566 research outputs found

    Biosensors and CMOS Interface Circuits

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    abstract: Analysing and measuring of biological or biochemical processes are of utmost importance for medical, biological and biotechnological applications. Point of care diagnostic system, composing of biosensors, have promising applications for providing cheap, accurate and portable diagnosis. Owing to these expanding medical applications and advances made by semiconductor industry biosensors have seen a tremendous growth in the past few decades. Also emergence of microfluidics and non-invasive biosensing applications are other marker propellers. Analyzing biological signals using transducers is difficult due to the challenges in interfacing an electronic system to the biological environment. Detection limit, detection time, dynamic range, specificity to the analyte, sensitivity and reliability of these devices are some of the challenges in developing and integrating these devices. Significant amount of research in the field of biosensors has been focused on improving the design, fabrication process and their integration with microfluidics to address these challenges. This work presents new techniques, design and systems to improve the interface between the electronic system and the biological environment. This dissertation uses CMOS circuit design to improve the reliability of these devices. Also this work addresses the challenges in designing the electronic system used for processing the output of the transducer, which converts biological signal into electronic signal.Dissertation/ThesisM.S. Electrical Engineering 201

    Design of A Low-power Precision Op Amp with Ping-pong Autozero Architecture

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    Precision op amps are widely used in instrumentation, automotive, and industrial applications. This thesis presents the design and characterization of a low-power precision operational amplifier that uses “ping-pong” autozero architecture for automatic offset correction. The op amp is designed for extreme environment applications, operating across a wide temperature range (minus 180 degree Celsius to plus 120 degree Celsius) with low offset, low drift and low power consumption. This design has been fabricated in a SiGe BiCMOS 0.5-micron process and the measured results demonstrate that the op amp is fully functional and achieves less than 40 microvolt input-referred offset voltage with 0.1 microvolt per degree offset voltage drift and 1 microwatt power consumption

    A Parallel Programmer for Non-Volatile Analog Memory Arrays

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    Since their introduction in 1967, floating-gate transistors have enjoyed widespread success as non-volatile digital memory elements in EEPROM and flash memory. In recent decades, however, a renewed interest in floating-gate transistors has focused on their viability as non-volatile analog memory, as well as programmable voltage and current sources. They have been used extensively in this capacity to solve traditional problems associated with analog circuit design, such as to correct for fabrication mismatch, to reduce comparator offset, and for amplifier auto-zeroing. They have also been used to implement adaptive circuits, learning systems, and reconfigurable systems. Despite these applications, their proliferation has been limited by complex programming procedures, which typically require high-precision test equipment and intimate knowledge of the programmer circuit to perform.;This work strives to alleviate this limitation by presenting an improved method for fast and accurate programming of floating-gate transistors. This novel programming circuit uses a digital-to-analog converter and an array of sample-and-hold circuits to facilitate fast parallel programming of floating-gate memory arrays and eliminate the need for high accuracy voltage sources. Additionally, this circuit employs a serial peripheral interface which digitizes control of the programmer, simplifying the programming procedure and enabling the implementation of software applications that obscure programming complexity from the end user. The efficient and simple parallel programming system was fabricated in a 0.5?m standard CMOS process and will be used to demonstrate the effectiveness of this new method

