474 research outputs found

    Synthesizer Parameter Approximation by Deep Learning

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    Synthesizers have been an essential tool for composers of any style of music including computer generated sound. They allow for an expansion in timbral variety to the orchestration of a piece of music or sound scape. Sound designers are trained to be able to recreate a timbre in their head using a synthesizer. This works well for simple sounds but becomes more difficult as the number of parameters required to produce a specific timbre increase. The goal of this research project is to formulate a method for synthesizers to approximate a timbre given an input audio sample using deep learning. The synthesizer should be able to modify its settings (oscillators, filters, LFOs, effects, etc.) to produce an audio signal as close to the input sample as possible. A cost function will measure the difference between the outputted audio signal from the learned synthesizer parameters and the original audio signal that is being mimicked

    Automatic generation of sound synthesis techniques

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2001.Includes bibliographical references (p. 97-98).Digital sound synthesizers, ubiquitous today in sound cards, software and dedicated hardware, use algorithms (Sound Synthesis Techniques, SSTs) capable of generating sounds similar to those of acoustic instruments and even totally novel sounds. The design of SSTs is a very hard problem. It is usually assumed that it requires human ingenuity to design an algorithm suitable for synthesizing a sound with certain characteristics. Many of the SSTs commonly used are the fruit of experimentation and a long refinement processes. A SST is determined by its "functional form" and "internal parameters". Design of SSTs is usually done by selecting a fixed functional form from a handful of commonly used SSTs, and performing a parameter estimation technique to find a set of internal parameters that will best emulate the target sound. A new approach for automating the design of SSTs is proposed. It uses a set of examples of the desired behavior of the SST in the form of "inputs + target sound". The approach is capable of suggesting novel functional forms and their internal parameters, suited to follow closely the given examples. Design of a SST is stated as a search problem in the SST space (the space spanned by all the possible valid functional forms and internal parameters, within certain limits to make it practical). This search is done using evolutionary methods; specifically, Genetic Programming (GP). A custom language for representing and manipulating SSTs as topology graphs and expression trees is proposed, as well as the mapping rules between both representations. Fitness functions that use analytical and perceptual distance metrics between the target and produced sounds are discussed. The AGeSS system (Automatic Generation of Sound Synthesizers) developed in the Media Lab is outlined, and some SSTs and their evolution are shown.by Ricardo A. García.S.M

    EEuGene: employing electroencephalograph signals in the rating strategy of a hardware-based interactive genetic algorithm

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    We describe a novel interface and development platform for an interactive Genetic Algorithm (iGA) that uses Electroencephalograph (EEG) signals as an indication of fitness for selection for successive generations. A gaming headset was used to generate EEG readings corresponding to attention and meditation states from a single electrode. These were communicated via Bluetooth to an embedded iGA implemented on the Arduino platform. The readings were taken to measure subjects’ responses to predetermined short sequences of synthesised sound, although the technique could be applied any appropriate problem domain. The prototype provided sufficient evidence to indicate that use of the technology in this context is viable. However, the approach taken was limited by the technical characteristics of the equipment used and only provides proof of concept at this stage. We discuss some of the limitations of using biofeedback systems and suggest possible improvements that might be made with more sophisticated EEG sensors and other biofeedback mechanisms

    Algorithmic Compositional Methods and their Role in Genesis: A Multi-Functional Real-Time Computer Music System

