692 research outputs found


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    Ad-hoc network is a collection of nodes that are capable to form dynamically a temporary network without the support of any centralized fixed infrastructure. Since there is no central controller to determine the reliable & secure communication paths in Mobile Adhoc Network, each node in the ad hoc network has to rely on each other in order to forward packets, thus highly cooperative nodes are required to ensure that the initiated data transmission process does not fail. In a mobile ad hoc network (MANET) where security is a crucial issue and they are forced to rely on the neighbor node, trust plays an important role that could improve the number of successful data transmission. Larger the number of trusted nodes, higher successful data communication process rates could be expected. In this paper, Black Hole attack is applied in the network, statistics are collected to design intrusion detection engine for MANET Intrusion Detection System (IDS). Feature extraction and rule inductions are applied to find out the accuracy of detection engine by using support vector machine. In this paper True Positive generated by the detection engine is very high and this is a novel approach in the area of Mobile Adhoc Intrusion detection system

    Software Defined Networks based Smart Grid Communication: A Comprehensive Survey

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    The current power grid is no longer a feasible solution due to ever-increasing user demand of electricity, old infrastructure, and reliability issues and thus require transformation to a better grid a.k.a., smart grid (SG). The key features that distinguish SG from the conventional electrical power grid are its capability to perform two-way communication, demand side management, and real time pricing. Despite all these advantages that SG will bring, there are certain issues which are specific to SG communication system. For instance, network management of current SG systems is complex, time consuming, and done manually. Moreover, SG communication (SGC) system is built on different vendor specific devices and protocols. Therefore, the current SG systems are not protocol independent, thus leading to interoperability issue. Software defined network (SDN) has been proposed to monitor and manage the communication networks globally. This article serves as a comprehensive survey on SDN-based SGC. In this article, we first discuss taxonomy of advantages of SDNbased SGC.We then discuss SDN-based SGC architectures, along with case studies. Our article provides an in-depth discussion on routing schemes for SDN-based SGC. We also provide detailed survey of security and privacy schemes applied to SDN-based SGC. We furthermore present challenges, open issues, and future research directions related to SDN-based SGC.Comment: Accepte

    A control theoretic approach for security of cyber-physical systems

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    In this dissertation, several novel defense methodologies for cyber-physical systems have been proposed. First, a special type of cyber-physical system, the RFID system, is considered for which a lightweight mutual authentication and ownership management protocol is proposed in order to protect the data confidentiality and integrity. Then considering the fact that the protection of the data confidentiality and integrity is insufficient to guarantee the security in cyber-physical systems, we turn to the development of a general framework for developing security schemes for cyber-physical systems wherein the cyber system states affect the physical system and vice versa. After that, we apply this general framework by selecting the traffic flow as the cyber system state and a novel attack detection scheme that is capable of capturing the abnormality in the traffic flow in those communication links due to a class of attacks has been proposed. On the other hand, an attack detection scheme that is capable of detecting both sensor and actuator attacks is proposed for the physical system in the presence of network induced delays and packet losses. Next, an attack detection scheme is proposed when the network parameters are unknown by using an optimal Q-learning approach. Finally, this attack detection and accommodation scheme has been further extended to the case where the network is modeled as a nonlinear system with unknown system dynamics --Abstract, page iv

    Teleoperation of passivity-based model reference robust control over the internet

