147 research outputs found

    A review and future direction of agile, business intelligence, analytics and data science

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    Agile methodologies were introduced in 2001. Since this time, practitioners have applied Agile methodologies to many delivery disciplines. This article explores the application of Agile methodologies and principles to business intelligence delivery and how Agile has changed with the evolution of business intelligence. Business intelligence has evolved because the amount of data generated through the internet and smart devices has grown exponentially altering how organizations and individuals use information. The practice of business intelligence delivery with an Agile methodology has matured; however, business intelligence has evolved altering the use of Agile principles and practices. The Big Data phenomenon, the volume, variety, and velocity of data, has impacted business intelligence and the use of information. New trends such as fast analytics and data science have emerged as part of business intelligence. This paper addresses how Agile principles and practices have evolved with business intelligence, as well as its challenges and future directions


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    The article improves the theoretical and methodological foundations of information support for the management of sustainable development of the enterprise. On the basis of a comparative analysis, the author's approach to the essence of the concept of "information flow" is presented, the classification of information flows is expanded. Today, information support of the management decision-making process at enterprises is imperfect. An empirical study was carried out to determine and assess the degree of satisfaction of enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of the Kharkov region with information support. Identified problems in the provision of current and operational information to management personnel; there is no formalization and systematization of it; some enterprises do not use planning, in particular financial planning, which is a significant obstacle to building an effective enterprise for the future. Information support of the enterprise by management levels and information flows is proposed. Based on the tasks facing the information support for the management of sustainable development of an enterprise, an algorithm has been developed for its functioning as a type of activity. It is based on a project-based approach, according to which stages are gradually implemented.В статье усовершенствованы теоретические и методические основы информационного обеспечения управления устойчивым развитием предприятия. На основе сравнительного анализа представлен авторський поход к сущности понятия «информационный поток», расширена классификация информационных потоков. На сегодня информационное обеспечение процесса принятия управленческих решений на предприятиях является несовершенным. Проведено эмпирическое исследование с целью определения и оценки степени удовлетворенности предприятий АПК Харьковской области информационным обеспечением. Выявлены проблемы при предоставлении текущей и оперативной информации управленческому персоналу отсутствует ее формализация и систематизация; на некоторых предприятиях не используется планирования, в частности финансовое, что является значительным препятствием к построению эффективной деятельности предприятия на перспективу. Предложено информационное обеспечение предприятия по уровням управления и информационными потоками. Исходя из задач, стоящих перед информационным обеспечением управления устойчивым развитием предприятия, разработан алгоритм его функционирования как вида деятельности. В основу положен проектный подход, согласно которому постепенно реализуются этапы.У статті розвинені теоретичні та методичні основи інформаційного забезпечення управління сталим розвитком підприємства. На основі компаративного аналізу представлений авторський підхід до визначення сутності поняття «інформаційний потік», розширена класифікація інформаційних потоків. На сьогодні інформаційне забезпечення процесу прийняття управлінських рішень на підприємствах є недосконалим. Проведено емпіричне дослідження з метою визначення та оцінки ступеня задоволеності підприємств АПК Харківської області інформаційним забезпеченням. Проблемами визначено такі, що при наданні поточної й оперативної інформації управлінському персоналу відсутня її формалізація і систематизація; на деяких підприємствах не використовується планування, зокрема фінансове, що є значною перешкодою до побудови ефективної діяльності підприємства на перспективу. Запропоноване інформаційне забезпечення підприємства за рівнями управління та інформаційними потоками. Виходячи із завдань, які постають перед інформаційним забезпеченням управління сталим розвитком підприємства, розроблений алгоритм його функціонування як виду діяльності. В основу покладений проектний підхід, за яким поступово реалізуються етапи

    Rozpoznawalność i stosowanie zwinnego zarządzania projektami w polskich przedsiębiorstwach w świetle badań empirycznych

