths: m-Mode Analysis Imaging with the Owens Valley Long Wavelength Array

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    A host of new low-frequency radio telescopes seek to measure the 21-cm transition of neutral hydrogen from the early universe. These telescopes have the potential to directly probe star and galaxy formation at redshifts 20z720 \gtrsim z \gtrsim 7, but are limited by the dynamic range they can achieve against foreground sources of low-frequency radio emission. Consequently, there is a growing demand for modern, high-fidelity maps of the sky at frequencies below 200 MHz for use in foreground modeling and removal. We describe a new widefield imaging technique for drift-scanning interferometers, Tikhonov-regularized mm-mode analysis imaging. This technique constructs images of the entire sky in a single synthesis imaging step with exact treatment of widefield effects. We describe how the CLEAN algorithm can be adapted to deconvolve maps generated by mm-mode analysis imaging. We demonstrate Tikhonov-regularized mm-mode analysis imaging using the Owens Valley Long Wavelength Array (OVRO-LWA) by generating 8 new maps of the sky north of δ=30\delta=-30^\circ with 15 arcmin angular resolution, at frequencies evenly spaced between 36.528 MHz and 73.152 MHz, and \sim800 mJy/beam thermal noise. These maps are a 10-fold improvement in angular resolution over existing full-sky maps at comparable frequencies, which have angular resolutions 2\ge 2^\circ. Each map is constructed exclusively from interferometric observations and does not represent the globally averaged sky brightness. Future improvements will incorporate total power radiometry, improved thermal noise, and improved angular resolution -- due to the planned expansion of the OVRO-LWA to 2.6 km baselines. These maps serve as a first step on the path to the use of more sophisticated foreground filters in 21-cm cosmology incorporating the measured angular and frequency structure of all foreground contaminants.Comment: 27 pages, 18 figure

    The T Tauri Phase Down to Nearly Planetary Masses: Echelle Spectra of 82 Very Low Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs

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    Using the largest high-resolution spectroscopic sample to date of young, very low mass stars (VLMS) and brown dwarfs (BDs), we investigate disk accretion in objects ranging from just above the hydrogen-burning limit all the way to nearly planetary masses. Our 82 targets span spectral types from M5 to M9.5, or masses from 0.15 Msun down to ~15 Jupiters. They are confirmed members of the rho Oph, Taurus, Cha I, IC 348, R CrA, Upper Sco and TW Hydrae regions, with ages = M6.5). We find that: (1) classical T Tauri-like disk-accretion persists in the BD domain down to nearly the deuterium-burning limit; (2) in addition to H-alpha, permitted emission lines of CaII, OI and HeI are also good accretion indicators, as in CTTs; (3) the CaII 8662A flux is an excellent quantitative measure of the accretion rate (Mdot) in VLMS and BDs(as in CTTs); (4) Mdot diminishes as M^2 -- our measurements support previous findings of this correlation, and extend it to the entire range of sub-stellar masses; (5) the accretor fraction among VLMS and BDs decreases substantially with age, as in higher-mass stars; (6) at any given age, the VLMS and BD accretor fraction is comparable to that in higher-mass stars; and (7) a number of sources with IR disk excesses do not evince measurable accretion, with the incidence of such a mismatch increasing with age: this implies that disks in the low mass regime can persist beyond the main accretion phase, and parallels the transition from the classical to post-T Tauri stage in more massive stars. These strong similarities at young ages, between higher-mass stars and low-mass bodies close to and below the hydrogen-burning limit, are consistent with a common formation mechanism in the two mass regimes. (abridged)Comment: 64 pages, 7 figures. ApJ accepte