    Impact of atomistic device variability on analogue circuit design

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    Scaling of complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology has benefited the semiconductor industry for almost half a century. For CMOS devices with a physical gate-length in the sub-100 nm range, extreme device variability is introduced and has become a major stumbling block for next generation analogue circuit design. Both opportunities and challenges have therefore confronted analogue circuit designers. Small geometry device can enable high-speed analogue circuit designs, such as data conversion interfaces that can work in the radio frequency range. These designs can be co-integrated with digital systems to achieve low cost, high-performance, single-chip solutions that could only be achieved using multi-chip solutions in the past. However, analogue circuit designs are extremely vulnerable to device mismatch, since a large number of symmetric transistor pairs and circuit cells are required. The increase in device variability from sub-100 nm processes has therefore significantly reduced the production yield of the conventional designs. Mismatch models have been developed to analytically evaluate the magnitude of random variations. Based on measurements from custom designed test structures, the statistics of process variation can be estimated using design related parameters. However, existing models can no longer accurately estimate the magnitude of mismatch for sub-100 nm “atomistic” devices, since short-channel effects have become important. In this thesis, a new mismatch model for small geometry devices will be proposed to address this problem. Based on knowledge of the matching performance obtained from the mismatch model, design solutions are desired at different design levels for a variety of circuit topologies. In this thesis, transistor level compensation solutions have been investigated and closed-loop compensation circuits have been proposed. At circuit level, a latch-based comparator has been used to develop a compensation solution because this type of comparator is extremely sensitive to the device mismatch. These comparators are also used as the fundamental building block for the analogue-to-digital converters (ADC). The proposed comparator compensation scheme is used to improve the performance of a high-speed flash ADC

    360 nW gate-driven ultra-low voltage CMOS linear transconductor with 1 MHz bandwidth and wide input range

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    A low voltage linear transconductor is introduced. The circuit is a pseudo differential architecture that operates with ±0.2V supplies and uses 900nA total biasing current. It employs a floating battery technique to achieve low voltage operation. The transconductor has a 1MHz bandwidth. It exhibits a SNR = 72dB, SFDR = 42dB and THD = 0.83% for a 100mVpp 10kHz sinusoidal input signal. Moreover, stability is not affected by the capacitance of the signal source. The circuit has been validated with a prototype chip fabricated in a 130nm CMOS technology.This work was supported in part by the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion/Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional under Grant TEC2016-80396-C2. The work of Hector D. Rico-Aniles was supported by the Mexican Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia for the through an Academic Scholarship under Grant 408946

    Adaptation in Standard CMOS Processes with Floating Gate Structures and Techniques

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    We apply adaptation into ordinary circuits and systems to achieve high performance, high quality results. Mismatch in manufactured VLSI devices has been the main limiting factor in quality for many analog and mixed-signal designs. Traditional compensation methods are generally costly. A few examples include enlarging the device size, averaging signals, and trimming with laser. By applying floating gate adaptation to standard CMOS circuits, we demonstrate here that we are able to trim CMOS comparator offset to a precision of 0.7mV, reduce CMOS image sensor fixed-pattern noise power by a factor of 100, and achieve 5.8 effective number of bits (ENOB) in a 6-bit flash analog-to-digital converter (ADC) operating at 750MHz. The adaptive circuits generally exhibit special features in addition to an improved performance. These special features are generally beyond the capabilities of traditional CMOS design approaches and they open exciting opportunities in novel circuit designs. Specifically, the adaptive comparator has the ability to store an accurate arbitrary offset, the image sensor can be set up to memorize previously captured scenes like a human retina, and the ADC can be configured to adapt to the incoming analog signal distribution and perform an efficient signal conversion that minimizes distortion and maximizes output entropy

    Digitally Interfaced Analog Correlation Filter System for Object Tracking Applications