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    On the eve of the fourth industrial revolution it is necessary for a company to apply modern concepts of product management. It is connected with a dynamic spread of IT solutions in different, sometimes very distant areas of communication and information technology. It implies expansive digitalisation and networking of the current and new products. In such a volatile environment the traditional project management methods applied so far prove to be insufficient. Thus, companies should reach for more flexible forms of project management referred to as agile. The present article based on the conducted empirical research discusses the recognisability and level of application of project agile management in Poland. The results of the conducted research indicate that Polish companies have only a slight knowledge of project agile management. It is translated into really unsatisfactory application of agile methods in the implementation of undertakings.Na progu czwartej rewolucji przemysłowej konieczne staje się stosowanie przez przedsiębiorstwa nowoczesnych koncepcji zarządzania projektami. Jest to związane z bardzo dynamicznym rozprzestrzenianiem się rozwiązań informatycznych w różnych, czasem bardzo odległych od teleinformatyki branżach, co implikuje ekspansywną cyfryzację i usieciowienie dotychczasowych oraz nowych produktów. W tak zmiennym środowisku stosowane dotąd tradycyjne metody zarządzania projektami okazują się niewystarczające. Zatem przedsiębiorstwa powinny sięgać po bardziej elastyczne formy zarządzania projektami określane jako zwinne. W niniejszym artykule, na bazie przeprowadzonych badań empirycznych, podjęto dyskusję na temat rozpoznawalności oraz poziomu stosowania zwinnego zarządzania projektami w przedsiębiorstwach w Polsce. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań empirycznych pokazały, że polskie przedsiębiorstwa mają znikomą wiedzę z zakresu zwinnego zarządzania projektami. Przekłada się to z kolei na dalece niewystarczające stosowanie zwinnych metod w realizacji przedsięwzięć

    Effective modelling for predictive analytics in data science

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    Predictive analytics includes many statistical and other empirical methods that create various data predictions as well as different methods for assessing predictive power. Predictive analytics not only helps in creating practically useful models but also plays an important role in building new theory for further study and research. Today, the use of available data to extract inferences and predictions by using predictive analytics has grown in the industry from being a small department in large companies to being an active component in most mid to large sized organizations. This paper addresses to reduce a particularly large gap of, the nearabsence of empirical or factual predictive analytics in the mainstream research going on in this field by analyzing the issues faced in predictive modelling by the empirical determination of data with its experimental facts for latency pattern.Keywords: Predictive Analytics, Big Data, Business Intelligence, Project Planning

    Diseño de un cuadro de mando a partir de inteligencia de negocios para el Código Nacional de Policía y Convivencia

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    75 páginas : ilustraciones, mapas, gráficos, fotografías.De acuerdo con la misión institucional y el actuar de la ciudadanía surge el nuevo código nacional de policía y convivencia reglamentado en la ley 1801 del 06 de septiembre de 2016, que entró en vigencia a partir del 30 de enero de 2017 y por el cual se hace necesario recopilar toda la información generada en las ordenes de comparendo con el fin de realizar un análisis y gestión de los datos almacenados empleando una herramienta de inteligencia de Negocios, que permita la generación de estrategias a las mandos de la Policía Nacional para mejorar el servicio policial y afianzar las esfuerzos con el fin de reducir aquellas conductas que están afectando a la población colombiana. Por lo anterior se generaron encuestas a un personal de las direcciones adscritas al nivel operativo de esta institución, donde al analizar estos resultados se pudo validar que una herramienta de negocios cumple con las expectativas expuestas par las unidades policiales generando nuevas líneas de acción y ampliando la cobertura estratégica basado en el cuadro de control y las perspectivas generadas con el sistema, siendo una excelente alternativa para el direccionamiento estratégico de la Policía Nacional y de cualquier entidad pública o privada.In accordance with the institutional mission and the actions of the citizens, the new national code of police and coexistence is established, regulated by Law 1801 of September 6, 2016, which became effective as of January 30, 2017 and by which It is necessary to collect all the information generated in the orders of comparison 1n order to perform an analysis and management of the stored data using a Business Intelligence tool, which allows the generation of strategies at the command of the National Police to improve the service police and strengthen efforts in order to reduce those behaviors that are affecting the Colombian population. Because of the above, surveys were generated to a staff of the directorates assigned to the operational level of this institution, where by analyzing these results it was possible to validate that a business tool meets the expectations set by the police units, generating new lines of action and expanding the strategic coverage based on the control chart and the perspectives generated with the system, being an excellent alternative for the strategic direction of the National Police and any public or private entity.Magíster en Gerencia Estratégica de Tecnologías de InformaciónMaestrí

    A review on the performance measurement of big data analytics process

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    Abstract— one vital aspect of big data is the process which handles big data, mainly referred to as big data analytics process. Studying this process and measuring it for better performance can have enormous benefits for those who are willing to harvest the value of big data. The focus on processes is more common in other disciplines such as business and software development but in big data analytic, it is relatively new. The purpose of this paper is to investigate big data analytics (BDA) process and identify suitable performance measures for it. Existing BDA processes and performance measurement methods are studied and the results are presented in this paperKeywords: big data analytics process, measures, performance measurement, process performance dimension