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    This dissertation offers a survey of a known theoretical approach and novel experimental results in establishing a live communication medium through the internet to host a virtual communication environment for use in Passivity-Based Model Reference Robust Control systems with delays. The controller which is used as a carrier to support a robust communication between input-to-state stability is designed as a control strategy that passively compensates for position errors that arise during contact tasks and strives to achieve delay-independent stability for controlling of aircrafts or other mobile objects. Furthermore the controller is used for nonlinear systems, coordination of multiple agents, bilateral teleoperation, and collision avoidance thus maintaining a communication link with an upper bound of constant delay is crucial for robustness and stability of the overall system. For utilizing such framework an elucidation can be formulated by preparing site survey for analyzing not only the geographical distances separating the nodes in which the teleoperation will occur but also the communication parameters that define the virtual topography that the data will travel through. This survey will first define the feasibility of the overall operation since the teleoperation will be used to sustain a delay based controller over the internet thus obtaining a hypothetical upper bound for the delay via site survey is crucial not only for the communication system but also the delay is required for the design of the passivity-based model reference robust control. Following delay calculation and measurement via site survey, bandwidth tests for unidirectional and bidirectional communication is inspected to ensure that the speed is viable to maintain a real-time connection. Furthermore from obtaining the results it becomes crucial to measure the consistency of the delay throughout a sampled period to guarantee that the upper bound is not breached at any point within the communication to jeopardize the robustness of the controller. Following delay analysis a geographical and topological overview of the communication is also briefly examined via a trace-route to understand the underlying nodes and their contribution to the delay and round-trip consistency. To accommodate the communication channel for the controller the input and output data from both nodes need to be encapsulated within a transmission control protocol via a multithreaded design of a robust program within the C language. The program will construct a multithreaded client-server relationship in which the control data is transmitted. For added stability and higher level of security the channel is then encapsulated via an internet protocol security by utilizing a protocol suite for protecting the communication by authentication and encrypting each packet of the session using negotiation of cryptographic keys during each session

    A critical review of intrusion detection systems in the internet of things : techniques, deployment strategy, validation strategy, attacks, public datasets and challenges

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has been rapidly evolving towards making a greater impact on everyday life to large industrial systems. Unfortunately, this has attracted the attention of cybercriminals who made IoT a target of malicious activities, opening the door to a possible attack on the end nodes. To this end, Numerous IoT intrusion detection Systems (IDS) have been proposed in the literature to tackle attacks on the IoT ecosystem, which can be broadly classified based on detection technique, validation strategy, and deployment strategy. This survey paper presents a comprehensive review of contemporary IoT IDS and an overview of techniques, deployment Strategy, validation strategy and datasets that are commonly applied for building IDS. We also review how existing IoT IDS detect intrusive attacks and secure communications on the IoT. It also presents the classification of IoT attacks and discusses future research challenges to counter such IoT attacks to make IoT more secure. These purposes help IoT security researchers by uniting, contrasting, and compiling scattered research efforts. Consequently, we provide a unique IoT IDS taxonomy, which sheds light on IoT IDS techniques, their advantages and disadvantages, IoT attacks that exploit IoT communication systems, corresponding advanced IDS and detection capabilities to detect IoT attacks. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Security framework for industrial collaborative robotic cyber-physical systems

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    The paper introduces a security framework for the application of human-robot collaboration in a futuristic industrial cyber-physical system (CPS) context of industry 4.0. The basic elements and functional requirements of a secure collaborative robotic cyber-physical system are explained and then the cyber-attack modes are discussed in the context of collaborative CPS whereas a defense mechanism strategy is proposed for such a complex system. The cyber-attacks are categorized according to the extent on controllability and the possible effects on the performance and efficiency of such CPS. The paper also describes the severity and categorization of such cyber-attacks and the causal effect on the human worker safety during human-robot collaboration. Attacks in three dimensions of availability, authentication and confidentiality are proposed as the basis of a consolidated mitigation plan. We propose a security framework based on a two-pronged strategy where the impact of this methodology is demonstrated on a teleoperation benchmark (NeCS-Car). The mitigation strategy includes enhanced data security at important interconnected adaptor nodes and development of an intelligent module that employs a concept similar to system health monitoring and reconfiguration