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    Algorithmic procedures have been applied in computer music systems to generate compositional products using conventional musical formalism, extensions of such musical formalism and extra-musical disciplines such as mathematical models. This research investigates the applicability of such algorithmic methodologies for real-time musical composition, culminating in Genesis, a multi-functional real-time computer music system written for Mac OS X in the SuperCollider object-oriented programming language, and contained in the accompanying DVD. Through an extensive graphical user interface, Genesis offers musicians the opportunity to explore the application of the sonic features of real-time sound-objects to designated generative processes via different models of interaction such as unsupervised musical composition by Genesis and networked control of external Genesis instances. As a result of the applied interactive, generative and analytical methods, Genesis forms a unique compositional process, with a compositional product that reflects the character of its interactions between the sonic features of real-time sound-objects and its selected algorithmic procedures. Within this thesis, the technologies involved in algorithmic methodologies used for compositional processes, and the concepts that define their constructs are described, with consequent detailing of their selection and application in Genesis, with audio examples of algorithmic compositional methods demonstrated on the accompanying DVD. To demonstrate the real-time compositional abilities of Genesis, free explorations with instrumentalists, along with studio recordings of the compositional processes available in Genesis are presented in audiovisual examples contained in the accompanying DVD. The evaluation of the Genesis system’s capability to form a real-time compositional process, thereby maintaining real-time interaction between the sonic features of real-time sound objects and its selected algorithmic compositional methods, focuses on existing evaluation techniques founded in HCI and the qualitative issues such evaluation methods present. In terms of the compositional products generated by Genesis, the challenges in quantifying and qualifying its compositional outputs are identified, demonstrating the intricacies of assessing generative methods of compositional processes, and their impact on a resulting compositional product. The thesis concludes by considering further advances and applications of Genesis, and inviting further dissemination of the Genesis system and promotion of research into evaluative methods of generative techniques, with the hope that this may provide additional insight into the relative success of products generated by real-time algorithmic compositional processes