    SoFIA: Shop Floor Intelligence Awareness

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    Trabalho de Projeto submetido como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de SoftwareNos dias que correm, os dados são um dos ativos mais importantes de uma empresa. O conceito de Business Intelligence surge precisamente como um conjunto de técnicas que permite extrair valor desses dados, transformando-os em informação. É neste contexto que se insere a execução deste projeto. Fazendo uso de um conjunto de dados, que já eram recolhidos pela empresa, e trabalhando-os, de forma a gerar informação que permita gerar impacto positivo quer nos operadores da fábrica (motivando uma competição saudável entre os mesmos, para que tenham o mínimo de paragens possíveis nas linhas de produção pelas quais são responsáveis), quer na equipa de gestão e coordenação (permitindo aferir informação disponibilizada através de indicadores de desempenho). A informação extraída a partir do processamento destes dados é disponibilizada através de dashboards para várias áreas da empresa, refletindo ocorrências verificadas nas linhas de produção, que de acordo com um conjunto de regras definidas pela equipa de gestão, devem ser evidenciadas.Nowadays, data is one of the most important assets of a company. The Business Intelligence concept emerges precisely as a set of techniques that aim to extract value from this data, transforming it in information. It is in this context that this project execution belongs to. By making use of a set of data, that is already gathered by the company, and working it, in a way to create information that allows to generate a positive impact either on factory operators (by promoting a healthy competition among them, in order to prevent break downs as much as possible, in production lines they are responsible for) and management or coordination teams (by providing information available through performance indicators). The information extracted from this data processing is made available through dashboards, to several company areas, reflecting incidents verified in production lines, that according to a set of rules, created by the management team, should be highlighted

    Business Intelligence and Data Mining: Opportunities and Future

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    In the business world, endless streams of information “data” are needed in order to properly initiate the process of an effective business by analyzing different needs that the service has in relation to the needs of the end-customer, by anticipating these needs, the aim of any service creation is to meet customer requirements.  In the recent years business intelligence (BI) been an interesting topic in almost every field. Likewise data mining which is a good solution in business intelligence matter, as for discussion, application and business domain. There are various attempts to detect the characteristics of services that are important to the acceptance of the service offered. The quest for attributes that satisfy and excite the consumer is possible through the use of various technological research approaches, but the efforts are enormous. The business is able to collect customer data in a more reliable and simpler way with the use of 'Smart Systems,' which are Information and Communication Technology (ICT) enabled services. The use of data mining and business intelligence to enhance the reversal of consumer needs when designing collection techniques is defined in this paper.  The main purpose of this study is to define the importance of business intelligence with it features, how data mining works and some data mining techniques discussed in brief, in addition to exploring the future and opportunities of Business Intelligence and Data Mining. Keywords: Business Intelligence, Data Mining, Business needs, Data Mining Techniques DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/13-11-01 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Bringing Human Factor to Business Intelligence

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    Trabalho apresentado em 11th INEKA Conference, 11-13 junho 2019, Verona, ItáliaStarting from Business Intelligence (BI) reference models, this work proposes to extend the multi-dimensional data modeling approach to integrate Human Factors (HF) related dimensions. The overall goal is to promote a fine grain understanding of derived Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) through an enhanced characterization of the operational level of work context. HF research has traditionally approached critical domains and complex socio-technical systems with a chief consideration of human situated action. Grounded on a review of the body of knowledge of the HF field this work proposes the Business Intelligence for Human Factors (BI4HF) framework. It intends to provide guidance on pertinent data identification, collection methods, modeling and integration within a BI project endeavor. BI4HF foundations are introduced and a use case on a manufacturing industry organization is presented. The outcome of the enacted BI project referred in the use case allowed new analytical capabilities regarding newly derived and existing KPIs related to operational performance.N/

    The Role of Business Intelligence adoption as a Mediator of Big Data Analytics in the Management of Outsourced Reverse Supply Chain Operations

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    The fluctuating and disorganized state of todays global markets is the result of several factors. COVID-19 is an illustration. Supply chain managers should re-evaluate their competitive strategy and leverage big data analytics in light of the rising volatility in demand and supply, rivalry among supply chain partners, and the requirement to deliver tailored goods and services (BDA). Supply chain firms require sophisticated BDA processes and procedures to provide useful insights from big data to better decision-making and supply chain operations, as many leaders in the sector have acknowledged the necessity for improving with data (SCO). This research gives theoretical justification for the influence that BDA has on SCO