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    Advanced correlation filters have been employed in a wide variety of image processing and pattern recognition applications such as automatic target recognition and biometric recognition. Among those, object recognition and tracking have received more attention recently due to their wide range of applications such as autonomous cars, automated surveillance, human-computer interaction, and vehicle navigation.Although digital signal processing has long been used to realize such computational systems, they consume extensive silicon area and power. In fact, computational tasks that require low to moderate signal-to-noise ratios are more efficiently realized in analog than digital. However, analog signal processing has its own caveats. Mainly, noise and offset accumulation which degrades the accuracy, and lack of a scalable and standard input/output interface capable of managing a large number of analog data.Two digitally-interfaced analog correlation filter systems are proposed. While digital interfacing provided a standard and scalable way of communication with pre- and post-processing blocks without undermining the energy efficiency of the system, the multiply-accumulate operations were performed in analog. Moreover, non-volatile floating-gate memories are utilized as storage for coefficients. The proposed systems incorporate techniques to reduce the effects of analog circuit imperfections.The first system implements a 24x57 Gilbert-multiplier-based correlation filter. The I/O interface is implemented with low-power D/A and A/D converters and a correlated double sampling technique is implemented to reduce offset and lowfrequency noise at the output of analog array. The prototype chip occupies an area of 3.23mm2 and demonstrates a 25.2pJ/MAC energy-efficiency at 11.3 kVec/s and 3.2% RMSE.The second system realizes a 24x41 PWM-based correlation filter. Benefiting from a time-domain approach to multiplication, this system eliminates the need for explicit D/A and A/D converters. Careful utilization of clock and available hardware resources in the digital I/O interface, along with application of power management techniques has significantly reduced the circuit complexity and energy consumption of the system. Additionally, programmable transconductance amplifiers are incorporated at the output of the analog array for offset and gain error calibration. The prototype system occupies an area of 0.98mm2 and is expected to achieve an outstanding energy-efficiency of 3.6pJ/MAC at 319kVec/s with 0.28% RMSE

    Performance enhancement in the desing of amplifier and amplifier-less circuits in modern CMOS technologies.

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    In the context of nowadays CMOS technology downscaling and the increasing demand of high performance electronics by industry and consumers, analog design has become a major challenge. On the one hand, beyond others, amplifiers have traditionally been a key cell for many analog systems whose overall performance strongly depends on those of the amplifier. Consequently, still today, achieving high performance amplifiers is essential. On the other hand, due to the increasing difficulty in achieving high performance amplifiers in downscaled modern technologies, a different research line that replaces the amplifier by other more easily achievable cells appears: the so called amplifier-less techniques. This thesis explores and contributes to both philosophies. Specifically, a lowvoltage differential input pair is proposed, with which three multistage amplifiers in the state of art are designed, analysed and tested. Moreover, a structure for the implementation of differential switched capacitor circuits, specially suitable for comparator-based circuits, that features lower distortion and less noise than the classical differential structures is proposed, an, as a proof of concept, implemented in a ΔΣ modulator

    Study of Single-Event Transient Effects on Analog Circuits

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    Radiation in space is potentially hazardous to microelectronic circuits and systems such as spacecraft electronics. Transient effects on circuits and systems from high energetic particles can interrupt electronics operation or crash the systems. This phenomenon is particularly serious in complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) integrated circuits (ICs) since most of modern ICs are implemented with CMOS technologies. The problem is getting worse with the technology scaling down. Radiation-hardening-by-design (RHBD) is a popular method to build CMOS devices and systems meeting performance criteria in radiation environment. Single-event transient (SET) effects in digital circuits have been studied extensively in the radiation effect community. In recent years analog RHBD has been received increasing attention since analog circuits start showing the vulnerability to the SETs due to the dramatic process scaling. Analog RHBD is still in the research stage. This study is to further study the effects of SET on analog CMOS circuits and introduces cost-effective RHBD approaches to mitigate these effects. The analog circuits concerned in this study include operational amplifiers (op amps), comparators, voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs), and phase-locked loops (PLLs). Op amp is used to study SET effects on signal amplitude while the comparator, the VCO, and the PLL are used to study SET effects on signal state during transition time. In this work, approaches based on multi-level from transistor, circuit, to system are presented to mitigate the SET effects on the aforementioned circuits. Specifically, RHBD approach based on the circuit level, such as the op amp, adapts the auto-zeroing cancellation technique. The RHBD comparator implemented with dual-well and triple-well is studied and compared at the transistor level. SET effects are mitigated in a LC-tank oscillator by inserting a decoupling resistor. The RHBD PLL is implemented on the system level using triple modular redundancy (TMR) approach. It demonstrates that RHBD at multi-level can be cost-effective to mitigate the SEEs in analog circuits. In addition, SETs detection approaches are provided in this dissertation so that various mitigation approaches can be implemented more effectively. Performances and effectiveness of the proposed RHBD are validated through SPICE simulations on the schematic and pulsed-laser experiments on the fabricated circuits. The proposed and tested RHBD techniques can be applied to other relevant analog circuits in the industry to achieve radiation-tolerance

