102 research outputs found

    A survey of large-scale reasoning on the Web of data

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    As more and more data is being generated by sensor networks, social media and organizations, the Webinterlinking this wealth of information becomes more complex. This is particularly true for the so-calledWeb of Data, in which data is semantically enriched and interlinked using ontologies. In this large anduncoordinated environment, reasoning can be used to check the consistency of the data and of asso-ciated ontologies, or to infer logical consequences which, in turn, can be used to obtain new insightsfrom the data. However, reasoning approaches need to be scalable in order to enable reasoning over theentire Web of Data. To address this problem, several high-performance reasoning systems, whichmainly implement distributed or parallel algorithms, have been proposed in the last few years. Thesesystems differ significantly; for instance in terms of reasoning expressivity, computational propertiessuch as completeness, or reasoning objectives. In order to provide afirst complete overview of thefield,this paper reports a systematic review of such scalable reasoning approaches over various ontologicallanguages, reporting details about the methods and over the conducted experiments. We highlight theshortcomings of these approaches and discuss some of the open problems related to performing scalablereasoning

    Subset reasoning for event-based systems

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    In highly dynamic domains such as the Internet of Things (IoT), smart industries, smart manufacturing, pervasive health or social media, data is being continuously generated. By combining this generated data with background knowledge and performing expressive reasoning upon this combination, meaningful decisions can be made. Furthermore, this continuously generated data typically originates from multiple heterogeneous sources. Ontologies are ideal for modeling the domain and facilitates the integration of heterogeneous produced data with background knowledge. Furthermore, expressive ontology reasoning allows to infer implicit facts and enables intelligent decision making. The data produced in these domains is often volatile. Time-critical systems, such as IoT Nurse Call systems, require timely processing of the produced IoT data. However, there is still a mismatch between volatile data and expressive ontology reasoning, since the incoming data frequency is often higher than the reasoning time. For this reason, we present an approximation technique that allows to extract a subset of data to speed-up the reasoning process. We demonstrate this technique in a Nurse Call proof of concept where the locations of the nurses are tracked and the most suited nurse is selected when the patient launches a call and in an extension of an existing benchmark. We managed to speed up the reasoning process up to 10 times for small datasets and up to more than 1000 times for large datasets

    Conjunctive query answering over unrestricted OWL 2 ontologies

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    Conjunctive Query (CQ) answering is a primary reasoning task over knowledge bases. However, when considering expressive description logics, query answering can be computationally very expensive; reasoners for CQ answering, although heavily optimized, often sacrifice expressive power of the input ontology or completeness of the computed answers in order to achieve tractability and scalability for the problem. In this work, we present a hybrid query answering architecture that combines various services to provide a CQ answering service for OWL. Specifically, it combines scalable CQ answering services for tractable languages with a CQ answering service for a more expressive language approaching the full OWL 2. If the query can be fully answered by one of the tractable services, then that service is used, to ensure maximum performance. Otherwise, the tractable services are used to compute lower and upper bound approximations. The union of the lower bounds and the intersection of the upper bounds are then compared. If the bounds do not coincide, then the “gap” answers are checked using the “full” service. These techniques led to the development of two new systems: (i) RSAComb, an efficient implementation of a new tractable answering service for RSA (role safety acyclic) (ii) ACQuA, a reference implementation of the proposed hybrid architecture combining RSAComb, PAGOdA, and HermiT to provide a CQ answering service for OWL. Our extensive evaluation shows how the additional computational cost introduced by reasoning over a more expressive language like RSA can still provide a significant improvement compared to relying on a fully-fledged reasoner. Additionally, we show how ACQuA can reliably match the performance of PAGOdA, a state-of-the-art CQ answering system that uses a similar approach, and can significantly improve performance when PAGOdA extensively relies on the underlying fully-fledged reasoner

