98 research outputs found

    A Calibration Method for the Integrated Design of Finishing Robotic Workcells in the Aerospace Industry

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    Industrial robotics provides high flexibility and reconfigurability, cost effectiveness and user friendly programming for many applications but still lacks in accuracy. An effective workcell calibration reduces the errors in robotic manufacturing and contributes to extend the use of industrial robots to perform high quality finishing of complex parts in the aerospace industry. A novel workcell calibration method is embedded in an integrated design framework for an in-depth exploitation of CAD-based simulation and offline programming. The method is composed of two steps: a first offline calibration of the workpiece-independent elements in the workcell layout and a final automated online calibration of workpiece-dependent elements. The method is finally applied to a robotic workcell for finishing aluminum housings of helicopter gear transmissions, characterized by complex and non-repetitive shapes, and by severe dimensional and geometrical accuracy demands. Experimental results demonstrate enhanced performances of the robotic workcell and improved final quality of the housings

    Computer hardware and software for robotic control

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    The KSC has implemented an integrated system that coordinates state-of-the-art robotic subsystems. It is a sensor based real-time robotic control system performing operations beyond the capability of an off-the-shelf robot. The integrated system provides real-time closed loop adaptive path control of position and orientation of all six axes of a large robot; enables the implementation of a highly configurable, expandable testbed for sensor system development; and makes several smart distributed control subsystems (robot arm controller, process controller, graphics display, and vision tracking) appear as intelligent peripherals to a supervisory computer coordinating the overall systems

    Advanced teleoperation and control system for industrial robots based on augmented virtuality and haptic feedback

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    There are some industrial tasks that are still mainly performed manually by human workers due to their complexity, which is the case of surface treatment operations (such as sanding, deburring, finishing, grinding, polishing, etc.) used to repair defects. This work develops an advanced teleoperation and control system for industrial robots in order to assist the human operator to perform the mentioned tasks. On the one hand, the controlled robotic system provides strength and accuracy, holding the tool, keeping the right tool orientation and guaranteeing a smooth approach to the workpiece. On the other hand, the advanced teleoperation provides security and comfort to the user when performing the task. In particular, the proposed teleoperation uses augmented virtuality (i.e., a virtual world that includes non-modeled real-world data) and haptic feedback to provide the user an immersive virtual experience when remotely teleoperating the tool of the robot system to treat arbitrary regions of the workpiece surface. The method is illustrated with a car body surface treatment operation, although it can be easily extended to other surface treatment applications or even to other industrial tasks where the human operator may benefit from robotic assistance. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is shown with several experiments using a 6R robotic arm. Moreover, a comparison of the performance obtained manually by an expert and that obtained with the proposed method has also been conducted in order to show the suitability of the proposed approach

    Postprocesamiento CAM-ROBOTICA orientado al prototipado y mecanizado en células robotizadas complejas

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    The main interest of this thesis consists of the study and implementation of postprocessors to adapt the toolpath generated by a Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) system to a complex robotic workcell of eight joints, devoted to the rapid prototyping of 3D CAD-defined products. It consists of a 6R industrial manipulator mounted on a linear track and synchronized with a rotary table. To accomplish this main objective, previous work is required. Each task carried out entails a methodology, objective and partial results that complement each other, namely: - It is described the architecture of the workcell in depth, at both displacement and joint-rate levels, for both direct and inverse resolutions. The conditioning of the Jacobian matrix is described as kinetostatic performance index to evaluate the vicinity to singular postures. These ones are analysed from a geometric point of view. - Prior to any machining, the additional external joints require a calibration done in situ, usually in an industrial environment. A novel Non-contact Planar Constraint Calibration method is developed to estimate the external joints configuration parameters by means of a laser displacement sensor. - A first control is originally done by means of a fuzzy inference engine at the displacement level, which is integrated within the postprocessor of the CAM software. - Several Redundancy Resolution Schemes (RRS) at the joint-rate level are compared for the configuration of the postprocessor, dealing not only with the additional joints (intrinsic redundancy) but also with the redundancy due to the symmetry on the milling tool (functional redundancy). - The use of these schemes is optimized by adjusting two performance criterion vectors related to both singularity avoidance and maintenance of a preferred reference posture, as secondary tasks to be done during the path tracking. Two innovative fuzzy inference engines actively adjust the weight of each joint in these tasks.Andrés De La Esperanza, FJ. (2011). Postprocesamiento CAM-ROBOTICA orientado al prototipado y mecanizado en células robotizadas complejas [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/10627Palanci

    Occupational health and safety issues in human-robot collaboration: State of the art and open challenges

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    Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC) refers to the interaction of workers and robots in a shared workspace. Owing to the integration of the industrial automation strengths with the inimitable cognitive capabilities of humans, HRC is paramount to move towards advanced and sustainable production systems. Although the overall safety of collaborative robotics has increased over time, further research efforts are needed to allow humans to operate alongside robots, with awareness and trust. Numerous safety concerns are open, and either new or enhanced technical, procedural and organizational measures have to be investigated to design and implement inherently safe and ergonomic automation solutions, aligning the systems performance and the human safety. Therefore, a bibliometric analysis and a literature review are carried out in the present paper to provide a comprehensive overview of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) issues in HRC. As a result, the most researched topics and application areas, and the possible future lines of research are identified. Reviewed articles stress the central role played by humans during collaboration, underlining the need to integrate the human factor in the hazard analysis and risk assessment. Human-centered design and cognitive engineering principles also require further investigations to increase the worker acceptance and trust during collaboration. Deepened studies are compulsory in the healthcare sector, to investigate the social and ethical implications of HRC. Whatever the application context is, the implementation of more and more advanced technologies is fundamental to overcome the current HRC safety concerns, designing low-risk HRC systems while ensuring the system productivity

    Willatzen, Morten

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    Intelligent Sorting System

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    This project presents the design of an intelligent sorting system that integrates the pneumatic system and X-Y Robot as actuator, the Vision Sensor and the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). This automated sorting system is designed with the main aim of reducing production time in manufacturing line that involves product sorting. In the industry, most sorting procedures are still done by humans which a re e rror prone and s low.With t he industrymoving t owards a pplication o f automation, this project is thus relevant. The main objective in constructing this project is to integrate system components into a sorting system using PLC, actuators which are the X-Y Robot and pneumatic system, and the Vision Sensor. A Human Machine Interface (HMI) is created for the PLC to be controlled via personal computer using Visual Basic. The scope ofthis project will be within PLC programming for system controller, pneumatic system design, setup and programming of the X-Y Robot, Vision Sensor control, Visual Basic HMI creation, and system design and integration of the whole system. Scope of literature review is within sorting system technology and approach. This project starts off with preliminary research and literature review followed by tools identification. Following steps include PLC parameter set-up and programming, actuator design and setup, vision controller setup and system integration. Each components of the system are tested individually and then integrated into a complete system. The system is then tested to operate in production mode to cater for industrial objective, which in this case to sort target objects. The project achieves all the main objectives underlines. Each major component is designed, developed and tested to be functioning well. The system integration comprises all the relevant components, all connected and communicating with each other. System integration is complete and successful. The project is completed within the time frame and serves the problem statemen