    On-the-fly synthesizer programming with rule learning

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    This manuscript explores automatic programming of sound synthesis algorithms within the context of the performative artistic practice known as live coding. Writing source code in an improvised way to create music or visuals became an instrument the moment affordable computers were able to perform real-time sound synthesis with languages that keep their interpreter running. Ever since, live coding has dealt with real time programming of synthesis algorithms. For that purpose, one possibility is an algorithm that automatically creates variations out of a few presets selected by the user. However, the need for real-time feedback and the small size of the data sets (which can even be collected mid-performance) are constraints that make existing automatic sound synthesizer programmers and learning algorithms unfeasible. Also, the design of such algorithms is not oriented to create variations of a sound but rather to find the synthesizer parameters that match a given one. Other approaches create representations of the space of possible sounds, allowing the user to explore it by means of interactive evolution. Even though these systems are exploratory-oriented, they require longer run-times. This thesis investigates inductive rule learning for on-the-fly synthesizer programming. This approach is conceptually different from those found in both synthesizer programming and live coding literature. Rule models offer interpretability and allow working with the parameter values of the synthesis algorithms (even with symbolic data), making preprocessing unnecessary. RuLer, the proposed learning algorithm, receives a dataset containing user labeled combinations of parameter values of a synthesis algorithm. Among those combinations sharing the same label, it analyses the patterns based on dissimilarity. These patterns are described as an IF-THEN rule model. The algorithm parameters provide control to define what is considered a pattern. As patterns are the base for inducting new parameter settings, the algorithm parameters control the degree of consistency of the inducted settings respect to the original input data. An algorithm (named FuzzyRuLer) able to extend IF-THEN rules to hyperrectangles, which in turn are used as the cores of membership functions, is presented. The resulting fuzzy rule model creates a map of the entire input feature space. For such a pursuit, the algorithm generalizes the logical rules solving the contradictions by following a maximum volume heuristics. Across the manuscript it is discussed how, when machine learning algorithms are used as creative tools, glitches, errors or inaccuracies produced by the resulting models are sometimes desirable as they might offer novel, unpredictable results. The evaluation of the algorithms follows two paths. The first focuses on user tests. The second responds to the fact that this work was carried out within the computer science department and is intended to provide a broader, nonspecific domain evaluation of the algorithms performance using extrinsic benchmarks (i.e not belonging to a synthesizer's domain) for cross validation and minority oversampling. In oversampling tasks, using imbalanced datasets, the algorithm yields state-of-the-art results. Moreover, the synthetic points produced are significantly different from those created by the other algorithms and perform (controlled) exploration of more distant regions. Finally, accompanying the research, various performances, concerts and an album were produced with the algorithms and examples of this thesis. The reviews received and collections where the album has been featured show a positive reception within the community. Together, these evaluations suggest that rule learning is both an effective method and a promising path for further research.Aquest manuscrit explora la programació automàtica d’algorismes de síntesi de so dins del context de la pràctica artística performativa coneguda com a live coding. L'escriptura improvisada de codi font per crear música o visuals es va convertir en un instrument en el moment en què els ordinadors van poder realitzar síntesis de so en temps real amb llenguatges que mantenien el seu intèrpret en funcionament. D'aleshores ençà, el live coding comporta la programació en temps real d’algorismes de síntesi de so. Per a aquest propòsit, una possibilitat és tenir un algorisme que creï automàticament variacions a partir d'alguns presets seleccionats. No obstant, la necessitat de retroalimentació en temps real i la petita mida dels conjunts de dades són restriccions que fan que els programadors automàtics de sintetitzadors de so i els algorismes d’aprenentatge no siguin factibles d’utilitzar. A més, el seu disseny no està orientat a crear variacions d'un so, sinó a trobar els paràmetres del sintetitzador que aplicats a l'algorisme de síntesi produeixen un so determinat (target). Altres enfocaments creen representacions de l'espai de sons possibles, per permetre a l'usuari explorar-lo mitjançant l'evolució interactiva, però requereixen temps més llargs. Aquesta tesi investiga l'aprenentatge inductiu de regles per a la programació on-the-fly de sintetitzadors. Aquest enfocament és conceptualment diferent dels que es troben a la literatura. Els models de regles ofereixen interpretabilitat i permeten treballar amb els valors dels paràmetres dels algorismes de síntesi, sense processament previ. RuLer, l'algorisme d'aprenentatge proposat, rep dades amb combinacions etiquetades per l'usuari dels valors dels paràmetres d'un algorisme de síntesi. A continuació, analitza els patrons, basats en la dissimilitud, entre les combinacions de cada etiqueta. Aquests patrons es descriuen com un model de regles IF-THEN. Els paràmetres de l'algorisme proporcionen control per