    Conjunctive query answering over unrestricted OWL 2 ontologies

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    Conjunctive query (CQ) answering is one of the primary reasoning tasks over knowledge bases (KBs). However, when considering expressive description logics (DLs), query answering can be computationally very expensive; reasoners for CQ answering, although heavily optimized, often sacrifice expressive power of the input ontology or completeness of the computed answers in order to achieve tractability and scalability for the problem. In this work, we present a hybrid query answering architecture that combines black-box services to provide a CQ answering service for OWL (Web Ontology Language). Specifically, it combines scalable CQ answering services for tractable languages with a CQ answering service for a more expressive language approaching the full OWL 2. If the query can be fully answered by one of the tractable services, then that service is used. Otherwise, the tractable services are used to compute lower and upper bound approximations, taking the union of the lower bounds and the intersection of the upper bounds. If the bounds do not coincide, then the “gap” answers are checked using the “full” service. These techniques led to the development of two new systems: (i) RSAComb, an efficient implementation of a new tractable answering service for the RSA (role safety acyclic) ontology language; (ii) ACQuA, a reference implementation of the proposed hybrid architecture combining RSAComb, PAGOdA (Zhou, Cuenca Grau, Nenov, et al. 2015), and HermiT (Glimm, Horrocks, Motik, et al. 2014) to provide a CQ answering service for OWL. Our extensive evaluation shows how the additional computational cost introduced by reasoning over a more expressive language like RSA can still provide a significant improvement compared to relying on a fully-fledged reasoner. Additionally, we showed how ACQuA can reliably match PAGOdA’s performance and further limit its performance issues, especially when the latter extensively relies on the underlying fully-fledged reasoner

    Scalable Reasoning for Knowledge Bases Subject to Changes

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    ScienceWeb is a semantic web system that collects information about a research community and allows users to ask qualitative and quantitative questions related to that information using a reasoning engine. The more complete the knowledge base is, the more helpful answers the system will provide. As the size of knowledge base increases, scalability becomes a challenge for the reasoning system. As users make changes to the knowledge base and/or new information is collected, providing fast enough response time (ranging from seconds to a few minutes) is one of the core challenges for the reasoning system. There are two basic inference methods commonly used in first order logic: forward chaining and backward chaining. As a general rule, forward chaining is a good method for a static knowledge base and backward chaining is good for the more dynamic cases. The goal of this thesis was to design a hybrid reasoning architecture and develop a scalable reasoning system whose efficiency is able to meet the interaction requirements in a ScienceWeb system when facing a large and evolving knowledge base. Interposing a backward chaining reasoner between an evolving knowledge base and a query manager with support of trust yields an architecture that can support reasoning in the face of frequent changes. An optimized query-answering algorithm, an optimized backward chaining algorithm and a trust-based hybrid reasoning algorithm are three key algorithms in such an architecture. Collectively, these three algorithms are significant contributions to the field of backward chaining reasoners over ontologies. I explored the idea of trust in the trust-based hybrid reasoning algorithm, where each change to the knowledge base is analyzed as to what subset of the knowledge base is impacted by the change and could therefore contribute to incorrect inferences. I adopted greedy ordering and deferring joins in optimized query-answering algorithm. I introduced four optimizations in the algorithm for backward chaining. These optimizations are: 1) the implementation of the selection function, 2) the upgraded substitute function, 3) the application of OLDT and 4) solving of the owl: sameAs problem. I evaluated our optimization techniques by comparing the results with and without optimization techniques. I evaluated our optimized query answering algorithm by comparing to a traditional backward-chaining reasoner. I evaluated our trust-based hybrid reasoning algorithm by comparing the performance of a forward chaining algorithm to that of a pure backward chaining algorithm. The evaluation results have shown that the hybrid reasoning architecture with the scalable reasoning system is able to support scalable reasoning of ScienceWeb to answer qualitative questions effectively when facing both a fixed knowledge base and an evolving knowledge base

    Approximate Assertional Reasoning Over Expressive Ontologies

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    In this thesis, approximate reasoning methods for scalable assertional reasoning are provided whose computational properties can be established in a well-understood way, namely in terms of soundness and completeness, and whose quality can be analyzed in terms of statistical measurements, namely recall and precision. The basic idea of these approximate reasoning methods is to speed up reasoning by trading off the quality of reasoning results against increased speed

    Web ontology reasoning with logic databases [online]

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    Optimizing Enterprise-Scale OWL 2 RL Reasoning in a Relational Database System

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    Abstract. OWL 2 RL was standardized as a less expressive but scalable subset of OWL 2 that allows a forward-chaining implementation. However, building an enterprise-scale forward-chaining based inference engine that can 1) take ad-vantage of modern multi-core computer architectures, and 2) efficiently update inference for additions remains a challenge. In this paper, we present an OWL 2 RL inference engine implemented inside the Oracle database system, using novel techniques for parallel processing that can readily scale on multi-core ma-chines and clusters. Additionally, we have added support for efficient incremen-tal maintenance of the inferred graph after triple additions. Finally, to handle the increasing number of owl:sameAs relationships present in Semantic Web data-sets, we have provided a hybrid in-memory/disk based approach to efficiently compute compact equivalence closures. We have done extensive testing to eva-luate these new techniques; the test results demonstrate that our inference en-gine is capable of performing efficient inference over ontologies with billions of triples using a modest hardware configuration.
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