    A trust supportive framework for pervasive computing systems

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    Recent years have witnessed the emergence and rapid growth of pervasive comput- ing technologies such as mobile ad hoc networks, radio frequency identification (RFID), Wi-Fi etc. Many researches are proposed to provide services while hiding the comput- ing systems into the background environment. Trust is of critical importance to protect service integrity & availability as well as user privacies. In our research, we design a trust- supportive framework for heterogeneous pervasive devices to collaborate with high security confidence while vanishing the details to the background. We design the overall system ar- chitecture and investigate its components and their relations, then we jump into details of the critical components such as authentication and/or identification and trust management. With our trust-supportive framework, the pervasive computing system can have low-cost, privacy-friendly and secure environment for its vast amount of services

    Deep Learning -Powered Computational Intelligence for Cyber-Attacks Detection and Mitigation in 5G-Enabled Electric Vehicle Charging Station

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    An electric vehicle charging station (EVCS) infrastructure is the backbone of transportation electrification. However, the EVCS has various cyber-attack vulnerabilities in software, hardware, supply chain, and incumbent legacy technologies such as network, communication, and control. Therefore, proactively monitoring, detecting, and defending against these attacks is very important. The state-of-the-art approaches are not agile and intelligent enough to detect, mitigate, and defend against various cyber-physical attacks in the EVCS system. To overcome these limitations, this dissertation primarily designs, develops, implements, and tests the data-driven deep learning-powered computational intelligence to detect and mitigate cyber-physical attacks at the network and physical layers of 5G-enabled EVCS infrastructure. Also, the 5G slicing application to ensure the security and service level agreement (SLA) in the EVCS ecosystem has been studied. Various cyber-attacks such as distributed denial of services (DDoS), False data injection (FDI), advanced persistent threats (APT), and ransomware attacks on the network in a standalone 5G-enabled EVCS environment have been considered. Mathematical models for the mentioned cyber-attacks have been developed. The impact of cyber-attacks on the EVCS operation has been analyzed. Various deep learning-powered intrusion detection systems have been proposed to detect attacks using local electrical and network fingerprints. Furthermore, a novel detection framework has been designed and developed to deal with ransomware threats in high-speed, high-dimensional, multimodal data and assets from eccentric stakeholders of the connected automated vehicle (CAV) ecosystem. To mitigate the adverse effects of cyber-attacks on EVCS controllers, novel data-driven digital clones based on Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (TD3) Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has been developed. Also, various Bruteforce, Controller clones-based methods have been devised and tested to aid the defense and mitigation of the impact of the attacks of the EVCS operation. The performance of the proposed mitigation method has been compared with that of a benchmark Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG)-based digital clones approach. Simulation results obtained from the Python, Matlab/Simulink, and NetSim software demonstrate that the cyber-attacks are disruptive and detrimental to the operation of EVCS. The proposed detection and mitigation methods are effective and perform better than the conventional and benchmark techniques for the 5G-enabled EVCS