definir el que es considera un patró. Llavors, controlen el grau de consistència dels nous paràmetres de síntesi induïts respecte a les dades d'entrada originals. A continuació, es presenta un algorisme (FuzzyRuLer) capaç d’estendre les regles IF-THEN a hiperrectangles, que al seu torn s’utilitzen com a nuclis de funcions de pertinença. El model de regles difuses resultant crea un mapa complet de l'espai de la funció d'entrada. Per això, l'algorisme generalitza les regles lògiques seguint una heurística de volum màxim. Al llarg del manuscrit es discuteix com, quan s’utilitzen algorismes d’aprenentatge automàtic com a eines creatives, de vegades són desitjables glitches, errors o imprecisions produïdes pels models resultants, ja que poden oferir nous resultats imprevisibles. L'avaluació dels algorismes segueix dos camins. El primer es centra en proves d'usuari. El segon, que respon al fet que aquest treball es va dur a terme dins del departament de ciències de la computació, pretén proporcionar una avaluació més àmplia, no específica d'un domini, del rendiment dels algorismes mitjançant benchmarks extrínsecs utilitzats per cross-validation i minority oversampling. En tasques d'oversampling, mitjançant imbalanced data sets, l'algorisme proporciona resultats equiparables als de l'estat de l'art. A més, els punts sintètics produïts són significativament diferents als creats pels altres algorismes i realitzen exploracions (controlades) de regions més llunyanesEste manuscrito explora la programación automática de algoritmos de síntesis de sonido dentro del contexto de la práctica artística performativa conocida como live coding. La escritura de código fuente de forma improvisada para crear música o imágenes, se convirtió en un instrumento en el momento en que las computadoras asequibles pudieron realizar síntesis de sonido en tiempo real con lenguajes que mantuvieron su interprete en funcionamiento. Desde entonces, el live coding ha implicado la programación en tiempo real de algoritmos de síntesis. Para ese propósito, una posibilidad es tener un algoritmo que cree automáticamente variaciones a partir de unos pocos presets seleccionados. Sin embargo, la necesidad de retroalimentación en tiempo real y el pequeño tamaño de los conjuntos de datos (que incluso pueden recopilarse durante la misma actuación), limitan el uso de los algoritmos existentes, tanto de programación automática de sintetizadores como de aprendizaje de máquina. Además, el diseño de dichos algoritmos no está orientado a crear variaciones de un sonido, sino a encontrar los parámetros del sintetizador que coincidan con un sonido dado. Otros enfoques crean representaciones del espacio de posibles sonidos, para permitir al usuario explorarlo mediante evolución interactiva. Aunque estos sistemas están orientados a la exploración, requieren tiempos más largos. Esta tesis investiga el aprendizaje inductivo de reglas para la programación de sintetizadores on-the-fly. Este enfoque es conceptualmente diferente de los que se encuentran en la literatura, tanto de programación de sintetizadores como de live coding. Los modelos de reglas ofrecen interpretabilidad y permiten trabajar con los valores de los parámetros de los algoritmos de síntesis (incluso con datos simbólicos), haciendo innecesario el preprocesamiento. RuLer, el algoritmo de aprendizaje propuesto, recibe un conjunto de datos que contiene combinaciones, etiquetadas por el usuario, de valores de parámetros de un algoritmo de síntesis. Luego, analiza los patrones, en función de la disimilitud, entre las combinaciones de cada etiqueta. Estos patrones se describen como un modelo de reglas lógicas IF-THEN. Los parámetros del algoritmo proporcionan el control para definir qué se considera un patrón. Como los patrones son la base para inducir nuevas configuraciones de parámetros, los parámetros del algoritmo controlan también el grado de consistencia de las configuraciones inducidas con respecto a los datos de entrada originales. Luego, se presenta un algoritmo (llamado FuzzyRuLer) capaz de extender las reglas lógicas tipo IF-THEN a hiperrectángulos, que a su vez se utilizan como núcleos de funciones de pertenencia. El modelo de reglas difusas resultante crea un mapa completo del espacio de las clases de entrada. Para tal fin, el algoritmo generaliza las reglas lógicas resolviendo las contradicciones utilizando una heurística de máximo volumen. A lo largo del manuscrito se analiza cómo, cuando los algoritmos de aprendizaje automático se utilizan como herramientas creativas, los glitches, errores o inexactitudes producidas por los modelos resultantes son a veces deseables, ya que pueden ofrecer resultados novedosos e impredecibles. La evaluación de los algoritmos sigue dos caminos. El primero se centra en pruebas de usuario. El segundo, responde al hecho de que este trabajo se llevó a cabo dentro del departamento de ciencias de la computación y está destinado a proporcionar una evaluación más amplia, no de dominio específica, del rendimiento de los algoritmos utilizando beanchmarks extrínsecos para cross-validation y oversampling. En estas últimas pruebas, utilizando conjuntos de datos no balanceados, el algoritmo produce resultados equiparables a los del estado del arte. Además, los puntos sintéticos producidos son significativamente diferentes de los creados por los otros algoritmos y realizan una exploración (controlada) de regiones más distantes. Finalmente, acompañando la investigación, realicé diversas presentaciones, conciertos y un ´álbum utilizando los algoritmos y ejemplos de esta tesis. Las críticas recibidas y las listas donde se ha presentado el álbum muestran una recepción positiva de la comunidad. En conjunto, estas evaluaciones sugieren que el aprendizaje de reglas es al mismo tiempo un método eficaz y un camino prometedor para futuras investigaciones.Postprint (published version