    Bidirectional Neural Interface Circuits with On-Chip Stimulation Artifact Reduction Schemes

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    Bidirectional neural interfaces are tools designed to “communicate” with the brain via recording and modulation of neuronal activity. The bidirectional interface systems have been adopted for many applications. Neuroscientists employ them to map neuronal circuits through precise stimulation and recording. Medical doctors deploy them as adaptable medical devices which control therapeutic stimulation parameters based on monitoring real-time neural activity. Brain-machine-interface (BMI) researchers use neural interfaces to bypass the nervous system and directly control neuroprosthetics or brain-computer-interface (BCI) spellers. In bidirectional interfaces, the implantable transducers as well as the corresponding electronic circuits and systems face several challenges. A high channel count, low power consumption, and reduced system size are desirable for potential chronic deployment and wider applicability. Moreover, a neural interface designed for robust closed-loop operation requires the mitigation of stimulation artifacts which corrupt the recorded signals. This dissertation introduces several techniques targeting low power consumption, small size, and reduction of stimulation artifacts. These techniques are implemented for extracellular electrophysiological recording and two stimulation modalities: direct current stimulation for closed-loop control of seizure detection/quench and optical stimulation for optogenetic studies. While the two modalities differ in their mechanisms, hardware implementation, and applications, they share many crucial system-level challenges. The first method aims at solving the critical issue of stimulation artifacts saturating the preamplifier in the recording front-end. To prevent saturation, a novel mixed-signal stimulation artifact cancellation circuit is devised to subtract the artifact before amplification and maintain the standard input range of a power-hungry preamplifier. Additional novel techniques have been also implemented to lower the noise and power consumption. A common average referencing (CAR) front-end circuit eliminates the cross-channel common mode noise by averaging and subtracting it in analog domain. A range-adapting SAR ADC saves additional power by eliminating unnecessary conversion cycles when the input signal is small. Measurements of an integrated circuit (IC) prototype demonstrate the attenuation of stimulation artifacts by up to 42 dB and cross-channel noise suppression by up to 39.8 dB. The power consumption per channel is maintained at 330 nW, while the area per channel is only 0.17 mm2. The second system implements a compact headstage for closed-loop optogenetic stimulation and electrophysiological recording. This design targets a miniaturized form factor, high channel count, and high-precision stimulation control suitable for rodent in-vivo optogenetic studies. Monolithically integrated optoelectrodes (which include 12 µLEDs for optical stimulation and 12 electrical recording sites) are combined with an off-the-shelf recording IC and a custom-designed high-precision LED driver. 32 recording and 12 stimulation channels can be individually accessed and controlled on a small headstage with dimensions of 2.16 x 2.38 x 0.35 cm and mass of 1.9 g. A third system prototype improves the optogenetic headstage prototype by furthering system integration and improving power efficiency facilitating wireless operation. The custom application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) combines recording and stimulation channels with a power management unit, allowing the system to be powered by an ultra-light Li-ion battery. Additionally, the µLED drivers include a high-resolution arbitrary waveform generation mode for shaping of µLED current pulses to preemptively reduce artifacts. A prototype IC occupies 7.66 mm2, consumes 3.04 mW under typical operating conditions, and the optical pulse shaping scheme can attenuate stimulation artifacts by up to 3x with a Gaussian-rise pulse rise time under 1 ms.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/147674/1/mendrela_1.pd
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