    Realistic adversarial machine learning to improve network intrusion detection

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    Modern organizations can significantly benefit from the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and more specifically Machine Learning (ML), to tackle the growing number and increasing sophistication of cyber-attacks targeting their business processes. However, there are several technological and ethical challenges that undermine the trustworthiness of AI. One of the main challenges is the lack of robustness, which is an essential property to ensure that ML is used in a secure way. Improving robustness is no easy task because ML is inherently susceptible to adversarial examples: data samples with subtle perturbations that cause unexpected behaviors in ML models. ML engineers and security practitioners still lack the knowledge and tools to prevent such disruptions, so adversarial examples pose a major threat to ML and to the intelligent Network Intrusion Detection (NID) systems that rely on it. This thesis presents a methodology for a trustworthy adversarial robustness analysis of multiple ML models, and an intelligent method for the generation of realistic adversarial examples in complex tabular data domains like the NID domain: Adaptative Perturbation Pattern Method (A2PM). It is demonstrated that a successful adversarial attack is not guaranteed to be a successful cyber-attack, and that adversarial data perturbations can only be realistic if they are simultaneously valid and coherent, complying with the domain constraints of a real communication network and the class-specific constraints of a certain cyber-attack class. A2PM can be used for adversarial attacks, to iteratively cause misclassifications, and adversarial training, to perform data augmentation with slightly perturbed data samples. Two case studies were conducted to evaluate its suitability for the NID domain. The first verified that the generated perturbations preserved both validity and coherence in Enterprise and Internet-of Things (IoT) network scenarios, achieving realism. The second verified that adversarial training with simple perturbations enables the models to retain a good generalization to regular IoT network traffic flows, in addition to being more robust to adversarial examples. The key takeaway of this thesis is: ML models can be incredibly valuable to improve a cybersecurity system, but their own vulnerabilities must not be disregarded. It is essential to continue the research efforts to improve the security and trustworthiness of ML and of the intelligent systems that rely on it.Organizações modernas podem beneficiar significativamente do uso de Inteligência Artificial (AI), e mais especificamente Aprendizagem Automática (ML), para enfrentar a crescente quantidade e sofisticação de ciberataques direcionados aos seus processos de negócio. No entanto, há vários desafios tecnológicos e éticos que comprometem a confiabilidade da AI. Um dos maiores desafios é a falta de robustez, que é uma propriedade essencial para garantir que se usa ML de forma segura. Melhorar a robustez não é uma tarefa fácil porque ML é inerentemente suscetível a exemplos adversos: amostras de dados com perturbações subtis que causam comportamentos inesperados em modelos ML. Engenheiros de ML e profissionais de segurança ainda não têm o conhecimento nem asferramentas necessárias para prevenir tais disrupções, por isso os exemplos adversos representam uma grande ameaça a ML e aos sistemas de Deteção de Intrusões de Rede (NID) que dependem de ML. Esta tese apresenta uma metodologia para uma análise da robustez de múltiplos modelos ML, e um método inteligente para a geração de exemplos adversos realistas em domínios de dados tabulares complexos como o domínio NID: Método de Perturbação com Padrões Adaptativos (A2PM). É demonstrado que um ataque adverso bem-sucedido não é garantidamente um ciberataque bem-sucedido, e que as perturbações adversas só são realistas se forem simultaneamente válidas e coerentes, cumprindo as restrições de domínio de uma rede de computadores real e as restrições específicas de uma certa classe de ciberataque. A2PM pode ser usado para ataques adversos, para iterativamente causar erros de classificação, e para treino adverso, para realizar aumento de dados com amostras ligeiramente perturbadas. Foram efetuados dois casos de estudo para avaliar a sua adequação ao domínio NID. O primeiro verificou que as perturbações preservaram tanto a validade como a coerência em cenários de redes Empresariais e Internet-das-Coisas (IoT), alcançando o realismo. O segundo verificou que o treino adverso com perturbações simples permitiu aos modelos reter uma boa generalização a fluxos de tráfego de rede IoT, para além de serem mais robustos contra exemplos adversos. A principal conclusão desta tese é: os modelos ML podem ser incrivelmente valiosos para melhorar um sistema de cibersegurança, mas as suas próprias vulnerabilidades não devem ser negligenciadas. É essencial continuar os esforços de investigação para melhorar a segurança e a confiabilidade de ML e dos sistemas inteligentes que dependem de ML

    Advanced Metering Infrastructure Based on Smart Meters in Smart Grid

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    Due to lack of situational awareness, automated analysis, poor visibility, and mechanical switches, today\u27s electric power grid has been aging and ill‐suited to the demand for electricity, which has gradually increased, in the twenty‐first century. Besides, the global climate change and the greenhouse gas emissions on the Earth caused by the electricity industries, the growing population, one‐way communication, equipment failures, energy storage problems, the capacity limitations of electricity generation, decrease in fossil fuels, and resilience problems put more stress on the existing power grid. Consequently, the smart grid (SG) has emerged to address these challenges. To realize the SG, an advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) based on smart meters is the most important key