    EEuGene: employing electroencephalograph signals in the rating strategy of a hardware-based interactive genetic algorithm

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    We describe a novel interface and development platform for an interactive Genetic Algorithm (iGA) that uses Electroencephalograph (EEG) signals as an indication of fitness for selection for successive generations. A gaming headset was used to generate EEG readings corresponding to attention and meditation states from a single electrode. These were communicated via Bluetooth to an embedded iGA implemented on the Arduino platform. The readings were taken to measure subjects’ responses to predetermined short sequences of synthesised sound, although the technique could be applied any appropriate problem domain. The prototype provided sufficient evidence to indicate that use of the technology in this context is viable. However, the approach taken was limited by the technical characteristics of the equipment used and only provides proof of concept at this stage. We discuss some of the limitations of using biofeedback systems and suggest possible improvements that might be made with more sophisticated EEG sensors and other biofeedback mechanisms

    Programming a remote controllable real-time FM audio synthesizer in Rust

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    Software Audiosynthesizer haben in den letzten 10 Jahren enorm an Popularität gewonnen und sind in vielen Profi- und Heimstudios nicht mehr wegzudenken. Diese Popularität ist durch die hohe Rechenleistung begründet, welche auf PCs und mobilen Geräten überall zur Verfügung steht und Echtzeitaudiosynthese nutzbar macht. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die ausührliche Beschreibung grundlegender Synthesizerkomponenten und die Untersuchung geeigneter Algorithmen und Techniken für deren Realisierung

    A Survey of AI Music Generation Tools and Models

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    In this work, we provide a comprehensive survey of AI music generation tools, including both research projects and commercialized applications. To conduct our analysis, we classified music generation approaches into three categories: parameter-based, text-based, and visual-based classes. Our survey highlights the diverse possibilities and functional features of these tools, which cater to a wide range of users, from regular listeners to professional musicians. We observed that each tool has its own set of advantages and limitations. As a result, we have compiled a comprehensive list of these factors that should be considered during the tool selection process. Moreover, our survey offers critical insights into the underlying mechanisms and challenges of AI music generation

    Sensor-rich real-time adaptive gesture and affordance learning platform for electronic music control

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2004.Includes bibliographical references (p. [151]-156).Acoustic musical instruments have traditionally featured static mappings from input gesture to output sound, their input affordances being tied to the physics of their sound-production mechanism. More recently, the advent of digital sound synthesizers and electronic music controllers has abolished the tight coupling between input gesture and resultant sound, making an exponentially large range of input-to-output mappings possible, as well as an infinite set of possible timbres. This revolutionary change in the way sound can be produced and controlled brings with it the burden of design: Compelling and natural mappings from gesture to sound now must be created in order to create a playable electronic music instrument. The goal of this thesis is to present a device that allows flexible assignment of input gesture to output sound, so acting as a laboratory to help further understanding about the connection from gesture to sound. An embodied multi-degree-of-freedom gestural input device was constructed. The device was built to support six-degree-of-freedom inertial sensing, five isometric buttons, two digital buttons, two-axis bend sensing, isometric rotation sensing, and isotonic electric field sensing of position. Software was written to handle the incoming serial data, and to implement a trainable interface by which a user can explore the sounds possible with the device, associate a custom inertial gesture with a sound for later playback, make custom input degree-of-freedom (DOF) to effect modulation mappings, and play with the resulting configuration. A user study with 25 subjects was run to evaluate the system in terms of its engaging-ness, enjoyability, ability to inspire interest in future play and performance,(cont.) ease of gesturing and novelty. In addition to these subjective measures, implicit data was collected about the types of gesture-to-sound and input-DOF-to-effect mappings that the subjects created. Favorable and interesting results were found in the data from the study, indicating that a flexible trainable musical instrument is not only a compelling performance tool, but is a useful laboratory for understanding the connection between human gesture and sound.by Jeffrey Merrill.S.M